President, be careful of love

Chapter 221 Amnesia Beauty

Long Zhifei frowned deeply, sat by the bed with a solemn face, wrapped his soft and boneless hands tightly in his big palm, gently moved to his face, imprinted a kiss affectionately, and muttered to himself, "Jane, you have been sleeping for a week. Do you know how much I want these days? You? It's all my fault that I didn't accompany you... If I had put down my work and come back with you and the children to protect Qianqian and Chenchen, you wouldn't have been in a car accident for a moment. It's my fault. It's all my fault. Jane, can you hear me? Wake up quickly. When you wake up, let's go back to the United States together, okay? Is it okay? Do you remember that you promised me to attend Grandpa's 60th National Congress with me... I know you are the most committed, so wake up quickly..." As Long Zhifei spoke, tears fell down his cheeks. A small voice choked several times. Lei Shaochen stood at the door and coughed awkwardly. Long Zhifei wiped his eyes behind his back. After a sound, he turned around and said gloomyly, "Are you here?" He stopped watching him go straight out of the ward, walked out of the hospital alone, half leaning on the car tiredly, took out a cigarette, pressed the lighter to light the cigarette with a click, took a slam, and then spit out the cigarette heavily, looking quite lonely...

Chen Yitang and the children happened to pass by and saw Long Zhifei smoking on the roadside with a sad look. He hesitated again and again and shouted at him, "Zhifei, let's bring chicken soup. Let's go in and have a drink together..." Long Zhifei wanted to refuse, but his eyes touched the children's eager eyes. He inhaled the last puff of smoke, then threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stepped on it heavily a few times, and walked straight towards them.

"Uncle." Chenchen and Qianqian ran to him with sadness. Their eyes were red and tears rolled in their eyes, but they stubbornly refused to cry. Long Zhifei knew that the children were both sad and scared. He stretched out his hands and grasped the children tightly and said firmly to Chen Yitang, "Uncle, let's go in!" The doctor said that Jane may wake up today!"

"Okay, okay, let's go in!" Chen Yitang nodded heavily, and a pair of turbid eyes were suddenly full of crystal.

Long Zhifei took the children's hands and walked firmly into the hospital. The children felt the power from his hands, and their hearts seemed to be much calmer. Although their thin lips were still tightly squeezed, their deep eyebrows gradually stretched... Mom will be fine. Last night, they made a wish to Xingxing, praying that her mother can wake up healthily today. As long as she can wake up, they will not make her angry in the future and must be obedient...

The more they got out of the ward, the faster modesty and Chenchen's heartbeat became. "Plop, plop, plop..." As if they were about to jump out of their bodies. At the same time, the two couldn't help holding Long Zhifei's hand to maintain the surface calm. Long Zhifei felt the children's fear and uneasiness, stopped and gently They took them in their arms and comforted softly: "It's okay, don't be afraid, mom likes brave children best! So we must be brave!" Chenchen and Qianqian nodded as if they didn't understand, and then Long Zhifei gently pushed open the door of the ward. But suddenly, the child rushed in like a run-out wild horse. Before Long Zhifei realized what had happened, he saw the two children grabbing Lei Shaochen's trousers left and right and pulling them out vigorously.

"Bad guy, go away, we don't want to see you, and my mommy doesn't want to see you either!"

"Big bad guy, big bad guy, big bad guy!"

Chenchen and Qianqian cried and dragged Lei Shaochen out of the ward, but Lei Shaochen stood in place like an iron pillar, staring deeply at the ** people, completely ignoring the pull of the two children. Suddenly, Qianqian stopped dragging, grabbed Lei Shaochen's arm with both hands, and bit it fiercely...

Chen Qing was shocked and stopped in panic: "Qianqian, don't..." He rushed over and hugged Qianqian and pulled aside, but Qianqian's mouth bit Lei Shaochen's hand tightly as if he had been cursed... Chen Qing's sharp eyes found that Lei Shaochen's arm oozed traces of blood. She was in a dilemma and asked Chen Yitang for help, but Chen Yitang completely ignored it and pretended not to see it! Chen Qing knew the depression in Yitang's heart and looked at the sick person lying down. Her heart stopped, and tears fell down. She couldn't help hugging Qianqian tightly with both hands and let him vent his anger.

