President, be careful of love

Chapter 156 A Kiss

The speedboat slowly caught up with the boat, and several people officially made a photo. Jingyi saw Lei Shaochen sitting in the corner of the boat unharmed, and her hanging heart finally settled down and was no longer so flustered or even desperate. Looking over, all his clothes were soaked by the sea and pressed against his chest, which made people feel sexy. As soon as Jingyi saw this scene, she turned her head a little embarrassed and pretended to look elsewhere.

Long Yi probably guessed a little when he saw Jingyi like this. He quietly walked to the edge of the boat and jumped into the other party's boat. The boat was originally full of people, but after the toss of the dragon wings, it shook more violently! Angela couldn't help blaming him. She pouted her little mouth slightly and kicked the dragon wings angrily. The dragon wings shrugged their shoulders to show her helplessness. Finally, Angela had to say to him, "Oh, go back to the speedboat quickly. This ship can't accommodate so many people and will capitize!"

Long Yi seemed to have not heard her words. He went straight to Lei Shaochen and asked, "Are you all right?" I thought you were..." Speaking of this, his voice was a little choked.

"At first, we didn't find anything wrong with the ship, but when we drove somewhere, several crew members of the ship suddenly put on life jackets, which made us feel strange. In addition, when the ship suddenly turned and broke away from the other ships, we felt that there was a problem, so not long after they turned the corner, we I jumped off the boat and escaped. Yes, why are you here? Also, what's wrong with that woman?" Hao Yidong didn't forget to ask Jingyi after saying that.

"Actually, I heard what she said at the port. She had no choice. I heard that she did that it was a deal with Taylor. In order to let you leave safely, she would rather stay next to Taylor..." Long Yi was afraid that they would continue to misunderstand, so he quickly said the gossip he heard from Bourne.

Hearing this, Lei Shaochen was instantly relieved, but at the thought that she was stupid enough to exchange for herself, he was itchy with anger, with a gloomy face, stood up and quickly jumped to the speedboat next door.

Before everyone understood what was going on, Lei Shaochen had safely sat on the speedboat next to him.

Jingyi found Lei Shaochen sitting next to her, both excited and nervous. However, when she saw him looking at herself angrily, she didn't know what to say for a moment, so the two had to look at each other quietly.

Suddenly, Lei Shaochen lowered his head and kissed her lips.

This kiss is lingering, which is not only the touch of lips and lips, but also the alternation of heart and soul, and the fusion of heart and heart. Love to the depths, an affectionate kiss is the best proof in the world.

The two drifting hearts blend in the vast ocean.

Love, silent, has been deeply rooted in the hearts of two people...

It was not until Jingyi began to gasp slightly that Lei Shaochen let her go. But the sharp eyes did not leave her face for a moment: "Why are you so stupid? Do you think you can save us if you stay? If I find out that you have a second time, I will never spare you, you know?

Jingyi nodded aggrievedly, her eyes turned red, threw herself into his arms, and choked, "I will never do it again."

"That's good!" With her assurance, Lei Shaochen breathed a sigh of relief. He held her with open arms and stroked her soft hair with the other hand, and a low voice came to her ear: "Don't leave me again, okay?"

Hearing this, Jingyi raised her questionable apricot eyes and blinked a pair of innocent eyes, as if to ask him what he meant? Never leave him again? Is this really okay? Does he really love her and want to join hands with her for the rest of his life?

However, she is no longer innocent...

Thinking of this, the brilliance of her eyes faded and was replaced by deep loneliness and disappointment. She doesn't want to leave, but how can she deserve to stand beside him? Even if he doesn't mind, there is a shadow in her heart after all. With such a burden, can they still love calmly?

"Give me some time, okay?" Jingyi asked carefully for fear that he would refuse. But she really needs time to forget some things and sort them out, so that she can continue to walk on the road of love with him and work together for a lifetime.

She looked at Lei Shaochen nervously. It was not until he nodded gently that her hanging heart settled down and she felt at ease.

"But this time can't be too long!" Finally, Lei Shaochen added his additional conditions.

Jingyi happily accepted such a proposal.

After returning home and talking about peace with Aunt Chen Qing, she moved back to Xiaoyan's apartment and continued her previous work. Now her aunt Chen Meili has come back from abroad to help manage her father's business. She doesn't have to interfere so much and has plenty of time.

After this change, everyone has changed a lot. Some relationships can no longer return to the past, some relationships have fallen into confusion, and some relationships are clearer than before.

It was Ji Xiaoyan and Zhang Yimo who couldn't go back to the past. Yang Xiaodan's stomach was growing up day by day, and she would give birth in three or two. Now she has become half of the hostess of the Zhang family, and she is so proud of the wind and rain. Ji Xiaoyan couldn't let go of Zhang Yimo in her heart, but she couldn't persuade herself to throw herself back into his arms, when he still had an illegitimate child. On the other hand, the fashion designer began to launch a fierce offensive against Ji Xiaoyan, with flowers and candlelight dinners every day. Ji Xiaoyan was embarrassed to refuse him every time, so he occasionally went out to have dinner with him and talk about design.

