Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 89 War Breaks out

In Feiyu Xuanhuang Palace, Zhang Yufei listened to Zhang Linyu's narrative and fell into meditation. After a long time, he slowly said, "It is indeed a good choice to take the opportunity to attack the twelve states of Yunguang and fight quickly. However, there are still two unknown factors in this matter. One is that the attitude of the Osland world is not clear, and I am afraid of war. After the beginning, they blocked both sides and suffered losses. Second, the strength of the Star clan is extremely strong, which will cause great losses to us.

After hearing this, Zhang Linyu nodded and said, "Your father has a long-term vision. I didn't think of this layer just now!"

Zhang Yufei smiled and said, "It's normal for young people to have a feverish mind when they see opportunities. It may not be a good thing to think about everything."

Zhang Linyu was silent for a moment and said, "I think Yunguang Xuanhuang and the Star clan are in the same spirit, and the anti-sky array is destroyed. They will certainly not sit idly by. If they go to war with the Osland world, won't our opportunity come?"

Zhang Yufei smiled happily and then said, "How do you think we can make the two go to war?"

Zhang Linyu said, "The destruction of the anti-sky array should be classified for the Star clan. We publicized that the anti-sky array was taken away by the demon emperor, which made the people of the Star clan panic. The military and civilians at the bottom will put pressure on the high-level officials. In this way, it is not far from the outbreak of war."

Zhang Yufei said, "This plan is feasible. I will make people ready. You can retreat first."

On the third day, as soon as Zhang Linyu got up, Niu Kun came to his residence anxiously and said, "Master, the Osland world and the Star clan are at war. The battlefield is in the black ice field. The Xuanhuang asked you to go there."

Zhang Linyu was overjoyed and quickly walked in the direction of the council chamber.

At this moment, the hall was full of people. On the wall, there was a huge topographic map of the twelve states. Zhang Linyu looked around and saw six generals standing respectfully. Feiyu Xuanhuang's army was once divided into six. The six people were the commanders of the six armies. Everyone had the strength of Xuanhuang level.

When Zhang Yufei saw that the people had arrived, he said loudly, "This war must end quickly and try our best to reduce casualties. The six generals led their troops to surround the whole twelve states of Yunguang and attract the Yunguang Guards out. Yuer led a small team to seize the gap, go straight into his capital and try to win it at one fell swoop!" With that, he made six marks on the edge of the twelve states of Yunguang and said, "Six generals must first capture these six areas, and then echo each other, take all the borders of the twelve states of Yunguang, form an encirclement, and form a front to attract most of the enemies, and give Yuer a good opportunity!"

Zhang Linyu nodded slowly. These six areas can almost surround the whole twelve states of Yunguang, and the distance is not far. One place is tight, and the other place can be quickly reinforced. It can be seen that Zhang Yufei has made full preparations for this battle.

Zhang Yufei sighed softly: "Our war with the Osland world is coming. Please bear in mind that even if this battle fails, there can't be too many casualties. If this tactic is difficult to work, withdraw immediately. The general strategy is like this. You can discuss the specific steps and arrange the results tomorrow evening. Know me!"

"Yes!" Everyone said in unison.

After leading the other generals away, Zhang Yufei left Zhang Linyu and said, "Yuer, you are the key to success in this operation, so you must be careful. How many people are you going to take there?"

Zhang Linyu pondered for a moment and said, "In this raid, it is easy to expose the target if the number of people increases. I can take 100 elite soldiers, and then try to enter their capital and assassinate the ministers secretly. When the time comes, I will cooperate with the rest of the generals, and I can definitely attack it in one fell swoop. As for Yunguang Xuanhuang, Give it to Zixuan Fairy and Yue Tianjian to deal with it!"

Zhang Yufei nodded and said, "Since you have made arrangements, my Fox Guard will let you dispatch!" With that, he handed him a token.

Zhang Linyu said solemnly, "Children must live up to their mission!"

The Tianhu Guard is Zhang Yufei's direct army, with a total of 100 people. All the members of the team are elites. The most powerful strength has reached the peak of the three-turn Tianxuan, and the weakest is also Tianxuan Junior. Although it is slightly insufficient compared with the Demon Emperor's Magic Dragon Guard, it is also a very powerful existence in the Xuanjie.

Zhang Linyu took the token and came to the garrison of the Tianhu Guard. Several generals hurried up and bowed. Zhang Linyu waved his hand and greeted everyone to a secret room to elaborate on the plan of the operation.

Seeing that everyone did not raise any objection, Zhang Linyu said, "From today on, I will take over the Tianhu Guard. You must obey my orders. Now, I will divide the Guard into four teams, each of which is 25 people, led by my people!"

As his words fell, there was a whisper in the secret room, but it became quiet for a moment. A general stood in front of the guard and made a few gestures, and the crowd stood neatly into four squares.

