Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 37 Victory

The demon mythical beast looked at Lu Bingyan coldly and opened his mouth and said at the same time, "What an arrogant girl, looking at your skills, it should be Ziying."

Lu Bingyan said coldly, "Yes, Ziying sent Lu Bingyan to take your life today."

"It depends on your ability!" The demon beast sneered and said that the wind blew away the fog. A tree not far away was uprooted and blocked in the air, surrounded by black air and rushed to Lu Bingyan.

Lu Bingyan was dressed in a snow-white shirt and danced in the wind. Her dark hair floated up with the wind. She was like a fairy in a trance. The blue wind sword turned into electric lights and cut the flying giant wood into several pieces.

The demon's mythical beast narrowed its eyes into a line, looked at the sky-blue fairy sword waving in the wind, smiled greedily and said, "Oh? Isn't this the Blue Wind Sword, hehe, a rare baby.

Ouyang Juan was shocked and said, "Senior sister, be careful, it wants to take the sword."

Lu Bingyan is also a little anxious. In the two matches just now, she really realized the horror of the demon mythical beast. In front of this absolute power, she may be defeated and killed at any time.

Ouyang Juan asked, "Brother Yunkong, are you about to fix it? Brother Yunkong, Brother Yunkong... She suddenly shouted in horror. At this moment, Yunkong actually fell on the seal array and fainted..."

Lu Bingyan also panicked. She wanted to try her best to delay the demon mythical beast and buy time for Yunkong. Once the seal array is successfully repaired, the demon mythical beast can be sealed again.

But now that the clouds have fainted, she fights with the demon mythical beast and has no chance of winning.

roared. The demon mythical beast, which had just been suppressed by Lu Bingyan for a moment, found that the clouds fainted in the sky and suddenly became excited. The roar suddenly turned high. Lu Bingyan and Ouyang Juan looked at the invincible peerless murder and shook their heads secretly.

Petals, branches, vegetation, these common things can be transformed into killing weapons in the demon mythical beast. The two women were first swept into the air by the wind, and then they were bruised all over by these sharp weapons, and their two handsome faces were covered with scars.

Ouyang Juanbei clenched her red lips and looked at the invincible monster in a sad tone and asked, "Sister, will we... die here?"

The mist floated gently, as if Death was waving a sickle in the depths of the fog. Lu Bingyan sighed gently and said, "Sister, maybe we will eventually die here, but even if we die, we will die. Look, one of the heads of the demon beast has disappeared. I think it was knocked down by Yunkong and Zhang Ziguang. Even if we fail, we will cut off another head!"

Ouyang Juan gritted her teeth and nodded. The two beautiful figures turned into two purple and blue lights at the same time and rushed to the high mountain-like body in front of them. The demon mythical beast smiled disdainfully and waved its giant claws to blow them away again.

Ouyang Juan and Lu Bingyan fell to the ground and gasped repeatedly. Ouyang Juan said anxiously, "Sister, you can't do this anymore. This desperate method can only cause us consumption and has no effect on the demon mythical beast."

"I can't measure my strength!" The four faces of the demon mythical beast sneered at the same time, kicking towards the two people like pillars.

"Ah..." Ouyang Juan screamed, and Lu Bingyan gently closed her eyes. While attacking, the demon mythical beast launched the power of space bondage. The two women were fixed on the ground and quietly waited for the end of the world.

The next moment, a high-sounding singing suddenly sounded, and a few huge roars echoed in the air, and a white light penetrated into the sky.

"What?!" The ferocious face of the demon mythical beast changed in an instant. It withdrew its kick and turned around and looked back.

The relieved Ouyang Juan and Lu Bingyan hurriedly rose into the air and flew far away, following the eyes of the demon beast and looking in that direction

That's where the seal array is located. The silver-white brilliance flows down from the sky, like a silver-white waterfall, dazzling. Several wheel-sized turntables on the seal array slowly rotated slowly, making a creaking sound. Countless silver-white beams of light rose to the sky, as if to pierce the void.

Ouyang Juan and Lu Bingyan looked at the gorgeous scene in a daze, which was a little unreal. On the seal array, there stood a one-armed man, waving his hand at them with great effort.

"Damn Shu Mountain! Damn Shushan!" The demon's mythical beast roared and rushed desperately towards the seal array. It was so fast that it was shocking, leaving only a series of vague shadows. The space, like a fragile vase, was severely damaged and shattered one after another.

swirling, three silver-white pillars of light fell from the air, like three pillars checking in front of the demon's mythical beast, blocking its way.

The demon beast roared, and its huge body hit the pillar of light.

Poof, like a fist hitting a sponge, the huge impact force was turned into invisible. At the same time, several pillars of light fell behind the demon mythical beast, and this giant beast could not advance or retreat at this moment.

The beams of light slid from the air to the ground one by one like meteors. The pillars of light next to the demon's mythical beast were filled with silver-white beams of light. These beams of light overlapped and overlapped like a cage. The demon's mythical beasts became trapped beasts in this cage.

