President, be careful of love

Chapter 154 Beauty Saves Heroes 3

Suddenly, the knock on the door was remembered outside the door, and Jingyi asked at the door, "Who?"

"I'm Luo Shun. The master asked you to go down."

Knowing that it was Luo Shun, Jingyi's tense nerves relaxed and shouted outside the door, "I know. I'll go down immediately."

She took a deep breath, went to the mirror to gently cut her hair, and tried to squeeze out a smile towards the mirror, so she went downstairs slowly. Seeing Taylor waiting in the living room, Jingyi pretended to walk over easily and asked, "Aunt Luo Shun said you were looking for me?"

"Ye." Taylor answered faintly, patted the sofa beside him, and motioned him to sit over.

Although there was a lot of reluctance in her heart, she knew that she could not disobey him at this critical moment, otherwise he would be angry and she didn't know which direction it would go.

As soon as she sat down, Taylor hugged her neck affectionately. The posture was extremely ambiguous, and almost all the breath from his nose was sprinkled on her neck, giving her an inexplicable resistance and disgust. She almost maintained a stiff posture and didn't even dare to turn her head, for fear that a slight movement would cause him more aggression.

But even if she did not move and saw her slightly reddening face, the white neck, and its pink earlobe, his most primitive impulse was gently stirred up. He couldn't help turning her face and spilling the warm breath on her cheeks, followed by rosy lips, gently and gently Tasting her two pieces of softness, so carefully and affectionate, as if it were a piece of jade, just gently brushing its surface, making people feel its warmth and coolness.

Once the hot feelings are ignited, they will spread rapidly. He is less and less satisfied with this dragonfly-like kiss. He wants to ask for more. Reason jumps in his mind, reminding him that there are more important things to do next, but the hot emotions encourage him to enter deeper. He obeys this and makes him more Ming's excited emotion pried open her teeth and grabbed the fragrance in her mouth. Her tongue was so soft, and the taste in her mouth was so sweet, as sweet and delicious as if she had just eaten a cake, which made people attached to it.

He tasted this gentle beauty for the first time. The mood became inexplicably better, and his eyes even began to blurred.

"Sir, we have finished moving all the goods." The sound that suddenly appeared in the hall broke their ambiguity, and Jing Yi was relieved and looked at the young man who came in gratefully.

The young man scratched his head with some embarrassment and looked at Taylor with timid eyes. He just broke in, as if he had ruined the boss's good show. He won't blame himself, will he?

But Taylor, who was in a good mood, just calmly removed the beauty's lips and said to the young man, "I know. Go down."

The shy young man breathed a sigh of relief and answered happily, "Yes." Just leave quickly.

Jingyi was afraid that he would kiss herself again and hurriedly asked, "The goods have been transported. Do you want to go and have a look?"

"Yes, you should go there and have a look. You can also go there with me." Taylor ordered as if nothing had happened.

did not mention Lei Shaochen. Jingyi wanted to confirm it, but she didn't know how to ask, so she had to accept it obediently. Anyway, now it's step by step, and everything is the ultimate goal of Lei Shaochen's safe departure.

Taylor got up and left, and Jingyi followed step by step. Taylor suddenly seemed to remember something and suddenly turned to Jingyi and said, "Wait for me here for a while, and I'll go to Bourne."

"Well, okay, then go and come back quickly."

Taylor seemed to be satisfied with what she said at the end and smiled at her for the first time.

Jingyi only smiled at him as if it were a decent response.

After Taylor left, Jingyi didn't want to sit in the living room so uneasily. She slowly walked out of the living room, went outside the door, and pretended to take a walk. In fact, she was looking at the surrounding situation, but she didn't expect to walk to the corner of the house. She was coldly covered her mouth. Jingyi resisted hard and her mouth was "babbling. "There was a voice of protest.

"Don't shout, it's me." I heard the familiar and pure Chinese dialect. Jingyi immediately calmed down.

When the other party saw that Jingyi stopped resisting, he gently said to her, "I'll let go of your mouth. You have to promise me not to shout." Jingyi nodded decisively, and the other party really let her go. After regaining her freedom, she lowered her head and took several breaths of fresh air desperately, and then saw who came.

When she saw the person in front of her clearly, she was so excited that she almost jumped up. Long Yi quickly made a "boo" gesture to her. Jingyi woke up from the excited meeting and asked in a low voice, "Why are you here? What about Hao Yidong and the others?

"They were all imprisoned by Taylor."

Jingyi listened and opened her mouth wide in surprise, showing a look of doubt.

"I'll tell you later. I saw that they escort Lei Shaochen and Hao Yidong here. I guess it's to let them go with the ship."

"Ye, I know."

"Do you know?" I was surprised to change the dragon wings this time.

