Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 35 Ten Years of True Love

"Hm..." She let out a scream, and the sudden tingling almost made her faint. Zhang Linyu's face turned pale. The snake man who disappeared was standing behind Lu Bingyan. It was faintly visible that green venom flowed under Lu Bingyan's skin.

At the moment when the snake man bit Lu Bingyan, its body seemed to have exhausted all its energy and began to wither quickly. Soon, it turned into a white skeleton and scattered to the ground.

As soon as the snake man let go, Lu Bingyan lay on the ground in pain. Most of her neck had turned black, and one shoulder could hardly move.

"What a poison!" Zhang Linyu hurried over and said in surprise. As he spoke, he quickly untied Lu Bingyan's backpack, took out the small flowers picked before entering the hole, chewed them one by one in his mouth, and applied it to Lu Bingyan's wound.

Lu Bingyan gently exhaled a turbid breath and felt a cool feeling coming from her hand. There was no pain on her haggard face, but a sweet smile. This kind of smile from the bottom of her heart, I believe that any man in the world will fall in love with it.

However, Zhang Linyu did not notice this at all. He chewed the white flowers without interruption, and then replaced the used flowers. The removed white flowers turned black and red in such a short time, which shows how horrible this snake poison is.

After so many times, the white flowers in Lu Bingyan's backpack have all been used up, but only half of the blackness on her skin has faded.

Zhang Linyu gritted her teeth and no longer hesitated. She untied her backpack, took out the white flowers and began to chew again. Lu Bingyan's eyes were full of tenderness. Looking at the man's skillful movements, a warm current flowed from her heart and spread all over her body in an instant. She gently stroked her dark and soft hair, with a look. A little twisted.

Is it really what she wants to be cold and arrogant?

Finally, after a lot of hard work, the black gas on Lu Bingyan's body was finally removed. After the baptism of white flowers, her skin became as fine and white as gel. She felt an indescribable comfort from all over her body and comfortably sorted out her snow-white clothes.

Zhang Linyu's body softened, leaned against the cold wall, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and said, "Such a hard job is really not done by human beings!"

Lu Bingyan smiled. Her pretty face was red and charming. Her eyes were full of tenderness. She glanced at Zhang Linyu and whispered, "You saved me again. How can I thank you this time?"

Zhang Linyu waved his hand and smiled, and couldn't help thinking of all kinds of things in those years. At that time, in the war of Dongying, he was bombarded by several ninjas and accidentally blocked a deadly arrow for Lu Bingyan. Thinking of this, he couldn't help sighing in his heart: "The opportunities of life are really impermanent!"

When his thoughts turned around, Lu Bingyan's voice suddenly came. Before he could react, he felt a burst of pain in his hand. He looked down and saw a black snake biting his right hand, and there was no sign of loosening.

Staring at more than half of his black palm, Zhang Linyu's cold sweat brush left behind. Now all the white flowers used to relieve snake poison have been used up by Lu Bingyan. Under such a fierce venom, he is almost dead end.


The moon cloud sword turned into a golden light and split in the air, and the little snake was cut into two in an instant. It twisted a few times on the ground and did not move.

Lu Bingyan rushed to Zhang Linyu, gently rolled up his sleeves, and found that his whole forearm had been dyed black.

Lu Bingyan's face changed greatly. The woman, who had always been calm, became at a loss at this moment. She frantically tore open her backpack and turned out the things inside one by one, looking for the shadow of the white flowers she dreamed of.

However, the result disappointed her. All the white flowers had been used up. Under such a desperate situation, Zhang Linyu's poison was insoluble.

She collapsed on the ground stupidly, and her eyes were empty. She looked at the man struggling on the edge of life and death. Her slender fingers grasped the ground tightly, and her body trembled gently. Tears were like broken pearls, which couldn't help dripping. The sudden sweetness just now has completely turned into heartbreaking pain.

"I hurt him... I hurt him..." Such an idea suddenly flashed in her mind, and a pair of beautiful eyes instantly turned ferocious blood red, holding her head with both hands and a scream of grief and indignation in her throat.

This cry is full of sadness and indignation, desolation, and regret, like a lonely wolf wailing late at night, which makes people cry.

Zhang Linyu was stunned by Lu Bingyan's performance. He seemed to have forgotten the pain at this moment. In any case, he did not expect that this woman, who did not eat fireworks in the world, would have such a crazy side.

The soul of Yueyun Sword fell from the air and injected a pure force into Zhang Linyu's body in an attempt to force the snake poison out, but contrary to expectations, this stubborn venom did not flow, but spread more fiercely.

