President, be careful of love

Chapter 46 Wind and Rain are coming 1

When she returned home, Jingyi put away the things she took back from Aunt Duan one by one, took out her mobile phone and called Xiaoyan to ask about the sales situation, but it happened that the mobile phone rang at this time. Jingyi was a little stunned. Is it a strange number? After hesitating for a while, he still pressed the answer button: "Hey, hello."

After waiting for several seconds, there was no response on the phone. I thought it was the wrong number of the other party. I just wanted to hang up, but a woman came from there: "Are you Chen Jingyi?"

"Yes, are you?" Jingyi answered politely.

"I'm a person who knows your secret." The other party said a strange word.

"You dialed the wrong number, right? I don't have any secrets."

Is that right? You are so sure." The other party still doesn't give up and continues to pester.

"I haven't done anything bad. Who the hell are you?" Jingyi couldn't help but be a little annoyed. She hated this kind of phone game of guessing who I was. It was extremely boring.

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that I want to advise you not to marry Lei Shaochen, otherwise you will regret it."

"What does it have to do with you if I marry him and don't regret it? Even if you regret it, it's still my business. It's not your turn to take care of it. Jingyi said angrily to the other side of the phone.

"Miss Chen, since you are so stubborn, you can wait. When you regret it, maybe you will think of me and my advice." The other party sneered and hung up the phone.

The last two laughter made her a little creepy. Her body shook unconsciously. She put down the phone and thought about it carefully. Maybe it was Lei Shaochen's former lovers who were unwilling to hit her. She shook her head helplessly, shook off the uneasiness in her heart, and turned around with a little dullness and took her clothes. Take a bath.

After taking a shower, he came out while wiping his hair. When he saw him sitting watching TV in the living room, he couldn't help but be shocked. When did he watch TV? And isn't there a TV in his room? Why did he go to the living room to watch it? Why did he turn off the lights? What a strange guy.

"Hey, you can't turn on the light when you watch TV. It scares me to death." Jingyi complained.

"You have to turn off the lights to watch this kind of gunfight film." Lei Shaochen looked at her and replied.

"It's not a horror film. You don't have to turn off the lights. The dark lights are blind. You have to go to the hospital when you fall down. It's troublesome." After saying that, he walked over and turned on the light. With the press of his fingers, the whole room lit up.

"It's really disappointing. It's boring to see the light so bright." Lei Shaochen said to her dissatisfiedly.

"Well, you can turn it off when I get back to the room. I have no problem." After saying that, he turned his head and walked to the room. His hair was still wet and he had to blow dry, otherwise he would catch a cold. Go to the cabinet and take out the hairdryer, stroke the hair, and blow it carefully with the hairdryer...

Lei Shaochen was disturbed by her, but her mind was a little distracted. Her charming appearance after taking a shower has been floating in his mind. I don't know what the little woman is doing now? Thinking of this, he stepped to the door of her room and knocked gently. Jingyi, who blew her hair inside, did not feel it. He saw that there was no response inside and pushed the door in. Seeing her blowing her hair, her long hair was placed on her shoulder, and rubbing it while blowing it. Lei Shaochen swallowed and said, "Would you like to come out and watch a movie together after blowing your hair?"

Chen Jingyi heard his voice, raised his head, turned off the hairdryer, and asked, "Did you just say you were watching any movie?"

Lei Shaochen repeated the question just now and looked at her expectantly. Embarrassed by him, Jingyi had to nod and said, "Wait me for a few minutes, and I'll be fine soon." After saying that, he hurriedly picked up the hairdryer and turned on the switch and continued to blow.

When Lei Shaochen saw her hurry, he quickly said to her, "Don't worry, take your time. I'll wait for you in the living room." After saying that, he looked at her to help her pull the door, and then returned to the sofa just now and sat down and waited for her to come out.

Jingyi, who blew her hair a few minutes later, changed her nightgown and put on cartoon pajamas. She felt so conservative. She pulled her clothes to make sure that she was tightly wrapped all over before going out. She sat down next to him at a certain distance. Lei Shaochen saw her strong defensive action and smiled and said: "Come here. Why are you so far away from me? I won't eat you."

"Who knows." Jingyi muttered cautiously and didn't want to glance at him secretly, as if he were a bad guy.

All her thoughts fell into his eyes. Whenever she saw her hiding from herself unwillingly, Lei Shaochen always wanted to pull her over and tease her. She felt that she was so stupid every time that she couldn't see his mind at all.

"Come and sit down, or I can't guarantee that I will always be such a good person. If you don't listen, you may become a bad person in your eyes later." He deliberately teased her.

"Okay," he leaned over to her with his mouth flattened reluctantly. Lei Shaochen reached out and hugged her and opened the playing disc with remote control. The two nestled on the sofa and watched their first movie together - Speed and **.

When she saw the nervous racing, Jingyi's mobile phone suddenly rang, which scared her immersed herself in the atmosphere of the movie. She instinctively hugged Lei Shaochen and leaned against his arms. When she stabilized and wanted to answer the phone, the phone had been hung up. She glanced at her mobile phone number and was strange. How could she be the most Have you always called a strange number recently? Jingyi stared at Lei Shaochen with a puzzled face and asked, "Hey, did you get any romantic debt before? Now it seems that we are going to catch up with the door. After saying that, he shook his mobile phone at him.

Lei Shaochen smiled charmingly and said, "You are not jealous, are you?" He looks careless and unscrupulous.

