President, be careful of love

Chapter 199 The heaviest in a man's heart

Is that right? Do you still have a way back? That's the best, so as not to think the game is too boring and boring. Ye Lixin smiled coldly at the corners of her mouth, as if she didn't care at all.

Taylor couldn't help but feel a little panicked when he saw his confident appearance. Did he see through the preparations he had secretly made before? But Ye Lixin doesn't look like he is lying. Can he still afford to play this game?

"What? Do you want to play with me?"

"Ye Lixin, I'm in your hands today. I'm unlucky. What do you want? Tell me." After some ideological struggle, he finally decided to admit defeat. The so-called winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. The probability that he will win Ye Lixin is too low. Because he has been together for so many years, he knows Ye Lixin's methods and his principles of doing things too well. In his world, there will be no life left to kill. He promised you. Opportunity will never hurt you a penny.

Didn't you take a fancy to him when you followed him at the beginning? Doing things is never indecisive, and it should be ruthless and neat. I just don't know when he handed over more and more rights to himself, and he slowly retreated from the dark world and began to do cooking business, broke into the building materials market, and entered the real estate field. He was found everywhere in all walks of life, but he was no longer infected with the underworld.

When he mistakenly thought that he had washed his hands, he suddenly returned to the organization as the boss. Cut his rights and regain power. But how can I endure his seizure of power in my heart? Over the years, he has been controlling all this behind his back and has put a lot of effort into it, just because he said that if he wants to return, he has to give up everything? He was unwilling, so he came up with the idea of robbing.

But before the game began, he had become a prisoner. Ye Lixin's methods were as fast, accurate and ruthless as ever, and did not give people a chance to breathe. He should have thought of this long ago, right?

Just like the events of that year.......

"Do you think I came to you because of the problem of power?" Ye Lixin twisted two sword eyebrows and was dissatisfied with the geological question.

Taylor was surprised, if it wasn't for this? Could it be... He couldn't help looking at the woman behind Ye Lixin, for her? Did he frown? His eyes are full of doubts.

"Well, Ye Lixin, are you going to tell me that you are doing this time for this woman?"

"What do you think?" Ye Lixin did not answer, but threw the question back to Taylor.

Taylor looked at the play in Ye Lixin's eyes and strengthened his conjecture. But such a truth made him feel sorry for him.

"If that's the case, then I feel heartbroken for Bella. The biggest tragedy of her life is knowing you! If it weren't for you, how would she die? Since you are willing to let her die, why find a substitute to satisfy your thoughts after so many years? Ye Lixin, don't you think it's ridiculous?" Taylor became more and more excited, and in the end, his voice was a little choked.

"Is it ridiculous? You were the only one who was ridiculous. At that time, you could obviously save her, didn't you? You have always loved her, and I have no feelings for her.

"She is your first woman, isn't she? She gave you an enchanting night. If you didn't miss her, you wouldn't come and go to my house often at that time. Isn't your purpose just to see her?"


"Enough? Haha, you are deceiving yourself and liking her, but you dare not admit it. You know that she is pregnant with your flesh and blood, but you still let her pester Lei Shaochen with this. You look on coldly, but you dare not face your fault. You didn't expect that you would fall in love with her overnight.

"What about you? Don't you love her? But for your greed and the power of the organization, haven't you made up your mind to dedicate her to me? It's just that I didn't expect that Lei Shaochen would be killed in the middle. What's more ridiculous is that you blamed Bella's death on Lei Shaochen. What right do you have to hate Lei Shaochen? Ye Lixin retorted coldly.

Taylor sneered: "Ye Lixin, your love is really ridiculous. Don't you know why I hate Lei Shaochen? Today, I will tell you that it was because Bella was raped by Zhang Xinmeng at his birthday party! Do you know what gang rape is? Without this accident, Bella would not have gone to a doomed.

"But I clearly remember that you found someone to assassinate her!" Ye Lixin exuded a cold breath all over her body, and her eyes were extremely cold at this moment.

"No, it's not me, it's Annie. I didn't know she would do this... But that's what you mean, isn't it? You said that there is no room for any stain in your world!" Taylor's eyes gradually turned scarlet, and it was the fireworks of hatred burning.

"Taylor, please don't make excuses for your crimes?"

