President, be careful of love

Chapter 101 tit for tat 1

The death of three policemen is just the beginning and will never be the end.

It must be reported, that's his style of Lei Shaochen!

In Lei's mansion, the silent conference room is filled with a tense atmosphere. This is a deployment related to life and death, survival and death. If you are not careful, you will lose everything. This is a battle that only talks about heroes with strength and does not show off with exaggeration!

The room is full of silence, with a dignified face, thinking, meditating and thinking!

Suddenly, Zhang Yimo slapped the table vigorously and shouted loudly: "Attack! We have been in a passive situation, allowing them to lead their noses can only encourage their tears! We black panthers are not easy to mess with, the four family alliance, let's see how they make waves! "Doing evil!"

"I agree! We have been watching the change all the time, but what about the result? They are insatiable and incisatiable! It's enough to seize the port power. Now we are still manipulating the mayor to take back the project we had previously decided. It's not just a mayor, and I, Hao Yidong, don't care about it at all!" Hao Yidong's slender single phoenix eyes were half narrowed into a small crack, and a sharp light was projected out, fierce and vicious.

"Everyone's analysis is very reasonable. At present, the most difficult point is that if we rise up to pursue, in case international terrorist organizations join hands with the JM mercenary community, I'm afraid we will lose a little." Liang Haojie said thoughtfully.

"Let's eradicate the Tiger Head Gang first." Lei Shaochen, who hasn't made a sound for a long time, said, "The Tiger Head Gang is our local gang. The fight between us is just right. International terrorist organizations and the JM mercenary community dare not take action, and will only watch the battle. At that time, we will turn around and point directly at the JM mercenary world and kill him unprepared! Don't they want to get blood diamonds in JM mercenaries? We will use the blood diamond as bait to lure the wolf into the room!"

"According to my current investigation, a problem has surfaced. We all know that the leader of the mercenary world is Master Wang. As for his real name, we don't know, but at least we can find the relevant information of this character, but the ruler of international terrorist organizations has been hidden behind. We still don't know. Who he is and whether it will be related to the JM mercenary world. Maybe these two organizations are actually secretly controlled by one person. As soon as Long Yi's words came out, it caused an uproar among several people.

If it is really as Dragon Wing said, then this war will be dangerous and dangerous.

"Dragon Wing, what's the basis for saying that?" Zhang Yi asked silently.

"The night Grandpa Lei Shaochen held the banquet, we saw the dialogue between Zhu Shishi and Zhang Xinmeng through video surveillance. They belong to two different organizations, but from their dialogue, they have had a lot of cooperation. Previously, I also investigated several large-scale smuggling cases, which were caused by international terrorism. The terrorist organization and the JM mercenary community cooperated together. I'm afraid that they are not just cooperation, but two branches controlled by one person!"

“. ....." Everyone fell into a burst of meditation.

For a long time, Hao Yidong looked at Lei Shaochen with deep meaning and slowly said, "Lei Shao, I think to figure out the relationship between the two organizations, you can start with Zhang Xinmeng. Doesn't she admire you and fall in love with you? Why don't you push the boat along the water? Use her to investigate their relationship?

Everyone sweated at Hao Yidong's suggestion. Judging from his recent behavior, Lei Shaochen has obviously decided to clear his relationship with Zhang Xinmeng and be with Chen Jingyi. At this moment, his sister-in-law is still in the hospital. Lei Shaochen will provoke Zhang Xinmeng. What will Jingyi think? May I ask which woman in the world can accept her husband and other women, flirt and flirt and be calm? It is said that the war between men is bloody and brutal, but the open and secret battles between women are also very lethal and destructive. Sometimes a woman can become a man or destroy a man. The so-called success is also Xiaohe and defeat is Xiaohe. At that time, one can't control it well, very It may be a small loss.

"Why don't you communicate with your sister-in-law first to see if she approves it?" Hao Yidong suggested taking a step back.

"No, men's affairs need to be solved by women! Long Yi, you should increase your efforts to investigate. If you are embarrassed, you will always show flaws!"

"OK." The dragon's wings should go down.

"Yes, did you find the woman you asked you to investigate and let me go last time?"

"This is the woman I found related to Jingyi. Let's see if there is any similarity one by one." As Long Yi said, he turned on the information in the computer and presented it to everyone one by one.

"The first one is her biological mother Hu Linglong, but the data shows that she died of illness when Chen Jingyi was about three to four years old. The second one is her current stepmother named Chen Qing. She has lived with them as a family. Although she has never held a wedding or wedding, they A year ago, they quietly received the certificate. They are a well-known couple. The third is her eldest aunt Chen Meili. At present, she works in a large multinational enterprise in the United States. She returns to China once or twice a year and has a closer relationship with the Chen family. The fourth is Chen Meili's twin sister Chen Miqi. According to data, she graduated from college After that, she had a conflict with the Chen family and left the Chen family in anger. Since then, she has basically drawn a clear line with the Chen family and did not even come back to attend her father's funeral, which shows the deep conflict between her and the Chen family. Fifth, Liang Lanying, the mother of her neighbor and childhood playmate Wang Yuxuan, has also passed away. The rest are her classmates and friends, all of whom are about the same age as Jingyi, which is not in line with what Lei Shao said about middle-aged women.

