President, be careful of love

Chapter 206 The throbbing in my heart

A week after the typhoon, the urban area of City A has basically returned to its original bustle and prosperity. The trees and various debris that were blown down by the wind have been cleaned up by sanitation workers, and the streets have returned to their former cleanliness.

Taking advantage of the sunny and cloudless weather today, she made an appointment with a doctor for a prenatal check-up.

Originally, Ye Lixin was going to accompany her. She did not agree to his request, and there was probably some resistance and resistance in her heart. After all, this was not his child. It was unfair for Ye Lixin to let him go with him. Since the typhoon, he has become busier than before. Every day when she comes home from work, she has fallen asleep and occasionally notices his return, but most of the time, she sleeps like a pig and doesn't even know when he will come back. However, when she gets up every morning and walks to the table, she will see a message written by him, telling her to have cooked noodles or porridge in the refrigerator, or her favorite dessert, so that she can eat it after heating it.

She is not hard-hearted. If someone takes care of herself so thoughtfully, no matter how much estrangement there is, it will be slowly eliminated because of these trivial cares. However, her heart is getting more and more confused, and she can't see her heart more and more clearly. She can't see whether these slowly growing feelings are love or touching.

Seeing those beautiful messages, for a moment, she really wanted to call him and tell him that we might as well leave here and live such an ordinary life at ease. However, her finger stopped above the number and couldn't press it for a long time. Perhaps, emotionally, she still lacked courage and **.

Since she was a child, she has never taken the initiative to express her feelings to others. She was just waiting for the right person to appear, but in the end, she waited for an inappropriate person. In these days when she separated from Lei Shaochen, she thought carefully that if she hadn't signed that contract with Lei Shaotang and naively used her feelings as a bargaining chip for life in exchange for benefits, would her life be different?

She sighed gently and got off the taxi. The noon sun was very poisonous and shone directly on her head. It was sultry like a big oven. She eagerly took out the umbrella from her satchet, but the action of opening the umbrella was so stiff. He looked at the group of people in front of him with dull eyes.

Zhang Ziwen is here, and Lei Shaochen is also there.

The two men stood on both sides of the hospital cart respectively. Needless to say, Zhang Xinmeng should be lying on it. The whole person was covered with a white cloth. Did he die?

This idea made her heart throb a little. There was a trace of sadness in my heart.

The last journey was sent by the person she loved. Perhaps, for Zhang Xinmeng, this is also a perfect ending.

If she left halfway, he might not appear, would he?

She smiled sarcastically. After they went away, she quietly entered the hospital, just like an ordinary pregnant woman, without shocking anyone or any light or shadow.

When she came out of the hospital, she took a taxi directly to an elegantly decorated cafe.

When I walked to the door of the cafe, I saw Xuan Yuanfan waiting there from afar.

She sat down gracefully and smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

"It's okay." Xuanyuan Fan's cool lips squeezed slightly and said softly.

"Why do you want to ask me out for coffee today?" She looked at him with a smile and kept speculating about his intention to meet her.

"The case you asked me to investigate last time has come to an end."

"Oh?" She responded softly, waiting for him to continue.

"Zhao Tianrui of the design department has an unusual relationship with the manager of the quality inspection department of Huban Company. I suspect that this accident was planned by them. Although this incident has been suppressed, Lei Shaochen will not stop there. The people on their side are also investigating this case. I believe that Lei Shao Chen's wrist, this matter should have been very clear, but what makes me strange is that so far, the manager of the quality inspection department of Huban has not received any sanctions. I'm guessing that there should be a mastermind behind this matter. He probably wants to find out the mastermind and catch it all!"

Xuanyuanfan paused here, took a look at Jingyi, and then continued to say, "In terms of Zhao Tianrui, you'd better find someone to stare at it to avoid any more trouble. It is difficult to carry out the project of Yuanshan Resort development. Kaitu must be prepared.

Jingyi frowned, and a burst of wonder flashed in her heart: What does Xuanyuanfan mean by saying these words?

"The Yuanshan Resort development project is a project approved and funded by the government. From this perspective, this project is the least one of all the projects in A City. Why are the difficulties?"

A trace of dodge flashed in Xuanyuanfan's eyes: "Maybe you can go back and ask Ye Lixin. Is his name Ye Lixin?

