Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 19 Array

Zhang Linyu did not stay too much in the Ziming Xuanjie and flew out with the Zixuan immortals. Ruoxuzi and others also marveled when they heard the legendary experience of the Zixuan immortals. This is the first time that even the older generation of Xuanjie residents like him have heard of this kind of thing.

He recounted his great achievements, and the purple fairy still felt unsatisfied and asked, "By the way, how did you run into my palace?"

Jiangchuan, who was beside him, sighed softly and told how he had a grudge against the three families and how he was killed by Yun Feitian. After hearing this, Zixuan Xianren frowned and said, "Tianxuan Peak... Now even if I control the puppet, I can't deal with it at all, but I have created several big arrays to ensure that you are foolproof!"

"Oh?" Zhang Linyu's eyes lit up and said, "Where is that array now?"

"Please come with me!" Zixuan Fairy laughed, and his voice was much more humble than just now.

The people followed him all the way, bypassing the organs one by one, and finally stopped in front of an attic, which was only two floors shorter than the one they had just left.

Stepping into the attic, he found that it was full of bookshelves. Zixuan Xianren hesitated for a moment and turned over the largest bookshelf. Soon, an excited voice came out: "It's really here!" With that, he took out a yellowed blue book, which was only dozens of pages thin and covered with dust, which looked very inconspicuous.

Zhang Linyu opened the book and found that the four major arrays recorded in the book were Qinglong, White Tiger, Rosefinch and Xuanwu. Among them, the Qinglong array had the strongest attack, the rosefinch array was the fastest, the Xuanwu array had the highest defense, and the White Tiger Array was both offensive and defensive. Zhang Linyu turned over the four arrays and found that the four major arrays were all changed. Fantasy, flexible and diverse, can be called unpredictable, and every array is difficult to practice.

Zixuan Xianren seemed to see what Zhang Linyu was thinking and said, "Each formation should be composed of six people, and its strength is not limited. You choose the manpower first, and I guarantee that they will successfully practice this array within three days!"

"Three days, are you confident?" Zhang Linyu asked in a low voice, and his expression became much more serious.

Zixuan Immortal put his hands on his chest and said as if nothing had happened, "Three days, I also estimated that some people are not talented enough. If it goes well, two days will be enough!"

"Okay, I'll leave it to you!" Zhang Linyu nodded and said, "Six people stayed to practice these four arrays, and the remaining one went out with me to kill some monsters!"

Everyone agreed. Under the arrangement of Zhang Linyu and Zixuan Immortals, Ruozi, Eight-legged Monster, Black Dragon, Hua Lao Monster, Grave keeper and Jiang Chuan were left in the palace to practice the formation. Snake South followed Zhang Linyu and rushed into the deep sea. First, Zhang Linyu's goal was to improve his strength as soon as possible and kill the monster Duo Neidan, no Suspicion is a shortcut to improve strength.

Three days later, the wind and waves on the sea were calm, and figures kept passing over the sea. A powerful soul force almost covered the whole sea. On the soft beach, the clouds sat cross-legged in the sky, and Zhang Linyu swept the sea from time to time, which was quite comfortable. At this time, his two points He has been punished by him several times. This cloud flying sky is exactly the body when it first met Zhang Linyu.

At this time, a subordinate came over and said, "Your Excellency, now three days have passed, and Zhang Linyu and others still haven't seen any movement."

Yun Feitian waved his hand faintly and said, "Don't worry... They are about to come out!"

The next moment, a huge wave raised on the sea, and then several figures surfaced. It was Zhang Linyu and his party. At this time, Ruo Zi and other six people divided into six directions and stood in a hexagon. Zhang Linyu, Snake South, and Zixuan Xianren stood in the center.

Yun Feitian suddenly stood up, smiled warmly and said, "I still can't help coming out..." As he spoke, a nearly substantial green energy whirlwind flew out of his sleeve robe and swept over Zhang Linyu and others with shocking waves. At the same time, his men also took action one after another. For a moment, the huge waves on the sea were fierce, the light was flying, and the space was constantly shattered.

Zhang Linyu didn't say much to him and gave Ruo Xuzi and others a wink. The people on the periphery began to quickly attract. Before long, a virtual shadow of a huge turtle appeared above their heads, and the hard turtle shell was like a towering mountain, blocking all attacks.

Yun Feitian's face changed and waved to his subordinates to keep attacking. He gently twisted a spell. Then, most of the sea was frantically stirred by a strange force. Immediately, columns of water rose to the sky and circled and condensed in the air. In a moment, it turned into a hundred feet. The big sea dragon, this dragon made a sharp dragon sound and roared at Zhang Linyu and others. For a moment, the sea rolled more violently.

The virtual shadow of the giant turtle was covered with a layer of earthy yellow luster, and the stripes on the turtle shell also seemed clearer. With a loud noise, the water dragon hit the giant turtle heavily, and hundreds of feet of huge waves splashed up. As the water dragon slapped down, the attack continued for a moment. The water dragon turned into a mass of water vapor and dissipated in the ocean, and the water surface became much calmer.

However, the shadow of the giant turtle covering Zhang Linyu and others seems to have no hand affected at all, and there are no cracks.

Seeing this scene, Yun Feitian's calm face also changed. If Xuzi and others's fingerprints changed rapidly, the virtual shadow of the giant turtle turned into an equally huge rosefinch. The rosefinch carried the crowd and made a name, like an arrow, flying in the direction of the transmission array, which was so fast. People are suffocated, and some people with slightly poor skills can't even see how it flew away.

"Chasing!" Yun Feitian shouted and caught up with him first, and the rest of his subordinates followed closely, but no matter how hard they tried, the gap was still widening.

Yun Feitian gritted his teeth, took out an elixir and put it in his mouth. Suddenly, his speed was dozens of times faster than just now. In a moment, the gap was shortened by a lot.

However, just as he was about to catch up with Zhang Linyu and others, the rosefinch accelerated again and threw it away again. Yun Feitian still chased after him, but still did not shorten the distance.

After a while, they came to the area where the teleportation array was located. Under the control of Ruoxuzi and others, the rosefinch quickly dived down and landed next to a teleportation array. Zhang Linyu lost a golden spiritual stone at will and hurried to the array.

Not long after, Yun Feitian came here and looked at Zhang Linyu and others who were about to leave. He was anxious and a green light covered his hand. However, before he could make a move, he suddenly found that the virtual shadow of the rosefinch under Zhang Linyu and others did not know what it was. At that time, it had turned into a green dragon. This green dragon twisted its body and rushed out. Where the dragon passed, the ground was overturned, and countless reported energy storms swept around. The dazzling dark green light filled the whole sky, and many guards of the transmission array were shocked to spit blood and die.

Feering the roaring violent breath, Yun Feitian knew what was wrong and turned around and ran away. However, the green dragon caught up with it and collided with Yun Feitian.


The space within a radius of dozens of miles burst open like a mirror, and many mountains were razed to the ground. None of the subordinates who had just arrived were spared. They were strangled by the rolling energy beams. In the light that flew all over the sky, a person with a bombed face that was not covered with scales fell heavily. On the ground, it is the clouds flying in the sky.

At this time, Zhang Linyu and others had already been transmitted to another planet.