President, be careful of love

Chapter 53 I Protect You

Lei Shaochen hung up the phone. After discussing countermeasures with Hao Yidong and others, he kept the phone and waited for the big tiger to call again. Hao Yidong, the dragon wing, found the address and immediately sent someone to check it. As a result, he did not see any clue at all. It seemed that the other party had shifted his position.

A group of people gathered in Lei's villa, with a sad face. Lei Shaotang sat aside and kept sighing. They seemed to be old. Lei Yewei and Duan Yifei, who were busy socializing, also rushed back anxiously, with a worried look on their faces.

Lei Shaochen held the phone tightly with his hands and kept walking around the living room. His face was extremely gloomy. From time to time, he looked at the mobile phone screen a few times. The dragon wings, who had always had a playful face, also calmed down at this time. His solemn face stopped saying nothing, and the whole hall was filled with a strong gloom.

After 9 p.m., Lei Shaochen's phone finally rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Dahu's number and immediately answered it: "Dahu, when will I give you money?"

"Oh, Lei Shao, don't worry so much. Let's wait until my venues are open normally."

"I have ordered it, and the money has been prepared."

"Very good! I like bold people! Since you are so cheerful, I won't procrastinate. At 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, I will pay with one hand at No. 20 Hedi Road. The big tiger said slowly.

"Okay, now I want to hear her voice and test it." Lei Shaochen said with some meticulousness.

"Yes." The big tiger showed rare pride.

Take the phone to Jingyi's side and press the hands-free.

"Miss Chen, your dearest husband is on the other end of the phone. Hurry up and say something to him." After saying that, he motioned to her.

"Jingyi, how are you? Are you hurt?" Lei Shaochen hurriedly asked worriedly to the other side of the phone.

Chen Jingyi raised her head weakly, looked at the phone in a daze for a few seconds, and choked and said, "Shaochen, I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

"Jingyi, wait, hold on, I'll save you out! You must protect yourself. Don't be afraid, be good."

Before Jingyi could answer, Dahu took away his mobile phone and smiled at the other side of the phone: "What a deep affection. If you want her to return to your arms safely, you'd better be obedient, okay?"

"Don't worry, as long as you promise not to move her, I can promise to fulfill your requirements." Lei Shaochen said viciously to the phone.

Hang up the phone and tell everyone the contents of the phone. Everyone fell into a period of meditation, and suddenly Long Yi patted the table and said in surprise, "I have an idea."

When everyone heard his words, they looked at him one after another, waiting for him to continue to speak.

Long Yi said excitedly, "Now the location has been decided. Although we are not sure whether the other party will change the land, we can make two sets of plans at present: First, we will send people to the destination first. At that time, it will be right for Lei Shaochen to go to the appointment alone, but we will install a locator on him, if Once there is a situation, we can quickly locate and launch a long-range rescue* to provide him with an opportunity to rescue the lurking people in the surrounding area. Second, if the other party temporarily changes land tomorrow, it doesn't matter. Now we can adjust people and be on standby at any time, and then follow Lei Shaochen's tracking and positioning. "

"This is a good idea, but Lei Shaochen must search before entering. I'm afraid the tracker has been found long ago." Liang Haojie analyzed.

"Now the latest tracking locator is so small that you can't wipe it at all. Recently, a friend of mine also developed a ** locator, which is injected into the blood, which is valid for 20 hours and can finally be metabolized by the human body." Long Yi proudly said the latest technology.

Everyone was surprised. They didn't expect that the technology had changed to this extent. Sure enough, it was like a mountain. Hao Yidong's face was slightly shocked. He didn't expect that the dragon wing looked like a fool, but he was really a cow/forced talent in the field of communication! If he can be taken for himself, Yintai will definitely be invincible!

After the plan was settled, everyone began to divide the work and cooperate to prepare everything. They were busy until the early morning and finally settled it. Everyone fell on the sofa tiredly and took a nap, waiting for tomorrow's battle.

At dawn, Lei Shaochen woke up from the nightmare, thought about the whole plan carefully by himself, and then went into the kitchen to make a simple breakfast for everyone, waiting for everyone to wake up from their sleep.

Everyone did not sleep soundly, and soon got up. Lei Shaochen greeted everyone after breakfast and carefully discussed some problems that may occur in the rescue process. Considering that Jingyi was pregnant, it was not appropriate to suffer too much action, and was afraid that there would be an accident, he told Zhang Yimo to arrange the best gynecologist. Ready at any time, everything was arranged. Lei Shaochen drove alone with money and set out for the destination. Everyone began to stare at the content they were responsible for for fear of making a little mistake, which would be a dead body.

When he arrived at the destination, Lei Shaochen quietly looked at this inconspicuous bar and felt a little strange in his heart. How could Dahu choose such an ordinary bar as a place for trading? After hesitating, he still decided to call Long Yi. The phone rang a few times and he was answered and said, "Shaochen, your How's it going?"

"Everything is fine. Please help me check the specific situation of this bar immediately."

"I checked that there is a very ordinary bar, and no matter how you dig it, there is no explosion point." Long Yi said cautiously.

"Let's do this first. I'll contact you if I have any news." After saying that, hang up the phone.

After a while, Lei Shaochen's mobile phone rang again. Looking at the time at exactly ten o'clock, he thought that it must be a big tiger. Seeing that it was not the result, he quickly picked it up and waited for the other party to speak.

"Lei Shaochen, have you brought all your things?"

