President, be careful of love

Chapter 126 Escape

Taylor held Jingyi tightly and lurked behind a sea stone, and his fierce eyes stared at the forest in front of him. The forest full of unknown and mystery kept making sharp strange screams, sad and gloomy, and creepy. Suddenly, countless torches lit up on the other side of the forest. Three barefooted and leather-clad indigenous people quickly ran out of the forest, stood still in the place where they had just lit a fire, picked up the long stick in their other hand and stabbed the remaining hot sand. They seemed to have discussed a few words with each other, and then they looked at each other. The ground turned to the direction of their hiding. Although it was night, their eyes were as sharp as if they could penetrate the darkness. For a moment, they almost didn't even dare to move, for fear that the slight movement would reveal his trace and suffer annihilation.

Jingyi stared at the indigenous people and said in a low voice, "Uncle, I feel that they are very similar to primitive people."

Taylor's eyebrows moved, primitive man? Looking at them by the moonlight, they are completely evolved human beings, but their hands and feet seem to be particularly slender and should be very good at climbing. From these behaviors, they are a little close to primitive people. According to history, the closer they are to primitive behavior, the more tolerant they are, the more tolerant they are. Yi despises the rest of the invading races and life in order to survive, so it seems that the danger they are currently facing is not so easy to resolve.

But the more strange thing is that the indigenous people just stared at the direction they were hiding, but did not go forward, as if they were avoiding anything. Then, they roared like wolves and quickly went to the mountains and forests. Looking at the speed of their movement, several people had nothing but surprise. : Human beings, even the fastest sprinter, can't have such a speed! They were like a gust of wind, suddenly disappearing.

After they disappeared, Taylor and several people took turns guarding vigilance and observing the situation in the woods, but until dawn, they had no other movement, as if everything last night was just an empty dream. When they woke up, everything returned to calm. They now know that they can't wait to die. If they want to leave here, they must find a boat. There will be no boat here, so they must build a simple raft by themselves. Only by leaving this place can they survive! But the key question now is that those indigenous people live in the woods. How can they get close to the woods and cut down trees? But these small shrubs alone can't prepare rafts at all. These small shrubs can be used as firewood. To prepare rafts, you have to rely on the branches of big trees!

"Gordon, stay to protect Bella. Seven Miles and Harry and I went to the forest over there to find a way to get some wood. Harry, you will be responsible for protecting our safety, and Qili and I will be responsible for picking up the wood. Taylor ordered decisively.

Gordon looked at Jingyi carefully and said to Taylor tremblingly, "Well, what can I do to protect Bella?"

Taylor did not answer his words and threw the pistol directly from his arms to Gordon. Then he went to Jingyi and said softly, "Stay here and wait for us to come back. If there is danger, run behind the rock last night to hide." After saying that, he looked at her affectionately and said to Gordon, "If you are in danger, shoot and take good care of Bella."

Gordon nodded submissively, and his nervous look made him look like a frightened bird.

Qili shook his head helplessly. Usually, he was not so afraid when he encountered strong winds and waves. How could he be scared into a coward when he met these indigenous people? Is it that the indigenous people are brutal or Gordon, who has experienced life and death, become more timid? Well, he hopes it's the latter.

Then the five of them divided into two teams, one team stayed where they were, and the other team attacked the depths of the forest.

Taylor and Qiliguan carefully entered the forest. The forest was densely full of all kinds of weeds, some of which were even waist-high. There were several paths in the forest, which seemed to be stepped on by people, about one meter wide and curved into the depths of the forest. Qili and Taylor looked at each other and understood each other's thoughts: these winding paths can't be walked, they have to be avoided, and how far away they are. Only in this way can they avoid meeting indigenous people.

Stopping in front of a smaller tree with more branches, Taylor and Qili climbed to the tree, clinging their hands tightly to the tree, and then stretched out their feet to step on the trunk, trying to break the trunk. After many vigorous trampling, the branches broke the main trunk and fell down. Now they have two A piece of wood that looks quite thick, as long as you find a way to get two more, then the materials needed for a small raft are enough. Thinking of this, the two people attacked the other branch harder. Just as they stepped on it hard, the surrounding woods suddenly made a hiss, which shocked a group of The birds flew one after another.

