Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 1 Changes in the East China Sea

In the East China Sea, the waves are rolling, hitting the cold stones, and the ice-blue sea is foaming, and the atmosphere is a little suffocating.

On a reef near the East China Sea, Zhang Ziguang and Yunkong stood side by side and looked at the turbulent sea. For a long time, Zhang Ziguang said, "What did you find on the road?"

Yunkong was slightly stunned and immediately said, "Since the departure of Dongying people, the people's livelihood near the East China Sea have withered. If there were no more leaders of these major sects, the people would have been miserable."

Zhang Ziguang sighed and said, "I didn't expect the eight-footed monster to be so powerful that it forced those sects to close their doors."

Yunkong pondered for a moment and said slowly, "I don't think we need to meet the people of the East China Sea sect now. Now we live here for a while and investigate. Now I vaguely feel that the eight-legged monster is not just mixed in the East China Sea sect."

Zhang Ziguang nodded, and the two decided to stay in an inn in nearby Anliang City first, and then make a long-term plan.

At night, a cool breeze blew, and mosquitoes flew in groups under the faint lights. This former prosperous city looked particularly deserted. There was only a three-story attic with bright lights, becoming the only light in the city, and songs came from it from time to time.

This attic is the largest entertainment place in Anliang City. At this moment, officials and rich businessmen are holding the flowery prostitutes left and right and watching the beautiful dance.

"Look, she is the little mandarin duck girl." A square-faced young man smiled at the bearded middle-aged man beside him. The beard followed the young man's finger, and his eyes suddenly straightened. He was a slender figure, sweet and full of temptation. The confused woman's towering chest outlined a beautiful arc under the package of tight clothes, and the slender waist branches danced gently. Under the tulle, the snow-white skin was ruddy and loomed, and every look could attract men's hearts.

"How's it going, my lord?" The square face smiled and patted his beard on the shoulder.

The bearded reluctantly withdrew his eyes and sighed, "This is so beautiful that I have only seen in my life."

Hearing the man's intention, the square-faced man hurried over, lowered his voice and said, "If you want, this girl will be yours tonight."

As soon as the beard heard it, he suddenly became interested, and his eyes flashed with excitement and said, "Really?"

"Is this still fake?" The square smiled, went down and told the maid, and then came with a smile and said, "Your Excellency, everything is as you wish."

The bearded man rubbed his hands happily and continued to look excitedly at the little mandarin duck girl who was dancing, and his eyes were even hotter.

The banquet dispersed, and a carriage stopped under the chaotic flower building. With a guilty face, he got into the car with the little mandarin duck girl.

At this time, it was late at night, and dark clouds blocked the moon. On the empty street, there was only the creaking sound of the carriage.

The bearded man talked and laughed with the little mandarin duck girl all the way. When the carriage went to a secluded alley, the beard could no longer hold back the upper body* and began to hold the little mandarin duck and kiss it crazily. The little mandarin duck was obviously used to this kind of thing. He was not nervous at all, and his mouth made a charming moan, not much. At that time, two reds. The naked body began to linger in the car.

Just as the two were turning over the clouds and smelling **, suddenly, the beard felt the chest

There was a burst of severe pain. He subconsciously looked down and saw a plain hand of the little mandarin duck inserting in his heart, and blood slowly flowed down the tender white arm.

"Ah..." The beard made a sad shout, and then stared at his frightened eyes. When he got down, the little mandarin duck put on his clothes, glanced at the body leaning against the car, sneered, and then turned into a blue light and got into the body.

I don't know where to drive the carriage in the dark. The driver turned his face over the sky and fell on the car. His seven orifices bled and died.

The next day, dawn.

Zhang Ziguang was sleeping soundly in the room when suddenly there was a rapid knock on the door. He got up reluctantly, rubbed his creepy eyes, got out of bed and opened the door.

Yunkong stood outside the door and looked a little anxious. As soon as he opened the door, he hurriedly said, "Get ready to go out quickly. Something's wrong."

Zhang Ziguang's nerve suddenly tightened and asked, "What's the matter?"

Yunkong said, "There was a murder in the city. I suspect it has something to do with the eight-legged monster!"

Zhang Ziguang's face became serious, quickly put on his clothes, and walked downstairs with Yunkong.

The street was bustling, and people flocked to an alley where few people usually set foot. It was already a mess. A group of bloody dark horses stared with frightened eyes and fell next to the road. A broken carriage fell in the middle of the path. A coachman exposed his body and a wound on his chest. Shocking, next to him, a beautiful girl is red. **The body fell there with a frightened expression, as if he had seen something terrible before he died.

Several officials were inspecting the bodies. The leader walked symbolically around the scene a few times and impatiently ordered to his hands, "Carry these things back and listen to the adults." Saying that, all the servants present took action one after another and carried away the objects scattered all over the place.

In the crowd, Zhang Ziguang and Yunkong looked at each other. Zhang Ziguang whispered, "What do you think?" Yunkong pondered slightly and said, "This matter looks like an ordinary murder case at first glance, but look at the wound on the driver's chest. What weapon in the world can leave such a big scar?"

Zhang Ziguang glanced at the driver's chest and said, "Unless... someone smashed it directly with a hammer!"

Yunkong shook his head and smiled, blinked at the teenager opposite, and said, "Brother Zhang, do you think this is possible?"

