President, be careful of love

Chapter 92 Fusion 7

Jingyi returned home. After bathing, the nerves that jumped for a day finally relaxed and lay quietly listening to music, trying to sort out what happened today. First of all, Lei Shaochen's inexplicable and wonderful words, what do you remember what the end of the sea of clouds said? In the sea of clouds in Japan, she didn't seem to remember what he said. The only memory left in his mind was that he left her and went to the United States, and then returned with Zhang Xinmeng, which he cared about day and night. The heartbreaking pain of abandoning her still remains in his heart. However, the time she carved with him in her memory, and the movements she wrote with him, have always been entangled in her heart. They have been new for a long time, making her reluctant to forget and lose them. For this reason, she also designed a skirt, named "White of Memory", a long skirt with an unparalleled white texture and flowing quietly. The elegance of the ground adopts a charming deep V arc, and the waist is made of light pink loose diamonds to form a two-heart shape, which is like a dream. Those sweet and lost, I am already mature, but the double-heart shape embellished by the waist shows a few traces of greenness, just like the appearance of memory...

Once the sea was difficult for water, but Wushan was not a cloud. They have separated, but they still seem to have an inextricable relationship. Tomorrow, they will continue to talk to him about signing the contract. Thinking of this, Jingyi reluctantly gets up and sits in front of the computer to sort out the information. Tomorrow, it must be foolproof!

At 9 a.m., the Tiger Class conference room.

Kaitu, represented by Chen Jingyi, and Huban, represented by Lei Shaochen, sat in two columns respectively, arguing. In business, although Ketu really wants to get this contract, it does not mean that they have to give in. Kaitu's profound foundation and long history should not be underestimated, so Chen Jingyi asked that the profit of the contract be increased from 13% to 18%, which is also the decision she made after a night after careful consideration last night, although At present, Huban is the first in the industry and has many qualifications, but many projects are contracted to medium-sized enterprises in the industry at a low price. If you fake people, you will have to pay the price!

As soon as Jingyi's request was put forward, everyone, including Zhou Mechanics, was shocked. Even if the profit increase of hundreds of millions of projects was a considerable amount of money, not to mention that she also asked for an increase of 5%!

"Our Huban originally signed a contract with Hongcheng for an 8% profit. In view of the urgency of this time, work intensity and other factors, we have raised the profit to 13%. If you are still not satisfied with this price, I'm afraid our cooperation talks can only end here." Hua Sheng said harshly.

Jingyi had long expected that their reaction would be rejected, but she did not raise the price alone without preparation, because Kaitu is worth this price! With this capital! He smiled confidently at the crowd and said lightly, "You don't have to reject my proposal so soon. I have a piece of information in my hand that I want to show you first." After saying that, he handed over a piece of information that came out last night to the other party. After distribution, he continued to say, "You must have got the information I just distributed. Yes, this is the advantages and disadvantages of the ten well-known architectural design companies in the industry summarized by Kaitu. Each of them is detailed for this project of the tiger class. Detailed analysis, if you want to complete the development plan of Yuanshan Resort within a month, you can only choose Kaitu, which is the right time, place and there is no shortage of everything. Looking further, you can also see the projects completed by Kaitu in the past. Compared with other companies, Kaitu is not only a qualified listed company. It has a strong team with a complete team from design, architecture, decoration and publicity, and has completed countless buildings. Its works are horizontal. Across the whole country, although the quantity is small, each one is a masterpiece! Many communities we have built have bought the best price in the industry. I believe this is blocked in the industry, so I have another suggestion. If you have other projects that you need to cooperate with, you might as well consider Kaitu, and we can definitely give you a reasonable price!"

Standing independently in the world of a group of men, they are fearless and reasonable to argue that their president's ex-wife is still such a bold woman, which is really impressive!

Lei Shaochen stared at the data carefully without saying a word, and a sense of appreciation slowly rose in his eyes. In the past, he had never found that she still had the courage to cross the mall. This time, he had to give in to her. She tightly grasped the disadvantages of the tiger class, highlighted the advantages of Kaitu, and planned strategies. Grasping the overall situation, I made a detailed analysis of the possible partners of Huban. It is undeniable that Kaitu is the most suitable company. Although she was worried that her incompetence would cause many sequelae, at that time, internal and external troubles will be attacked together. I am afraid that Kaitu will soon be defeated in the fiercely competitive construction industry. However, at first sight today, these worries are obviously superfluous. Instead, Kaitu is an opportunity and a turning point, and the power is just around the corner.

Since it's a win-win thing, why not do it!" Huasheng, when you are ready to sign the contract according to Mr. Chen's requirements. Lei Shaochen ordered the Chinese voice beside him. Under this order, not only the Huasheng beside her was shocked, but also Chen Jingyi was a little surprised. Originally, she just held the attitude of trying, but she didn't expect Lei Shaochen to allow it!!! It seems that they have won this battle. It's refreshing!

Coming out of the tiger class, Kaitu's entourage couldn't hide their admiration and admiration for their new chairman! Such a tough and decisive wrist, I'm afraid even Chen Yitang can't compare! It seems that there are talented people in the new generation, and Kaitu has a bright future!

While their group was about to leave by car, Huasheng trotted up and said respectfully to Chen Jingyi, "Mr. Chen, our chairman is here to invite you." After saying that, he made a gesture to Chen Jingyi. Jingyi hesitated and ordered everyone to go back first and return to the Huban Company with Huasheng.