However, Jingyi knows that it is absolutely impossible for Ji Xiaoyan to fall in love with You Jingtian. Although he is a super handsome man and talented, so what? Love pays attention to eye-catching and eye-catching. No matter how good the other party is, it is just a useless match.

And she herself is now entangled with Lei Shaochen. She still couldn't figure out whether she should accept his proposal and move back to the Lei family.

And the most blessed boy is Long Yi, who successfully won the favor of Angela, a beautiful woman. The two have been engaged privately. After the parents of both sides met, the wedding was officially held.

This is greatly beyond everyone's expectation. They usually look at Long Yi's careless appearance, but they don't expect that they are not ambiguous when they meet someone they really like. They get together for less than a week and get engaged. Sometimes, when love comes, it can't be stopped. This is probably the predestined fate. Angela is also a very pleasant girl. She does things boldly and neatly. When she meets the pursuit of dragon wings, she should accept it after thinking a little...

is also, when you meet the right person, you like it and the other party loves you, so why do you have to be embarrassed? It not only completes the other party, but also completes yourself. Both of them are happy with the simple love. Together, everyone is happy!

There was another happy event today. Aunt Chen Qing called and said that her father showed signs of activity. As soon as Jingyi heard this, she was very happy and immediately took a taxi to the hospital. Although the doctor said that the patient's activity at this moment did not mean that the patient would wake up, it was a good phenomenon and urged the family to continue to pay attention to this situation.

After coming out of the hospital, Jingyi walked alone in the cool streets at night. Her heart was full of hope. She believed that her father would wake up and live with such hope and look forward to the future. There is no happier moment than now.

She took out her mobile phone and called Lei Shaochen, and the phone rang a few times and was answered.

"Hey, is it Jingyi?" Lei Shaochen, holding her mobile phone, was very excited. This was the first time she took the initiative to call herself after coming back. Does this mean that she has put down those burdens and decided to be with him?

"Are you free now? Shall we go out for supper?

"Okay, where are you now?"

Jingyi reported her position to Lei Shaochen and waited there quietly, like a little girl waiting for a date, with a little shyness, but she couldn't suppress the excitement of wanting to see each other.

It didn't take long for Lei Shaochen to arrive.

The two did not bother to find a place to eat, but stopped at a large stall on the roadside. Of course, this was Jingyi's request. Thinking of the time when I was in college, how comfortable it was for a group of people to sit in such a lively place to eat and drink a few beers!

After the two sat down, Jingyi ordered a few side dishes, two fried noodles, and two additional bottles of beer.

After clicking, he looked at Lei Shaochen with a smile.

Looking at her beautiful smiling face, Lei Shaochen's heart was hot and he hurriedly asked, "Tell me, what happy happened today?"

"The doctor said that my father showed signs of activity and may wake up soon!"

"Ye, this is really a happy thing!"

Lei Shaochen paused for a moment, but his face suddenly sank: "But who allowed you to order beer?"

"I only ordered two bottles. It's okay. Don't get drunk!"

"Aren't you afraid of my drunkenness?"

Jingyi opened her eyes wide and exclaimed, "Lei Shaochen, your drinking capacity is not that bad!"

"Haven't you heard that the drunken man's intention is not to drink?"

Jingyi patted her chest: "I have confidence in your character!"

Lei Shaochen smiled and stopped talking. Instead, he looked at her attentively. His eyes were ambiguous but affectionate. Jingyi's brain was blank for a while, and his whole body seemed to be soft, like a cloud.

Her eyes are still so beautiful that she fell into it at a glance, making him unable to look away.

Fortunately, the owner of the restaurant served the dishes and opened two bottles of beer. The cool ** slipped through his throat, sweeping away the heat all over their bodies. The two of them drank and accidentally drank ten bottles.

In the end, both of them were a little drunk, and Lei Shaochen couldn't drive. They helped each other hang out on the empty road and chatted, as if they were back to the past. The two sat affectionately in the small garden in front of Lei's villa and looked at the dark sky and starlight. Swinging on the swing, the feeling of drifting, those drifting times, after such a long time, are they back?

Thinking about this, Jingyi suddenly stopped, climbed up Lei Shaochen's neck and offered her hot kiss.

The open road and dim street lights reflect the two close bodies tightly together...

Later, neither of them went home, and Lei Shaochen turned into a small hotel not far away with Jingyi. Before entering, the waiters of the hotel also asked them conscientiously if they wanted family planning supplies. Jingyi drank higher than Lei Shaochen and shouted what family planning supplies were, which made others look at them with strange eyes. Most of them regarded Lei Shaochen as a bad uncle who abducted underage girls! Lei Shaochen was afraid that others would continue to point out, so he quickly covered her mouth and hugged her to a room on the second floor.