Qianqian bit his teeth until his teeth were numb, and then stopped mechanically. He angrily stared at the position where he had been bitten. His flesh and blood were blurred. His nose hummed coldly, and his eyes flashed coldly. He wanted to beat this guy again. Fortunately, Chen Qing stopped him in time, so he stopped his hand, changed his clever appearance, and jumped to illness. By the bedside, he said in a delicate childish voice, "Mom, I just took revenge for you. Can you wake up quickly? If you don't wake up, Chenchen and I are sad and unhappy at all... I don't even want to eat grandma's ice cream. The modest voice was crisp, but with choking, which made the people present feel sad... Especially Lei Shaochen, his heart was more painful than being roaring by a sharp arrow, just like the time the cave exploded, as if the bomb had destroyed not only the cave, but also his hot heart. At that moment, he deeply understood that his heart was full of her. The previous cold words and sarcasm, no Because of deep love, I hate it. Like most men in the world, he is selfish and domineering, ruthless and arrogant, despicable and dirty. He would rather meet each other with only hurt, torture and aggression than allow her to escape. He must live well and accept all this painfully. At that time, he couldn't see his complicated and entangled heart clearly. He didn't understand why he wanted to see her on a lonely night, but his hateful eyes were scarlet when he saw her snuggled in the arms of other men, and he gritted his teeth with anger. He didn't understand why her cute and naive face came to his mind at the moment he kissed Zhang Xinyu. , shouting "uncle" all the time. At that time, he did not understand that this was unforgettable love, thinking, thinking, holding, hanging, whether it was pain and sweetness, sadness and happiness, the first time he opened his eyes every day, he thought of the fact that they were strangers. If a relationship comes to the end and there is astringent hatred left, either love deeply or love very shallowly. When it is very deep, love and hate are intertwined, and the heart is cut like a knife. I can't wait to sleep together. At a very shallow time, love is pulled away, and the heart is clear and clear. I hate that I had no eyes at the beginning and misjud the old man. It was not until the loud noise that she disappeared that he suddenly realized that he belonged to the former. At that time, he wished that he was also in that cave. Even if he was blown to pieces in the end, he would have no regrets. Their blood and flesh would be closely connected and fused together, and they would be immortal and accompany each other forever.

Suddenly, I don't know who called "wake up". He gradually woke up from the chaos and didn't care about the pain in his arm. He grasped Jingyi's hand tightly for the first time and looked nervously as the sick person slowly opened his eyes. He was hurried and excited. Looking at her, "Jingyi, it's me, it's me. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you're fine. It's good that you're fine." He muttered incoherently, so excited that he almost forgot to breathe, and even his heartbeat seemed to slow down by half a beat...

Jingyi slowly opened her heavy eyelids, looked timidly at the people around her, slowly freed her hands, pulled her body, frowned slightly, and grunted painfully. Then she blinked her eyes and looked at Long Zhifei for help: "Semi, what's wrong with me?"

"Jingyi, you are finally fine!" Chen Yitang breathed softly and sighed happily. Jingyi looked at him and asked Long Zhifei with confusion: "Scho, who are they? I, why can't I remember at all..."

As soon as Jingyi's words came out, Qianqian was so anxious that she almost cried out, with a flat mouth: "Mommy, don't you recognize modesty? I'm modest."

"Mommy, I'm Chenchen!" Chenchen quickly twisted her small body and fell into Jingyi's arms. Jingyi obviously couldn't accept this fact for a while and shouted in horror: "Ah!"

When everyone was shocked, she suddenly sat up and desperately drilled into Long Zhifei's arms: "Xu, hold me, I'm afraid..." Long Zhifei was shocked, but his hands couldn't help holding her tightly and patting her back regularly: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here."

Jingyi slowly stabilized under his comfort. Qianqian and Chenchen also slowly stopped their trembling and were reluctantly carried out of the ward by Chen Yitang and Chen Qing.

