President, be careful of love

Chapter 86 Fusion 1

Morning news: The mayor of City A's untidy clothes and corpses in the wilderness have become the hottest news in A City for a while. The former mayor of Xiamen are full of voices. Reporters, politicians and businessmen gathered here, each with ghosts and seek their own interests. Reporters need to dig up the truth of the facts as soon as possible and get the first information. Newspaper*, the website has a hot click rate, and naturally money is rolling in. As for politicians, some people disared, and naturally some people take office. City A is a large economic city, and the Gulf port and freight logistics must pass through. Heavy industry and light industry share the north and south. There are bustling and brilliant downtown shopping malls, and the position of mayor of this city A is sought after by everyone. He ascends the throne of mayor of this city A and receives all the money and power. Who does not compete with the front is a big fool. Or he is definitely not from City A. People in City A are keen on power, and clinging to powerful has become a compulsory course for almost every businessman. Here, blatant bribery is not surprising, and disguised bribery is becoming more and more rampant.

The name of the United States: take the money of merchants, seek the interests of capitalists, and create the benefits of the people.

The living standards of the people in A city are high, and they are not used to these tricks. They turn a blind eye. Anyway, I live a good life, and there is no need to provoke a fishy body. He created his great career, I live my well-off life, the well water does not violate the river, and we are at peace. However, the mayor's bizarre death still exploded in City A: the original stable life seemed to have a hidden crisis. They didn't care about bribes or gangs, but it didn't mean that they didn't care about themselves! If it's none of your business, you must follow up closely! No one can laugh and see the breeze calmly in front of big and wrong.

The mayor is dead, who will take over? Everyone is looking forward to whether it will bring disaster or greater benefits to City A.

Of course, these people include the four families led by Lei Shaochen. At this moment, they are closely together to discuss major plans.

They all sat together with serious expressions, unprecedentedly cold and arrogant! JM actually openly entered City A. In the past, they were just mercenary killers, but now they openly crossed into City A, robbing their territory, robbing their goods, and hurting their people! How can they swallow this breath? Don't think they don't know. This mayor's assassination is just a blindfold for them to disrupt the pace of City A. Everyone knows that the previous financial power was planned by the mayor. Although he personally sought a lot of self-interest, the mayor is not a mediocre talent. He knows how to control resources fleetingly and give the greatest benefits to the largest and most capable family, which has both benefits and benefits to City A, but now he has signed many The agreement and many development plans, with his death, seem to have become an unwritten treaty. Now everyone has to wait for the policy of the next mayor to take office. As the saying goes, the policy is unclear, who dares to continue? Although the policy is fake, sometimes it will bring a fatal blow to businessmen!

"Lei Shao, do we just let them do anything wrong and play City A like their back garden?" Hao Yidong was furious.

"Let them play once, so what's wrong!" Lei Shaochen clenched his fist, stared sharply in front of him, and said fiercely.

"I'm afraid that they will play more than once. They are fierce, and the inevitable posture will make many people afraid! I dare not fight back." Liang Haojie analyzed.

"Their purpose is to occupy the southern bay port and use City A as their transit point for smuggling!" Lei Shaochen thought deeply and hit their purpose.

"It's getting more and more fun. Look at this photo!" Long Yi pointed to the only photo released on the Internet, which is said to be the killer who killed the mayor, and showed it to everyone.

"This photo is too blurry to see clearly!" Zhang Yimo said absent-mindedly that he just came back from H city today. He didn't expect to welcome him with such a big gift. He was really surprised, but his current mind is not in this at all. He has been thinking about the little woman at home who was captured by him. I don't know that she knows that she hasn't stepped into H city yet. What will happen if the land is captured by him? Surprised? Angry? Or shock? She had always respected her wishes and got along with her, but she actually wanted to elope with other men regardless of his face? So he forced her last night despite her opposition. It was a good taste!

Everyone was stunned when they looked at which blurred photo Zhang Yimo was looking at. But now is not the time for gossip. It's important! Long Yi said casually but affirmatively, "It's quite vague, but I have a way. You wait."

After saying that, he copied the photo to the computer and tossed it with the picture processing software. The person in the photo immediately became clear and compelling.

Everyone stared at the photos on the computer and were so surprised that they couldn't speak!!! How can it be, how can it be her!!!

"Lei Shao, what do you think?" Hao Yidong asked quietly.

"Lei Shao! I can't see that your wife is from the mercenary world!!!" Lei Shaochen didn't have time to answer, and Zhang Yimo shouted with a shocked face!

"Hmm, I don't think so!" Long Yi smiled indifferently, and his eyebrows were full of victory, the arrogance that dominated everything! You can deceive others, but you can't deceive him. Genius is not a false reputation!

"What's going on?" Lei Shaochen calmly asked the dragon wing.

"Lei Shao, don't you think this is Chen Jingyi? Please, she is your wife. You hold the sleeping person every day. Can't you even recognize her? I was surprised to change the dragon wings this time.

"I just doubt it." Lei Shaochen defended.

"Do you know her true face?" Hao Yidong was shocked.

Long Yi did not explain. He pulled out a photo of Chen Jingyi from the computer and combined the two photos for everyone to take a closer look. Sure enough, this is a trick to deceive everyone. Although the two people's eyebrows are very similar, if you look carefully, you will find that the height and three measurements of the two people are completely unimaginable. The only thing that is similar is the face. Of course, if you look carefully, the dragon wing adopts the function of partial amplification to put the two faces together, and see the truth in the subtleties: two There are still many small differences in the face, especially the red lips, and the faint lip lines on the lips, which shows that the fake Chen Jingyi seems to be older! 22-year-old Chen Jingyi's lips are delicate, pink, smooth and soft. Where did the lip lines come from!!! There are also the sharp Danfeng eyes, contrary to the cold blood light, and the quiet peach blossom eyes, pleasant, gentle and beautiful 1 So it seems that this is by no means a person!!! But who will pretend to be Chen Jingyi? The answer is about to come out, and the spearhead is pointed at Zhang Xinmeng! She is indeed a killer in the mercenary world, which is completely consistent with the investigation of Dragon Wing. This woman is hidden deep enough and pretending to be true enough to think that she can deceive all people. She doesn't know how her tricks can deceive these powerful characters who are powerful and invulnerable.

"Lei Shao, I didn't expect your lover to be so excellent. I really admire her, and the perfect play is seamless! But for such a dangerous woman, you have to be careful not to be eaten by her without even bones!" Dragon Wing exported to flirt, and his thoughts of gloating were clear.

Lei Shaochen did not answer. He looked deeply at the person in the photo, tightened his hands, was silent for a few seconds, and said fiercely: "I'll go first, you continue." After saying that, he strode out.