Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 15 escape to the bottom of the sea

flew for a distance, and an endless ocean appeared in front of them. Sea breezes rushed to their faces. The fresh air relieved the tension a little. Zhang Linyu clearly remembered the markings on the map. Through this ocean, it was where the purple moonlight star transmission array was.

Everyone was overjoyed and saw a glimmer of hope, and the speed couldn't help but accelerate a little. However, it didn't take long for them to fly, and a stunned scene appeared.

Yun Feitian stood on the sea, with a smiley expression in front of them. Next to him, a row of attendants lined up into a human wall, almost blocking the whole sea area, and a depressing atmosphere suddenly spread.

"This guy's speed is too fast!" The black dragon's throat rolled a few times and whispered.

Zhang Linyu's cold sweat is also constantly emerging. In the face of opponents like Yun Feitian, he always has a sense of powerlessness.

In their rear, another Yun Feitian came with everyone, and the two Yun Feitian came one after the other, forming an offensive against them.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Linyu's eyes suddenly lit up and his voice was low. He said, "No wonder he can recover from the toxicity of ten thousand poison fruits so quickly. It turns out that what came this time is not his ontology at all, but two bodies."

After Zhang Linyu's point, the rest of the people also suddenly appeared. Tianxuan-level masters often have two or three doppelgangers. These do something instead of the ontology when there is an accident ontology. Generally speaking, the doppelganger is only one level higher than the ontology.

The eight-legged monster pondered for a moment and said, "Yun Feitian's strength has reached the peak of Tianxuan. I'm afraid his split is only the intermediate strength of Tianxuan. We can fight against such an opponent."

Ruoxizi shook his head slowly and said, "Look at the followers around him, which is not the strength of Tianxuan. Once they are besieged, many of us here have no possibility of Survive."

At this time, Yun Feitian's light voice came again: "Mr. Zhang, have you discussed your countermeasures?"

Zhang Linyu said, "Of course it has been discussed. I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort to capture me back."

The two Yun Feitian blinked at the same time and said at the same time, "Mr. Zhang is so confident!"

Zhang Linyu smiled, jumped to the ocean below, splashed a huge wave and disappeared. Ruoxuzi and others also jumped into the sea one after another and quickly dived underground.

The two clouds and the sky sighed together and melted into a person. An attendants came over and said, "Your Excellency, do you need to go to the sea to hunt down?"

Yun Feitian shook his head and said, "The earth is in the sea and can only live for four days. Since we are here, why wait for four days? Now that the enemy is in the dark, we will rush in, but it will be easy to fall into their trap and increase casualties.

In the sea, Zhang Linyu has gathered with Ruoxuzi and others, and the black dragon and the eight-legged monster have turned into a body, carrying everyone through the sea quickly.

The light of the sun shines from the air, adding a touch of light to the world in the sea. Colorful fish shuttle through the corals, and from time to time there are a few big fish to grab prey.

Zhang Linyu lay on the back of the black dragon. As soon as he entered the sea, he felt a feeling of difficulty breathing. He understood that according to his own strength, he would never stay in the world at the bottom of the sea for four days.

Ruoxuzi also had a look of disappointment on her face and said, "Master, Yun Feitian and others have not chased it down. It seems that our method of setting an ambush in the sea will not work."

Zhang Linyu nodded helplessly and immediately asked, "If I hide in the world of need, how long can I stay at the bottom of the sea?"

Ruo Xuzi pondered for a moment and looked solemnly and said, "Although the world can produce its own energy, it can't produce its own oxygen, so it can only be maintained by absorbing the outside world. In the sea, if the world can't absorb external oxygen, if the owner enters, I'm afraid it won't last for a day."

"Damn!" Zhang Linyu clenched his fist tightly and said angrily. He expected that at this moment, Yun Feitian had blocked the whole coast. As soon as they came out of the sea, they would attract the enemy's siege. Now, the only way is to stay in the sea as long as they can last.

At this time, the eight-legged monster who became an ontology suddenly said, "Master, I feel that oxygen is constantly releasing somewhere at the bottom of the sea."

Zhang Linyu's spirit is revived, and a trace of joy surges into his heart. The eight-legged monster grows in the sea, and his perception of the sea is naturally stronger than others.