Along the way, she was beating the drum in her heart, and the contract had been negotiated. What did he call her? Before she could figure out a reason, she was taken to Lei Shaochen's office. After Huasheng withdrew, Jingyi calmly asked, "What are you looking for me for?"

"The day after tomorrow is Grandpa's 75th birthday. We plan to hold a small birthday party for him at home. Come over when you are free. I haven't seen you in recent days. Grandpa misses you very much." Lei Shaochen slowly made a sound.

"Ye, I know. I'll attend if I have time." The answer with a pun did not say that she would attend or point out that she would not come. Perhaps these grinding words were just a reflection in her heart.

"You performed very well today!"

"Thank you. If there is nothing else, I will go back first. The company still has something to deal with."

Lei Shaochen raised his hand to look at the time and said, "It's almost lunch time. Why don't we have a meal together?"

"It's okay." Two light words, neither surprised or happy.

The two walked towards the parking lot at a certain distance, got on the car and didn't talk to each other. They let Lei Shaochen drive the car forward. They didn't know where it was going. The car drove for about an hour before stopping. The destination turned out to be a seaside, the long-lost sea, really blue.

Seeing a blue sea and blue sky and sea waves, Jingyi's mood relaxed, her tight eyebrows unfolded, and the sea breeze blew in, bringing in a fresh fishy smell, fresh and natural.

"Isn't it lunch? Why did you come here?" The beautiful scenery is intoxicating, but you won't even forget what to do when you come out.

"Please follow me." After saying that, Lei Shaochen wanted to hold her hand, and Jingyi couldn't help shrinking. Lei Shaochen was embarrassed and withdrew his original action.

Two people walked forward and back and stopped in a small restaurant by the sea. Chen Jingyi looked at the small restaurant with a pointed roof. The house was surrounded by straw, and decorations such as coconut shells hung at the door, which looked quite marine. The name of the store Tianhai First Line Pavilion was surrounded by shells. This place is a good place. Place.

Entering the restaurant, Lei Shaochen did not stop, but directly led Chen Jingyi to the second floor and sat by the window. The window was woven with straw and supported by a bamboo. Looking out of the window, he had a panoramic view of the blue sky and blue sea, which was unique.

"How did you find this good place?" Jingyi asked curiously.

"I've been inspecting the resort recently and accidentally came to this place. I think it's quite good, so I'll take you to have a look." Lei Shaochen responded.

Jingyi just wanted to respond. At this time, Lei Shaochen's mobile phone rang. Lei Shaochen took out his mobile phone, looked at the caller ID, motioned to Jingyi, picked up the phone and answered it.

"Young Chen, I'll go back to China tomorrow. Are you at work now?" Zhang Xinmeng said excitedly.

"I'm meeting the customer outside now. What time is your flight tomorrow?"

"About ten o'clock in the morning, I will arrive at City A in the evening."

"I'll pick you up then."

"Okay, see you then! Bye." Zhang Xinmeng hung up the phone happily after saying that.

"See you then, bye." Lei Shaochen hung up the phone and turned back to his seat. When he saw her staring at him, his heart sank slightly. What he had just said would not reach her ears. Although it was not far away, he had tried his best to lower his voice.

In fact, Jingyi didn't know who he was talking to on the phone, but she heard the sentence "I met the customer outside" clearly and made it clear in her heart. It turned out that he only regarded her as a customer in his heart and thought too much.

"Let's order quickly. Let's go back early after eating." Suppressing the bitterness in his heart, he said to Lei Shaochen quietly.

"Is your matter urgent this afternoon?" Lei Shaochen asked.

"Why do you ask?"

"If it's not urgent, we will wander around here. This resort is quite distinctive." Lei Shaochen suggested.

"It's really beautiful." Jingyi responded lightly, paused and continued, "But I really have something to do this afternoon. How about I come and learn another day? We Kaitu will carefully consider your ideas and requirements."

"That's not necessary. Since the Tiger Class has given you the design, it has full confidence in you." Lei Shaochen looked at her and said.

"Thank you."

"Jingyi, in fact, I..." In fact, Lei Shaochen wanted to say that he did not hand in the divorce agreement to the Civil Affairs Bureau, but before he could say it, Jingyi's mobile phone suddenly rang. It was the sound of a text message. Jingyi smiled at Lei Shaochen apologetically and took out his mobile phone in his bag and clicked on the text message: Jingyi, be careful, someone bought a murderer recently! Xuanyuanfan.

Seeing this text message, Jingyi's hand trembled slightly, gently put her mobile phone back into her bag, touched the female pistol in the bag, and her nervous heart calmed down slightly.

Lei Shaochen, who has been sitting opposite her, will not miss her abnormalities and ask with concern, "What's wrong? Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Jingyi shook her head and said, "It's okay. I want to go to the bathroom." After saying that, he got up and walked to the nearest waiter, asked the location of the bathroom, turned around and walked out. Lei Shaochen looked at her back and quickly opened her bag. He was shocked to see the pistol in her bag. He ignored the pistol and took out her mobile phone and turned over the text message she had just read, with sharp eyes. Scanning through those lines, and then quickly restoring everything to its original state, waiting for her to come back. Everything seemed to have not happened, and everything really happened.