Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 33 Father and son meet

Zhang Linyu nodded slowly and glanced at the embarrassed Zhang Linfei. His long sword soared in the air and hovered above his head. His hands quickly knotted, and Zhang Linfei's face changed greatly. He found that he had fallen into a dark world at some point.

"This is an illusion... This is an illusion..." He desperately reminded himself in his heart, but the next scene stunned him even more.

A brilliant golden light rotated in the air and turned into a golden moon. At the same time, another golden light rose to the sky and flew around the sky. With Zhang Linyu's handprints changing shape, it finally turned into a bright star.

Zhang's swordsmanship, bright moon and solitary star!

Zhang Linfei could hardly believe his eyes. None of his brothers and sisters could practice this move, but it was skillfully used by the man in front of him.

Zhang Linyu sneered at the corners of his mouth. The lonely stars and bright moon were far away in the dark sky. Zhang Linfei's trembling suddenly stopped. He clearly felt that a huge and strange force imprisoned the space and even made every move he made very difficult.

"No..." Zhang Linfei let out a hysterical scream, and vaguely, he seemed to see Death waving a bloody sickle at him. This time, he really felt the threat of death.

I have to say that Zhang Linyu's control of illusion has reached the point of perfection. He has been able to apply illusion to various moves to achieve the strongest effect

However, the dark space where Zhang Linfei was located suddenly twisted strangely and immediately returned to its original state. Zhang Linfei held his head and knelt down on the ground pale, as if he had seen something extremely terrible.

The old man in green shirt stood in front of Zhang Linyu and said, " Stop it. You won this game."

Zhang Linyu slowly withdrew his sword and said, "Is it you who stopped me from taking a move just now?"

The old man in green shirt said, "Yes, Lord Xuanhuang doesn't want to see his children kill each other."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

At this moment, three crisp applause came, and a man dressed in plain white was standing at the entrance of the garden, looking at the crowd with a smile.

Zhang Linyu felt a burst of excitement in his heart, and a sense of intimacy from blood spread all over his body in an instant. His nose was sore, his body trembled gently, and his eyes became blurred for some reason. His heart seemed to be gently summoned by something...

All the ministers present hurriedly bowed down and said in unison, "Lord Xuanhuang."

The person in front of him is Zhang Linyu's biological father, Feiyu Xuanhuang, Zhang Yufei!


A clear sound came out. Zhang Linfei's body flew backwards like a bird with broken wings, glided for a distance on the ground, and finally hit the wall heavily. A red palm print appeared on his face, but no one saw Zhang Yufei do it.

"Your life is so leisurely during my absence." Zhang Yufei's eyes swept over the princes and princesses, with a faint irony in his voice.

Everyone is so cold, their heads are bowed, and they dare not take a breath.

At this time, a beautiful woman in white flashed in front of Zhang Linfei, lifted him up and said, "Who is the wild woman?" Who is a bastard?

Zhang Linfei covered his red cheek, was speechless for a moment, and replied hesitantly, "Queen Mother... I... I..."

The woman's pretty face was covered with frost, threw Zhang Linfei on the ground and said coldly, "Listen to your father's fall."

Zhang Linfei suddenly lowered his arrogant head like a frosted eggplant.

On the other side, Zhang Yufei's voice contained irresistible majesty and said, "Except Zhang Linfei, all the princes and princesses involved in this incident have been thinking about it for a year."

Hearing this, everyone present changed their color. The environment of the place where the royal family thought about it was unusually bad.

"Zhang Linfei has been thinking about the wall for three years, and every three months, he is roasted by a heavenly disaster!" Zhang Yufei ignored the surprised expressions of the crowd and continued.

Zhang Linfei's body shook, lowered his head, and couldn't say a word.

Subsequently, under Zhang Yufei's order, everyone retreated. In the empty garden, only Zhang Linyu and his son and the woman in white were left.

"When you were still a baby, I fought with you in my arms." The woman in white looked at Zhang Linyu and smiled, "This woman is Li Yuehua."

Zhang Linyu nodded, with a grateful look in his eyes and said, "Li Tianya and Chu Yuezhi have let me know about this matter."

Zhang Yufei sighed, put his hand on Zhang Linyu's shoulder and said, "Son, you have suffered over the years."

Zhang Linyu shook his head faintly and said, "You were the one with a golden mask in Shushan, right?"

"Not bad!" Zhang Yufei nodded and said, "At that time, when I met you, I thought about improving your skills more than once, so as to break your fate and fly to the world as soon as possible. However, at that time, because of the influence of Shangguan Mu and others, you were too angry. If you rashly improve your strength, you will definitely be unstable and your future development. It's harmful but not beneficial, so I retreat and ask you to practice by yourself and break your fate.

"So that's it!" Zhang Linyu nodded and felt that Zhang Yufei was also well-intentioned for himself.

Li Yuehua interrupted and said, "Your father is very concerned about you. Once, you fought against nearly 100 heavenly strong men in the imperial capital. They were seriously injured and their lives were in danger. Your father opened the boundary with his own hands and went to the human world with me to meet you. Once, you met in the process of crossing the sky to Qitian level. Bottleneck, your father is busy with affairs, so send me down to secretly help you break through.

Zhang Linyu's eyes couldn't help getting wet, and a strange feeling surged up in his heart.

Is this feeling called home?

Zhang Yufei smiled and said, "The reason why I risked the world to appoint you to inherit the throne is because your mother, in these years, I have tried countless ways to change my life against the sky and tried to resurrect your mother, but to help. I have too much guilt about you mother and son. Previously, I was a little worried about your ability, but after watching your battle just now, I was much relieved about you. Whether you are fierce or decisive in doing things, you deserve the title of Xuanhuang.

"You are wrong!" Zhang Linyu whispered that Li Yuehua's beautiful eyes were also colorful, and she was also very happy about Zhang Linyu's performance just now.

Referring to the battle just now, Zhang Linyu hurriedly changed the topic and said, "Why is my Zhang's swordsmanship different from your Zhang's swordsmanship?"

Zhang Yufei pondered for a moment and said, "There are two records of Zhang's swordsmanship. One is the generational transmission of the family's ancient books and the other is the carving records of Zhang's cave. Originally, the swordsmanship recorded in these two places were the same, but later, it changed because of one thing. It is said that there is only one descendant of the Zhang family in each generation. It was inherited by the children of Zhengfang, the successor of the previous generation, but unfortunately, there was a generation of descendants of the Zhang family who gave birth to twin brothers, the eldest named Zhang Yunjie and the youngest named Zhang Yunfeng.

"Zhang Yunjie?" Zhang Linyu was surprised, "Is that the best descendant of the Zhang family since ancient times?"

"Exact!" Zhang Linyu nodded and said, "According to the principle of giving priority to the eldest son, the inheritance of the family falls on the boss Zhang Yunjie, but Zhang Yunfeng is more talented. He is very dissatisfied with this matter. Regardless of his brotherhood, he has designed to frame Zhang Yunjie many times. Zhang Yunjie couldn't stand it and sealed Zhang Yunfeng in Zhang's cave, but this son is heaven. With different resources, when he had nothing to do in the cave, he began to refer to Zhang's swordsmanship, and he would roughen the essence and correct the fancy and impractical parts of the swordsmanship. Finally, a new Zhang's skill was formed. After that, he destroyed all the skills originally carved on the wall and carved his own masterpiece.

Although the descendants of the Zhang family have been to the cave and have seen the improved skills, because the original skills have been formed, they can't practice new ones, so they have no choice but to give up. However, by chance, you have learned this set of skills. I have to say that it is hard to violate God's will.

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