Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 24 Planning

Suddenly, the Zixuan Fairy seemed to have regained his strength, and vast energy surged out of him. The abdomen of the silver snake quickly expanded, and Ouyang Bo's faces became paler and paler.


A terrible explosion sounded, and the white tiger turned into a mass of light, shining and rushed out of the belly of the silver snake. The latter turned into a little shadow. After a moment, it dissipated. The white tiger let out a shocking roar and rushed to Ouyang Bo. Ouyang Bo's body suddenly retreated and tried to use his speed to avoid this blow. At the same time, the viper appeared in front of him and rushed up to the white tiger. The white tiger stretched forward, and its claws were like sharp knives, with a column of blood, cutting off his head.

Ouyang Bo had just stood still and was about to take a breath. Suddenly, he felt a pain in his chest. He looked down and saw that a brown-gray sword had entered his body silently. He trembled and turned around and saw Zhang Linyu standing behind him, holding a sword in his hand and looking at him with a smile. What he was holding in his hand was extinguished. Soul sword.

"Today, I will use your master's sword to send you on the road!" Zhang Linyu sneered and immediately injected a spiritual power into the sword body. Ouyang Bo was seriously injured and was injured by the magic soldier. He had no power to fight back at all. His soul had a pain and made a painful moan. His seven orifices were bleeding and his body collapsed.

Zhang Linyu kicked Ouyangbo's body away, hurried to the purple fairy and said, "What kind of medicine did you take just now?"

The corners of Zixuan Fairy's mouth were white, and his lips trembled. He said, "That's Tongtianwan. It can be said that a person's strength has been instantly upgraded to Tianxuan's realm, but it is also very powerful to eat back to the body. Now, I must enter the world to recuperate!" After saying that, he quickly disappeared from the sight of the crowd.

Zhang Linyu put away all the treasures, smiled with satisfaction, and asked the eight-legged monster beside him, "It seems that this Yunguang Xuanhuang has helped me a lot again!"

The eight-legged monster looked melancholy and said, "Master, what should we do next? We are so swaggering here that it will definitely attract the attention of the Xuan Emperor Yunguang. He will definitely send someone here to surround and kill!"

Zhang Linyu had a confident expression and asked, "If you were the Xuanhuang of Yunguang, what would you do?"

The eight-legged monster pondered for a moment and said, "As soon as this happens, it undoubtedly exposes your whereabouts, so people with a little foresight will expect that you will not stay on this planet for a long time, and you will definitely escape to another planet as soon as possible. It is the most reasonable arrangement to round you on the planet around Ruoyu Star."

Zhang Linyu said, "Yes, in this way, his troops will all be scattered to other planets. We will be here to change our appearance, hide our breath, keep our troops still, and then do something big to prove that we are still here and attract his attention. At that time, the pursuers on other planets will When we gather together, we will be sure to rush out of the twelve states of Yunguang.

The eight-legged monster suddenly said, "This is really a dangerous move, but if you don't have enough information about your strategy, it is difficult to grasp the other party's movements and take the wrong step, but you lose all the game!"


Zhang Linyu smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have my own opinion!" After saying that, regardless of the still surprised expression of the eight-legged monster, he turned into a light, got into the purple mysterious ring, and followed the previous road to the simplest workshop in the ring world.

Junfei has been waiting here for a long time. As soon as he saw Zhang Linyu coming, he hurried forward and asked, "Master, is the wood palm oil fallen?"

Zhang Linyu handed over the bucket of wood palm oil and said, "Give me more things for reconnaissance. Remember, the more the better!"

Junfei nodded heavily, got into the workshop, and began to be busy with several members of the dwarf family. Before long, wooden birds and insects were sent out of the workshop. Zhang Linyu was stunned. These wooden products were carved vividly like living things.

At this time, Junfei came out, lifted the back cover of these wooden products, divided the wood palm oil into several parts, and poured them into them. These animals flew into the air one after another. At a glance, it was difficult to distinguish whether it was true or false.

Junfei scratched his head and said, "These wooden puppets have the function of remembering information. Wood palm oil is to supply them with raw materials for activities. Under the condition of sufficient raw materials, a wooden puppet can detect intelligence on a mysterious planet."

Zhang Linyu smiled with satisfaction and scattered all the puppets that had been created and mixed them into other similar creatures.

At this moment, there is silence in the Yunguang Xuanhuang Palace!

Yunguang Xuanhuang on the seat threw a wine glass to the ground heavily, his voice was low, like the roar of a beast, and said, "Now, Yun Feitian is dead, Ouyang Bo is dead, who else is under my command?"