Roaring, the demon's mythical beast collided like crazy left and right in this cage, fighting against trapped beasts.

Yunkong's face was pale, standing on the seal array, still with one hand still tying the French seal. The turntable on the seal array turned more rapidly, and the aura rushed this way crazily.

The expression of the demon mythical beast suddenly froze, and its face was like dead ashes. There was despair in its four pairs of eyes at the same time. A huge suction shot out from the seal array and rushed up to it. The space where the demon mythical beast was located became distorted and kept struggling and roaring, but its huge body rolled in the narrow cage, appearing Very hard.

The speed of the cloud and sky seal suddenly accelerated, so fast that the shape could not be seen clearly. Only a blurred hand shadow could be seen. The roar of the demon's mythical beast was even more tragic, and half of its tail turned into a faint shadow and floated into the seal array.

A stream of blood flowed from the corners of Yunkong's mouth. Obviously, he had suffered internal injuries, but Yunkong's hand still did not stop, and the speed of printing did not slow down at all.

The gray fog dissipated, and the sky and the earth returned to darkness again. The hairs of the four heads of the demon mythical beast were scattered, looking up to the sky and making a final resistance.

Peng! With a muffled sound, a silver-white beam of light shattered, and the demon's mythical beast made an excited cry. The demon's mythical beast's eyes turned red and launched a desperate counterattack.

The demon mythical beast continued to bombard other pillars of light, and the silver-white light began to shake, waver, and gradually darkened.

Yunkong closed his eyes and dared not look at all this again. Sweat rolled down his face.

Bang, and several beams of light were smashed by the demon's mythical beast. The hearts of the three of them were cold. The demon's mythical beast's eyes flashed with a strange red light, constantly roaring at the seal array, as if provoking.

At this moment, a gorgeous purple-gold light lit up from the other direction, and at the same time, a loud cry resounded everywhere.

Ouyang Juan and Lu Bingyan were both shocked. Ouyang Juan frowned and said, "At this time, where is the voice? I'm afraid that the person who comes is not good."

The monster's mythical beast, which had just been very proud, changed its face at this moment, and the voice of the peerless beast trembled a little and stammered, "Purple... Purple unicorn!"

Wow... The voice of the name went straight up to the sky, Lu Bingyan, Ouyang Juan, Yunkong, and at the same time felt dizzy. The simple dragon sound of this dragon actually contained a soul attack.

A huge unicorn about ten feet long and covered with purple-gold scales jumped into the air, with two dragon horns standing upright on its head, with silver in its eyes and no pupils.

"Spirit?" The demon mythical beast said strangely, "Where did the dragon soul of the purple gold unicorn come from?"

Suddenly, the dragon in the air turned over and rushed to the demon's mythical beast. The demon's mythical beast was unexpected. It did not expect why this purple golden unicorn would suddenly help human beings and attack it.

"Are you crazy?" The purple gold unicorn was so fast that the demon beast had no time to dodge, so it had to roar.

The purple unicorn can't see any emotional changes without pupils, and the dragon tail swept over to the demon mythical beast without hesitation.

Puff, the four heads of the demon mythical beast vomited blood at the same time, and the huge body flew backwards. The ground was dusty, and a large pit about ten feet in diameter appeared.

Yunkong couldn't think about other things. He seized this rare opportunity to recite the formula, printed with one hand, and several silver-white beams of light that had just been destroyed quickly recovered, and the huge suction came again.

The demon mythical beast kept struggling to hiss, but due to the excessive consumption just now, and the inexplicably hit by the purple gold unicorn just now, the strength of resistance is a little weaker than just now.

The suction is getting stronger and stronger, and the roar of the demon mythical beast is becoming more and more powerless. The purple unicorn looked at the demon mythical beast struggling in pain, suddenly turned its head, turned into a purple-gold cloud and left.

The aura converged in the seal array, and the body of the demon mythical beast gradually twisted and gradually turned into nothingness. The wind roared, and the whole body of the demon mythical beast turned into a transparent shadow.

"I will never die! I will never die!" The demon's mythical beast's voice was hoarse and crazy, roaring heartbreakingly, and its body turned into a virtual shadow, flying into the seal array with a gust of wind.

The black clouds dispersed, and the golden light shone from the sky. White clouds floated leisurely in the air. The thick fog dispersed, and the air became particularly fresh. Two beautiful women sat on the lawn and looked around, and saw white flowers on the endless green grass in front of them, like a fairyland.

In the distance, a one-armed man in ragged clothes

A man covered with blood on his back was coming this way, and behind them was a long blue sword just following.

Shu Mountain, next to the Demon Lake.

A group of disciples gathered together and watched the originally turbid lake gradually become clear and excited, and the sound of cheers resounded in the blue sky.

The originally inclined mountain of Shushan gradually straightened, and the huge cracks on the mountain also healed. Dao Qianzhen stood in the air with a smile on his face. Behind him stood a group of elders, all of whom were jubilant. Daoqian Zhenren smiled with satisfaction and said loudly, "Victory!"