President, be careful of love

Chapter 194 Don't you want me

The iceberg man resting in the guest room heard a crisp sound next door, which looked very harsh in the middle of the night. He immediately woke up and quickly put on his sneakers and ran to the next room to check, but found that there was no one there. His eyes swept around the room sharply and saw The mobile phone was already torn apart in the corner. He couldn't help twisting his eyebrows into a ball, went over and picked up the mobile phone, pieced it together, and turned it on again. He didn't expect that the mobile phone could still work. He clicked on the recent call record. She just didn't talk to anyone on the phone. Then, he moved his finger to the text message folder and saw a strange video message. He was a little hesitant. After all, this is her privacy. Is it too immoral to peek like this? The question is, when did he become a good man? With a fierce force, he pressed his finger down.

Looking at the picture on the video, his heart couldn't help tightening and faintly painful. Taylor, this beast!!!

Until he finished reading the last clip, he held his mobile phone tightly in his hand, and his hazy eyes looked at the door. His pupils kept shrinking until they converged into a point, emitting a fierce light and emitting violent and vicious messages, which made people feel chills.

Put the mobile phone back on the table by the bed, take out a knitted coat from the wardrobe and walk out of the bedroom. Although it is summer now, the forest is no better than the urban area, and it is still a little cold at night. He just noticed the neat slippers by the bed, and the woman didn't even wear shoes when she ran out! His sword eyebrows frowned more and more tightly, almost twisted into a Sichuan character.

He rushed out, but did not notice the small figure shrinking in the corner of the living room, maintaining the posture of holding his hands on his knees, his eyes were red, and there were crystal tears hanging on his cheeks.

When he came back from outside, the stupid woman was already out of breath, her nose and eyes were red, and her face was frighteningly pale.

He walked over gently and tried to help her up, but he didn't expect her to squat there stubbornly. Her eyes were dim and did not respond at all. He picked her up so quietly in his arms, silent, numb, and couldn't even blink.

I don't know why his heart hurts when he sees her injured expression. Maybe he is moved with compassion. Taylor's man is too perverted. It seems that he won't be afraid if he doesn't give him a color!

Back in the bedroom, he gently put her on **, covered her with a thin quilt, and looked at the silent woman. He half squatted down and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and whispered, "Good boy, don't cry. Have a good sleep. Tomorrow will be a new day."

Help her pull the quilt on her body again and plan to turn around and leave.

Maybe she needs some time to stay quietly and think through things. Anyone who encounters this kind of thing will inevitably be sad. Taylor's man is despicable and shameless, and he has long had something to know. If he hadn't forced Bella at that time, maybe things wouldn't have come this far! Maybe he shouldn't have let him go at that time, and he should have taught him a hard lesson! If he had been a little cruel at that time, the next thing might not have happened...

Suddenly, he felt a cold touch on his hand and looked down to see her holding his big hand with her small hand.

He turned around and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Don't go." She choked and prayed.

Hearing her request, he turned around. However, when he saw her movements clearly, his eyes were full of surprise, and in panic, he quickly stretched out his hand to stop her.

"What are you going to do?"

"Don't do anything, take off your clothes, let's go to bed. Aren't men all like this? Haha, don't you want me? I'll give it to you now, and I'll give it to you now..." She cried with lame eyes, and her whole soul seemed to have been pulled away. Only the movements in her hand refused to stop and kept pulling her pajamas.

"Stop it!"

The iceberg man's fierce shout made her stop the movements in her hand and looked up at him blankly. She didn't seem to understand why he shouted so. She looked at him in a daze. After a while, she laughed wildly. The desolate laughter spread in the quiet space, which looked extremely strange, but it made people feel sad.

He stretched out his hand and hugged her tightly, for fear of losing something as soon as he let go. This was the first time he saw her. He didn't expect that she would be so fragile. He remembered that he only saw her cry once. It was after arguing with Lei Shaochen. He sat alone in the dark and watched her cry silently. But at that time, she was stubborn, with self-esteem and self-improvement, but now? It seems that there is nothing, and her eyes are as empty as a soulless Barbie doll. Although I feel pity and cry with tears, it will make people can't help worrying about her and feel sorry for her.

