President, be careful of love

Chapter 36 Recruiting Employees

After Lei Shaochen went out, Jingyi cleaned herself up and planned to go out to eat something. She ate a soup powder without food, and then packed two scallion oil cakes and went back to continue the recruitment. There are too many messy things to deal with these days, and now it must be put on the agenda.

Open the mailbox and saw that several people had sent emails in the advertisement she posted last time, indicating that they were very interested in the position she posted. Chen Jingyi responded one by one and told them the time and place of the interview.

After doing all this, she called to tell Xiaoyan that she had set the time and place for the recruitment interview, that is, 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, and the location was in the small apartment. Then the two chatted for a while about the press conference and hung up the phone. Suddenly remembered that Tongtong was still in the small apartment, and immediately dialed the phone and told Xiaoyan to take good care of her cat. Xiaoyan answered one by one.

At night, Jingyi took a shower and hid in the room to paint her works. At present, her work with Xiaoyan is divided into two parts. She is responsible for designing some sweet and fashionable urban clothes. Xiaoyan is responsible for the current online sales and designing some rock and neutral clothes. At that time, the two will synthesize the works and carry out as a whole. After the finalization, they will find suitable materials and merchants to formulate, then take photos, and then adjust the network design. They only know a little about this part of network design and are not professional, so they also need to hire a network design specialist. According to the minimum preliminary budget, from design to the final release, at least they need In 3 months, the labor cost for these three months is at least 40,000 yuan. At present, her and Xiaoyan's public accounts have been 30,000 yuan since the last purchase. If the front part of the goods is cleared out, there are still about 40,000 yuan, but it is impossible to clear all the goods at one time, then the cost of material production after the final version will be tight. There are about 50,000 deposits, and Xiaoyan also has some deposits. She and Xiaoyan can pay part of the material expenses alone, but in case this release is not successful, their finances will be very tight next. It seems that things are not as smooth as they think.

At present, Jingyi only casually depicts the prototype of some works with inspiration. Although it focuses on the sweet urban style, the theme is not clear enough, and it is obviously not enough capital for consumers to buy it. This is also something that Jingyi has been distressed. Since it is an exclusive release, it can't copy others. But a work is designed entirely by itself, and it is inevitable that it is difficult in the heart. Especially now there is no established theme to cooperate with their press conference. What should be done to make everyone feel easy to accept and work. Show strong interest?

There is no way to design it. It is the most distressing thing. Jingyi simply put down the things at hand and open the forum to read gossip. At this time, the mobile phone suddenly rang. Seeing that it was called by the senior, she answered without hesitation: "Hello, senior, why do you think of calling me?"

"Haha, can't I call you if it's okay? Do you still have pain in your face? Shall I send you some more medicine?" Zhang Ziwen asked with concern.

"Well, I went to see the doctor. It's almost better now. Thank you for your concern. Why don't you have to date your girlfriend at night?" Jingyi asked with a smile.

"Well, how to say? My girlfriend doesn't know where she is yet! Now I'm full and the whole family is not hungry!" He answered with a smile on the phone.

"No, senior, you are so handsome that you are still single. Don't you like men?" Jingyi deliberately laughed exaggeratedly.

"I made fun of the senior! Are you free now? Do you want to go out for a walk? He finally said what he thought.

"Now? It's almost ten o'clock? Why don't we recruit employees tomorrow night and invite them to dinner tonight? Come with us. Jingyi said her arrangement, thinking that there would be more people and more lively.

"Good! I can't ask for it. Are you going to recruit employees? Did you start a company?

"I didn't pull it, but Xiaoyan opened an online store and made a small fight. It's not the weather. You have to take more care of us, seniors." Jingyi said.

"That's for sure. Send me the website and I'll patronize you." Zhang Ziwen answered boldly.

"Ah, you don't know what we are selling? Agree so soon? Beware of fraud!" Quietly joked.

"Well, what are you selling? Do you have anything for men? If there is, I will buy it." Zhang Ziwen also answered neatly.

"Unfortunately, there are not yet. They are all girls' things, but if you have a girlfriend, you can buy them, hehe." Jingyi continued.

Ziwen was silent for a while and said, "Okay, I will definitely buy it from you when I have a girlfriend." In fact, he wanted to say that I like you or you would be my girlfriend, but he was worried that she would dodge herself like before, so he changed his words.

After chatting with the senior for a while, I hung up the phone. After reading the gossip casually, I planned to rest early and prepare for a new tomorrow.

I got up early in the morning and rushed to the small apartment after grooming. There was a traffic jam on the road for a while. When I arrived at the small apartment, it was past nine o'clock. Xiaoyan prepared for an interview for a while. At the time, I opened the door of the apartment. At this time, there were about seven or eight people waiting outside the door. After greeting them in, they let They introduced themselves. Two of them are boys' job hunting intentions for network design, and the other six are girls, all of whom are about 20 years old. Three of them are majoring in online sales after graduating from a technical school, and the other two are electronic information, and one is a college student after-school. Plenty of time.

After Chen Jingyi had a general understanding, she asked them some specific questions about online sales. Half an hour later, everyone expressed their views on these questions, and then Xiaoyan consulted them about the requirements of work remuneration, and eight people answered them one by one. Then the two asked a few more questions and planned to end the interview and let them wait outside for the notice.

Jingyi and Xiaoyan discussed in private for a while, and finally chose Lin Xiaonan, Yang Xiaodan, Mo Ziqi, and Zhao Yiting. Lin Xiaonan and Yang Xiaodan are majoring in online sales. In the future, they are mainly responsible for online sales and packaging of store goods. Mo Ziqi is now college students, but due to their professional advantages, they can be responsible for part of online sales. If the website needs to do relevant multimedia programs, they can cooperate with Zhao Yiting to prepare for future troubles.

20 minutes later, several of them will be called in for further interviews, mainly the agreement on salary and working hours. Both parties were satisfied with their respective requirements, and the contract was final.

After agreeing on all this, Jingyi said to everyone with great interest, "If everyone is free tonight, we will go to have dinner together to celebrate our formal cooperation." When the four people heard someone inviting them to dinner, the atmosphere was unprecedented.