President, be careful of love

Chapter 73 Traitor

"Well..." Director Li touched his chin and began to meditate.

"Have other people lost anything?" Director Li then asked, looking at the crowd, as if waiting for everyone's answer.

The people present looked at each other and shook their heads solemnly.

"So did you meet any strange people or hear strange noises from last night to this morning?" Director Li continued to ask.

Jingyi hesitated to describe the situation last night? Finally, after a pause, he still decided to say, "Mr. Li, I watched TV downstairs last night and fell asleep after watching it. I woke up at about ten o'clock and planned to go upstairs to rest. When I walked to the second floor, I seemed to hear a strange sound. At that time, I was very sleepy and went up to rest without thinking much."

"Do other people find anything strange?" Director Li waited for a while and saw that everyone did not respond. Presumably there were no other clues here. He thought for a moment and said, "I want to search the room before conducting a comprehensive investigation. I don't know if this is convenient? Uncle Lei?" Director Li's tone revealed a sense of caution.

"Yes. As long as the truth can be found out, it's okay. Lei Shaotang has no problem with Director Li's proposal.

"Binbin, Haobo, Chengze, come upstairs with me and go to Uncle Lei's room first." Director Li issued an order.

The three men who followed him immediately followed him upstairs, and Shaochen, Jingyi and others also went up to see what happened.

Director Li carefully observed the objects in the room and carefully flipped the items with his gloved hands from time to time. Binbin, Haobo and Chengze carefully studied the environment of Uncle Lei's room, including the window, the environment outside the window, etc., showing a professional investigative spirit. However, there was still no progress after searching for more than an hour. Finally, they planned to go to the third floor to check it. Basically, they checked every room. Of course, because of Lei Shaochen's face, their bedroom just took a simple look. According to the inference, no matter what, Lei Shaochen will not steal his own things, whether it is reasonable. From a practical point of view, this is not going to happen.

Director Li led three subordinates to work all morning, but still achieved nothing. The only certainty is that if it is done by an outsider, it is impossible for him to enter the house through the window or other means. Then under the current situation of two bodyguards monitoring at the Lei's gate, the possibility of him coming in through the front door is very small. The biggest possibility is that the people in the room committed the crime, but I just roughly searched several people's rooms and didn't find any clues at all. Is there anything else they missed?

"Uncle Lei, the whole house has been searched and nothing strange has been found. Can you recall that the door of the room was locked before you went out last night? Director Li asked.

"No, I'm basically at home. It's hard to get out of the door and don't pay attention to these details. What's more, there are no outsiders at home. Now Shaochen has invited two bodyguards to inspect outside. In such a safe place, even a fly can't fly in. What's the point of locking the door?" Lei Shaotang explained.

"Have you put these files in the safe?" Director Li continued to ask.

Lei Shaotang shook his head: "I'm not used to putting things in the safe." If someone wants to steal your things, putting them in the safe is just a more obvious exposure target.

" Director Li, have you searched every place carefully?" Zhang Xinmeng asked doubtfully.

"Do you doubt our ability to do things?" Although Director Li is respectful to Uncle Lei and Shaochen, as the youngest and most promising director of City A, he climbed to this position at the age of 30 with his ability and is also a powerful role. There is any mistake in the case he handled. As long as his shrewd mind and keen eyes cooperate, no one escapes. The criminal can escape his eyes.

" Director Li, you misunderstood. I didn't mean it at all. Abroad, I often pay attention to the case of City A and often see you. At that time, I admired you very much. When I saw you today, I was a little surprised that you were so young. In fact, I am a fan of detective novels. When I am bored, I often read mystery novels to pass the time, so I have learned more or less about this knowledge. Zhang Xinmeng said with a faint smile.

"Oh, I didn't expect this lady to like mystery novels, so in your opinion, how to deal with this case now?" When Director Li saw that he was favored and worshipped by young girls, he was overjoyed and happily consulted her. Anyone who interrupted him in handling cases would make him angry. He would never allow his profession to be questioned. For his decisive and tough style of handling cases, he felt like Conan was alive. There are no unsolved mysteries in the world, only detectives who are not powerful enough, which is his motto.

Seeing that Director Li also fell into her trap, Zhang Xinmeng smiled beautifully: " Director Li, I think you have been searching upstairs and seem to have ignored the first floor."

Director Li patted his head and smiled awkwardly. He didn't expect that this woman was really powerful. He actually broke his loophole in one sentence. Originally, he also wanted to search the first floor, but he thought that everyone's rooms were above the second floor, and the first floor was a public activity place. No one should hide things here. However, at present, what he thinks is really not thoughtful enough. Maybe the thief knows that the most dangerous place is the safest place. Who will be stupid enough to hide the stolen goods in his territory and wait for the police to arrest him!

Director Li secretly swallowed his saliva, covered his embarrassment with a pile of smiles, and said, "This lady is really powerful. This is the last place I want to search. Thieves may regard the most dangerous place as the safest place." No one can admit defeat, and Director Li will lose face.

"Binbin, Haobo and Chengze will immediately search the first floor and report the results immediately." After Director Li's order, several people acted quickly. An hour later, several people returned to Director Li dejectedly and said, "Report to Director, no one has been found."

"Have you looked at everything carefully?" Director Li asked uncertainly.

"It's okay." Binbin replied hesitantly.

"What does it mean, yes, yes, no, no, no intermediate state, tell me what's going on?" Director Li took a dignified attitude.

"The house has been carefully searched, but there is a suitcase here. We don't know who it is. We dare not open it casually." Binbin said submissively.