"Let's go and have a look!" Zhang Linyu said in a low voice. The eight-legged monster carried a group of people to dive quickly. Before long, they stopped on an empty flat ground at the bottom of the sea. What came into their eyes was a magnificent palace. In this palace, each building was as high as three floors and was made of colorful glazed tiles. Looking from afar Rows of exquisite sculptures are arranged on both sides of the gate, as if they were welcoming some guests.

"Oxygen comes from here!" Eight-legged strangely said, while talking, he had turned into a human form, and the black dragon also changed.

Zhang Linyu observed around and strode towards the palace, but after a few steps, he was pulled by the old man of Tsinghua. The latter's voice was hoarse and reminded: "I just took a general look at the pattern of the palace above. The pattern of this palace is an inverted gossip. According to feng shui, this pattern Tombs are easy to go wrong.

Zhang Linyu frowned and said in surprise, "How can you be sure that this palace is a tomb?"

The old man from Tsinghua said, "I have been guarding the tomb for thousands of years. Naturally, the smell of those corpses is very **, and this palace is full of yin that only dead bodies can emit."

Zhang Linyu nodded thoughtfully. The old man of Tsinghua University can be said to be an experts in this field. His intuition is usually not wrong.

After a long silence, Zhang Linyu said, "If we continue to hesitate like this, we will definitely be buried in this deep sea. Since there is oxygen from this tomb, it says that our only way to live. No matter what is in it, we must break through. I want to die here than in the hands of Yunguang Xuanhuang. It's much stronger."

After listening to Zhang Linyu's words, everyone did not raise much objection, so the group walked forward quickly under the leadership of Zhang Linyu.

As soon as they stepped here, everyone was surprised to find that the ground here was very dry, not like it had been soaked in seawater at all, and the walls were not mottled. Within the scope of this palace, not a drop of seawater penetrated in.

"Look at the top!" At this time, the sound of the snake south sounded, and everyone looked up and saw that the top of their heads was covered with a huge circular array, which included the whole palace from the erosion of the sea.

"It's really a magic work!" Zhang Linyu stroked his palm and praised. After a few steps, they had come near the statue. There was an corridor in the center of the two rows of statues. At the other end of the corridor was a closed gate.

Most of these statues are monsters, which look ferocious and terrible. At a glance, there is a feeling of chill on their backs. Now Zhang Linyu and others can't take care of these. This sea base palace is their life-saving straw, and they will break it anyway.

K... Ka..

At this time, a strange sound came. The statues standing on both sides of the crowd moved like a living thing, holding a sharp blade and attacking the crowd. Dazzling colorful lights kept flashing. Zhang Linyu roughly sensed that every statue here actually had the strength of the ground level. .

There are indeed a lot of articles!" Zhang Linyu sneered and said that the moon cloud sword shot a golden blade of light and heavily bombarded a statue that attacked him. The statue suddenly broke into countless petals and scattered to the ground.

However, the broken statue suddenly reassembled and launched an offensive again. The power of this attack is one level higher than just now.

Everyone's faces have changed greatly. In this way, they are fighting with a group of immortal enemies. For a long time, they will not die in battle and will be exhausted.

Zhang Linyu's figure suddenly moved, jumped high, and his eyes swept around. He found that a stone at the foot of the snake south had a special feeling, which was different from other stones.

Zhang Linyu shouted, "Snake South, move your feet away!" Although he didn't understand what Zhang Linyu meant, he still did so. As he moved, all the statues were reset, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet, as if nothing had happened.

"It turned out to be a false alarm!" His eight feet stroked his chest and smiled, not looking at the south of the snake with joking eyes.

Zhang Linyu fell from the air and said, "The stone that the snake stepped on is actually the mechanism that opens these statues. The position of this mechanism is very inconspicuous to prevent intruders from entering."

Ruoxuzi looked ahead and said, "Let's go. It seems that this tomb is not a fuel-efficient lamp!"

Everyone walked forward. Not long after, they came to the front of the gate. Zhang Linyu looked up at the gate a few feet high, with a dull look on his face. In the middle of the door, there was an oil painting of a giant beast. This giant beast, with a giant snake with five snake heads, was coiled around and could not see the length clearly. Seeing this picture, the rest of the people also fell into thought.

Only the black dragon couldn't calm down. He looked around the gate and looked particularly irritable. Suddenly, his hand inadvertently touched the giant snake on the gate. Suddenly, the gate trembled violently, ripples of energy spread out, and everyone's feet cracked a few feet deep. The crack.