President, be careful of love

Chapter 12 Parents Meet

The next day, Lei announced to the media that Lei Shaochen was going to get married. The wedding will be held in a month. Chen Yitang is the most anxious person for this announcement. I haven't heard of Jingyi falling in love before. Why did she suddenly get married, and the other party is still Lei Shaochen. Seeing the news, Chen Yitang immediately called Jingyi to go home.

Although Dad didn't say anything on the phone, she also knew what was going on after reading the newspaper. What should I say to my father when I start to worry a little? He said that he first met him in the Yunta Building, and he was killing people at that time? Or is it a complete contract to marry him? In order to alleviate Dad's worries, let's make up a lie.

Seeing Chen Yitang, Chen Yitang immediately took out the newspaper and asked her what was going on. Jingyi immediately told him according to the compiled story. She said that they met in Yunta Building two years ago, and later they met several times and had a good impression on each other. After a year of dating, they wanted to get married. The reason why they didn't tell him was that they were afraid of his opposition and worry.

Chen Yitang didn't seem to lie to her, and his heart relaxed a little. But suddenly he remembered something and said dissatisfiedly, "Since the wedding date has been set, why don't you come to propose marriage? The Lei family is too insincere. Although my Chen Yitang company is not working well today, it is too underestimates our Chen family! Well, it's not that easy to marry my daughter!" Just as Chen Yitang was indignant, his mobile phone rang, and his assistant reported to him that the previous problem of unqualified steel bars had come out, and the person who escaped from the sandwich had also been caught.

When Chen Yitang just put down the phone, the doorbell rang and Jingyi immediately ran to open the door, but he did not expect that there were Lei Shaotang and Lei Shaochen, Lei Shaochen, Lei Shaochen's parents Lei Yewei and Duan Yifei outside the door. Jingyi immediately guessed their intention and thought that this action was really fast. Are the Lei family afraid that he would regret it?

Jingyi opened the door and greeted him one by one, but saw Lei Shaochen without saying a word. Chen Yitang saw them and also knew a general idea in his heart. He didn't expect that they were still sincere. The company's business just now must be their credit. It seems that this society still needs to be connected by relationships. People like him who don't rely on relationships can't get along.

After Jingyi greeted them into the house, she ran to the bedroom to change their clothes. She had a habit of having to change her home clothes as soon as she got home, otherwise she always felt uncomfortable. Hey, if she had known that they were coming to come, she would not change them just now, and she would have to put them on in less than a few minutes. It's troublesome!

Shaochen saw her go into the bedroom and said that he would go to see her boudoir, so he followed her. However, he did not expect that as soon as he reached the door, he saw the infinite spring light inside from the half-closed door. What he did not expect was that the woman's figure was so good, her skin was so smooth, and there was no scar on her body. It seems that she was a well-behaved girl when she was a child. Because of undressing, the long black hair broke off the hair rope and hung down naturally. Seeing such a beautiful picture, he unconsciously tightened. Unexpectedly, there was an idea of hugging her and getting close to her. Thinking of touching her smooth skin, slightly red face, and delicate lips, Shaochen could no longer hold it.

gently walked behind and hugged her. Jingyi was about to put her clothes in at this time. She happened to cover her eyes and couldn't see who was holding her. Just as she was about to shout, Lei Shaochen quickly whispered it was him in her ear. Jingyi immediately silenced. If her father knew the inside story of his marriage with him, she would oppose it immediately. So at this moment, she had to obediently let him hold her and knew that she would not resist herself at this moment, so she boldly moved her hand to the softness of her chest. When he touched his buds, Jingyi I couldn't help trembling slightly. Unexpectedly, her body was so** that Lei Shaochen began to be a little proud. Just as I wanted to make a further move, there was a sound of footsteps. They stopped immediately and quietly put on their clothes quickly and walked out, but the blush on their faces had not dissipated for a long time.

When Chen Yitang saw that Jingyi was so shy when he saw Lei Shaochen, he believed what she said. The elders of the two families talked about the details of the wedding and made an appointment to go out to eat and continue chatting. Lei Shaochen felt that he had nothing to do, so he said that he didn't want to go out and wanted to chat with Jingyi at home. The adults thought that the two children were going to get married, and it was good to cultivate more feelings, so they agreed. Only Jingyi's face was helpless. Who knew what the pervert was going to do, although he said that he promised to marry him. , I also promised Grandpa to have a baby with him, but after all, I'm still not ready, in case...