A group of people appeared in the office of the attending doctor with a solemn face. After the doctor's detailed explanation, everyone knew that Jingyi had a temporary memory disorder due to the impact on the brain. The patient selectively forgot some people and things, only remembered something she wanted to remember, or the story of someone. Put it on others. Such an answer made Lei Shaochen very hurt and bitter. So, she should belong to the forgotten part in her heart... He curled his lips mockingly and looked gloomy. Qianqian and Chenchen's mood was not much better. Although it was a happy thing for their mother to wake up, they forgot them. Well, they not only forgot, but also rejected them in their hearts. Otherwise, how could they scream in horror? Thinking of my mother's fear, Chenchen and modesty's heart seemed to be stuffed by something and couldn't breathe...

When the attending doctor saw the depressed appearance of the two children, he felt a little unbearable: "Actually, you don't have to worry too much. The patient has woken up and will return to normal consciousness sooner or later. Just..." Speaking of this, the doctor paused, looked at the crowd, and then continued to say, "Don't be too hasty. The patient has just woken up and should not be stimulated. You should give her some time to slowly accept the fact of amnesia. Next, when the patient's body and mood stabilize, you can find a way to restore the patient's memory of the past.

Qianqian's eyes lit up in an instant: "Doctor, do you mean, can we restore our mother's memory? What should I do?"

The doctor looked at modesty with admiration and smiled slightly, "Is she your mother? Then you can tell your mother what happened in the past, especially the things that impressed her, or the scene, which will help remind her of the past..."

"Okay, I see. Thank you, doctor." After listening to the doctor's words, Qianqian danced happily, as if he had found a cure for amnesia. He jumped and was about to run out. Seeing this, Lei Shaochen pulled him anxiously: "What are you going to do?" Qianqian looked back and saw that it was Lei Shaochen. A small face pulled down, stared at him fiercely, and roared, "Let go!" Lei Shaochen's cold eyes said, "Didn't you hear what the doctor said? Wait for the patient's body and mood to stabilize!" You run over in a daze now, which will only scare her!"

I don't know if Lei Shaochen's tone was too harsh, or because he thought that he would scare his mother, he cried with a humble "wow" and refused to stop no matter how he comforted everyone... Helpless, Lei Shaochen had to bend down and pick him up and walk outside the hospital in one breath. Chenchen also trotted out with the two all the way because she was worried about modest safety.

"Don't cry!" Lei Shaochen put Qianqian on the ground and shouted at him in a serious tone. Qianqian immediately stopped crying, raised his head in a daze, and looked at Lei Shaochen with frowning.

"Do you want to restore your mother's memory?" Lei Shaochen continued to ask. Seeing that Qianqian nodded, his tense face loosened, and he squatted down with a very good temper. He put his hands on Qianqian's shoulders and said very seriously, "If you want to restore your mother's memory, then cooperate with me. I will make your mother remember everything!" Qianqian opened his eyes wide and looked at Lei Shaochen without blinking, as if he was thinking about whether he should trust the man in front of him... Chenchen, who had been standing next to him without saying anything, tilted her head and thought, "Why do we believe you?"

"Well, you come with me..." Qianqian and Chenchen looked at each other very tacitly, so they slowly followed Lei Shaochen's footsteps.

"Why did you bring us to the photo studio?" Qianqian frowned and stared at Lei Shaochen dissatisfiedly. Lei Shaochen didn't say anything, raised the corners of his mouth and went straight in.

As soon as Lei Shaochen walked in, the waiter of the photo studio immediately got up, looked at the three people with a smile and asked, "Are the three here to take pictures?"

"Hmm." Lei Shaochen scanned the photo studio, answered casually, and then asked, "How long will it take for the photos to be washed out?"

"About half an hour." The waiter glanced at the two children and smiled enthusiasticly: "Why didn't mom come?"

"Mom, I'm sick." Qianqian sniffed and responded.

