President, be careful of love

Chapter 77 Short Soldiers

When Jingyi woke up, the first thing was to see Lei Shaochen. Xiaoyan immediately helped Jingyi and said, "You just woke up. Be careful not to touch the fetus."

Jingyi couldn't take care of so much and asked anxiously, "How about Shaochen?"

Xiaoyan smiled gently: "Look at your hurry. He is fine. He lost too much blood. He is temporarily unconscious. The wound is wrapped up and 5 stitches. Now he is waiting for him to wake up."

Hearing that he was fine, a hanging heart finally fell down. Instead, he thought of Lin Xiaonan and asked in a low voice, "Lin Xiaonan, is she all right?"

"At present, the police are looking for her. No one expected such a thing to happen. We are busy taking care of you and Shaochen, and we have no intention to call the police. However, according to Zhao Yiting, Yang Yidan later called the police despite Guan Yiyang's obstruction. At present, the police are arresting Lin Xiaonan. As for what to do It depends on Shaochen's meaning. If he wants to pursue it, I don't think Xiaonan can escape. Hey, I don't understand why such a thing happened suddenly. At that moment, everyone was shocked and couldn't react. Do you know how shocked I was when I saw her rushing over to get the knife? However, I didn't expect that the knife would pierce Lei Shaochen's body. The accident was really unexpected. Fortunately, Lei Shao was fine, otherwise Lin Xiaonan would not have enough ten heads. Xiaoyan talked about what happened last night and was afraid for a while.

Jingyi sighed gently, and she didn't expect things to go this far. Do you think that if we had told Lin Xiaonan about those situations at the beginning, wouldn't things have become like this? Jingyi looked out of the window with empty eyes and asked indifferently.

Xiaoyan shook his head blankly and said, "Maybe this is all fate." Two people who once loved each other, life and death, tit-for-tat, unscrupulous, and even don't hesitate to say each other's fatal injury. What's the pain? Even if you don't love now, even if the once sweet happiness has long been flattened by life, ** retreats but leaves coldness and patience, at least reserves a trace of dignity for the other party and tramples on the person who once loved each other. In fact, he is beating his mouth in disguise and showing his ugly and despicableness to everyone, and humble heart will spit out. Defamation and exposing other people's scars.

Such a dirty face may be stabbed, and everyone should applaud!

It's just a society under the rule of law, killing people and punishing people. How can a little girl like Lin Xiaonan fight against a powerful law? Perhaps, at the beginning, she lost to this love, losing her youth and happiness.

The two were silent for a while, and Jingyi got up and said, "You'd better accompany me to see Shaochen." I can't rest assured. Even if such a long watermelon knife is inserted, there will be a big injury. Although the Lei family can't avoid her at present, she is still Lei Shaochen's wife nominally. Shaochen's injury will only make everyone's misunderstanding of her deeper.

Xiaoyan was embarrassed for a while, and finally sighed, "Jingyi, now Zhang Xinmeng is taking care of Lei Shao. Why don't you wait a little later?" When she went to see Lei Shaochen last night, she more or less learned something from Zhang Xinmeng's mouth. It turned out that Jingyi was kicked out by them. No wonder she looked depressed. Fortunately, she was still in the dark and thought that Jingyi was just worried about Shaochen. She was really ashamed of her sister.

Jingyi paused and said with difficulty, "Do you know all about it?"

Xiaoyan nodded helplessly and defaulted. For a while, the two looked at each other and were speechless. Presumably, only the parties involved understand the taste of this marriage. Jingyi has experienced enough things in just a few months of marriage. Sometimes, she is really guilty about the original decision. If she hadn't contributed to it, maybe Jingyi is still the simple and happy now. The little girl, because of her innocence, pushed her good friend into this pit of right and wrong. Three days of disaster, injury, slander, and now she has been kicked out of the house. If she had been unable to stand this treatment and left, only the kind Jingyi was still foolishly hopeful, longing, and even kind enough to be for him. The Lei family gave birth to a child, but the skin does not exist and the hair will be attached? Can a child without maternal love grow up healthily? And there is also a hostile Zhang Xinmeng! She doesn't believe that the hypocritical woman can be great enough to raise Jingyi's child as her own?

