President, be careful of love

Chapter 161 Madness after drinking

Jingyi's protest did not get the attention of Lei Shaochen. Gradually, she simply closed her eyes and stopped looking ahead. She comforted herself and took the roller coaster.

I don't know how long it took. When she heard the sound of opening the car door, she slowly opened her eyes and found that Lei Shaochen drove the car to the top of the mountain.

Jingyi followed him out of the car and stood at the commanding heights of the city. Looking at the lights of the city, she suddenly sighed that the lights were still those lights, and the people were still those people, but everyone's mood had changed so much.

She opened her lips and wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say. After all, she just looked at him and chose silence.

"Let's divorce..." Lei Shaochen looked at the bright and dark scenery under the mountain and never looked at Jingyi. He knew that he did not have the courage to watch her say such a thing, but what reason did a woman express her meaning so clearly?

Jingyi took a deep breath. She imagined thousands of endings, but she didn't expect that he would choose to quit at such a moment. In fact, she just needed a little time to forget her inner fear and overcome the harm brought to her by Taylor... But after all, he lost his patience. Maybe he was too confident, or maybe he didn't love himself much. Zhang Xinmeng, who has loved for so many years, can let go, not to mention himself! It's only been a few months since they met. How deeply can they love?

Although she once blocked bullets for him, conceived a child for him, and shed countless tears for him... Now all this is going to become a thing of the past. Those exquisite moments, wonderful relationship and boneless promises are just dreams.

is a shining dream. They burn their eyes, so they shed tears silently on such a quiet night.

Why do you cry? Why do you feel heartache and why do you feel that this moment is so long?

The night wind blew gently, blowing the tears in the corners of the eyes, and the eyes were astringent and painful.

"Why are you crying? Isn't that the result you want?" I don't know why, looking at her tears, his heart was soft, and he couldn't help raising his hand to wipe away her tears: "Good boy, don't cry."

"It's okay. I'm fine. I just sighed for a while." Before his hand reached the corners of her eyes, she wiped away the crystal, raised her red eyes and said, "Send me back. It's a little cold."

Lei Shaochen just answered faintly, "Okay." Then she moved with her footsteps, took off her coat and covered her shoulder: "Wear it, don't catch a cold."

Jingyi stopped and watched him standing in the wind in a single dress. There was a sadness in her heart. Since she was going to divorce, why should she be so warm? Her heart had been hurt by him, but she still hoped that it would have a chance to recover. After all, there was still a long way to go in her life... So, stop doing this. She shouted in her heart, but just said gently, "Thank you." Polite and estranged words.

On the way back, the two of them didn't say anything. Mostly two people are a little stubborn. Love can't last long. No one wants to be humble. How can love bear fruit?

The next day, Jingyi was in a trance all day. She didn't know what she was doing. When she fed Tongtong, it was clear that the small plate was full, and she continued to move in her hand until the cat food was poured to the ground, and she didn't know. In the evening, the fat girl called her to go out for dinner, and she agreed with little thought! It's better for two people to stay than alone. If it goes on like this, they have to get sick. I made an appointment with Fat Girl at a very famous Japanese restaurant in Dadong Mall.

When passing by a western restaurant, I accidentally saw Hu Linglong and Lei Shaotang, and a strange man about the same age as Lei Shaotang. I felt a little surprised. How could these two people get together? What the hell is going on?

Before the fat girl could think about it, the two of them walked towards the restaurant.

During dinner, the fat girl told her a lot of interesting things about her at work. Driven by the fat girl, Jingyi's mood slowly improved a little. After dinner, the fat girl asked Jingyi if there was anything else to do later. Seeing Jingyi shake her head, the fat girl almost jumped up with joy and hugged Jingyi and shouted, "That's great. I'll take you there. One place, super fun!"

Jingyi, who was dragged forward by the fat girl, asked, "Where is it? It's worth your happiness!"

"You will know when you arrive! Come with me!"

When they finally arrived at their destination, they found that they were standing in front of the Wild Rose Club and frowned helplessly: Why is this place? The first time she met Lei Shaochen was here. I didn't expect that she would come here...

"Don't hesitate, go in!" The fat girl saw Jingyi standing there, thinking that she didn't want to go in. She took her hand and walked forward. Jingyi had to trot behind!

The fat girl took her to the lobby of the club and stopped in front of a huge round table. When she saw the people in front of her, Jingyi was an indescribable surprise!

"Se, Wenwen, Wu Dan, why are you all here?"

