President, be careful of love

Chapter 167 Heavy Tastes Between Women

Jingyi raised her eyebrows and asked, "Otherwise, how about it? Don't think that you can do something wrong with a father who is a mayor. Let me tell you, the higher you climb, the worse you will fall!"

Jingyi's words made the girl stamp her feet on the ground angrily. She approached Jingyi step by step, revealing a ferocious face, with her hands on her waist, and a posture of doing a big fight.

When he arrived at Jingyi, he stopped, pointed to Jingyi's nose and shouted arrogantly, "What are you talking about? You have the guts to say it again!"

Jingyi sneered: "Why do you want to say it again? Are you deaf or something? My words are clear. I warn you not to provoke me again. I'm in a bad mood today. Get out of here!"

The girl half narrowed her eyes, and the brilliance in the cracks was extremely strong. Her anger burned in it and was ready to go.

"It seems that you little bitch lack a lesson!" The girl strode forward and patted Jingyi's face as soon as she reached out! On a silent night, this loud slap in the face was still clear, attracting onlookers in twos and threes.

Jingyi covered her painful cheek, attacked her anger, waved her hand without hesitation, and quickly slapped the girl.

After all, Jingyi is a person who has practiced kung fu, which may be worse than a man, but it is more than enough to deal with a girl who is charming but powerless!

But women's fights often have nothing to do with skills. The next second, they proved this truth.

The girl was wronged. How could she resist swallowing her anger? She tried her best to grab Jingyi, pulled Jingyi's hair, and pulled her forward desperately. Jingyi was so painful that tears were forced out and kicked the girl's knee fiercely. This move was originally used to deal with the pervert, but now it happens to be used.

The girl was attacked by her and fell to the ground with an unstable center of gravity, but she even pulled Jingyi's hair. As a result, both of them fell to the ground and were embarrassed.

After the pain of the two people passed, they stared at each other viciously. If their eyes could kill people, they had been delayed countless times by the other party at this moment and would have died long ago.

If you think this is the end of the war, then the spectators guessed wrong. Just when the onlookers thought that they were going to leave at the end of the game, the two women fought together again. Because Jingyi had just reacted a step faster, she rode on the girl, but the girl did not It's a fuel-efficient lamp. She doesn't have kung fu, and she doesn't have enough strength, but everyone knows that the dog is forced to hurry and has a killer weapon: bite!

The girl grabbed Jingyi's arm crazily and bit it down fiercely. Jingyi endured the pain from her arm and pulled her hair with all her strength. Neither of them wanted to let go, but they gritted their teeth and endured great pain.

"What are you doing?" Suddenly, a male voice came.

Jingyi's back stiffened, and her hand pulling the girl's hair froze in mid-air, unable to exert force. He let go of his hand numbly, stood up coldly and looked at Lei Shaochen coldly.

She lowered her head and sorted out her hair sadly. Originally, she had specially knitted a braided hair to see him. At this moment, it was messy. Her white coat was stained with dust on the ground and dirt and became mottled. Her high-heeled shoes fell to the ground. She stood barefoot. There, you can feel the coldness of the ground.

She bent down and wanted to put on high heels. But I saw the girl get up quickly and jump into Lei Shaochen's arms, crying.

"Where did you hurt?" Lei Shaochen bent down and asked the girl in his arms. His voice was warm and beautiful. He never wanted to ask himself? His arm was almost paralyzed by the girl's bite, and even his high heels trembled slightly. By the moment she bent down, she let tears fall to the ground, and the faint light shone over, pulling her figure so long that she almost mistakenly thought that she was a giant and should be invulnerable.

However, in just one sentence, he has been defeated. The corners of her mouth pulled, and she laughed at herself sadly.

The girl's choking voice came: "Chen, I'm in pain all over. Can you take me to the doctor quickly?"

"Okay, we'll go right away." Lei Shaochen didn't even look at her from beginning to end.

Two people hugged each other and left. But the girl seemed to suddenly remember something, stopped and said contemptuously to Jingyi, "Just wait. I won't let you go like this. I will definitely sue you, sue you, and let you be punished by law!"

"Whatever you want, but if you continue to provoke me, it won't be as simple as a beating next time!" Jingyi regained her calm look, and her calm eyes as if nothing had happened, which was frighteningly calm.

"Chen, look, this woman is so terrible!" The girl stamped her feet angrily and acted coquettishly in his arms.

Jingyi didn't want to hear their harsh conversations, straightened her clothes and strode away.

Lei Shaochen looked at her embarrassed figure thoughtfully. There seemed to be a devil in his heart, which always made his heart faintly stuffy. I don't know if she had just been injured by Zhang Xinyu?

