President, be careful of love

Chapter 186 That night, the Firefly we saw together

Seeing his slowly approaching body, her heart was inexplicably flustered, and her long black eyelashes flashed slightly, slowly covering the crystal below: "Can you send me back later? The driver who brought me back.

A trace of cunning flashed in the iceberg man's eyes. How did she know that the dispatch of the driver was also at his hand? Sometimes his heart is disturbing. Obviously, the purpose of approaching her is to contain Lei Shaochen from getting a blood diamond, but why is there an inexplicable feeling in his heart in the end? Capturing her heart is not one of the plans, but why does her heart throb slightly? Hasn't he long been sure that he loves men more? Otherwise, why does the door of your heart open in an instant when you meet Che Enjun, just like the peach blossoms in season, and the spring is boundless...

"What's wrong with you?" Jingyi moved her hand to him and shook it, and a little doubt flashed in her eyes: What happened to the iceberg man today? As if a different person, the cold face seemed to have another expression... Did you think too much? Or is his acting so superb?

"Oh, it's okay. I'll take you to a place tonight. I'm sure you like it!" He came to his senses and said mysteriously.

The two chatted casually. Shang Chun came to find the iceberg man. The two seemed to be discussing new dishes. When she stood aside and listened, she felt a little bored and quietly walked out of the restaurant. She stood outside the door, stretched her arms a few times, and took a deep breath. The air outside seemed to be fresher. Unconsciously, summer It's time again. How time flies. At this time last year, she was still busy with graduation design! I rushed to the design draft day and night, and almost ate and drank in the design classroom. The whole room has been filled with the fragrance of instant noodles for a long time. Laotan pickled cabbage, sour and spicy beef, stewed chicken with mushrooms, tomato beef, although the taste of instant noodles is average, the fragrant taste is very stimulating to the taste buds and last for a long time... The graduation design draft has been well painted for a long time, and there is a fragrance of instant noodles in her mind. Fortunately, she likes instant noodles very much and loves the sour **, but some people are different. They are very disgusted with the taste of instant noodles, so as long as someone eats instant noodles, someone immediately shouts: Who Eat instant noodles again and get out of here...

Now that I think about it, the days of studying are really a rare good day, simple and pure, carefree, wandering every day, extremely nostalgic...

Walking slowly along the path, I unconsciously walked to the classical building last time, wiped the stone bench in front of the door with my hand, and sat down safely, but my eyes fell on the small lake next to me. Last time I didn't notice that several white hull rocking boats stopped on the edge of the lake, and the boat was supported by colorful Canvas is full of summer style.

The evening wind in summer blew, brushing the canvas on the ship and making a rustling sound. As she sat close, it was clear. She took off her shoes and put her feet on the sand under the stool, which was soft and a little cool. She felt particularly comfortable. She closed her eyes in her freehand and enjoyed the tranquility of this moment.

When she opened her eyes again and her eyes fell into a dark, she asked with a smile, "Have you finished talking?"

"Ye, let's go and take you to a place."

Jingyi didn't expect that he would take her to the boat. The two sat side by side and walked slowly. The iceberg man stepped on leisurely, and the boat slowly slid forward. On their left is a high mountain peak, and on the right is a beautifully developed resort. The house is retro and exquisite. It is a Qing-style building, most of which is two or three floors. From a distance, you can see the exquisite carvings on the roof, dragons and phoenixes, and prosperous, which makes people feel like It is back to the prosperous times of ancient times.

"I didn't know there was such a resort here." When I was designing the Yuanshan Resort before, I searched all the resorts near City A, but I didn't expect that there would still be a fish that leaked...

The iceberg man followed her eyes and looked at the beautiful building, with a beautiful curvature at the corners of his mouth: "This is not a resort, most of them are private houses."

"Oh? How did you see it?"

How can I see it? He doesn't need to see where all the property rights here belong to him. When it was built, he really wanted to develop a unique resort, but when the staggered classical architecture was completed, he changed his mind and sold most of the houses to individuals, reserved a few houses here, and occasionally came to live there by himself. . Although the location of the house is remote, it is better than the beautiful and unique scenery, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the architectural style is very different. Which of the amazing carved beams and the exquisitely carved hook flowers are not a witness of art? As soon as the house was put into the market, it was immediately favored by many tasteful businessmen, and the owners who came to see the house were almost finalized. The development of this area alone made him a grand slam. However, this is also an unexpected thing...

