Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 32 Difficulty

In front of them, there are three roads, which are very long. They can't see the end at a glance and don't know where to lead.

Just as the seven people were worried about the loss of strength, Ruo Xuzi's voice resounded in the sky: "Every two people form a team and choose a road to pass through. The end of the road is the entrance to the third level. If you can't go out within an hour, you can only die in the world.

"Senior, there are only three roads. Even if we form a team, there is still one left. What should we do?" Yunkong found that something was wrong and asked quickly.

At the other end, Ruoxuzi was silent. In front of the seven people, the space suddenly became distorted, and the seven jade boxes floated in the air and floated this way.

Then, Ruoxu's voice sounded again: "Amending these seven jade boxes, six contain silver, and only one contains gold. You each take a jade box, and the person who holds the jade box containing gold can directly enter the third level."

Everyone looked at the seven jade boxes carefully and felt that their heads were big. On the outside alone, they could not see what was in the box at all. In addition, now they have lost all their skills and can't use the power of their souls, so it is even more difficult to detect the things in the jade box.

"Start!" Ruo Xuzi ordered. Before long, all seven people picked up their own jade box and opened it. First, there was a sigh. Immediately, everyone's eyes stopped on Jiang Yuexia's body.

Unlike the things in other six-person boxes, she contains an ingot of yellow gold, which is very eye-catching.

At this moment, Ruoxuzi's calm voice came out again: "This girl can enter the third level, and the remaining six people are free to form a group and prepare to break through the level!"

Zhang Linyu and Si Kongyue looked at each other and nodded with a smile. Yunkong walked to Lu Bingyan and whispered a few words. The latter hesitated for a moment and nodded to allow it. In desperation, Lin Yuekong, Du Miao of the Jianfeng faction could only walk to Mr. Tiangui and hugged his fist: "Next, there are old men!"

Mr. Sky Ghost didn't raise his eyelids, snorted coldly and walked into the middle road.

Lin Yuekong suddenly became angry, muttered a few words, and followed. Zhang Linyu and Sikongyue did not hesitate too much and walked into the leftmost road side by side, while Yunkong and Lu Bingyan could only choose the remaining one.

Zhang Linyu and the two stepped on this road and suddenly felt a piercing chill coming to their faces. Because they lost their magical skills, they could not protect their bodies, so they could only carry their bodies. Before long, they trembled at the same time.

Zhang Linyu looked at Si Kongyue's pale face, and there was a trace of solemnity on his face. He has suffered a lot in his life and is not afraid of this kind of difficulty. However, Si Kongyue grew up under the care of his elders, and has long had good strength. How can he suffer such grievance?

The cold wind blew, the harsh roar crossed the ear, and there was a layer of ice on the ground. Before long, snowflakes fell down one by one, gradually forming a heavy snowfall, dyeing the space white.

The two walked hard in the ice and snow, wearing only thin clothes. Sikongyue's pretty face was pale, her lips were purple, and her delicate body couldn't help trembling. Her eyebrows were already covered with a layer of frost. From time to time, she still couldn't see the front of the exit and let out a sigh.

Zhang Linyu has been with her. He has lost all his skills and is helpless about this cold. At this time, he suddenly frowned and shouted, "Dangerous!"

With that, he pulled Si Kongyue to lie on the ground. In front of him, two ice arrows roared and flew over their heads, cutting off a few strands of hair.

"There is still a hidden weapon!" Sikongyue trembled, and there was a faint despair in her beautiful eyes.

The two fell on the cold ground for a while. When Zhang Linyu saw that no more hidden weapons were flying, he was slightly relieved, helped Si Kongyue to stand up and said, "Let's continue to go!"

The latter nodded with a difficult moment, staggered, and followed Zhang Linyu. I don't know how long he stayed in this cold place. A long-lost warmth came from the front. At the same time, the two felt refreshed and their footsteps accelerated a little.

But not long after they left, their hearts were moved again. The warmth gradually turned into an unbearable heat. They finally got rid of the cold. At this moment, they were already panting with heat and sweat dripping from their clothes.

At this moment, a red volcano appeared in front of them without warning. Rolling magma kept flowing down from the top of the mountain, and the smoke rose into the void. The rocks on the mountain all turned red under the light of fire, and the surrounding space became distorted by the heat.

This mountain blocks all roads. If you want to move forward, you must climb over the mountain, and at the foot of the mountain, there is only a path that has been burned red.

Sikongyue's body trembled more and her lips couldn't help trembling. She had completely given up resistance to such an extreme temperature.

Zhang Linyu frowned. For this bad situation, he had no choice but to rush up.

Si Kongyue finally couldn't stand such heavy pressure. She collapsed to the ground with a thump, trembling, and said, " Linyu, you go... Let me... Die here... That's good..."