Taylor and Qili stopped their ongoing movements and looked at the surrounding environment. Before they could see the current situation, wooden arrows flew towards them one after another. Taylor and Qili slid down to the bottom of the tree and dragged the branches on the ground and ran in the direction they came, just as they thought they were running. When I came out of life, the road ahead was actually stopped by more than a dozen dark indigenous people. It was impossible to run back. It can be said that there were blocks in front and chasers behind. The three of them were forced to stop. The indigenous people approached them as carefully as they looked at aliens. Harry's hand gently moved to the pistol around his waist. When he was about to move, Taylor said softly, "Don't shoot!" They are very popular. Once they are annoyed, the consequences will certainly be unimaginable. Now that the other party has no other action, it is not too late for them to observe before making a decision.

"What on earth are you going to do to us?" Taylor asked with a loud voice.

"Want-woman-person." Although it was an intermittent word, Taylor finally understood that they wanted to be quiet.

"What do you want a woman to do?" Taylor frowned unhappily. That's his Bella. No one else can think of it!

"Want-woman-person." The leading indigenous people are still the answer.

"I can't give it!" Taylor replied sharply.

When the indigenous people heard this answer, they suddenly let out a roar, as if they were angry and hysterical.

The indigenous people led raised their hands, and the rest of the indigenous people tacitly raised the wooden arrows in their hands and pointed them at them and asked, "Give-give-do-do-no-give?"

"Taylor." Qili called Taylor unhappily, and his tone was quite persuasive. Hand over the woman and they could be safe and sound. Why didn't they do it? According to the current situation, if they don't do this, is it possible for them to escape? First of all, the mountains and forests are full of indigenous people. They seem to be very brave and good at fighting. Although the weapons are made of wood, the front end is all cut into sharp tips, which is not inferior to knives at all. Secondly, all their mobile phones can't be turned on after being soaked in the sea. There is no possibility of contacting the outside world at all. It's basically impossible for them to escape!!!

"No!" Taylor directly ignored Qili's attitude and answered firmly.

The leading indigenous man made another strange move. The rest of the indigenous people raised the wooden arrows in their hands and walked towards them. Harry's hand holding the pistol began to tremble. Should he shoot or not?

"Taylor, shall we shoot?" Harry still asked his doubts.

"No." Firm answer.

"Then we will die!" Harry was almost about to cry. In the face of the most dangerous situation, all the orders were meaningless. Although Taylor said firmly that he would not shoot, seeing the indigenous people from all directions pouring over one after another, his instinctive fear made Harry almost without hesitation raise his gun and shoot in all directions!

Taylor's heart was half cold when he saw this situation, Harry! They have been told not to shoot! There are so many bullets in one gun. How can you beat so many indigenous people? However, now that the war has been provoked, Taylor has nothing to do, so he has to take advantage of the panicked moment to run to the periphery. Taking advantage of the turmoil, Taylor and Qili finally escaped, but Harry may not be able to survive. After a few steps after they escaped, the indigenous people reacted sensitively. After a fierce attack on Harry, Qili finally looked back and found that several wooden arrows were inserted in his body, some of which even penetrated his body. The possibility of surviving basically did not exist. It seemed that Taylor's instructions were very correct. They had no capital to fight with the indigenous people at all!

They ran all the way to Gordon and Jingyi, pulled them quickly towards the boulder by the coast, took several breaths, and finally settled down. Jingyi asked anxiously, "Uncle, where's Harry?"

As soon as Taylor heard Jingyi mention Harry, his blue eyes unconsciously lowered, patted her on the back gently, and said, "He fell into a trap in the mountains." In other words, it may not be so scary, so as not to scare her and timid Gordon.

"Trap? Shall we hurry up and save him?" Jingyi's little face unconsciously became worried.

"Not now. The indigenous people are starting to move. Let's wait." As soon as the lie began, it was true that it would weave countless lies to cover up the first lie.

"Will the indigenous people find Harry falling into a trap, and then..." She doesn't have the courage to say anything in the future.

"No, that trap is very hidden." Taylor explained.