"B suitcase?" Director Li looked in the direction Binbin pointed to and saw a suitcase and respectfully asked Uncle Lei, "Uncle Lei, there is only one suitcase left, do you think?"

"Jingyi, isn't that your suitcase?" Lei Shaotang asked.

Jingyi nodded and said, "Well, it's really my suitcase. I'm going out." After a pause, he continued, "If you want to check it, then open it. It doesn't matter." Jingyi said with a clear conscience that even if she opened the suitcase, it was impossible to find the so-called property certificate. She didn't even know what the property certificate looked like.

"Since it's the young lady's suitcase, forget it." Director Li said with a flattering smile.

" Director Li, Jingyi has no problem. Just open it and have a look." Zhang Xinmeng couldn't wait to say.

"This..." Director Li looked embarrassed. Anyway, this suitcase is also the daughter-in-law of the Lei family. Even if he has 10,000 courage, he dares not offend the young lady of the Lei family. He is still very clear about this.

Seeing Director Li's face, Jingyi smiled faintly and said, " Director Li, don't hesitate. Why don't you come over and I open it for you? I have just put these clothes, and there is nothing else in it." After saying that, Jingyi went over and took the suitcase, opened the zipper, and then took out the clothes one by one until there was an empty suitcase left.

Just as Jingyi was about to put the clothes back, Xue Haoyin suddenly exclaimed, "Young lady, isn't your suitcase still dark? Why don't you open it for everyone to see?"

Jingyi was stunned. It is true that there is a zipper in her suitcase. When she bought it, she took a fancy to this design. When she went out, she could put slightly valuable items in it, but the design of this dark layer was very hidden. If she hadn't observed it carefully, how could Xue Haoyin know? Jingyi was puzzled and gently opened the zipper in her hand. She looked like everyone and said generously, "There is nothing here."

But everyone showed a very surprised expression. Jingyi panicked. Is it possible that the real estate certificate appeared? As everyone's eyes moved back to the suitcase, they saw a pile of * neatly placed there, with the words: property certificate.

How could it be like this? She has never seen such a Dalian property certificate. Why does the property certificate appear here? Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. Jingyi shook her head in a panic and looked helplessly at Lei Shaochen and said, "Shaochen, it's not me. I've never taken these*. I don't know how they will appear here. It's really not me, not me."

"Jingyi, you..." Lei Shaotang originally wanted to say something to comfort her, but he couldn't say the words stuck in his throat. He couldn't believe that Jingyi would take these*, but the facts were in front of him, so how could he not believe it? He didn't expect that the child hid so deeply that it was too disappointing him.

"Grandpa, it's really not me. You have to believe me. Please believe me. I really haven't touched these things. I haven't." Jingyi was so nervous that she cried and sat down on the ground, allowing tears to flow. It turns out that everyone doesn't believe her, including her grandfather, who loves her the most, but she really hasn't done such a thing.

Director Li looked at such a result. Although there was some surprise, it finally came to light. However, from the current situation, he always felt that things were a little strange, but maybe he should not care so much. Anyway, the real estate certificate has been found and his task has been excellently completed. Since it's the housework of the Lei family, it's better for him not to care so much so as not to make extra trouble. So he stepped forward and said to Lei Shaotang, "Uncle Lei, since the property certificate has been found, there is still something else in my police station, so I will leave first."

Lei Shaotang nodded and waved his hand to let them leave. He said disappointedly to Jingyi sitting on the ground, "Jingyi, get up first. Don't you want to go out and stay for a while? You go."

A simple sentence of you to go, knocking heavily on her heart makes her extremely sad. Grandpa has never been willing to leave, but this actually lets her go, does this mean that Grandpa has completely given up on her? No longer recognize her, no longer tolerate her, and spoil her?

"Grandpa, I really haven't done such a thing. Please believe me, don't drive me away. Please let me stay, okay? Grandpa, I will be more obedient in the future. I will be filial to Grandpa. Don't drive me away. I won't leave you, Grandpa." Jingyi cried and prayed, but no matter what Jingyi said, Lei Shaotang was not moved and turned his face to one side and no longer looked at Jingyi.

Lei Shaochen has been looking at her calmly. As a bystander, he also feels that things are strange. With his understanding of Jingyi, she will never do such a thing. Looking at her crying so sad and desperately, his heart is also painful, but in this situation, what right does he have to comfort her? He apologized to her first. Earlier, he promised her that he would not take a step over the thunderstorm. As a result, he did such a thing within a few days...

He sighed deeply and said slowly, "Jingyi, get up first. I'll take you to Xiaoyan." Go forward to get the property certificate, help her collect her clothes one by one, help her up, pull the suitcase and walk outside. Jingyi was helped by her and continued to shed tears quietly. There was a bitterness in her heart: even he wanted to drive her away, and now she has completely betrayed her relatives...

Sitting in the car, the two of them were speechless all the way. When she arrived at the destination, Jingyi wiped away her tears, sucked her nose, and asked with choking, "Shaochen, you don't believe me, do you?"

"Don't think about this. Live obediently with Xiaoyan. I will carefully investigate the truth of the matter when I go back." Lei Shaochen said.

"You still don't believe me after all. Let's go. Let's not see each other again." Jingyi cried and said this sentence, turned around and let tears blur his eyes, trembled and took his luggage, and walked heavily towards the small apartment...

Lei Shaochen looked at her lonely and thin body helplessly. For the first time, he felt that this feeling of powerlessness made him feel frustrated...