President, be careful of love

Chapter 83 Clear the Clouds 5

Lei Shaochen enlarged the video, stared wide, and stared at the people in the video! This is not his Xin Menger! She walked back and forth in Lei Lele's room, holding her mobile phone as if she was arguing with someone on the phone. Lei Shaochen was surprised and quickly turned on the voice receiver of the video, trying to hear what she was talking about!

"I have quit now, and you have agreed! I won't say anything now!" Zhang Xinmeng frowned and looked angry, which almost squeezed her facial features together. Obviously, her expression was an expression that Lei Shaochen had never seen since she met her!

"..." I don't know what the other party said.

Zhang Xinmeng was so stimulated that she couldn't help shaking her body and shouted at the phone: "How can you not believe what you say! Fifteen years! Is there anything I have done for you? Which one is not to do your best! But what did you do to me? A car accident has been investigated for ten years, but you can't give me a result, or you deliberately didn't tell me the result?


"Is it for my good not to tell me the result? Let me go for my own good. I don't care about the result anymore. I don't want to know at all. Now I just want to be free and live a peaceful life!"


"If you want to touch him, it depends on whether you have the ability!!!" Zhang Xinmeng gritted her teeth and roared!


The last time? Why should I believe you? Zhang Xinmeng's tone weakened.


"Okay, I promise you! If you don't believe it again, forgive me for turning against others. You know my ability. Don't annoy me, or I'd rather be broken than complete!" After saying this, Zhang Xinmeng hung up the phone, looked up and glanced at the decoration of the room. The corners of her mouth bent up coldly, coldly and tearful! Lei Shaochen actually felt a trace of danger from her. This woman is completely different from Xin Menger in his mind! But the face is still the same face, and the memory is still those memories. How can it become so strange? And isn't she sitting in a wheelchair? How can I walk? There are many doubts and doubts!

Wait! What is she doing? Why did you turn over Lele's room? Is it possible that Lei Lele's room has what she wants? Ten years ago, Zhang Xinmeng, Lei Lele, Ni Anyun and Qiao Xiaoxiao, four girls, were quite close due to their similar ages. They often went out to play and go shopping together, like a small gang. However, after Zhang Xinmeng's accident and Lei Lele disappeared, they also dispersed. Over the years, they have not seen any connection between them. Marriage, busy work and work seem to be as strange as wandering around the horizon.

Will Lei Lele's disappearance so far have something to do with Zhang Xinmeng? Lei Shaochen stared carefully at Zhang Xinmeng's movements with countless questions. She turned around carefully and seemed to have a very certain target. She even opened the small box in the drawer carefully to check. What on earth was she looking for? With the movement of the angle, Zhang Xinmeng gradually withdrew from the scope of the video. Lei Shaochen waited for a long time, but failed to decisively turn off the video and rushed home.

He quickly drove home. As soon as his front foot arrived at the door, Zhang Xinmeng greeted him with a smile. Unlike the trousers and long coat just now, he would change into a pale pink dress and put on a white puff sleeve knitted jacket. She was a gentle lady, like a lady, noble and elegant, and there was no video at all. The fierce and vicious. If Lei Shaochen is not so arrogant and confident, he is likely to doubt whether he has hallucinations, a tearful and a tenderness like water! One is Rasha and the other is an angel. This is actually the same person!

Lei Shaochen adjusted herself slightly and walked over as usual and asked gently, "What did you do at home today?"

Zhang Xinmeng smiled faintly, gently stretched out her hands to hold Lei Shaochen's hand, raised a pair of autumn watery eyes, and turned her eyes, as if they were shy and coquettish, and seemed to be a lover's whisper and a little sweet. She said slowly, "I read the book for a while, then watched the TV series, and then... ....." Zhang Xinmeng suddenly stopped while talking and waited for Lei Shaochen to ask questions. This was their favorite thing before. She said something. In the middle of her words, she deliberately stopped and waited for Lei Shaochen to ask questions. Then she aroused his appetite. Every time Shaochen pretended to ask angrily, and then she wanted to fight and ambiguously.