"Maybe it doesn't make sense to discuss these now. After all these years, the only thing I feel sorry for is Bella. When she found you for the last time and wanted to keep the child, you said coldly that she would die anyway, even if she was pregnant with your flesh and blood. You are selfish when you say these words. Maybe you just want her from the beginning, but start in the wrong way. You are afraid that she will become a stumbling block for you, afraid of marriage, and afraid of giving love. At that time, why did I listen to your words? No, or maybe, we couldn't tolerate the humiliation that she had been ruined by countless men, so we would choose to let her die. I just didn't expect that a Bella who humiliated us would leave the world, and an angel similar to her would stay in the world. Jingyi, I'm sorry, please forget those memories, right? However, I really love you, not as Bella's stand-in. Because I missed it once, I became unscrupulous in the end. I have done too many wrong things in my life. I don't ask you to forgive me, but please forget the past and live happily.

"..." Jingyi quietly listened to their quarrels for a dead woman. It was not until this moment that she realized that she had always been a stand-in, a stand-in for the dead woman, and that they wanted her to make up for the feelings they could not get from her. At this moment, she only felt ridiculous and felt sad for Bella. In the end, she was killed by the man she loved. Men, for power, for benefits, and for their own greed, can betray women and sell their love. What is it that will last in them? I'm afraid there is only omnipotent money and power, right?

Taylor is pathetic and worthy of sympathy, but what about Ye Lixin? Did he really love Bella? If you love someone, why kill her? In his world, there is no need for marriage or children, because these will become his stumbling block. Why did he push Enjun? It's because of love, so he has to protect it. If love becomes a stumbling block on his way to success, he will choose to leave and destroy.

I would simply think that he fell in love with me. What's more shameful is that I have an inexplicable attachment to him and feel at ease with him, which is really the greatest shame. Bella is pregnant with his flesh and blood, and he will not cherish it for the time being. What's more, she is still pregnant with Lei Shaochen's seed. Why is there any reason for him to be sincere to himself? Why was he deceived? Why do you think he has feelings for himself? It turns out that everything is self-deception.

She looked at them coldly and slowly retreated, as if looking at aliens. She looked at the two men in front of her with a very strange look. Her heart was unprecedentedly cold, making her whole body tremble and her lips blue.

"Jingyi!" Ye Lixin called her eagerly.

She suddenly turned around and ran out of the warehouse, running desperately, like a headless fly. In this place full of weeds, she ran aimlessly, couldn't find the way, and didn't know where the road was. There was only one thought in her heart to leave here and leave these men who scared her.

Finally, she tripped over a rattan across the grass. She fell into her eyes and lay in the grass like that, allowing the tall grass to sink her in. Tears slowly overflowed in her eyes and fell into the ground along the corners of her eyes and soaked. She knew that she couldn't escape, so she didn't escape.

When it got dark, no one came to look for her. She was even thinking about lying here and dying. Even if you die like this, you can't be used by them and don't want to endure their shame anymore.

When she opened her eyes again, she found that she was lying at home**. She got up with difficulty and found that the house was much empty. Then she remembered that Aunt Chen Qing had moved away and followed her father to the hospital in the United States. Now, she is the only one left. She doesn't know whether Ye Lixin has let Taylor go later, let alone when he brought himself back here.

She doesn't seem to understand anything and is dizzy. She sat in the living room for a while and felt a bad headache, so she fell asleep on the sofa. I don't know how long she slept. She heard a noise in the kitchen and struggled. Seeing Ye Lixin busy in the kitchen, she shouted to the kitchen with all her strength: "Go, don't appear in my world again!" If you want to use me, I'd rather die! Oh, by the way, I forgot that you don't care whether I'm dead or alive. What you care about is your business! Haha, I'm so stupid! I'm fucking stupid!"

"Stop it. You have a fever. Drink this bowl of millet porridge." He took the steaming millet porridge, picked up a spoon and scooped a spoonful to her mouth.

She knocked the spoon to the ground angrily, pointed to the door and said, "Go, you go!" I don't want to see you again!"

"Have you had enough? Since you know that I want to use you, cooperate with me well, otherwise you should also know the consequences!" He seemed to lose his patience and set fire on her.

Jingyi was stunned and looked at him as if he were looking at a stranger.

"Okay, then tell me how can I cooperate with you?"

"You will naturally know then, but please believe me, I will never hurt you!"