Jingyi hesitated for a moment and finally planned not to tell the truth about Dragon Wing.

At this moment, footsteps sounded behind him. Jingyi pushed the dragon wings, let him walk quickly, and then quickly walked towards the direction of the door.

When Taylor saw Jingyi, he looked behind her with caution and asked, "Why did you run outside?"

"Hm, it's a little boring to stay at home and come out for a walk."

"Did you meet anyone just now? I seem to hear the voice?"

Jingyi was shocked. Wasn't it discovered by Taylor? But seeing that he doesn't look like it, he has to continue the play: "No, everyone here treats me as a young lady. Who dares to come and provoke me!" I felt that the spring breeze was quite cool, and I couldn't help sighing.

"Um, yeah, this spring breeze makes people feel very comfortable." Taylor seemed to agree with her words, but his eyes were like the two people next to him, and the two subordinates immediately understood.

Taylor walked to the ship in front of Jingyi, and the two subordinates immediately went to check the place where Jingyi had just come out.

Jingyi pretended to be easy to talk about something irrelevant with Taylor as she walked to relieve her tension.

When they walked to the front of the ship, several people who happened to be escorted to the ship also walked here, and Jingyi and Lei Shaochen touched the front. Lei Shaochen stared at Jingyi tightly and saw her standing beside Taylor with an indescribable bitterness in her heart.

He secretly made up his mind that as long as he left here alive, he would come back and take Jingyi away...

At this time, their eyes looked at each other so attentively, as if they were the only ones left in the world! Seeing this, a burst of anger rose in Taylor's heart!

He grabbed Jingyi's hand, but said to Jingyi in an extremely gentle tone, "Honey, didn't you say something to this gentleman?"

Jingyi was shocked and looked up at Taylor. Seeing the warning in his eyes, he immediately withdrew his soft eyes, and his eyes became indifferent.

Then she smiled brightly at Taylor and then leaned into his arms.

"Baby, you are really a roundworm in my stomach. For our future happiness, there are some things I want to make out with Mr. Lei in person. Don't you mind?

Taylor lowered his head and kissed her cheek gently, which was an acquiescence to her move.

Such an intimate action fell into the eyes of Lei Shaochen and Hao Yidong, and it was almost explosive! They came here thousands of miles to save people at the cost of their lives, and they will find that the people they want to save actually cherish the bad guys!

Jingyi didn't see their angry eyes, but she smiled at them enchantingly, like flowers blooming in spring, fresh and seductive.

"Mr. Lei, thank you very much for taking care of me, but you don't have to worry about me in the future. Because I have found the love of my life, I am very happy now, 100 times happier than when I was with you. No, it should be said that I am not happy at all when I was with you. You didn't love me, embarrassed me everywhere, disliked me, and even sent me a divorce agreement that humiliated me. All these are unbearable memories for me. I think this is not love, maybe these are just another name that is annoying. However, Mr. Taylor fell in love with me at first sight, loved me everywhere and protected me. We have experienced many unforgettable moments together. These precious experiences are the best memories of my life. They shine in my memory and shine on my life. Therefore, I beg you to get out of here and never appear in my sight! Don't try to revenge on us! Because you are not our opponent. If you are against us, you will die miserably! Do you understand?"

"Chen Jingyi, how can you be so vicious! I knew you were such an ungrateful woman! Lei Shaochen should not have saved you in the first place!" Zhang Yimo shouted angrily to Jingyi.

Jingyi's heart was hurt fiercely by these words for a moment, but she can't be soft-hearted. If her heart is soft, then everything will be abandoned! Therefore, she smiled carelessly and put her hands around her chest, showing a high-spirited momentum: "He saved me? Don't make a mistake! I didn't beg him to save me, and if you hadn't taken me away, I wouldn't have suffered at all! Speaking of which, I have to settle accounts with you! Come on, give him two slaps!"


"How dare you!"

Lei Shaochen and Zhang Yimo spoke at the same time.

Looking at Lei Shaochen's injured look, Jingyi knew that her performance was very successful, but her heart was extremely painful, as if ten thousand arrows pierced her heart, and she was about to lack oxygen. But strong faith does not allow her to fall! She must leave safely!

Taylor's goal has been achieved. Then he said slowly, "Honey, don't be angry. The ship should leave. Let them go up. Let's go back and continue the intimate game just now, okay?"

"Yes, that's good." Jingyi is a little angry.

The moment Lei Shaochen was escorted to the ship, he finally looked back at them: Jingyi leaned calmly against Taylor's chest, and his quiet eyes seemed to be full of the smell of happiness.

If this is her happy destination, he will choose to complete it.

His last lonely glance was deeply imprinted in his heart, but he had no choice. If you want to love, you can't love it. If you can't love it, you will only leave the song... Who sang this song? It really fits the current scene...