Jingyi stared at him and said, "I received a call from a strange woman tonight. She warned me not to marry you and said that if I insisted on marrying you, I would definitely regret it." Tell him the truth about what happened just now.

"Are you sure?" Lei Shaochen asked her in a disbelieving tone. Jingyi couldn't help but be a little annoyed and said, "Why did I lie to you? Will you reward me with chocolate? Really."

"Do you like chocolate? I'll buy it for you tomorrow. Give me the number first and I'll check it. After saying that, he took the mobile phone handed over by Jingyi, wrote down the number on it, got up and took his mobile phone, entered the number, sent it to Hao Yidong's mobile phone, and asked him to help check. Maybe he could find some clues and the woman who dared to touch him seemed to be impatient. Lei Shaochen sent the text message with a little angrily. Go, holding your hands tightly, as if holding back a sense of anger.

A few minutes later, Hao Yidong called and said, "The number you asked me to check does not exist at all. The other party has adopted the method of hiding the mobile phone number. I'm afraid it will take some time to find out. You have been careful recently, and Chen Jingyi, you should keep an eye on it. Can't find it now? When there is an opportunity to attack us, maybe something will happen if we are forced to do something.

"I know. Check it as soon as possible. This number called Jingyi today and said something strange. I'm worried that the Tiger Gang will transfer the target to her." Lei Shaochen said and took a look at Jingyi. He saw her staring at her mobile phone and looking innocent as a little girl. He was nervous and uneasy when he thought that she might fall into the hands of the tiger gang of bastards.

chatted with Hao Yidong for a while and hung up the phone. After putting down his mobile phone, he sat down, leaned against her side, looked at her mobile phone screen, and gently asked, "What are you playing?" So fascinated?" The tone is full of the smell of doting.

Put down his mobile phone, raised his head and said, "It's just a small game, called the crocodile little naughty who loves to take a shower. It's so interesting." After saying that, he smiled stupidly.

"What a little girl. What should I do about playing these childish games? They are all Mrs. Lei. They have to look like Mrs. Lei?"

Jingyi heard her mock that she didn't look like Mrs. Lei and muttered dissatisfiedly, "Well, don't I look like Mrs. Lei now? So how can we get Mrs. Ray's posture? Mr. Lei." After saying that, he deliberately blessed him.

"Well, this is a little close. As Mrs. Lei, the most important thing is to know how to serve Mr. Lei." After saying it frivolously, he looked at her with fiery eyes.

Jingyi deliberately skipped his hint, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Mr. Lei, I suggest you travel to ancient times first. Naturally, 3,000 beauties will serve you properly and ensure that you die under the peonies and be romantic."

"Hahaha, what a sentence is that peony flowers die, and it's romantic to be a ghost. But that's the choice of fools. Count the romantic figures and look at today. After saying that, he picked her up and walked to the bedroom...

She hasn't been so close to him for a long time. She couldn't help trembling nervously and said in a panicked voice, "I'm so tired today. Can you go to bed first and get up tomorrow..." After saying that, he stopped shyly and thought that he would definitely understand.

The next day, it was noon, lying on **, looking at him who was tired and sleeping, his handsome appearance, clear outline, tall nose, long eyelashes, thick black eyebrows, and sexy thin lips, all of which seemed so attractive to her. Carefully stretched out his fingers and gently brushed his face. He His eyebrows, nose and mouth seemed to want to engrave everything in his mind and remember it deeply. I thought that in the future, if the child looks like him, he will be very beautiful. I don't know if it will be a boy or a girl. Thinking about it, I suddenly realized that my MC had been delayed for several days, and I blamed myself for being too busy to forget this matter. Will there be a child in her belly now? Thinking of this, he stretched out his hand to touch his stomach, as if there was a baby there.

Recognizing her movement, Lei Shaochen slowly opened his eyes, saw her good appearance reflected in front of him, gently hugged her, kissed her forehead, and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "Did you wake up so early? What bad things are you doing?" Jingyi was stunned and replied, "No, I just woke up."

"I'm going back to work at the company later. Try not to go out these days. I'll come back tonight to take you back to Grandpa for dinner, and you will live there before the wedding."

"Why can't you go out?" She asked with a doubtful face.

"Didn't you receive a strange phone call yesterday? It's better to be careful before things are clear. Things may not be as simple as you think. Be obedient. I'll bring you chocolate after work tonight and tell me what flavor you like. Lei Shaochen said to her dotingly, feeling that she was a child who had not yet grown up. As long as she coaxed her, she would be obedient.

"Will you really bring me chocolate?" She asked with an excited face.

"Of course, as long as you stay at home."

"But I'm so bored at home alone." Jingyi couldn't help flattering his mouth.

"You won't be bored. You can watch TV and play with the computer. Call me if you are really bored. I'll come back early to accompany you." Lei Shaochen coaxed carefully.

"Well, but remember to buy me chocolate. I like milk best." She said to him with a sweet face.

"Well, I will. Then continue to sleep and don't get up so early. The time will pass quickly." Lei Shaochen suggested.

After he went to work, Jingyi ran around the house very happily, surfing the Internet from time to time, and chatting with Xiaoyan from time to time. His mind had always been his shadow, and his heart seemed to be as sweet as honey. Ha ha, she was moved by him again. She was so handsome and handsome, and she also had to send her chocolates. So happy.