Zhang Xinyu saw Lei Shaochen looking at Jingyi's back and was silent. Unexpectedly, she didn't even respond to standing beside him for so long. Her heart was angry and hateful. Her grim eyes stared at her back, and there was a trace of fierceness in her heart, but she gently pulled Lei Shaochen's sleeves in her hand, and her voice was as soft as water: "Chenchen, I feel so much pain all over. Can you carry it on your back?"

Lei Shaochen withdrew her thoughts, looked at her coldly and said, "You wait here. I'll drive over."

After saying that, he left straight away, leaving Zhang Xinyu standing there angrily, and his resentment against Jingyi deepened another layer!

Split line...

Jingyi returned home, took off her high heels, and didn't even bother to turn on the lights. She fell on the sofa in the living room tiredly and threw herself into her arms thoughtfully. It was not until this moment that she let all her emotions flow out and cried heartbreakingly! It was not until her eyes became red and swollen and her breathing became extremely difficult that she gradually stopped sucking, wiped her nose with a towel, turned on the gas, and filled a large pot of noodles.

Perhaps, if you eat and drink enough, this stuffy mood will recover, those unpleasant pasts will be forgotten, and the salt sprinkled on the wound will slowly melt until it disappears.

After eating a large pot of noodles, he threw away his dirty coat and lay lazily, looking at the ceiling in a daze, with dull eyes, which made people unable to guess what she was thinking?

"What a pair of sexy legs! Yes, it's white enough, but it's a pity that the ankle seems to be scratched, which is unesthetic.

Hearing the strange voice, Jingyi doesn't have to think that it is the strange man who comes and goes freely! I don't know why I'm not afraid of him at this moment. Maybe my heart is already scarred, so I have no scruples.

What else is there to be afraid of being hurt so far?

Seeing Jingyi still lying indifferently **, the corners of the man's mouth pulled. Some can't grasp her thoughts.

"What? Are you very depressed after being defeated by your rival? The man continued to talk to himself.

Jingyi asked lazily, "Are you following me?"

The man smiled harmlessly and said, "I'm not as free as you think. But did I really guess right?" He only knew that Lei Shaochen had been very close to the mayor's daughter Zhang Xinyu. He just thought about the unruly woman and felt that his scalp was numb. Humph, Lei Shaochen provoked that woman. I'm afraid it's not just about playing with women. Zhang Xinyu's father is the mayor, and there must be a lot of articles in it!

However, he is not very interested in these things in City A. If it hadn't been for getting back the blood diamond, he would not have set foot in this city at all. It's just a well-developed city. How attractive can it be to him?

Seeing Jingyi silent, he slowly walked to her bedside and lay easily next to her. He stood up with his hand, bent down and looked at her charmingly. The peach blossom eyes made people feel inexplicably flustered.

"What are you doing?" Jingyi looked at the man's behavior with some displeasure.

The man blinked his eyes and smiled playfully: "I thought you ignored me!"

"I didn't want to talk to you in the first place! Also, I can't get a blood diamond. If you want to kill it, you can do whatever you want!" Jingyi shouted angrily.

"Now I don't want to kill you. What a pity to kill such a beautiful woman." The man looked at her evilly, and his slightly cold hands slowly slid across the skin on her legs. Jingyi sweated coldly, but she didn't even dare to blink her eyes.

"Don't be so nervous, I don't like women!" The man regained his previous look, left the bedside, sat down on the stool next to him, took out a cigarette from the windbreaker, took out the lighter, lit the cigarette and smoked it.

The faint smell of cigarettes drifted from the air, and Jingyi thought blankly about what the man just said. He didn't like women, did he mean? He is also gay! This is the second gay man she has known since Che Enjun!

I don't know whether Che Enjun likes the type like him or not? If such a man is entangled by Che Enjun, the result must be very interesting? Perhaps, the iceberg man and the beautiful demon man are still a perfect match!

Thinking of this, she went into a wandering state idioticly, and her mind was completely occupied by the two funny scenes of them, completely ignoring the man sitting next to her.

The man looked at the idiot woman there with great interest, and his heart was completely speechless to her. At this time, she is still thinking about fantasy...

I really don't understand how a man like Lei Shaochen can marry this woman. Well, they seem to be divorced? The man nodded thoughtfully and probably understood why Lei Shaochen divorced.

It's just that this woman is not useless. She is really beautiful. She is the kind of natural beauty that is not carved. Look at the leg, which is white and flawless, and her skin is as delicate as a baby. Her tender face is slightly rouge, as if she can pinch out water! And the towering twin peaks, which rise and fall regularly with breathing, like a summoning, summoning? The man was shocked and realized that he had a fancy about this woman. It was really crazy. What he liked was a man!!! Women are a disaster after all. Once you get infected, it's enough!

He stepped on the cigarette butt under his feet impatiently and stepped on it hard. The fireworks had long been extinguished! But he still moved a few more times, as if he wanted to crush something!