President, be careful of love

Chapter 139 Who is lying 2

Las Vegas.

After getting off the plane, Jingyi was fascinated by the beautiful scenery in front of her. The excitement here was as colorful as a kaleidoscope for her. She looked at it and looked at it. The excitement was like a little local girl from the countryside, but a lovely girl.

Finally, Taylor took her back to his home in Las Vegas and told her to have a good rest and go out for business.

After Jingyi said goodbye to Taylor with excitement, she planned to quietly go out for a stroll. First, it was to satisfy her curiosity about the metropolis, and second, she wanted to go out to see if she could find any information.

But she just opened the door and was stopped by two people in black before her feet could get out.

"Miss Bella, the master tells you to have a good rest at home."

Jingyi frowned unhappily and protested a little dissatisfiedly: "I don't want to rest now. I want to go out for a walk."

"Sorry, you can't leave here without the master's instructions." The attitude of the man in black was rigid and not relaxed at all.

"I am his wife, that is to say, I am also your master, so you should listen to me!"

The two men in black looked at each other and thought they would let her pass, but they replied with one voice, "That won't work either!"

Jingyi couldn't discuss it, so she planned to run out directly. As a result, she was dragged back after two steps away. What a hatred in her heart! If it hadn't been for her weak strength alone and two strong men, she would never have admitted defeat so easily.

Back in the room, she wandered around boredly. The doors of many rooms could not be opened, and the interior was beautifully decorated, but there was no information that interested her. Instead, the large transparent glass floor-to-ceiling window could see the beautiful scenery outside, which was very refreshing.

However, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, I have been tired of it for a long time.

Taylor sent someone to deliver a delicious dinner. Her appetite was not very good. She took a few bites and put down the spoon. I plan to go upstairs to wash up and go to bed early tonight.

When she took off her coat on the edge of the bed and picked up the cotton pajamas on the edge of the bed, she was almost scared to death by the people hanging out of the window! At first glance, she thought it was a ghost. She was so scared that she shouted, "Ah!" Before she could shout a second time, the other party quickly jumped in through the window, covered her mouth, and pulled her into the bathroom of the room.

When the man in black heard her scream, he immediately rushed up and entered the bedroom and saw that the bathroom light was on. He stared at the bathroom warily and asked, "Miss Bella, are you all right?"

"I, I'm fine. I just met a big cockroach. It's scared away by me. It's okay. Close the door for me. I'm going to take a shower."

"Okay." He believed it in black and retreated.

It was not until it was quiet again that Jingyi broke free from the imprisonment of the strange man and asked coldly, "You said you were here to save me. Why should I believe you?"

Dragon Wings shrugged his shoulders and smiled frivolously: "Didn't you believe me just now?"

That's the truth. If she doesn't believe what he just said, she can tell him the truth when the man in black comes up.

"I just believed in you doesn't mean that I still believe you now. If you don't tell the truth, I'll call someone." After saying that, Jingyi looked like she was going to shout.

Long Yi took a look, immediately covered her mouth and said, "Okay, that's all I said." After a pause, he looked at her a few times and asked uncertainly, "Do you really not know who I am?"

"I don't know."

"It seems that you really have lost your memory, but it doesn't matter, you see." As he spoke, Longyi took out a piece of information from his trouser pocket, about a few thick pieces of paper, which briefly described Chen Jingyi's past and what she had done.

"This is the real you. You were cheated by Taylor. Your real husband is Lei Shaochen. We don't know why you lost your memory, but this is likely to be Taylor's conspiracy."

"I want you to believe in just these few pieces of paper?"

"Believe it or not. Anyway, I just left this trip out of sympathy. If you want to believe me, follow me and leave. If you don't believe me, just stay here.

Jingyi suddenly fell silent and left or not?

Taylor has some problems, but who can guarantee that this strange man has no conspiracy?

"It seems that you still don't believe me. What a miserable Lei Shao. Since your disappearance, he has been looking for you, but he didn't expect that the woman he missed day and night would even forget his existence."

Jingyi suddenly remembered the man on the desert island. He looked decadent, but stared at her with burning eyes. He stared so attentively and saw the loneliness and resentment when Taylor hugged her tightly, as if it were in front of her eyes. Finally, she bit her teeth and said, "Okay, I'll go with you."

"However, there are people in black downstairs."

"Who said we left from below and went up to the top floor." After saying that, Long Yi took a step ahead of the door and walked upstairs. Opening the door of the top floor, he saw two people in black leaning aside at the door. Jingyi asked in surprise, "Excuse me, what's wrong with them?"

"They were sent by Taylor to spy on you, and now they have been dealt with by our people."

"Your people?" Jingyi was wondering when she saw several people standing on the roof, and there was even a small private jet parked on the roof next to it.

Finally, she followed them into the small plane.

On the plane, in the face of these strange men, her heart was full of anxiety and defense, and she had been worried about whether she would make the wrong choice?

Until the man appeared on the screen of the video, her heart finally settled down.

"Jingyi, you are finally back." The man in the video smiled happily.

"I..." But she didn't know what to say. Is she really quiet?

"You said I was Jingyi, but what proof do you have?"

"Dragon Wing, you step back first." Long Yi and Hao Yidong looked at each other and retreated.

Lei Shaochen returned to his original look after seeing the dragon wings and the others leave and said deeply, "There is a small meat mole on your left chest."

Hearing what he said, she blushed, but when she thought of the closeness between her and Taylor, her heart was cold for half a long time. Finally, she turned her head unnaturally and stopped looking at him.

"Jingyi, what's wrong? Am I wrong?"

"No." She took a deep breath. But she didn't know what to say next. Just last night, she and Taylor already had a skin kinship. Thinking of those scenes that made her blush and heartbeat, she just wanted to erase them all from her mind.

Seeing that she had been turning her head and not replying, he continued to shout nervously, "Jingyi, Jingyi, what's wrong?"

Finally, she turned off the video and stopped responding to him. She leaned on the seat dejectedly, looking blankly at the clouds outside.

If Taylor is a liar and he is the lover in the video, then what on earth did she do? Is she still qualified to appear in front of him now? She is no longer an innocent girl...

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt ridiculous. Her feet trembled and moved to the window. Looking at the clouds under the window, she was so beautiful and white, but she felt that her whole body was extremely dirty. Maybe it was a good choice to jump down from here? She thought about it, but couldn't think of a result, and her mind was cloudy...