"Come and celebrate your birthday! Fool, I forgot it again!" Speaking is Wenwen, one of the members of the Roller Skating Association. Wenwen had just finished speaking, and the birthday song sounded in the hall. On the shining stage, Che Enjun stood handsomely in the center of the light and performed this classic birthday song briskly with the rhythm of the music.

Looking at all this in front of her, Jingyi was moved beyond remarkably. She gently covered her mouth and looked at every friend with a touching look, and her heart was full of happiness! If it weren't for them, she would have forgotten that today is her birthday.

From this moment on, she, Chen Jingyi, officially entered the 23 years old of life!

Cake, wine, flowers, and gifts carefully prepared by friends. This is a beautiful beginning. This is a moment worth celebrating. It can't be said that she is happy or moved. Tonight, she frequently picked up a glass of wine to drink, glass after another of beer, and the cool touch slipped through her throat and entered her stomach. Finally, she couldn't Don't visit the toilet.

She stabbed towards the bathroom. The curved aisle made her a little dizzy. She pushed open a door a little recklessly, which provoked a burst of abuse from the guests inside. Fortunately, she finally found the bathroom and washed her face in it. She was finally awake. Estimulated to go back, but she didn't expect to go in the opposite direction. Instead, she went deeper and deeper. Probably she didn't even realize that she had entered a private club.

The first half of the Wild Rose Club is the club, and the second half is a private club. This arrangement is to facilitate the needs of those dignitaries. If you are drunk or tired of playing in the front, you can go to the clubhouse in the back to rest or do something you like. Of course, guests What people want to do is not what they can do.

Jingyi feels that she has been walking for a long time. Why hasn't she found them yet? Now her head began to feel dizzy again. She felt dizzy and leaned against a door to rest, but she didn't expect that the door would open automatically as soon as she leaned over.

She smiled foolishly: "So this door is automatic! Hiccup..." He also had a big hiccup.

"Bear in!" A male voice came from the room.

"Bred it in, what did you bring?" Jingyi muttered dissatisfiedly.

"Bake the wine, bring me the wine, I still want to drink, I'm not drunk..."

Hearing the sound, Jingyi walked involuntarily and saw a man lying crookedly **, throwing several empty bottles beside him.

"You're drunk..." Jingyi saw that he had thrown so many empty bottles beside him and smiled stupidly.

"I'm not drunk! Who are you?" Lei Shaochen narrowed her eyes and tried to recognize the people around her. After looking at it for a while, she finally laughed: "You are Jingyi, honey, come and stay with me."

"Oh, honey, you are that bastard of Lei Shaochen. Why did you divorce me!!!"

"Because you mind me... I can't do that!" Lei Shaochen stam a little.

"Can you do that?" Jingyi smiled stupidly, leaned towards Lei Shaochen with confused eyes, and put his hand in the middle of his lips: "Do you think you can do it or not?"

Lei Shaochen looked straight at this face less than five centimeters away from him, which was delicately crimson under the action of alcohol. He swallowed impulsively, hugged her and pressed her under his body. His fiery lips covered her softness, pried open her teeth and entered forcefully. Strongly allow/suck, tease, and pull the people under you.

Under the action of alcohol, there was a little hot Jingyi. How could she withstand such a strong attack? Her whole body began to become soft, and she didn't even have the strength to resist. Perhaps under her subconscious mind, she longed for such intimation.

Under the leadership of Lei Shaochen, she gradually relaxed her body and tried to cater to his every touch and every teasing. When his fingers touched her most ** area, there was a moment of hesitation in her heart, but the body's reaction was beyond the control of consciousness. Finally, the two people were completely unconscious. In a sober situation, he completely handed himself over to the other party. The blurred atmosphere fills the whole space, and the beautiful spring light blooms in the night...

The next day, when Jingyi woke up, she found this familiar face lying beside her. Looking at his sleeping face like a child, she felt soft in her heart. Thinking of those erotic/erotic scenes last night, her face quietly turned red...

However, the reality made her have a headache again. Aren't they about to divorce? What exactly is such entanglement?

It's all about drinking too much last night. Ah, it's terrible. Last night, I said I would go to the bathroom and haven't said goodbye to the fat girls. I don't know if they will think they are missing? Thinking of this, she felt a burst of chagrin again.

looked at the man beside her who was still sleeping. She quietly picked up the clothes on the ground, put them on quickly, looked at the ** people reluctantly, and gently closed the door.