Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 9 Deep into the Sea

Caught in the rolling waves, Zhang Ziguang's body can't help himself. At this moment, he is like a boat floating in the sea, and I don't know where to be rolled away.

However, his hands are still holding the woman tightly!

The sea gradually stopped. After all, the sea water in this room could not take them far away. After calming down, Zhang Ziguang shook his head hard and began to observe the situation around him. He suddenly found that they were now in a channel composed of a transparent film. Around the film was a strange stone, and from time to time there was the sound of dripping water.

"It turned out to be underground!" He whispered, and then turned his head to look at the transparent film around him. He faintly found that the film was cylindrical and extended far forward. They were in the closed film and had no other way out except to move forward.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, as if he saw that on this mysterious film, there was a faint color light, exactly the same as the world of colorful clouds he had seen before.

He took a deep breath, condensed a tiny energy into his finger, and then resigned to the film. With a crisp sound, the film suddenly twisted and instantly returned to its original state. The subtle energy that had just attacked the film acted on Zhang Ziguang, but due to the force The amount was too small and did not cause him any harm.

"So that's it. The film is indeed the world of colorful clouds!" Zhang Ziguang said in his heart, but he felt a little more uneasy. He had heard the division of the division of the Sword Front School talk about this boundary before. It is a kind of something with a strong power of imprisonment, which cannot be broken by Qitian-level masters.

"Are you all right?" Just as he was anxious, a soft voice came from behind him. His body stiffened, and then his eyes were cold and he looked at the man beside him.

Jiang Yuexia had woken up at this time. She looked at the beautiful face in front of her, and there seemed to be thousands of sorrows in her heart, which was unspeakable.

Zhang Ziguang's face returned to indifference. Suddenly, it was not like Lu Bingyan who refused the coldness of people thousands of miles away, but with a strong resentment.

Seeing the other party's expression, Jiang Yuexia couldn't help smiling bitterly, and then the two fell into silence, a suffocating silence!

"Have you seen the horse?" After a moment of meditation, Jiang Yuexia lowered her head and asked in a low voice, and did not dare to look into Zhang Ziguang's eyes at all.

The latter shook his head faintly, then stopped talking and glanced around.

"Go!" After observing the situation around him, Zhang Ziguang left a cold sentence and walked forward without any hesitation about the faint sigh behind him.

In the transparent passage, the two walked back and forth without words, only heavy footsteps echoing. Around them was endless darkness, and the strange stones looked like a ferocious monster in the dark.

At this moment, Zhang Ziguang's eyes narrowed, and a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. He saw a faint blue halo coming in front of the passage.

He exhaled with relief, accelerated his speed, and walked to the place where the light came in. However, the gentle voice sounded behind him: "Please tell me what this is."

Stop walking, Zhang Ziguang did not turn around. He looked at the glimmer of blue light in front of him and replied coldly, "At the ground, in the channel formed by the boundary of colorful clouds."

Jiang Yuexia hummed, and an intoxicating smile suddenly appeared on the corners of her mouth, and then said, "The wall just now has the function of self-repair. How did you save me?"

Zhang Ziguang's voice was still cold and indifferent, without any emotion: "Just now, when the sea came in, I was wondering why the impact of the sea was so strong that the whole wall was not collapsed, and why the seawater stopped injecting after filling the whole room and did not burst the house. Later, I saw With the surging waves and the world of colorful clouds blocking the door, I realized that all this was controlled by others.

"Controlled?" Jiang Yuexia frowned slightly and wondered.

Zhang Ziguang nodded indifferently and then said, "This trap is divided into four steps, and it is well planned and meticulous. The first step is to let the sea water enter the secret room from here. I think the other end of the passage should be the sea. The boundary of colorful clouds is a boundary that can change at will with the mind of the arrayer. The arrayer makes it break, and the sea water will naturally break through the wall of the secret room along this channel. The second part is to arrange energy on the wall of the secret room, so that the wall can repair itself after being attacked. Second, the wall can be controlled from being washed away by seawater, and when the amount of water in the secret room reaches a certain level, the gap in the wall can be repaired to ensure that the secret room will not be blown up by seawater, so as to drown us in the secret room. However, the distribution of energy on the wall is uneven, and the energy is the weakest where the recovery speed is the weakest. I only escaped by attacking the place where the energy is weak. The third step is to put the world of colorful clouds at the door in order to completely cut off our way out. So that we can be trapped. The fourth step is to control the sea water in the secret room, raise waves, roll the lowest among us into the water as soon as possible, and then force others to go down to rescue. So, after four steps, I'm afraid we will be out of trouble.