"Hm, I'm in the area of the embankment road now. Where are you?" Lei Shaochen asked anxiously.

"Lei Shao, don't worry, wait for me to finish breakfast first. You can wait first."

"Big tiger, you'd better not play any tricks, otherwise I won't let you go!" Unable to control it, Lei Shaochen said angrily to the other side of the phone.

"Lei Shao, don't forget that people are still in my hands." Dahu smiled hypocritically at the phone.

The laughter came into Shaochen's ear, which was extremely harsh, and he tightened his fists. He forced down the anger that surged in his heart, calmed his voice, and said, "What on earth do you want?"

"If you don't want anything, just have breakfast." After saying that, he hung up the phone without waiting for Lei Shaochen to react. Lei Shaochen quickly called again. He couldn't wait for a moment. With one more point, Jingyi would be more dangerous.

However, the bell on the other side of the phone kept ringing, but he didn't answer it. Lei Shaochen angrily hit a loudspeaker on the steering wheel resentfully. The crisp sound reminded it, and it looked unusually loud on the extremely empty street.

Half an hour later, Lei Shaochen's mobile phone rang again, and Lei Shaochen pressed to answer without looking at it.

"Hey, Lei Shao, I've had breakfast. Today's millet porridge is very fragrant. I don't know if the chef's cooking skills have improved." Dahu's smiling voice came from the other side of the phone.

Lei Shaochen suppressed his anger and said, "Hu Shao's breakfast is quite healthy!" Can I hand it over now?"

"Ye, almost, you drive your car to the suburban canning factory alone with money, and we trade there." The big tiger said calmly.

"Okay, I'll be there in half an hour." After saying this, he immediately stepped on the accelerator and drove to the suburbs. The speed of the car reached an unprecedented speed. On the path to the suburbs, several oncoming vehicles frequently turned around in panic. When he came to his sense, Lei Shaochen's car had driven far away.

The people who had been on standby immediately took action without delay when they heard the phone calls of Lei Shaochen and Dahu.

Lei Shaochen rushed to the scene and immediately rushed into it without any danger. The two people guarding him at the door stopped him, carefully searched him, and found that there was nothing strange. He went to check his car, took a telescope and carefully observed the situation around him, and found that he was really alone, so they reported it. After getting permission, he signaled Lei Shaochen to go in.

As soon as he entered, Lei Shaochen immediately looked for Jingyi's figure and finally saw her in the corner of the warehouse. His small face was unusually pale, and there seemed to be several scars on his face. It was estimated that he was beaten by them yesterday. His hands were tied back by them and curled up weakly in the corner of the wall. He was completely pitiful and looked at Shaochen's heart bursts in bursts. Heartache, seeing that she was not injured, the hanging heart finally calmed down.

suppressed the strangeness in his heart, walked to the front of the big tiger, looked at him with a solemn face, and said slowly, "Your games have resumed business, and I have brought 100 million cash. Now it's time to let people go, right?"

"Lei Shaochen, you are very naive! Did you come out on the first day? If I let you go today, will you let me go tomorrow? Are you really stupid or pretending to be stupid? The big tiger smiled obscenely.

"You!" Lei Shaochen was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Don't point your finger at me. I don't like your superior posture. Don't you just rely on a few stinky money! You still want to fool around the underworld, but you are still a little young! The Tiger Head Gang hit the country little by little with its fists! If you want to touch the Tiger Head Gang, it seems that you have eaten leopard courage, and you can't do it!" Dahu patted his head, smiled and then said sarcastically, "Yes, your name is Panther. Oh, I really thought I could do whatever I want if I ate the leopard's gall!" I will make you regret today! Let you taste the fruit of our Tiger Head Gang is not so sweet. The big tiger showed fierce eyes.

Seeing this, Lei Shaochen finally understood the tricks of the big tiger. Lei Shaochen sneered and said, "If I can come here today, I don't plan to go out alive. The things of the Tiger Head Gang are all my sins alone and have nothing to do with her. You let her go, and I will let you slaughter them. " Lei Shaochen pointed to Jingyi and said.

Jingyi heard this and immediately shouted sadly, "Shaochen, you go, leave me alone!"

"Oh, it's so affectionate. Don't worry, I'll put your bodies together and let you close your eyes." The big tiger smiled deeply, and the fat on his face was disgusting.

"Jingyi, don't be afraid. I'm here. I'll protect you." Lei Shaochen gently comforted her.

"Oh, it's very affectionate, but you can't protect yourself, and it's really touching to think about your wife who just passed by." The big tiger deliberately showed admiring, smiling.

Lei Shaochen estimated that the dragon wings should be ready, so he said to Dahu, "You let her go. She is innocent."

"Rid you let her go? Just kidding! You think I'm a philanthropist!" After saying that, he laughed.

When Lei Shaochen looked at Dahu and laughed, he quickly walked to Jingyi's side, helped her up, and asked gently, "How are you? Is there anything wrong?"

Jingyi shook her head, helped by Lei Shaochen, resisted the dizziness from her head, and slowly stood up straight.

"Lei Shaochen, I miss you with deep affection. I will say goodbye to the newlyweds for a few seconds."

"Jingyi, are you really all right?" Lei Shaochen saw her pale face and confirmed it again.

Jingyi shook her head gently and said weakly, "I'm fine." As soon as she opened her mouth, there were bursts of dry pain in her throat. From yesterday to now, she has dripped rice. She has not been stained with water and is completely supported by her will.