For a long time, Jingyi said lightly, "Then let's go there later."

Time boiled little by little. Finally, in the evening, Jingyi couldn't sit still and said angrily, "Let's go, don't wait. Let's go there now. So what's going on? Is it possible that my husband still has their approval? After saying that, he walked out angrily and finally asked Xiaoyan, "Which ward is Shaochen in?"

"302." Xiaoyan responded.

Jingyi walked out of the door and looked at the door number of her ward. She was in 201. The Shaochen should be upstairs. She wanted to walk upstairs eagerly, and Xiaoyan followed her closely. Soon, he arrived at Lei Shaochen's room. The door was empty. Jingyi knocked on the door. Seeing that no one answered, she pushed the door and walked in generously. At a glance, he saw Lei Shaochen lying on **, wrapped in white gauze on his abdomen. Jingyi strode over and walked to the edge of his bed and looked at him slightly miserable because of excessive blood loss. His white face, a burst of pain in his heart. He had never had such a majestic and domineering face. His eyes were tightly closed, and his whole body seemed to be much gentle, but such a lifeless man made her worry for no reason. She would rather his deep black eyes shed fierce, domineering and fierce tears than her blood. Lying here with her eyes closed, her heart couldn't help beating, with irregular frequency, reflecting her deep anxiety and anxiety in her heart.

While Jingyi was indulging in the affectionate gaze, a sharp female voice suddenly sounded outside the door, breaking her thoughts: "What are you doing here? You broom star, if it weren't for you, Shaochen wouldn't have been hurt, and he wouldn't have lie here. Get out of here!" Zhang Xinmeng scolded contemptuously.

Jingyi turned around and looked at Zhang Xinmeng coldly. At this moment, she really had no heart to argue with her. She just looked at her quietly, arrogantly and indifferently, as if she had penetrated everything and seemed to be confused.

Zhang Xinmeng suddenly trembled when she was seen by Jingyi and shook her body gently. Her momentum was obviously weaker, but the exit was still sharp: "What are you looking at? Am I wrong? Originally, when you did that kind of theft, you should have foresight to stay away from Shaochen. Don't you feel ashamed of a person with poor morality standing beside him? If I were you, I would have broken myself with the rope!"

Jingyi sneered and asked, "In what capacity do you say this to me?" Now I am Lei Shaochen's wife. You are just a third party in the eyes of the world!"


"What are you? Don't think I don't know. Theft is just a good play arranged by you, and isn't that bed/scene also a scene carefully designed by you? You can fool Lei Shaochen, but you can't deceive my golden eyes. Wait. When your fox tail is exposed, let's see how Lei Shaochen will deal with you!" Jingyi calmly said her previous speculation and waited to see Zhang Xinmeng's reaction. Sure enough, Zhang Xinmeng raised her eyebrows and unconsciously leaned back, as if to hide her panic. She tilted her eyes up, raised her head proudly and sneered: "This is just your guess. What evidence do you have to prove what you said? If you talk nonsense again, I can sue you for slander!"

"The thief shouts to catch the thief. Do you know what will happen to the real thief in the end? It will only die worse!" Jingyi smiled contemptuously and walked out by Zhang Xinmeng without squinting. Anyway, Lei Shaochen had seen it, and it seemed to be fine. It was obviously meaningless to stay here.

"Chen Jingyi, stop!" Zhang Xinmeng shouted loudly.

"I only understand people's words." Jingyi said proudly that she had a score about theft. As she expected, it was Zhang Xinmengbu's situation.

"I think you are the same as the waste cat at home. You just pretend to be bully others, but it's wrong. It's just a beast and dares to steal my bird's nest. Don't it know that animals can't eat human food?" Zhang Xinmeng laughed after saying that, her laughter was sharp and arrogant, her eyebrows were open, and her basin was open, like a crazy shrew.

When Jingyi heard this, her heart sank: Shit, how could she forget Tongtong!