With the passage of time, Zhang Linyu's mind has become in a trance. His lips are dry, his face is pale, and his mouth keeps muttering a name: "Meng Yun... Meng Yun..."

At this time of life and death, the memories sealed by Nangong Xuan unexpectedly came to my mind. The beautiful shadow, the gentle man, seemed to be smiling at him the sweetest moment.

"Master, don't blame the old slave for being ruthless!" The voice of the moon cloud sword soul was full of pain and said softly. Then, it turned into a streamer and rushed into the moon cloud sword. The sword rose high, stagnated in the air for a moment, and chopped Zhang Linyu's poisoned arm fiercely.

Now, only this method can be exchanged for Zhang Linyu's life.

"Wait!" A cold voice suddenly came. Yue Yunjian stopped in the air and shook for a moment. Lu Bingyan had wiped away her tears, and her beautiful face was full of determination. Her voice was like broken ice and broken jade, resolutely: "I have a way to save him!",

The light on the moon cloud sword flashed a few times, seemed to hesitate for a moment, and finally quietly retreated aside.

The next moment, the beautiful woman in white rushed to Zhang Linyu like a fire moth, kissed her rosy lips deeply at the latter's wound, suddenly sucked, and a large mouthful of black venom was sucked out.

The soul of the moon cloud sword floated out of the sword and looked at this fairy-like man with an incredible face. He could hardly believe his eyes. As a monster, it was hard to imagine that the true feelings of time could be like this.

"Girl, if you do this, you will die!" It said in a stunned manner, and a trace of regret surged in its heart. In front of Si, it, a monster that had lived for thousands of years, did not have such a weak woman's determination.

Lu Bingyan's expression was serious and serious, sucking poison for Zhang Linyu one by one, as if she had no head to hear the dissuasion of Yueyun's sword soul. The monotonous movements began over and over again. With the passage of time, most of the poison on Zhang Linyu's arm had disappeared, while Lu Bingyan's pretty face floated sickly black.

A branch of Yueyun Sword Soul clung to Lu Bingyan's back, protecting her heart and supporting the little remaining physical strength. Her turbid eyes have long been blurred by tears.

When Lu Bingyan vomited ** turned red, she was completely weak. After doing all this, she quietly snuggled in Zhang Linyu's broad chest, took out a handkerchief from her arms and put it in the palm that had just removed the venom. Her eyes were a little confused, and she looked at this familiar face, as if it had been ten years. In general, nothing has changed.

But it has changed. What is it?

She has no other thoughts, as if everything in the world has drifted away with the wind and has nothing to do with her. She just wants to sleep so quietly until the earth is old, the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, never wake up, never wake up...

Xi Xi's cold wind gently blew into the hole for the last journey for this infatuated woman.

After sleeping for a long time, Zhang Linyu opened his eyes with a difficult time, and an idea flashed in his mind: Am I dead?

His tired eyes swept around and found that everything was so real that he was a little relieved. The next moment, he sent to the person lying quietly in his arms. Although his jade-like face had turned dark black, his expression was so peaceful, and even on the corners of his mouth, there was a trace of nothingness. Smiling.

Zhang Linyu suddenly understood what had happened, and his hands trembled slightly, and tears were left behind. He didn't understand how this woman who didn't have a deep friendship with him could be so desperate.

At this moment, he found that his hand was soft. When he took it in front of him, it turned out to be a white handkerchief. On the handkerchief, he wrote this line of beautiful words with blood-red cinnabar: look at the sword at night and die without looking back!

At this moment, he was frozen like an electric shock, his mouth slightly open, and he couldn't believe what he saw in front of him.

This beautiful woman has loved herself for ten years. Will the pain brought by missing her be younger than herself in these ten years?

She held a handkerchief in her hands, her pupils contracted extremely, her hands trembled, and the handkerchief fell lightly to the ground.

His hands still kept the movement of unfolding the handkerchief, motionless, and there was a dizziness in his mind. His body shook a few times and almost fainted.

Then, he slowly picked up his handkerchief, read it carefully, and sighed heavily. He still couldn't believe it. He came to his eyes again and read it word by word. His thin figure shook violently. The note was like yellow leaves floating in the wind. He took off his hand again, but this time, he didn't pick it up.

This situation can be remembered, but it was already sad at that time!

He carefully folded the handkerchief into his arms, gently picked up the woman, took heavy steps, and walked towards the place where the light came in.

Not long after, he walked out of the cave. In front of him was a beautiful garden. The fragrance of flowers spread to his nose and refreshed people.

On the other side, Mr. Tiangui also came over. At this time, he was already bruised, with many ruptures on his black clothes, and some wounds were still bleeding, but there was an unconcealable hot light in his eyes, because the last pass of the world had been passed by him.