President, be careful of love

Chapter 26 Where is Tongtong

After a while of silence, Jingyi was suddenly shocked. Tongtong was at home. He didn't give him much cat food last night. Oh, my God, he was too careless. Before, he was not at home. Now he is at home alone and has nothing to eat or drink. He must be hungry. Thinking of this, Jingyi immediately anxiously said to Lei Shao. Chen said, "Shaochen, what should I do? Tongtong is at your house by herself. It must be hungry now. Hurry up, take me back."

After saying that, he no longer cares of shyness, quickly dressed, pulled Lei Shaochen and ran downstairs. When I went downstairs, I saw that Grandpa was still playing chess and said that I had something urgent to go back. When I came back later, I went out...

Seeing her in such a hurry, Lei Shaochen couldn't help speeding up. The one-hour drive was rushed by him in half an hour.

After parking the car, Jingyi hurried to the apartment and opened the door to look around for its trace. First, her guest room, then the kitchen, and then the bathroom and living room. Jingyi almost cried out in a hurry. Tong Tong must be hungry and may have escaped. Although she carried it out to play before, she She won't come far. She is very clingy to her like a dog, but after being hungry all night, she is not...

Just when Jingyi thought it was missing, she only heard Lei Shaochen shouting. Jingyi hurriedly ran towards his bedroom. As a result, she saw Tong Tong lying comfortably on his big**, showing a lazy expression...

Jingyi saw that it was fine and didn't care about Lei Shaochen, so she quickly ran over and hugged her tightly... This feeling of loss and recovery is really great.

But Lei Shaochen doesn't have her so-called happiness. All he knows is that his clean bed has been occupied by cats. The hateful thing is that the woman is still so tight about it. He can't do anything to it. Thinking of this, he can't help but be furious! Chen Jingyi, wash the sheets for me immediately!"

"Don't wash it. It's a little big. What can you do with your bed? Not to mention Tongtong is a very clean kitten."

"How do you know it's clean, dark, and clean or not!" Lei Shaochen argued.

"What's black? It's just right. And you see, the hair on its belly is spotless, and so is it on its neck! Come and touch it to make sure that there is no dust at all, as if to make him verify it, and keep moving it to him.

Lei Shaochen didn't like her and stubbornly pulled off the sheets and quilts by himself. He didn't believe that she wouldn't wash them, otherwise he would rely on her **. It's just that Lei Shaochen forgot that her bed has also slept...

Packed the cat food and warm boiled water for Tongtong. Looking at Tongtong eating obediently, Jingyi turned to Lei Shaochen's room to have a look.

Seeing that he really removed the sheets, Jingyi was speechless directly to him. He was really a clean-pi guy, but he remembered that he had promised before that he would not affect his life because of Tong Tong Tong's existence. In order to live here happily in the future, he was still willing to take the sheets away...

When she washed the sheets, it was past six o'clock, and her stomach began to cry.

went to his room and knocked on the door. Jingyi went straight in without waiting for his consent. As a result, she saw a love action movie playing on his notebook, and she immediately turned around shyly. After noticing her reaction, Lei Shaochen was stunned for a moment. Shouldn't she even see this? Thinking that her previous performance was so raw, he suddenly thought that he was her first man, and only he could see and enjoy all her beauty. Thinking of this, he gently walked behind her and picked her up and walked around a few times. Jingyi was confused by his series of movements. She didn't know what he meant, but when she turned around, she felt that it was fun, so she smiled and begged him for mercy loudly, "Let me down quickly, hahahaha, it's so dizzy." When Tongtong heard her cry, she even ran over and poked her lovely head to look inside...

When Lei Shaochen saw her smiling so happily, he couldn't help but be infected by her and happily, "Haha, don't let me go." She continued to turn a few times before putting her in **. Looking at the film in the notebook that was still playing, she also made a harsh "sound". The blush slowly climbed up her cheek, followed by the earlobe, neck, and the looming fullness in her chest. Originally, the clothes she was wearing were not low-cut, because of the pull just now, the clothes hung unnaturally... The towering on her chest constantly stimulated Lei Shaochen, and the tension from her lower abdomen became hotter and hotter. She couldn't help hugging her. Unlike in the past, Lei Shaochen kissed her soft lips at first, and then slowly moved to her neck, and then the towering buds on her chest, holding them tightly and constantly using her tongue. The head gently teased. At first, Jingyi could still have her own consciousness, but suddenly, for a moment, nothing existed in her mind, only a feeling of crispness...

When they retreated from ** again, the two happily hugged each other tightly.

No one noticed Tongtong at the door and quietly withdrew from the door when they staged an inappropriate scene for children...

After a while of rest, Jingyi's stomach rang again. Hearing the disappointing cry of her stomach, Jingyi suddenly felt embarrassed and hurried to get up and put on her clothes. Lei Shaochen called Grandpa and told him that it was too late to go back and would go there tomorrow. Who knew that Lei Shaotang asked him to take Jingyi around tomorrow. There is no need to go there again. He will not be at home tomorrow.

Hearing Grandpa say this, Lei Shaochen felt that Grandpa clearly deliberately let him be with Jingyi, but he thought it was interesting to stay with her, so he told Jingyi what Grandpa's words and asked her where she wanted to play tomorrow?

When Jingyi heard that she was going to play, she began to think seriously. Seeing her serious appearance, she was worried that she would continue to want to delay her meal, so she took her hand and said, "Let's go out for dinner first and discuss it while walking. If you are so thin and don't eat, I can only touch the bones..." After saying that, I looked at it deeply. She took a look.

Hearing what he said, Jingyi said unconvincedly, "How can I be thin? The place where people should be plump is still very plump!"

Is that right? Come on, let me check." After saying that, Lei Shaochen was going to touch her. She would not be fooled and quickly changed the topic: "Let's go. I'm really hungry!"

Two people walked out as they talked....