President, be careful of love

Chapter 147 Conspiracy of the Year

The strong smell of blood penetrated into her mouth and swallowed into her stomach, making Jingyi feel sick. She didn't have time to resist Taylor and vomited at him. Perhaps this appetizing action made him stop the invasion, hold her shoulder and look at her doubtfully, and gently brushed her sweat-soaked hair.

Jingyi turned her head awkwardly and looked indifferent.

Taylor turned her shoulder and said solemnly, "Jingyi, don't do this to me. I really like you."

Jingyi raised his head slightly, looked into his pale blue eyes, took a deep breath, and said, "Love is not a robbery, it pays attention to mutual affection. It's not to take away her memory and erase her past.

"I know all this. Please forgive me and forgive me for being reckless in love."

"No, you are not reckless for love, because you love me at all! My name is Chen Jingyi, not Bella. Although I don't know what kind of past you have between you and Bella, I'm sure you don't love her enough.

"Why do you say that I don't love her enough? You don't understand at all!" Taylor shook Jingyi's shoulder excitedly and roared at her angrily.

"I don't understand, so please let me go!" Jingyi bravely met his pair of eyes blinded by hatred and was not afraid.

"Haha, I won't let you go! You can only be my woman in this life. Taylor let go of Jingyi's hands and laughed crazily. The laughter, which was worse than crying, was heard in Jingyi's ears, and it was creepy.

"Does it make sense that you can get my people but not my heart?"

"It's better than getting nothing. I know that you can't have both fish and bear paws..."

"But you can find someone you love and live a happy life!"

Happiness? My happiness was buried more than ten years ago. Do you know who the murderer is? Taylor's eyes suddenly became ferocious, paused for a moment, and continued, "It's Lei Shaochen!"

"How could he..." Jingyi can't figure out the reason for this.

"You don't believe it, do you? But that's the truth!" Taylor leaned against a table and began to talk.

Thirteen years ago, Lei Shaochen entered the S Noble School in the United States to study at university. In that school, as a senior, I held a unique dance party to welcome the newcomers. At that time, Bella, who was four years younger than me and still studying in high school, knew that she was the organizer of the dance party and had been pestering me to bring her to play. Her reasons were very sufficient: she would enter this school next year to study. It was understandable to know the seniors and seniors in advance. In the end, she was really pestered by her, so she had no choice but to agree. Her request. But I never thought that she fell in love with Lei Shaochen at first sight at the dance, completely ignoring my feelings and objections. You know, I am her fiance! We got engaged when she was 15 years old and planned to get married as soon as she graduated from college. I didn't expect to kill Cheng Yaojin halfway!

She is a very stubborn girl, and she will do whatever it takes to get Lei Shaochen! Even if you dissolve the marriage contract with me, of course I will not agree to her request. So she began to design various reasons for me to give in, such as deliberately giving me some sleeping pills, taking off my clothes after I fell asleep, and taking all kinds of nude photos of me to blackmail me; but after seeing me unmoved, she began to persuade the girls who loved me secretly and dressed them up. To seduce me, I'm not a saint. I'm an instinctive young man. In the end, I didn't escape her design and slept with one of her good sisters.

Since then, we have officially dissolved the marriage.

After my constraint was solved, she began to design all kinds of small tricks to approach Lei Shaochen every day, but Lei Shaochen directly told her that he already had a girlfriend and would not like her. She, who was frustrated at Lei Shaochen, would talk to me every time she came back. Young and angry, I finally got tired of her endless complaints, kicked her out of the house, and told her not to go home if she continued to pester Lei Shaochen.

At that time, Lei Shaochen happened to be attending a classmate's party, and Bella went straight to the party after knowing it. Later, I learned that the people at the party were not good men and women. Many people drank alcohol and were drugged, including Lei Shaochen. In the role of drugs, he had sex with Bella.

A month later, Bella found herself pregnant. When she came home with the news, I felt like a bolt from the blue and was about to take her to the hospital for an abortion! But Bella didn't want to. She said she wanted to give birth to the child, but she cried in the end, because Lei Shaochen didn't admit that the child was his at all. He had no impression of the situation that night! She also said some unpleasant words to humiliate her. She was so sad that she huddled in my arms and cried all night.

I contacted the doctor while she was asleep and anesthetized her to get rid of the child who should not have existed. However, after the examination, the doctor found that her white blood cells were abnormal and not suitable for abortion for the time being, so the child kept it... A week later, Lei Shaochen's birthday was held at a bar near the school, and Bella rushed there to celebrate her birthday.

But I didn't come back until the next day. Later, I received a call from the hospital and Bella had a miscarriage.

Lei Shaochen is a beast!

Taylor beat the table sadly.

Jingyi was confused. Bella miscarried. Why did Lei Shaochen become a beast?

What the hell is going on?

"Taylor, is there any misunderstanding?"

"Misunderstanding? Do you think there will be any other misunderstandings?

Jingyi took a deep breath and said her doubts: "Anything can happen at the party..."

"It's Lei Shaochen! Everyone saw him enter the room with Bella, and then Bella had a miscarriage! Who else will he be?" Taylor became emotional.

"What happened later?"

"Later, Bella couldn't accept the fact of losing her child. She ran to the top floor of a tall building to drink. She was drunk and kept shouting to see Lei Shaochen. I called Lei Shaochen and asked him to come over, but he said that this matter had nothing to do with him and refused to come over. Bella couldn't see Lei Shaochen, so she jumped off the tall building. Go to... Bella... My Bella..." Taylor burst into tears at the end.

We don't know whether Taylor's sadness is because of pain or something else.

Jingyi is not sure whether this is the whole truth.

Maybe there is a little fantasy in my heart, hoping that the truth is something else

Just because she can't accept the person she loves

Once so cruel...

Is there really someone in the world who sees others standing in tall buildings trying to commit suicide

will also shout at the bottom, "Jump, jump, don't waste our time?"

After all, human nature hides the dark side. They shout, open their teeth and claws where we can't see...

We have nothing we can do.