The people under the seat were silent, and no one dared to reply.

After a while, Yunguang Xuanhuang slowly exhaled a turbid breath, and his anger eased slightly. He said, "Go on the order, block and search all the planets around Ruoyuxing, find suspicious people, and catch them on the spot!"

At this time, a man in purple took a step forward and hugged his fist and said, "Your Highness, do you want to block Ruo Yuxing?"

Emperor Yunguang was silent for a moment and shook his head and said, "Well, they will definitely not stay in Ruoyuxing. After this matter, I'm afraid they will leave immediately. I'm afraid it's a waste of manpower for us to leave people there."

The man in purple robe shook his head and said, "The other party is tricky, and there are many strong people such as Ruo Zi to help him. Maybe he will be surprised and can't help it!"

Yunguang Xuanhuang thought for a moment and said, "Since there are still such concerns, if Yuxing's defense, I will leave it to you!"

The man in purple nodded slowly, and a bloodthirsty light flashed through his eyes.

At this moment, in the rain star, Zhang Linyu lay in a leisurely appearance, in the world of Ruoxu, with a little complicated eyes, looking at the sky and recalling some things in those years.

At this time, Mu Cangqing came over and said, "Young master, most of the wooden puppets you released have come back now, and the information has been basically completed."

Zhang Linyu's expression became serious and said, "What did you find?"

Mu Cangqing said slowly: "Ruoyuxing's guard is indeed weaker than several surrounding planets, but it is not completely. Now the one who is sent to manage Ruoyuxing is the military division of Ruo Xuanhuang, Situ Chen, known as the bloodthirsty protector. Although this person only has the primary strength of Tianxuan, he is full of tricks, in Yunguangshi. The status of the two states is even higher than that of Yun Feitian.

Zhang Linyu's face was a little solemn. He pondered for a moment and said, "Let's act according to the plan. Now, he doesn't know where we are. Let's attract the other party's attention to Ruoyuxing first!"

Mu Cangqing nodded and said, "Now, this strategy is the most feasible, but what is your next goal?"

Zhang Linyu opened a map casually, his eyes lit up, pointed to a place, and said, "That's right here, Ruoyu Casino. After all, this place is an entertainment place, and the guards will not be too strict, and the place where it is located is the tallest building in Ruoyu Star."

Mu Cangqing thought for a moment, nodded and smiled, and said, "Young master is wise!"

The skylight sank and the night came quietly.

However, unlike other places, the whole Rain Star is still brightly lit, the streets are full of people, and the sound of hawking is endless, which is no different from the day.

The tallest building in Ruoyuxing is called Tianxing Tower. Among the Tianxing Tower, it operates many sounds, among which the largest and most famous is Ruoyu Casino, which occupies almost two-thirds of the floors of Tianxing Tower.

At this moment, in the largest hall of Ruoyu Casino, an old man in cyan clothes, with an excited look and hot eyes, stared closely at the flying dice, and kept muttering: "Big... Big..." Looking at its appearance, who is the purple fairy in the world?

Next to him, there are many people. Their eyes are no different from him, and their faces are full of nervous and excited expressions. Opposite him stands a strong man with tattoos all over his body. The expression on his face is very ugly. This man is very famous in Ruoyuxing, because he is Ruoyuxing's biggest gang. The young master of the Blood Wolf Gang.

At this time, the speed of the rotation of the two dice gradually slowed down, and everyone's nerves became tense. Then, the purple fairy shouted excitedly: "Haha... I won..."

With that, he put all the chips piled up like a hill in front of him into his arms. The strong man finally couldn't hold back the anger in his heart. His ferocious and horrible tattoo trembled gently with his muscles. He immediately roared angrily, rushed forward, grabbed the collar of the purple fairy, and said, "Kid boy , so you cheated!"

While talking, the people behind him also rushed up and pulled out their machetes one after another. For a moment, the cold light flashed in the hall and screamed repeatedly.

Zixuan Xianren had a hippie smile on his face and waved his hand and said, "Hey, as the saying goes, he is willing to gamble and lose. Didn't your father teach you when he was a child?"

Hearing the other party's mockery, the young master became more angry, waved his machete and cut up fiercely at the purple fairy. However, at this moment, the hall, which had just been brightly lit, suddenly fell into a darkness where he could not see five fingers. It was faintly seen that figures passed through the air, and dying screams continued. Ringing.

Not long after, the lights lit up again, but the hall fell into a dead silence. The ground was bleeding like a river, and the broken arms were scattered everywhere. Several figures jumped out of the window out of the window. Just now, the menacious bloody wolf gang has become incomplete corpses.