Zhang Linyu picked her up, wiped the sweat on her face, and resolutely shook his head and said, "How can I leave you like this? Since you are unable to move forward, I will walk the rest of the road behind your back!"

After saying that, he let Si Kongyue lie on himself and walked to the mountain with difficulty. Although his footsteps were a little empty, he could still hold on with his physical strength.

When he reached halfway up the mountain, Zhang Linyu was already sweating and panting. He carefully put down Si Kongyue, bowed himself and gasped.

"It doesn't matter to your body, right?" Sikong Moon asked softly with a solemn color.

Zhang Linyu waved his hand, tried to squeeze out a smile, and said, "Aunt Yue, don't worry, my nephew is still holding it."

After a moment of rest, the two continued to move forward. Along the way, Zhang Linyu, who was close to collapse, fell countless times, but stood up countless times. Sikongyue, who was lying on his back, fell a lot, but had no complaints.

Finally, they worked hard to get to the top of the volcano. They came to the crater and looked down and saw the fiery red magma rolling back and forth. One after another bubbles rose and burst, and the surrounding rock walls were red.

"This needs world is really not simple!" Zhang Linyu exclaimed and subconsciously pulled Sikongyue back a few steps.

Sikongyue nodded gently and looked at the young man gratefully. At this time, her physical strength had recovered a lot, and there was no need to carry the way down the mountain.

At this moment, Zhang Linyu's eyes lit up, and he found that not far away, an object was shining in the red rock crack.

"What is that?" Si Kongyue also found this thing at the same time and said.

Zhang Linyu quickly walked over and observed carefully. He found that the thing sandwiched in the stone was actually a ring with gorgeous lines carved on it.

Sikongyue also followed and exclaimed, "What a beautiful ring. This ring is placed in such a hot place without melting. There must be some mystery hidden."

Hearing what she said, Zhang Linyu was also moved, but immediately frowned and said, "I'm afraid it's not good to take what you want!"

Si Kongyue waved her hand indifferently and said, "We have worked hard to come here, which can be called nine deaths. This ring may be a reward given by the owner of the world to reward our efforts!"

Zhang Linyu hesitated for a moment, but still didn't say anything.

Sikongyue is the kind of child's temper that has been occupied by light. She can't help it for a long time. She took out a few handkerchiefs, wrapped her bare hands, and carefully leaned in.


The hot temperature quickly burned the layer of handkerchief wrapped on the outside into powder, but Sikongyue took advantage of this gap to skillfully take the ring out of the stone seam.

She gently flicked the dust on the ring and said with a smile, "Hey, I don't know what treasure the heaven-level master left us?"

Zhang Linyu suddenly had an inexplicable panic in his heart. He was about to take the ring and watch it. Suddenly, a silver light lit up on the ring, and two flying needles shot out from it and accurately entered Sikongyue's throat.

"Well..." Sikongyue made a muffled sound in her mouth, staring in disbelief, and fell to the ground.

"Ah..." Zhang Linyu screamed heartbreakingly and grabbed Si Kongyue. He looked very panicked. He opened his mouth and couldn't even say a word.

Si Kongyue fell into Zhang Linyu's arms, smiled miserably and said, "Auntie can't accompany you... Lin Yu... Take the road below..."

Zhang Linyu wiped his tears and sobbed, "No... My aunt will be fine..."

Si Kongyue suddenly coughed violently and spit out two mouthfuls of blood. Her breath was already very weak, and her voice was hoarse: " said... On the needle... Poisonous!"

Zhang Linyu was stunned, his hands shook violently, and the poison needle was inserted into his throat. In this case, even if he met before losing his strength, he would die!

Si Kongyue gently touched Zhang Linyu's cheek and whispered, "Child... You are the only bloodline of Zhang... The hope of your family's revival... It's all on you... Work hard... Work hard..."

With that, the beautiful woman closed her eyes peacefully, as if there was a smile on the corners of her mouth.

On the road to becoming a strong man, she fell and fell without regret!

On this mountain, it was still hot and suffocating, but Zhang Linyu was already unaware of the continuous sweat. He sat on the ground devoid, allowing the heat to roast his skin, and kept muttering two words: "Aunt Yue..."

Suddenly, the ring rolled in front of him, as if smiling jokingly at him. Two fierce lights suddenly appeared in his eyes, and a pair of fists were like two huge axes, smashed down fiercely.


There were cracks on the rock, and even the peak shook slightly, but the ring still lay quietly in place, motionless.

Zhang Linyu sighed sadly, put the ring in his arms, picked up Si Kongyue, and embarked on the road down the mountain.

Ps: Xiaoxiao reveals that if the people who die in the world will eventually survive because of some chance, what is the opportunity? Ha ha, looking forward to it...