Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 14 Etheopia Protection

"Hahaha, you people are going to die!" Duanmu's eyes were full of fanaticism and laughed. At this time, the two opposite triangular arrays began to close together, and an extremely violent space squeeze came. Duanmu Fengyun and others rushed left and bumped, but they could not escape from this bondage at all. Some people with slightly weak strength were directly squeezed into a blood fog.

After a while, the two triangles that were approaching suddenly moved. Duanmu Fengyun and other people were bound to the space between the two magic arrays and could not move and had fallen into a dead end.

The six men in black were imprinted again, and the magic array seemed to be stretched out by something and quickly expanded. Immediately, together with the space it included, it exploded. Streams of light and shadows flowed down in the air, and Duanmu Fengyun and others exploded so much that there were no bones left.

Looking at this scene, Duanmu broke through the air and smiled for a long time, and then ran madly towards the hall of Duanmu's house. As soon as he came here, he went straight to the main seat of the hall, and then sat up and danced excitedly, with excitement shining in his eyes.

"I'm the head of the family... I am the head of the Duanmu family. Hahaha!" He looked crazy and laughed crazily. At this time, the men in black came over, and one of them took off the mask on his head and showed a beautiful and mature face, which was Zhang Linyu.

"Now that you have become the owner of the Duanmu family, I will satisfy your wish!" Zhang Linyu said in a flat voice.

Duanmu broke the air and calmed down his excitement and said, "Thanks to the success of this matter, sir, I don't know what you want?"

Zhang Linyu smiled, but a cold light flashed in his eyes and said, "I want, your life!"

Duanmu's body suddenly trembled and widened his incredible eyes. At this time, a man in black stretched out his hand, and the arm suddenly became longer and turned into the tentacles of an octopus. On the empty neck of Duanmu, Duanmu's face became distorted because of pain, from red to dark purple. With the force of the eight-footed monster, it didn't take long for him to completely breathe.

Zhang Linyu stepped forward, kicked away his body, sat on the main seat, and took a long breath.

After destroying the two big families of Jinxing, he wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue and destroy Jin Xuanxing's Duanmu family, but when he was about to set out, he got the news that the Duanmu family was guarded by the Yunguang Xuanhuang. It was extremely heavily guarded and difficult to enter from the outside. In a hurry, he had another plan in his heart. After many explorations, he learned that Duanmu Fengyun's uncle Duanmu had coveted the position of the head of the family for a long time and was very ambitious. Therefore, he took advantage of this to secretly contact Duanmu to help him get the position of the head of the family, and then took the opportunity to sneak into the Duanmu family and use the magic array to kill a large number of elders of the Duanmu family. Finally , and then killed Duanmu through the air, but the guardian sent by Yunguang Xuanhuang only cares about the invasion of foreign enemies and doesn't care about the internal affairs of the Duanmu family.

This magic array was left by the Xuanhuang in those years. It is recorded in the realm of Ruosing. After many exercises, it is most suitable to use it skillfully and kill people around the Tianxuan level.

"Let's go!" Zhang Linyu was silent for a moment and got up. At this moment, a ethereal and soft voice came: "Zhang's descendants, it turns out that you have come!"

Zhang Linyu's pupils shrank. He didn't think that there were people here who could still feel the unique breath belonging to their family. Ruoxuzi's face changed and said, "This is the voice of the ethereal protection of the sky. This person's strength is extremely horrible. He is almost invincible under the Xuan Emperor. If I face him, I don't even have a chance of winning. ."

Hearing Ruo Xuzi's words, Zhang Linyu's face also sank slightly. For such an opponent, there was only one strategy, which was to escape quickly.

At this time, a slender, handsome and refined man appeared at the door, gently inciting with a folding fan in his hand. This man had an indifferent look and no expression on his face. Every move gave people a light feeling.

"It is worthy of being the son of Feiyu Xuanhuang. Whether it is scheming or cultivation talent, he is at the top!" Yun Feitian's eyes stopped on Zhang Linyu's body, smiled faintly and praised.

Zhang Linyu said with a strange smile, "Lord Hufa is not simple!" Before he finished speaking, he fled outside like a whirlwind. Naturally, the farther away the enemy, the better.

Yun Feitian was not moved at all. His body floated lightly in the air with the wind, and then took light steps, followed by a few steps to catch up with Zhang Linyu.

The latter was shocked, and the speed of this person has reached a terrible state.

Yun Feitian raised a cold smile at the corners of his mouth and said, "Mr. Zhang, I'm offended!" After saying that, he became a knife with one hand, and his palm was covered with green gas. He slammed down at Zhang Linyu's face door. Where the palm passed, the power of time immediately became disordered, but the space did not change.

