Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 23 The birth of the eight-legged monster!

East China Sea, Qingjian Pavilion

This is a young door on the bank of the East China Sea. It suddenly rose more than a decade ago and made a strong attack under the leadership of the founder Qingjian Xianyuqing, which annexed other sects in the East China Sea and became famous all over the world. Not long ago, Dongying came to attack. Qingjian Pavilion fought bravely to kill the enemy and suffered heavy damage. Although it recovered in the future, it was difficult to regain the prestige of the first faction in the East China Sea.

It was a quiet afternoon, with the warm sea breeze blowing gently. Several disciples were practicing swordsmanship on the beach on the bank of the East China Sea. An old man in blue was standing aside and looking at these sword practitioners, pointing out from time to time.

"Uh..." A scream came out of thin air, breaking the afternoon tranquility. All the disciples stopped and looked around alertly. At this time, two figures fell from the air and fell heavily on the soft beach. Suddenly, two big pits appeared on the beach. The disciples gathered around and saw two people trapped in In the beach, the whole body is purple and there is no breath.

"Uncle Chen Zhi... Uncle Yufeng..." Several disciples cried out. The two dead were actually the two elders of Qingjian Pavilion, Chen Zhihe Yufeng.

The blue-robed old man who was training his sword came over and observed the bodies of the two elders with great grief. After a long time, he slowly said, "Go and report to the leader that the two elders were strangled to death."

All the disciples on the beach changed their faces, and one of them stumbled towards the Qingjian Pavilion.

The sea breeze blew gently, as if with a faint smell of blood, and the voice of a soft woman came with the sea breeze: "Ha ha, don't run. Even if you run, you will die!"

Thick tentacles suddenly rushed out of the beach, and everyone on the beach, including the old man in blue, were rolled up by tentacles. The tentacles pestered these people, and tightened them more and more tightly. The dying mournful sounded. The old man in blue robe dragged his sore body and shouted, "Who are you? Why is it like this?

The soft woman's voice came again: "Ha ha, I have always killed people without a name." With that, the huge tentacles slapped heavily on the beach, accompanied by a scream. The golden beach suddenly turned red, and all the people died, and no body was intact.

The tentacles disappeared, and a woman in a white veil came over. Her fair skin loomed under the veil. The woman's lips were thick blood red, and the eye shadow was painted heavily, and there was a charming atmosphere all over her body.

She looked at the bloody body lying on the beach, smiled coldly and walked towards the gate of the Qingjian Pavilion.

She was erratic, as if riding the wind. She gently touched her toes, and her body gently swung out. In the blink of an eye, she came to the door of Qingjian Pavilion. She took a look at the three words of Qingjian Pavilion engraved on the stone tablet at the door, smiled disdainfully, and walked straight to the gate. Two guard disciples reached out to stop her. One disciple was politely He said, "Girl, what can I do for you to come to our Qingjian Pavilion?"

"Murder!" The woman said with a faint smile, with beautiful eyes, her eyes flowing, and suddenly a Thunderbolt flashed, and the two guard disciples fell down silently.

The gauze woman crossed two corpses and strode into the martial arts arena of Qingjian Pavilion. Dozens of disciples who were practicing looked at her coincidentally.

Sum, there was a loud noise from the ground, and the earth shook violently. A large building in Qingjian Pavilion turned into a pile of rubble in an instant. All the disciples' eyes were frightened. Looking at the uninvited guest, some of them had trembled.

The woman sighed and said to herself, "Alas, after so many years of printing, it's really not as good as before!"

Suddenly, a blue sword light came with the sound of breaking the air. The veil woman snorted coldly and waved her hand. The cyan sword light suddenly turned into invisible.

In the distance, an old man flew over, and the cyan fairy sword kept spinning above his head. The gauze woman smiled indifferently and asked, "Are you the head of this Qingjian Pavilion?"

The old man laughed and replied, "Yes, I am the head of this sect, Yuqing Zhenren, I don't know if you are..."

"Ha ha..." The woman giggled and said, "I never leave a name for killing people."

Just as she spoke, a huge tentacle appeared silently behind the old man, and the tentacle suddenly rolled up. The old man quickly teleported to see if he had escaped the blow.

There was a roar in the woman's mouth. Countless tentacles were thick or thin, long or short, intertwined in the air, forming a large net. Wanting to cover the Yuqing real person in the net, Yuqing real person saw that the situation was not good and teleportation again, but a tentacle happened to be blocked on his teleportation route and rolled forward and wrapped him. Get up.

Yuqing Zhenren was swept away, and her face became more and more purple. Gradually, she couldn't breathe well and struggled weakly.

All the disciples were stunned, and the head of their god was so vulnerable in front of this soft woman that they were even about to die.

Yuqing was rolled up by thick tentacles, and his voice trembled intermittently said, "You are...you are...eight-footed monster..."

The charming woman's face darkened and shouted harshly, "I hate people calling me like this!" With that, she suddenly exerted her strength, and Yuqing's eyes were rolled up, and she didn't even have the strength to struggle.

Suddenly, a golden halo cut through the sky, and the tentacles wrapped around Yuqing suddenly loosened. The veil woman looked at the golden light and shadow in the air, smiled coldly and said, "It turned out to be Zhang's descendants!"

In a vague golden light, a man in white with sword eyebrows came out. There was also a red mole on his forehead. A faint smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. He looked at the eight-legged monster standing on the ground and said, "You go back to the Red Flower Valley, and we will not violate the river from now on. Otherwise..." He glanced around, and an invisible energy burst out, and those ferocious tentacles immediately retracted back to the ground.

The eight-legged monster looked at the man in white in the air and said, "You actually learned Zhang Lingfei's sealing skill."

The man in white stood in the air with his eyes closed, like a god, and said, "Go back. If we fight now and fight for both sides, it's good for everyone."

The eight-legged monster's face was twisted with anger and said, "Okay! OK! Zhang's descendants, if you don't kill me today, I will kill you one day. After saying that, she flashed and disappeared into the sky.

The man in white glanced at the ruins and walls all over the ground, sighed, and a teleportation disappeared.

The disciples of Qingjian Pavilion on the ground are talking a lot. Yuqing, who had just picked up a life, looked at the empty sky and muttered, "It turned out to be him..."