Lei Shaochen narrowed his eyes sharply, looked carefully one by one, and said for a long time, "Design them all to be veiled." The woman who saved him at that time covered her lower half of her face with gauze.

Dragon Wings covered the people in each picture one by one as required, and then showed them to everyone one by one. First, it flashed quickly, and then slowly put it one by one. When he moved to the first one, Lei Shaochen's eyes suddenly narrowed and quickly recalled the situation of the day in his mind. The face in his memory slowly coincided with the appearance in front of him, "It's her!"

This gentle finger was shocked!

Hao Yidong said anxiously, "Lei Shao, take a closer look. She is Chen Jingyi's mother. She has been dead for more than 20 years. How can she appear in an international terrorist organization? Don't scare us. In the broad daylight, I got goose bumps!"

"That's her, Hu Linglong!" There is no doubt about the positive tone. No wonder he felt that the woman was a little familiar between her eyebrows at that time, because Chen Jingyi looked a little like her.

As soon as this word came out, everyone sighed secretly: Has the person who has died for more than 20 years been resurrected? Why does it sound so weird? If they hadn't all been atheists, they would have crawled on the ground and softly went to the temple to worship Buddha!

"Haha Yidong, please assist Long Yi to investigate Hu Linglong and see if there is any breakthrough. Next, we will deploy a plan to fight against the Tiger Head Gang!" Lei Shaochen said.

Strict deployment, detailed plan, everything is done, just wait for tomorrow night. After tomorrow night, the Tiger Head Gang should not see the sun the day after tomorrow!

When the dark night came, everything was calm, and time passed. The morning light of the next day shone on the earth and the golden light flashed. The dazzling sunlight shone through the clean glass window and sprinkled faintly on the disease**, shining on her body. She blinked slowly, slowly opened her eyes, and looked at the man in front of the bed. Her face was first gentle and sweet, and then the memory in her mind quietly returned. Their children were gone, sad, and the kind in her heart The pain of the cone can't be covered, and it can't be blocked. It's surging. That's their crystal, the only crystal... After smoothing a lot of stomach, tears quietly slipped down, like broken beads, continuous...

Shaochen, who was awakened by sobs, was heartbroken when he saw her tearful eyes. He leaned over and hugged her gently and said softly, "Don't cry. The child will have it again in the future, good boy."

"It won't happen again, it won't happen again." Jingyi turned from sobbing to crying, shaking her head and muttering laxly.

"There will be, there will be. As long as you take good care of yourself, you will definitely get pregnant again!"

"You lied to me, the doctor said..." She really doesn't have the strength to say those cruel words again. The doctor said that she had an abnormal abortion and may suffer from infertility in the future, so she will never have children again?

"Don't think so much, take good care of yourself. The doctor's words are not all right. As long as we work hard, we will definitely do it! Good boy, don't cry. Grandpa will come to see you later. Aunt Chen also made chicken soup for you, your favorite chicken soup.

When he heard that Grandpa was going to come to see her, he slowly calmed down. No matter how sad he was, he couldn't let Grandpa see it. He must be very sad to lose his grandson...

"Dongdong, Dongdong..." Suddenly, there was a fierce knock on the door...

They thought it was Grandpa who came, and Jingyi wiped the tears in their eyes in a hurry, but before the hand that wiped the tears could be put down, Jingyi's expression was stunned: Zhang Xinmeng who pushed the door and entered, wearing a tight black dress and holding a bunch of white and fragrant lilies, as if she was delicate. The charming fairy, the faint smile hanging on the corners of her mouth, was very faint, but it still dripped deeply into Jingyi's eye mask, which was painful.

"I heard that Jingyi's sister was ill, so I immediately rushed to visit my sister. Is my sister feeling better now?"

"Well, it's better. Thank you for your concern. If there is nothing else, please go back first. I'm not feeling well and want to rest."

"Well, I won't disturb my sister's rest, and I can't work too hard now. The doctor said that I'm in the early stages of pregnancy, so I have to lie down and rest more. If it weren't for visiting my sister, I wouldn't dare to go out. As a pregnant woman, there is no freedom. My sister must be deep. I have experience, haven't I?" The soft words are like a sharp knife stabbing into Jingyi's heart! The hands in the quilt couldn't help shaking uncontrollably.

She is pregnant with Lei Shaochen's child! Fortunately, she had been kept in the dark and thought that Lei Shaochen really wanted to change her mind. It turned out that everything was a lie! She is the stupidest fool in the world!!!