The waiter said "Oh" gently and turned around awkwardly: "Please come in with me." According to the waiter's instructions, the three people sat tightly side by side. Lei Shaochen sat in the middle, accompanied by Chenchen and Qianqian, one left and one right, and the three people's expressions were serious and serious. The photographer frowned and shouted to the front, "Dad, smile, don't be so serious." Qianqian and Chenchen twitched unnaturally and thought contemptuously that this bad guy is not my father! Children, smile, don't jump your face, look at Dad, how handsome you are, don't lose to Dad!"

"He's not our father!" Qianqian and Chenchen shouted boredly at the same time. The photographer was stunned, his eyes turned back and forth several times on the faces of the three people, and pressed them several times in a row. It's done. Please go outside and wait to pick up the photos. Looking at the three people walking in the same posture, the photographer shook his head thoughtfully and put away the SLR camera in his hand.

In the process of waiting, Lei Shaochen carefully took out a yellowed photo from his wallet and asked the waiter of the photo studio, "Look, can you help me scan this photo and wash it out again?" The waiter reached out and took the photo. After looking at the photo carefully, he smiled faintly and said, "Mr. Lei, your photo can be scanned and redwashed out, but." The waiter stopped halfway and pointed to somewhere in the photo: "You see, the lady's face seems to be a little worn. We suggest color printing after repairing. What do you think?" Lei Shaochen nodded and curled his face unnaturally. He knew very well why the woman's face was worn out, which was the result of his years of touching. He survived by this picture and supported it until now...

When the waiter scanned the photo to the computer, Qianqian and Chenchen came over curiously... Only then did I see that the protagonist in the photo was the bad guy in front of him. Oh, there was even a mother. How could they... Kiss? Chenchen looked back at Lei Shaochen thoughtfully and stared at the two people in the photo. As the waiter clicked on the computer, he sighed enviously: "Your parents are so romantic. I'm so envious!" Qianqian and Chenchen looked at each other tacitly. The two walked to Lei Shaochen's side at the same time. The three looked at each other. Finally, Lei Shaochen said first, "Say it, what do you want to ask me?" Chenchen lowered the corners of his eyes and asked, "We want to know, what is your relationship with your mother? Will you be our father?" At the end of Chenchen's words, his voice was obviously weak and his head was lowered.

"Then do you want me to be your father?" Lei Shaochen asked with a smile.

"..." Chenchen and Qianqian lowered their heads at the same time. Do they want him to be their father? To be honest, they have no father since they were conscious. Every time they saw the children around them being held and carried by their father, they were both envious and jealous. At the age of three or four, they would pester their mother and ask where their father was. Every time their mother said that their father died in a car accident, and after saying that, they would burst into tears. He Although they are very sad, their mothers have taught them since childhood that boys can't cry casually, and men can't shed blood and tears... In order not to make their mother sad, they never mentioned their father and put him in the deepest part of their hearts...

However, if the bad guy in front of him is really Dad, what should he do? It was he who caused his mother to lose her memory... Huh, wait, why did he kidnap us? Could it be... Qianqian was shocked by his own idea and opened his little hand to cover his mouth in surprise: "You, are you hijacking us to fight for custody with your mother?"

Chenchen suddenly raised his eyes coldly: "We won't leave our mother!"

Lei Shaochen looked like crying without tears. Where did these two children think of? However, do they mean to admit that he is a father? Thinking of this, he was overjoyed and smiled for a long time: "No, I want to get your mother back!" I love her!" Qianqian stared at Lei Shaochen with dissatisfaction and said, "Lying! If you want to get your mother back, why did you act now? God knows, how long has he been thinking about his father? Why did this damn dad just appear now? He is always laughed at by his friends as a wild child!

Different from Qianqian's reaction, Chenchen's eyes turned red, endured his inner excitement, and said with a cold face, "You caused your mother to have a car accident. We will not forgive you easily!"

Lei Shaochen silently accepted their accusations and smiled happily. Although the children did not accept him at once, compared with his expectations, the current situation is not bad. At least the children are not extremely resistant. This is a good start, isn't it?

When the waiter came over with the washed photos, Lei Shaochen looked at the photos, and suddenly flashed in his mind, and a wonderful plan came to his mind...