Zhang Ziguang smiled bitterly and said, "Naturally impossible, but if you insert it directly into his chest with your hand and stir it in his body, what are the consequences?"

Yunkong was shocked when he heard this. Although the sun was shining now, he was as cold as falling into an ice cellar. Cold sweat left from his back and wet his clothes for a while. He turned his head to look at Zhang Ziguang with an unbelievable face and asked, "So cruel?"

Zhang Ziguang's face looked like an ancient well and said, "What's the impossible thing in the world? Maybe the murderer of this case is the eight-legged monster."

Yunkong's face softened slightly, nodded and said, "I'm afraid that only she will be so vicious. Now, should we investigate this matter?"

Zhang Ziguang touched his chin with his hand and glanced around. Suddenly, he saw a tall man with a square face in the crowd, looking panicking and was about to rush out of the crowd. A trace of excitement flashed in Zhang Ziguang's eyes, and the corners of his mouth raised an arc, saying, "We followed the man. I think I may be able to find something from him.

Although Yunkong did not know what the teenager wanted to do, he believed that every decision made by such an old man had his own reason, and he did not hesitate to follow this purple light.

The two followed the square-faced man to the most prosperous street in Anliang City. Because they were both good at hiding their breath, the man did not realize that he was being followed at all.

Finally, under the flower building, the man stopped and flashed into the building. Yunkong frowned and asked, "This man is actually a figure in the brothel. Shall we chase him in?"

Zhang Ziguang raised his middle finger of his right hand, shook it gently, and said, "Don't worry, you may find it later."

Seeing Zhang Ziguang say this, Yunkong will no longer say anything. Because he knows the real strength of the other party, when he gets along with Zhang Ziguang, Yunkong will cater to the other party in a very obedient manner, because now as long as he is slightly offended, there will be an extremely difficult enemy in Shushan in the future.

The two lurked in the alley opposite the chaotic flower building, and their eyes stared at the building. After about half an hour, a middle-aged man in purple entered the building with a vigilant face. At the moment he entered the entrance, he suddenly turned around and walked into the building after making sure that he was not being followed.

Yunkong's eyes narrowed into a line and whispered to himself, "How could it be him?" Zhang Ziguang raised his eyebrows. He asked in a low voice, "Do you recognize him?"

Yunkong stared at the chaotic flower building and whispered, "This man is Lei Gang, the elder of the Qingjian Pavilion in the East China Sea. He is a very powerful character. He has come to visit Shushan."

Zhang Ziguang's eyes flashed with a trace of doubt and said, "Strangely, isn't the League of the East China Sea huddled in their gathering place all year round? Why are you here to walk in the kiln now?

Yunkong said, "Maybe this matter has something to do with the Qingjian Pavilion. Are we going in now?"

Zhang Ziguang smiled, nodded, and disappeared with a teleportation. Yunkong smiled bitterly. In the face of the heavenly master, his gap made him a little ashamed. He restrained his breath and quietly flew into the building.

In the chaotic building, it was quiet. Only a few managers were walking around. The girls were "tired" all night, and now is the time to refresh themselves. The two successfully avoided people's sight and jumped on the beam. Soon, the two came to inquire.

In this hall, the door is closed and the surrounding windows are tightly locked, like a secret room.

Yunkong frowned gently, with a look of worry on his face, and whispered, "Brother Zhang, I won't go into this hall. Lei Gang is a heavenly master. If he disperses the power of his soul to explore, according to my path, ten * will be found.

Zhang Ziguang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "You can just go out for air." With that, he teleported again and came to the back of a window in the hall and listened carefully with his ears sideways.

Just listening to it, a hoarse and angry voice said, "You said that the elders of Qingjian Pavilion have come to your brothel?"

The square-faced man was submissive and whispered, "Yes, Lord Tianlei did come. Before leaving, he took away a girl, the one who found the body this morning."

Lei Gang sat down slowly, breathed a sigh of relief, and whispered, "Brother, why are you so confused?"

Zhang Ziguang narrowed his eyes slightly and listened carefully to the conversation between the two people in the room. The more he listened, the more surprised he became. He only heard Lei Gang sighed, "Oh, I didn't expect that my younger brother was so confused to come to such a place regardless of his identity. It really chill me."

The thin and tall man smiled and said, "E Elder, it is also human's normal to have this desire. Now, the key is that Elder Lei has disappeared, and the celebrity of our chaotic flower building has unfortunately been killed again. Your school... must give us an explanation."

"Hmm?" Hearing the mystery in the thin and tall man's words, Lei Gang suddenly turned his head and inadvertently flashed a light in his eyes, but he restrained in an instant. He breathed gently, stared at the other party, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you mean to suspect the death of your chaotic flower building*, which is related to our Qingjian Pavilion?"

The tall and thin man hurriedly laughed and said, "Ha ha, I dare not. I just firmly believe that your school will uphold justice."

"Ha ha, no profite, no business!" Lei just patted his thigh and said. Suddenly, his face became a little ugly, even a little ferocious. With a murderous smile on his face, he suddenly said, "Ha ha, in this case, let the Lord of Hell help you uphold justice!"

Brush, the purple sword swallowed, and a Thunderbolt fell into the air and directly entered the body of the tall man along his back. The tall and thin man muffled, and his body began to burn. Before long, there was only a ball of ashes on the ground.