Perhaps, the last thing she should do in her life is to be involved with Lei Shaochen, but he can't be sure. Even without Lei Shaochen, can she avoid Taylor? There are some intricate relationships, even if they are no longer related before, but there will always be a chance to encounter them, won't they?

Even he knows her existence, how can Taylor not know? And once he found her existence, how could he let go of the scandal that made him lose face, although not many people knew about the scandal, because the people who knew it were dealt with by him. If his ability had not been greater than his, I'm afraid he would have died!

Time passed minute by minute. Gradually, the woman in his arms stopped sucking. He slowly released his imprisonment for her and found that she didn't know when she had fallen asleep. He gently wiped the tears off her cheeks, then put her into **, covered the quilt, took off his shoes and clothes. Lie down next to it.

Worried that she would wake up and do something stupid, he stayed up all night and didn't close his eyes until the sky was bright.

When he opened his eyes, he immediately turned to look at the woman next to him. However, he found that she was no longer **, and his heart was a little frustrated, mixed with some worries. He got up and ran to various rooms to check, and finally found her in the kitchen. She was wearing a long white T-shirt and picking up his slippers. She was tasting something with a spoon. Her slightly raised hand pulled the T-shirt up, just ** white and slender thighs. This picture made his blood boil, but after what happened last night, he did not dare to act rashly. He quietly retreated, returned to the bedroom to wash, and took a cold shower. The cold water rushed through his hot body. Those inexplicable desires and fires were slowly extinguished.

When he came out of the bathroom, he wore a pair of five-point trousers and nothing on his upper body. After washing his hair, he dripped wet water down and fell on his strong chest, making him look very sexy and charming.

He wiped his hair while walking outside. I didn't notice that there was one more person in the room.

"Hey, get dressed quickly, hooligan!" She looked at him with a slight anger.

Hearing her shouting and claws again, his heart was indescribably happy.

"Idiot, how many women want to see my body? You are getting a big bargain!"

"Bah! Who wants to see a figure like yours?" After saying that, he didn't forget to show a look of disgust.

"Hard mouth!" The iceberg man said something to her, then went to the wardrobe, picked up a white translucent shirt and put it on.

Jingyi looked aside and made a sound.

He turned around and stared at her. How did he offend this woman? She always seems to like him today?

He walked to her side playfully, with an evil look on his face, and asked, "Am I inferior to the beast last night, which made you very disappointed!"

"I don't know what you're talking about." She turned her head a little dodged.

It seems that she hasn't really put down the video incident last night.

"Don't worry, I'll help you deal with the video. You don't have to worry anymore."

"He said that if I don't obey him, I will make the video public..." In the end, he obviously saw her body tremble.

He patted her gently on the shoulder and comforted her, "It's okay. I can guarantee that this won't happen."

Jingyi raised her beautiful eyes and looked at him, with a puzzled look in her eyes, probably asking, should I believe you? But now, she has no choice, doesn't she?

After escaping from Taylor, she has informed her aunt Chen Meili to transfer her father to the United States to recover. Aunt Chen Qing will follow her. She doesn't have to worry about her father's side. As for her aunt's family, she doesn't have to worry. She fully believes in her aunt's ability and skills, and no one can move her for a while. And in the faint, she felt that her aunt also knew something, but when she inquired about it many things before, she refused to reveal anything. It was because of this that she felt that this matter was not simple. Taylor's appearance in City A should not be a coincidence or just to kidnap her.

Also, what puzzles her more is that if her second aunt Chen Mickey is related to this matter, and she was with Hu Linglong in the last car accident, does this mean that they are in the same group? And once, she also saw Hu Linglong and Lei Shaotang together. How much relationship is involved in this matter? Who is with whom? What kind of purpose and conspiracy do they have?

And what is the role of the man around him? There seems to be some kind of connection between him and the mayor, not like a stranger...

It seems that this city A will not be peaceful, but will she choose to leave?

What are you thinking about? Don't you believe me?"

"Ye." She answered unconsciously.

Ah? Do you doubt your husband's ability so much?"

"Ah, no, that's not what I mean." She waved her hand in a hurry and looked very anxious.

"Let's go and have breakfast..."

"Well, how do you know that I have cooked breakfast?"

"I have the ability of prophets."

"You fooled me again!!!" Jingyi ran after him, and for a while, the house became lively...

The two people in the fight did not notice the flashing figure outside the door at all...