It seems that soldiers can only block it, and the water will flood.

As soon as the adults left, Jingyi immediately showed her dissatisfaction. "You know how we got married, why do you insist on staying? Let me tell you, don't want to take advantage of me any more!" After saying that, he distanced himself from him.

"Inexplicably, I took advantage of my own wife, which is allowed by law. You'd better be obedient, or don't blame me if you regret it! Also, your so-called secret is best enough to be amazing, otherwise you will pay the price. Don't think that I like you, I just regard you as a casual ** object. You made me make a fool of myself in front of people. After people, you pay me back twice as much, and I still have to consider whether to accept it or not!"

Hearing this, Jingyi finally understood that he married her to revenge and humiliate her. He kissed her in order to conquer her but smashed her fiercely until there was no dignity. Seeing herself fall under his hands again and again, Jingyi felt unprecedented shame, and she could no longer tease him so easily in the future. Make any reaction.

"Why, do you feel wronged? If you feel wronged, you shouldn't have provoked me at the beginning, and it's too late to regret it now. But don't worry, marry me, you are still a beautiful Mrs. Lei in front of people, but I will never have your place in my heart. You'd better know this. Because it has been occupied, do you understand? Lei Shaochen made his attitude clear that this woman would not be too entangled with him in the future.

Although he knew in advance that he only had his first girlfriend in his heart, he still felt a pain when he heard him say it himself. He resisted the bitterness in his heart and said calmly, "Don't worry, the reason why I married you is not what I want, so you don't have to worry so much about me pestering you. If you want to divorce, I welcome it at any time.

"Huh, that's the best." After saying that, Lei Shaochen turned around and walked out of the door. He didn't want to stay with this woman just now. He had something else to do tonight. The occasional impulse to her is purely instinctive and can't mean anything!

Seeing his back leaving, Jingyi put away her unhappiness, called Xiaoyan, and asked about the sales situation of the store today. As a result, he heard Xiaoyan complain that he was too busy and asked her to help quickly. After hanging up the phone, Jingyi went straight to their small apartment. Recently, I have been busy with these messy things and have no time to take care of her. I don't know if Xiaoyan has abused it or forgotten to take care of it. If you want to take it with you when you get married in the future, it is really uneasy to leave it to Xiaoyan.

When she returned to the small apartment, she saw that Xiaoyan was busy packing. It seems that the sales have been getting better and better recently, and she is quite happy. When her wedding is settled, she plans to come back to help Xiaoyan. This is her job and can't be lost. The two packed happily and then went out for dinner. Xiaoyan has been gossiping about her and Lei Shaochen in this process. What a gossip girl!

"Honey, where have you been? Tell them that if I have a boyfriend in the future, I will definitely tell you!" Xiaoyan began to act coquettishly towards Jingyi, every time!

"Of course, nothing happened. We have only known each other for a few days. You think I'm you!" Jingyi couldn't help but make fun of her.

"I didn't say anything happened, and my face turned red. Haha, you are shy." Xiaoyan said while pointing to her face to make fun of her.

Jingyi couldn't help touching her face with her hand. It was indeed a little hot. I guess it was hot.

"Xiao Jingjing, why do you touch your face and hide it?"

"I'm angry with you! After saying that, Jingyi ignored Xiaoyan and walked forward alone.

"Dear Jingjing, don't be angry, I won't ask!" Xiaoyan caught up with Jingyi and made a guarantee.

The two of them casually chose a noodle restaurant in front of them and sat down. At this time, Xiaoyan suddenly remembered that the day after tomorrow was their graduation party. I asked Jingyi what clothes to wear.

"Just choose a skirt. How can you use the plan?" Jingyi took it for granted. Xiaoyan refuted her: "Everyone said that they should dress beautifully that day to leave a perfect impression on their college classmates. You may also meet the confession of your crush. At that time, all the cameras will be taken at you. Maybe many students will upload them to Weibo or alumni network. If you don't look good, you will lose face.

"Dear Xiaoyan, wake up from the idol drama quickly! That's the plot only for soap operas. In reality, if someone secretly loves you, he will confess to you long ago, and the girl has already arrived. There is no graduation confession, not to mention that it takes so long as a boy's secret lover's family to confess, which is too lame. Jingyi looked disdainful.

but she didn't expect that what she disdained would happen, and it was more than a TV series.