However, today's Lei Shaochen did not follow their tacit understanding as before, or he has already paid attention to what she did today. What she said from her mouth was just a fictitious or a result of her deliberately concealed. Speaking of boredom, he is really interested at this moment. It's the truth she conceals. What's in it?

Zhang Xinmeng looked at Lei Shaochen with an expectant face and saw that he was immersed in his own world. Unexpectedly, he even raised his head was slightly sour, and an unprecedented sense of loss surged into her heart.

Women are such a species. As long as men have a trace of laxity or neglect, they can always have a panoramic view and then exert their powerful imagination to simulate a thousand 10,000 possibilities, and then find men to test, speculate, like a detective, and carefully arrange all kinds of tests. To test men's intentions, let them go for the time being. If they don't pass, they will definitely chase until the truth comes out. Of course, sometimes these so-called truths are not necessarily the real situation. They may be by-products of some misunderstandings and wrong judgments under the blinding method, but this is no longer In the saying, all this inattention or distraction can be attributed to the lack of a man's love for women. If he loves enough, he must care enough. He must be eager to hold her tightly in his arms every moment and every minute.

All this is just a woman's imagination, but women are enthusiastic about this, believing that even the wind and rain can't change the truth! No matter how mysterious Zhang Xinmeng is and how complicated her identity is, first of all, she is a woman, so when she saw such Lei Shaochen, she was angry, pouted her mouth slightly, gently shook Lei Shaochen's hands, and did not speak, but showed her face of dissatisfaction, waiting for Lei Shaochen's gentle apology. Lei Shaochen just glanced at her gently, did not apologize or sweetly, and said lightly, "I'm so tired today. Let's go to dinner first."

Without getting the expected results, Zhang Xinmeng was angry and hateful. Sure enough, she began to think nonsense like all women.

After eating dinner sullenly, Lei Shaochen turned back to his room on the pretext that there were still documents to be processed. Zhang Xinmeng had to ask Xue Haoyin to accompany him back to the room. After signaling Xue Haoyin to close the room, his original appearance was exposed and angrily threw the pillow heavily on the ground. Xue Haoyin had to pick up the pillow obediently and asked flatteringly, "Miss Zhang, who made you unhappy?"

"I want to be alone. You go out first." Zhang Xinmeng did not respond to Xue Haoyin's kind-hearted care and coldly drove people away. Xue Haoyin felt bored and gently went out to help her close the door, leaving Zhang Xinmeng alone lying alone in ** bored and sulking, thinking about these recent things that annoyed her, one by one, which annoyed her.

Staring at the ceiling for a while, he suddenly sat up, picked up the phone and called the other party. It's better to sit and wait for death than to take the initiative!

The phone rang twice and was answered. Presumably, the other party was very** with the ringtone of the mobile phone. There was a loose voice on the other side of the phone, which seemed to be careless, but full of confidence: "What, have you thought about it?"

"Think about it, and the time is set for the day after tomorrow." Zhang Xinmeng did not hesitate. Since it was a knife, she would rather take the initiative to fight to eliminate future troubles. "This is really the last time. After finishing this order, you will destroy the contract. From then on, I have nothing to do with you JM!"

A cheerful laugh came from the other side of the phone: "It's a deal!"

"Send me the other party's information as soon as possible!"

"Are you so eager to get rid of our relationship with JM?"

"Of course!" A straightforward answer.

"It seems that you are really in a hurry to be Mrs. Ray!"

"This is my business!" Zhang Xinmeng was angry.

"I know this is your business, but don't say that I didn't remind you. It's better to hide what you did to the Lei family ten years ago, otherwise the Lei family will not let you go!"

Thank you for your advice. Remember to help me get the contract back from JM! Hang up." Zhang Xinmeng quickly hung up the phone, and the scene ten years ago seemed to return to her mind and smiled contemptuously: How could the Lei family know what Zhang Xinmeng had done! The truth has been buried by her!