Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 18 Pressure

"Attack her again with your skills!" The soul of Yueyun Sword said, Zhang Ziguang jumped high, and the Yueyun sword was severely split with the red sword light. The octopus shadow was difficult to move under the fire. It was split in half by a fierce sword!

With the power of this sword, the dark blue flame suddenly spread, and the temperature in the air suddenly rose, and even the space became distorted. The huge octopus shadow became smaller and smaller in the flame, and a hateful voice came from the burning flame: "Kid, this is my part. Body, remember that my Buddha is hundreds of times stronger than this, and I must revenge!" As the flame continued to grow, the octopus shadow finally turned into a wisp of green smoke and dissipated in the air.

With the death of the soul of the eight-legged monster, the tall castle also showed signs of collapse. The cracks in the wall made a click sound, and huge stones fell from the top.

"Master, leave quickly!" Yueyun Sword Soul reminded. Zhang Ziguang picked up Jiang Yuexia, who was bruised by his attack, and left quickly with a wry smile on her face.

At the moment he flew away from the castle, the castle collapsed, and the choking smoke rolled up. Hundreds of little demons gushed out of the castle, stared at Zhang Ziguang angrily, and then extinguished the darkness.

"This is really a place where demons gather!" Putting Jiang Yuexia on an open space, Zhang Ziguang sighed.

"I'm afraid there is only one eight-legged monster in this place." The voice of Yueyun's sword soul suddenly sounded in his mind, and Zhang Ziguang was shocked and asked, "What are you talking about?"

The voice of Yueyun Sword Soul was not slow and explained, "Master, if the eight-legged monster is the strongest creature here, then why does it only live halfway up the mountain, not on the top of the mountain?"

"You mean there are stronger monsters on the top of the mountain?" As soon as he raised his eyebrows, the corners of Zhang Ziguang's eyes twitched and asked.

"There should be!" Yueyun Sword Soul said, "But it's not necessarily a monster."

"Why" Zhang Ziguang asked with doubt. Yueyun Sword Soul was silent for a moment, as if thinking about something, and then replied, "Among the monsters, the eight-legged monster is famous. Except for the black dragon and the demon mythical beast, which one is not afraid of her. Therefore, although there is only a split of the eight-legged monster living here, the ordinary monster should give her some face. I won't let her live halfway up the mountain.

"You mean that there should be creatures on the top of the mountain that are not even afraid of the eight-legged monster?" After taking a deep breath, Zhang Ziguang asked with a shocked face.

"It should be!" Yueyun's soul tone was firm and said.

waved his hand and asked Yueyun Jianhun to stop talking. Zhang Ziguang's face was slightly dark and frowned and meditating. Although it is dark now, it is difficult to distinguish the sky and night, Zhang Ziguang can feel that the five-day deadline is coming. During this period, if he really can't find any child, I'm afraid of the poison in his body. It's about to attack.

St up and glanced at Jiang Yuexia in a coma. Zhang Ziguang's bright eyes showed a faint sadness, and the voice of the eight-legged monster echoed in his ear like thunder: "Is this dirty body worth caring so much?"

"Why do you do this?" He sat gently beside her, straightened her messy hair, and said lightly.

The sweetness of the past drifts away like fallen leaves, and what is the rest?

After sitting for a long time, he slowly stood up and said to the soul of Yueyun Sword, "I'm going to the top of the mountain to have a look. Yue Yunjian will stay here. If I can't come back within five hours, you can take her down the mountain. Then he forcibly coerced the indigenous patriarchs to hand over the antidote. Remember to keep her safe!"

"Master, I can't do it!" Yueyun Sword Soul eagerly persuaded, "If you don't take Yueyun Sword, how can you deal with the enemy on the top of the mountain with a pair of flesh palms alone?"

Zhang Ziguang shook his head, smiled faintly and said, "If the enemy on the top of the mountain is even afraid of the eight-legged monster, what's the use even if I take the moon cloud sword? And if its strength is weak, I can settle it with my heavenly magic power, and I don't need the moon cloud sword to come out.

"But..." Yueyun Sword Soul was about to speak again, but was stopped by Zhang Ziguang waving his hand. The latter sighed, turned around and walked on the dark and rugged mountain road. When his figure disappeared in the dark, a plain voice floated over: "If I can't come back, I must let her go back alive!"

The mountain road was still dark. He walked here calmly, with his heavy footsteps echoing in his ears. There is a dead silence around, which makes it difficult for people to breathe.

The more he went up, he felt that his body became heavier and heavier. Later, the pressure on his body had made it difficult for him to walk. He sat down on the cold mountain road and gasped hurriedly. Under this strong pressure, a feeling of nausea surged up, and bean-sized sweat slipped quietly from his forehead. Come down. In front of him, there were still dense black clouds, and a disgusting smell floated over. He seemed to be suffocated. He suddenly fell to the ground and gasped. His eyes were a little confused, and the sharp tinnitus sounded at this moment, which made him cover his ears in pain.

"What's going on? How can I have this feeling of discomfort? What's wrong with me? He thought that the trouble was as painful as a needle.

"Ah..." He fell down in pain, pounded the ground with his fist, and let out a heartbreaking scream. Then, his body was as itchy as thousands of ants eating. His face twisted painfully and began to scratch his body crazily with his hands. Before long, several clear things appeared on his face. Blood stains seen.

"Zhang's descendants, leave quickly! This is not the place you should come!" A low voice sounded in the darkness ahead.

Zhang Ziguang gritted his teeth, endured the pain, and said with great pain, "Who are you? Please come out and see. I'm really here to do something!"

The voice in the dark came again: "I am the mountain god of this mountain. I have received some favors from your Zhang family, so I'm not going to let you die here. Go quickly and go as far as possible!"

Zhang Ziguang smiled sadly, shook his head and said, "I'm here to find the son of the patriarch Xinya clan. If you tell me where the child is, I will leave."

The Dark Zhongshan God suddenly made a surprised voice and was silent for a while. He said slowly, "This child was originally found by me to honor the master. The master has been sleeping in the past few days and will have time to enjoy it. You can take it back first. Remember! Hurry up! Don't come here again, never!"

After saying that, a figure was thrown out of the darkness. Zhang Ziguang crawled over with all his strength and found a child lying on the mountain road with the same clothes as those of the Xinya people.

He bowed and hugged the darkness in front of him, then picked up the child and left with hard steps.