Zhang Linyu nodded with satisfaction. According to reason, it is a taboo for soldiers to change generals before the war, but the Sky Fox Guard is an exception. The purpose of this unit is war and obedience. Even if the order is wrong, they will persistently implement it.

Zhang Linyu summoned Ruoxuzi, Niu Kun, Snake South and Black Dragon from the world and led four teams respectively. The strength of these four people has reached the peak of Tianxuan and can barely bear the burden. Most importantly, all four have commanded the war between Ruo Xu Xuanhuang and Yunguang Xuanhuang and have certain experience.

Everything was arranged. Zhang Linyu was slightly relieved and said, "Let's go back and rest. We will leave tomorrow morning!"

Everyone agreed in unison and dispersed neatly.

Two days later, the war of Yunguang 12 broke out in an all-round way. Zhang Yufei's army easily captured the six designated areas, and the encirclement gradually formed. Yunguang Xuanhuang had no choice but to mobilize the guards to the border, and the war intensified. In these days, although there was no tasks of Zhang Linyu and the Sky Fox Guard, The former was not idle. He used the inner elixir of the ice centipede to become a yin attribute split, and his strength reached the peak of five-turn Tianxuan.

On the fifth day of the war, two-thirds of the Yunguang Guards had fallen into the border war. Zhang Linyu stood in front of a map, and Ruo Xuzi and four others were on both sides.

Zhang Linyu pointed to the golden star on the map and said, "We set out today. In order to prevent the target from being too big to be discovered, four teams will act separately and meet in the golden star transmission array!"

Ruo Xuzi said in a low voice, "In this way, the first team to arrive must attack the transmission array."

Zhang Linyu nodded and said, "Yes, so I'm going to join your team, take the nearest route, and try to win the transmission array in a short time!"

Everyone agreed in unison and prepared to go.

On a quiet night, there is no moon and no stars, and the cold wind passes by.

A team of shadows quietly set out from the camp and took advantage of the night. Shortly after they left, several teams followed their footsteps, but the route of action was different.

This place is not too far from Jinxing. At the speed of Zhang Linyu and others, they can reach it overnight. If they want to enter the hinterland of Yunguang Twelve States, Jinxing is the only way.

As soon as the sky broke, Zhang Linyu's team took the lead in arriving near the transmission array of the golden star. Zhang Linyu gestured to the people behind them to find a place to hide. He scattered the power of his soul and explored it carefully. He found that the strongest guard in the array turned to be the peak of the second turn of Tianxuan.

"After all, during the war, the teleport array is so heavily guarded!" Zhang Linyu muttered in a low voice, but he didn't think so at all. He made a motionless gesture to the people behind him and came to Ruo Xuzi's ear and said, "Wait now. I'll go to do the peak of the second turn of Tianxuan first. Later, the sword light will be the number!"

Ruo Xuzi nodded gently, Zhang Linyu turned into a streamer, rushed into the transmission array, and determined the tent where the other party lived. The golden light was flourishing on the moon cloud sword, and the two golden light masses chased each other one after another.


The tent broke into countless petals, and a bruised body was thrown into the sky, and then fell heavily without breath.

The rest also noticed the situation here and rushed out of the tent. Zhang Linyu pointed to the sky with his long sword. As soon as the golden sword light rose to the sky, dozens of people in black did not know where to kill them. In an instant, they slaughtered all the guards in the teleport array.

Then, all three troops came. After about an hour, all the troops arrived. Zhang Linyu asked the Tianhu Guard to wait outside, and he took the four Ruoxenzi into the world.

As soon as Zhang Linyu moved his finger, a huge map appeared in the sky of Xujie. Zhang Linyu pointed to a city and said, "This is called Golden Moon Star. The transmission array of this planet is in Ziyun City. As far as I know, the whole city is under martial law, and even a fly can't fly in. We must control it in the city. Create chaos, let the gate open, and then take advantage of the chaos to enter.

The black dragon raised his eyebrows and said, "Does the master have a plan?"

Zhang Linyu said, "I will sneak into the city first, kill their city owner, and then try to open the gate."

Ruoxuzi frowned and said, "What's the strength of the city owner?"

Zhang Linyu said, "The peak of Tianxuan is slightly better than me. For the sake of safety, I will use the Xuanhuang puppet."

After the discussion, the four teams moved forward together and finally came to the vicinity of Ziyue City in the evening. Zhang Linyu asked everyone to disguise themselves as passing business travelers and hide in a dense forest. He entered the Xuanhuang puppet and quickly approached Ziyun City.

When he came to the city, he found that the gate was closed, and the guards on the wall patrolled in an orderly manner. In the sky, there were prohibitions to prevent outsiders from entering from the air.

"Hey, who's down there?" At this time, a rough voice came from below. Zhang Linyu looked up and saw a fierce guard looking at him with hostility in his eyes.

Zhang Linyu did not answer. He came to the wall and slapped the man's head. The rest of the people were shocked. Colorful fireworks bloomed in the air. For a moment, more than a dozen strong breaths flew this way.

End of this chapter