"This person's control of time and space has reached the point of perfection!"

aside, Ruoxuzi's voice came. As he spoke, he condensed his whole body and formed a colorful shield in front of Zhang Linyu, which hit Yun Feitian's palm fiercely.

With a huge roar, the light shield broke into countless petals. Yun Feitian was hit and slowly withdrew his palm, but Zhang Linyu sprayed a mouthful of blood and was bombarded out by a strong force.

It turned out that Yun Feitian carried a dark force at the moment of the palm and the light shield. It was this force that penetrated the light shield and bombarded Zhang Linyu's body and seriously injured him.

"Now I have to find a way to delay this person. It's hard for me to withstand his blow!" Zhang Linyu covered his chest and preached to the souls of Ruo Xuzi and others.

At this time, the snake south suddenly turned into a light, got into the world, and then flew with three five-pointed star leaves. It sprinkled these leaves into the clouds, and the three leaves turned into three green light spots and shot out, and a thick green gas spread away, and the clouds flew into the sky. Wrinkle, because the poison contained in this green gas is more than he imagined.

Shenan pulled Zhang Linyu and flew to the distance, "What did you just throw?" Zhang Linyu asked.

The snake flew to the south and said, "The leaves of the ten thousand poisonous fruits in those years, even the ordinary Xuanhuang was afraid of this poison."

Zhang Linyu nodded slowly, looked back and found that there was no trace of Yun Feitian. He breathed a sigh of relief and flew towards the transmission array of Jin Xuanxing.

Zhang Linyu and others galloped all the way and finally came to the vicinity of the transmission array in the evening. It was an empty field. Above the field, seven or eight arrays were staggered. Each array was shining with beautiful light, and several large arrays were full of people.

On both sides of each array, there are two guards standing to maintain the order of the scene. Zhang Linyu's soul detected that the worst strength of these guards is also the strength of the intermediate level of the ground spin, which has a great deterrent for the general people of the mysterious world.

Ruoxuzi patted Zhang Linyu on the shoulder and said, "The transmission array is directly under the Xuan Emperor. The person who dares to make trouble here will not go with the Xuan Emperor."

Zhang Linyu nodded, roughly turned over the map, and found that their next stop was a planet called Purple Moonlight Star. Most of the planet was covered by seawater, and only a small part of the land.

Determined the destination, and he came to the front of the transmission array marked with the purple moonlight star. Because the place was relatively sparsely populated, no one wanted to go there at this moment. The space in the array was quite wide. He handed a golden spirit stone to the guard of the array. The caretaker nodded with satisfaction. Zhang Linyu and others went to the big A blue light suddenly enveloped them, and they felt that the space in front of them became distorted, and the scenery flew away from their eyes.

After about a day, they finally came to the Purple Moonlight Star. As soon as they stepped in here, they felt a fresh and moist breath coming. Zhang Linyu was in a good mood and said with a smile, "In coastal areas, the climate is pleasant."

"But Mr. Zhang is very elegant!" As soon as Zhang Linyu finished speaking, a soft man's voice came into his ears. He felt his scalp explode, and Ruo Xuzi and others's faces also became gloomy. This sudden voice was just Yun Feitian.

Looking in the direction of the sound, Yun Feitian was dressed in an elegant cyan robe and stood lightly. Behind him stood dozens of followers with sharp blades, all of whom had strong strength.

" Mr. Zhang, I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Yun Feitian smiled faintly and said.

Zhang Linyu snorted coldly and said, "It seems that you are very accurate about our departure route!"

"Each other, Mr. Zhang's intention is too clear!" Yun Feitian said with a warm smile on his face.

Zhang Linyu was extremely helpless. In fact, he had expected that Yun Feitian would wait on his way, but he believed that Wan Poisonous Fruit could be delayed for a moment. Even if Yun Feitian had a great magical power, he could not resolve the poison of Wan Poisonous Fruit in a short time.

Therefore, he followed the original route, but he didn't expect that as soon as he took the first step, he entered the encirclement of Yunfeitian.


At this time, Ruo Xuzi's voice sounded in Zhang Linyu's ear again. Zhang Linyu felt his body swinging and rushed into the air lightly. It turned out that Ruo Xuzi was worried that he would be caught up by the enemy too slowly and forcibly fled with his master.

Zhang Linyu's heart is wry, and his strength is still a drag among this group of people.

Yun Feitian followed his entourage closely without any relaxation, but every time they were about to catch up with Zhang Linyu and others, they would slow down a little and always stay close.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Linyu's face became solemn, and a trace of uneasiness came to his heart.