Jiang Yuexia nodded in astonishment, pondered for a moment, and said, "So, who has such a great ability to not only arrange the world of colorful clouds, but also control walls and seawater?"

A sneer appeared on Zhang Ziguang's face and said, "Who else, of course, is our opponent, is weird!"

"Hahaha!" A woman's sharp laughter sounded out of thin air in the passage. Jiang Yuexia's face changed greatly and exclaimed, "What kind of person?" Zhang Ziguang stared at the front and said with a smile, "You beast, you are finally willing to appear."

"Ha ha, what a smart kid, even my mother is moved." With the sound of the sharp voice again, a woman with enchanting red makeup appeared in front of them. The woman was extremely charming, and there was a red mole in the middle of her eyebrows.

"Eight-legged monster!" Zhang Ziguang sneered and said, "Sent a split to die?"

The eight-legged monster gave the teenager a white look and suddenly smiled and said, "Well, I sent a split body with no fighting ability at all. What's wrong? Can't you?"

"I guess you keep this split here, that is to guard this passage!" Zhang Ziguang smiled faintly and said. As he spoke, a dark blue flame rose from his palm and then burned towards the eight-legged monster. The eight-legged monster did not respond at all, but stood still, allowing his body to be burned to ashes.

After crossing this ashes, Zhang Ziguang still walked forward with no expression on his face. Jiang Yuexia looked at the scene that had just happened with a stunned face, was stunned for a moment, and followed up from behind. However, the two did not pay attention. Two eyes appeared in the ashes just now and followed them silently.

The two still walked one after the other, without words, but only a depressing silence.

Finally, they came to the beam of light. Zhang Zi's head did not raise his head, but directly crossed a cave door and went out.

Suddenly, his footsteps stopped and looked in front of him in a daze, with a stunned expression on his face. Jiang Yuexia came from behind and stayed where she could breathe.

In front of them is the deep blue sea, with some light spots shining in it. Colorful fish shuttle in groups among the corals, and from time to time there are several sharks waiting for the opportunity to catch their prey.

"Is this the bottom of the sea?" Jiang Yuexia asked with an intoxicated expression. Zhang Ziguang's eyes were a little blurred, and his eyes couldn't help but be a little wet. He seemed to recall that when he was a child, he sat on his mother's lap and listened to the old people in the village talking about the sea.

"Let's go!" Taking back his free thoughts, Zhang Ziguang said calmly, and then walked forward regardless of Jiang Yuexia, who was watching the beautiful scenery.

They are moving forward in this channel of the seabed, where the boundary of colorful clouds forms an independent space, so they are not affected by those aquatic creatures, nor do they have oxygen deficiency.

In this way, after walking for more than an hour, a purple mountain suddenly blocked their way.

The two stopped at the same time. Zhang Ziguang looked up and down at the mountain and found that the whole mountain was composed of purple and blue rocks, which blocked the exit of the world of colorful clouds.

Zhang Ziguang smiled disdainly, and his true energy began to move rapidly, and a violent energy gathered on his fist.

Break! A huge fist shadow appeared in front of him and rushed to the mountain. Jiang Yuexia's face flashed a touch of joy. She recognized that Zhang Ziguang used one of the strongest skills broken by the heavenly sword, the Eight Pole Emperor Fist!

A loud noise sounded, and then the smoke and dust spread. However, the towering mountains were not damaged at all. On the contrary, the fist shadow of Zhang Ziguang disappeared without a trace.

Zhang Ziguang was shocked and took a deep breath. You should know that this kind of boxing is so powerful that even ordinary masters dare not take it. Only then did he understand why the eight-legged monster dared to let such a big mountain block the hole in the world of colorful clouds. This strategy can really be said to be a man.

However, at this moment, he felt a sense of weakness all over his body. His body softened and collapsed on the ground, and Jiang Yuexia beside him was not much better, and he didn't even have the strength to stand.

"This mountain is not only hard, it will also absorb our energy!" Jiang Yuexia was delicate and haggard, covering her chest.

Zhang Ziguang gritted his teeth and stared at the mountain in front of him with despair. They, who had just escaped from death, will face another catastrophe.

However, at this moment, a tender voice sounded in his mind: "Wow, what a big crystal!"

At the end of this chapter, kneel down and beg for the red ticket collection