"Ye." She nodded gently, which was tacit.

"It's just that what this has to do with him. I don't remember what he has to do with the Yuanshan Resort development case?" The doubts in Jingyi's eyes are getting deeper and deeper, and her dark eyes are filled with a layer of haze, as if she is troubled by something.

Xuan Yuanfan coughed a few times for no reason, and the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

She probably understood that Xuanyuan Fan didn't want to go on. She smiled faintly and looked up at the watch on her wrist: "It's getting late. I have to go back to prepare dinner. Let's talk next time."

Xuanyuanfan opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, but when he saw that Jingyi had stood up, he swallowed back his words.

Preparing dinner is just an excuse, but today she really made a simple four dishes and one soup, including scrambled eggs with tomatoes, steamed eggplant, fried vegetables, braised potatoes, and corn sparerib soup.

I invited Ji Xiaoyan to come home for dinner.

But I didn't expect Ye Lixin to arrive home early today.

She, Ji Xiaoyan, Xiaobao and Ye Lixin had a warm dinner. Xiaobao seemed to like Ye Lixin very much. Looking at him, he would smile with a small mouth. Ji Xiaoyan simply threw Xiaobao to Ye Lixin. She nestled with Jingyi and whispered.

How long has it been since they didn't stick together head to head and gossip like their own sisters and good friends? Such a time is rare, but it also makes them relive the happy times of the past, so carefree and carefree.

Until Ji Xiaoyan took Xiaobao home, she was still immersed in the happy time with Xiaoyan. Seeing that Xiaoyan is so happy now, she feels happier than she is happy. After Yang Yidan's death, Xiaoyan loved Xiaobao as much as his own child. Now she seems to have a childish attitude. Previously, her careless personality has converged, but now the words show more women's softness and elegance, and her body exudes the glory of motherhood.

When she saw the cute baby, her heart was also full of expectations. The baby in her belly should be as cute as Xiaobao, right? The chubby face, chubby little hands, grinning, innocent.

After sending Xiaoyan away, she and Ye Lixin leaned against the sofa to watch the news.

"How could Mr. Ye help you settle the case of Yuanshan Resort?" Ye Lixin stared at the TV news and asked her unintentionally, as if she were saying that the weather was fine today.

Her heart suddenly twitched, and there was a flash in her heart for a moment. How did he know? There was a trace of surprise in my heart.

"I didn't expect you to pay attention to me." She didn't intend to hide the surprise on her face, but what she said was light.

"Aren't you going to say anything to me?" He still said in such a light tone, but Jingyi knew in his heart that when he repeated something, it meant that he was focused on the matter. If he didn't get the answer, I'm afraid he would not give up so easily.

Should I tell him the truth? Her eyes flowed, and an idea suddenly came to her mind.

"Why don't we exchange a secret? You tell me the purpose of your coming to City A, and I'll tell you what you want to know.

Ye Lixin turned her head and flashed with surprise: "No one dared to negotiate with me!"

"Didn't I talk to you just now?" She looked at him with innocent eyes, and her smiling expression was a little unpredictable.

She knows that there is a tiger in the mountain, and she prefers to go to the tiger mountain, and she also wants to catch the tiger to pull out its beard.

She thought he would be angry, angry, or put on a cold expression to express her dissatisfaction.

But she didn't expect that he would quickly kiss her lips. She had no time to push him away for a moment, stared at him innocently with big eyes, and let him freely pry open her soft lips and pestered her tongue domineeringly. With such a strong grasp, her heart beat violently and her hands unconsciously climbed up to him. Neck, two people kissed deeply indoors. How long did this kiss last? She lay ** for a long aftertaste, and it seemed that she could still feel the hot feeling of blushing and heartbeat.

If Ye Lixin's mobile phone does not ring in time, will they continue? She doesn't seem to have a clear answer.

And in a mansion in City A, some people are quarreling because of the wavering answers!

"Wow!" The ceramic vase was smashed to the ground and torn apart, and the fragments splashed on the ground.

Zhang Xinyu stood still with red eyes, waiting for him to care about himself. But he didn't. He still sat on the soft sofa as if nothing had happened, staring at the stock trend on the notebook, treating her like a transparent person!

Looking at his indifference, her eyes gradually turned scarlet and shouted hysterically at him, "Lei Shaochen, you are not a human!"