The corners of his mouth gently pulled up, full of confidence, but his calm eyes did not feel magnificent at all, and the words he said were just understated: "A friend happened to be doing real estate development here and learned a little about the situation."

"Oh." She nodded thoughtfully and stopped asking.

The boat slowly entered, and the house on the right gradually submerged in the woods. The sun went west, and the light was blocked by the rising mountains. The faint shadow shrouded the river, and the cool breeze blew, stirred her long straight black hair and floated behind her.

"Do we want to turn around? If you go deeper, it will be dark." Although the winding river is not wide, it can't see the end at a glance. Seeing that the sun has gone down, she can't help worrying.

"It's okay."

She looked ahead and smiled faintly.

"What are you laughing at?"

She raised her thin hand, pushed her hair to the side of her shoulder, and hung down from her right face to her chest. The smile spread between her eyebrows, and the faint smell made her very warm. She sighed gently: "I didn't expect that we would sit here so calmly in the mountains to enjoy the scenery. You should know what a powerful person you are. You can also do such a vulgar thing, which is not commensurate with your identity at all.

"Then what should I do?" He raised his eyebrows faintly and asked.

"Fight for the family to make money! You must have an unspeakable purpose when you come to City A. You have an evil spirit! But even if I know you are bad, but I'm still involved with you and let Che Enjun misunderstand me. Sometimes I think that I'm a mess with you.

In the dark shadow, she said calmly. The beautiful eyebrows were gentle and soft, like an ink painting, faint, not surprised by favors and humiliation. Gradually submerged in the darker shadow, a little blurred, but it made his heart tremble. He coughed in a low voice. Suddenly, he pretended to stop his movements inadvertently.

"I'm so tired. Take a break."

"Why don't you let me have a try?" Jingyi got up and wanted to change positions with him.

His body didn't move and looked at her with a smile: "Can you step on it?"

"How do you know if you don't try?"

"Okay, sit down and it's almost there."


"Really..." Their dialogue gradually submerged in the mountains and rivers, listening from afar, like the lingering words of lovers, intermittent and lingering.

Many years, many years later, she couldn't forget the scene of that night. The white boat docked in the middle of the river. The night was like water, blowing a light and soft wind, making the willow branches and leaves on the river dance gently. The bright moonlight poured down and sprinkled on them faintly. The clear river phosphorescent light reflected the perfect full moon slightly. The night sky was bright and clean, and thousands of stars were above their heads. Shining, shining, there were crystal glowing flies flying beside them. They were busy flapping their little wings and lingering beside them. She stretched out her hands excitedly. They stayed on her palms obediently, flexible and beautiful. They were close to each other, their heads leaning against each other, and their surprised eyes fell there together. On the shiny elf, I can't move away for a long time...

When they came back from the river, they didn't say a word, but their hearts pounded. They couldn't tell whether they were excited to see such a beautiful Firefly or because of the ambiguity between the two...

This is obviously a scene, a false scene. They all have their own belongings, and they still have the residual warmth of others, but when they turn around, their hearts beat for him. What's wrong with her? Lying in **, touching his hot face, it is difficult to fall asleep. The scenery is too beautiful and the flying flies are too bright, so have you been seduced by him?

The hand unconsciously covered his stomach. Is there still Lei Shaochen's child here? Hey, she sighed gently, turned her body over, and gradually fell asleep.

After sending Jingyi home, he sat in the car and smoked violently, one after another, staring at the lighted window, from light to extinguishing. The dim street lamp can't shine on his face, so that people can't see his expression clearly. It was not until a car came from the front that he started the car and stepped on the clutch.

In the dark, two pairs of sharp eyes looked at each other through the window for two seconds, and the car quickly ran away, but they clearly understood the hidden meanings in each other's eyes. It was this look that made the iceberg man's wavering heart cry: Lei Shaochen, you shouldn't be here tonight. If you don't come, she may not have to suffer pain in the future, but since you came, he has to act according to the plan...

The heart gradually determined, raised the speed to the end and went away, leaving the dust swept up by the wind, drifting in the light and shadow, but will eventually fall to the soil.

Some encounters are doomed to tragedy,

Some encounters are never beautiful;

If it doesn't start, how can it end?

Everything in heaven and earth, only you are moved;

Inexplicable, don't listen to the heart,

Since I lost it, I regret it at the beginning.

She said, I know that person is you.

He said, so what? You still have to die.

She asked, even if I was pregnant with your child?

He sneered, I don't need children!

For no reason, he remembered the woman who went his own way...