President, be careful of love

Chapter 232 The White Head of the Finale

A month later.

A city's major newspapers exploded: Today, Diamond King Lao Wulei got married! Major newspapers scrambled to send reporters to Lei's villa early to obtain first-hand reporting materials.

With a muffled sound, the door of Lei's villa opened, and Cayenne, Jaguar, Ferrari and other famous cars slowly drove out. The reporter was dumbfounded for a moment and almost forgot to take pictures!

The sound of taking photos suddenly sounded, which was so lively. Lei Shaotang enthusiastically invited many reporters to the banquet and sent red envelopes. Lei's villa was filled with a festive atmosphere.

The huge family car drove the bride slowly around the wide road in A city, and the bride and groom on the open sports car smiled and looked at each other affectionately.

The audience who didn't know what kind of big star was getting married, and they raised their mobile phones to take pictures one after another. After taking pictures, they were surprised! The woman is as beautiful as a fairy, and the man is as handsome. What a pair made in heaven! Everyone is talking about: Which star is this? An insider whispered: Lei Shao in City A remarried his ex-wife! Everyone suddenly realized, but thought to themselves: What a match made in heaven!

Lei Shaochen reached out and held her in his arms and whispered, "Wife, is it majestic enough? This scene is enough to match you, right? Look at the amazing eyes of the audience, everyone must envy you for marrying such an excellent lover!"

Jingyi smiled beautifully, leaned her head on his shoulder, and looked at him amorously: "Lei Shao, I don't think your words are pertinent."

"Oh?" Lei Shaochen raised his eyebrows and motioned her to go on.

"I think everyone must be envious of your beautiful back!"

"Beauty is in your arms! What do you think I should do?" Lei Shaochen stared at her ruffianly, and his big hand lingerably around her waist... Jingyi smiled and said provocatively, "Is Lei Shao so elegant? Do you want to broadcast live?" While talking, her breath deliberately blew between his neck and neck, provoking his endurance! Lei Shaochen suddenly sank his eyes, and Jingyi's eyes looked straight into his affectionate pupils. His hoarse words overflowed from his throat: "From this moment on, you only belong to me!" Jingyi raised her head and saw the golden light plated on his face, which was so beautiful and enchanting. She put her hands around his neck mischievously and smiled brightly: "Has anyone said that you are very handsome, so handsome that people lose heart, and still want to put on your soul?"

Lei Shaochen hooked his lips playfully: "Do you mean that your heart and soul have been taken away by my beauty? My dearest wife?"

Jingyi covered her mouth and smiled charmingly. The white veil was blown up by the wind, raising a long arc. The sun just fell on her smooth forehead, and he was obsessed with it for a moment...

The so-called mutual love, the so-called crazy love, but that's all.

At the wedding banquet, all the relatives and friends arrived, and the voices of praise and blessings were endless! The scene was full of excitement and celebration. But the protagonist disappeared a long time ago, until a guest saw the rising helicopter in the backyard and screamed, "Groom and Bride!" Everyone glanced at Lei Shaochen's beautiful woman in her arms. A new couple smiled brightly and said goodbye to the crowd. It was not until she was sure that everyone could not see them that Jingyi acquiesced that the man around her would roll her lips and tongue into her mouth. The two were infatuated until their breath was confused and then let go...

The two returned to Japan for their honeymoon and sat at the end of the sea of clouds to taste tea to watch the sunrise. The difference from the first time, this time, they loved each other and had the same heart. The whole journey was extremely entangled and ambiguous, which attracted the envious eyes of passers-by from time to time. They even returned to the Lei family villa. After changing their love, even Qianqian and Chenchen began to dislike that these two people were too obsessed!

Three months later, Lei's Nishou Clothing Company was officially established, but the owner of Nishang became Jane.Chen, and Jingyi invited the long-retired "fashion king" of the design industry to come back to the world. For a while, Nishou Clothing was in the limelight and its power was close to Willie. It turned out that he appeared at the summer clothing press conference in Mousse that day. The ragged old man was the "fashion king" who used to be popular in the fashion industry. The evening dress he designed that year was too gorgeous, which caused two fashion celebrities to compete with each other. Finally, the two fought and the bloody case ended. The "fashion king" was disheartened for a moment and left the clothing industry. , hid and lived an ordinary life, but she left the fashion world, but she couldn't stop it. By chance, she picked up the admission ticket for the summer dress press conference and couldn't help but be curious to see what happened. Finally, Jingyi identified him in the dark door reading and writing system. After that, she and Lei Shaochen got back together and followed Lei Shaochen proposed to invite the "fashion king" out of the mountain. At that time, she just mentioned it casually and didn't expect Lei Shaochen to really move the gold medal designer...

Half a year later, Jingyi became pregnant again, and the Lei family was full of joy! Everyone is looking forward to Jingyi giving birth to a pink and lovely little princess. Hao Yidong, Zhang Yimo, Liang Haojie and others have conspired one after another. If Jingyi gave birth to a little girl, she would have to marry her. However, ten months later, the answer was revealed, and everyone was disappointed and she was a white and fat boy! Although Lei Shaotang and Lei Lei Yewei were disappointed, they were also extremely happy. Thinking about this huge industry of the Lei family, there is finally a successor! Qianqian is a boy who loves acting and aspires to be a big star. Chenchen is introverted and loves financial stocks... And now the third child... They must be fine "**"...

One day a few years later, people gathered at the seaside for barbecue. The children of each family gathered together to play, but they played the truth adventure very darkly. To their parents, their parents' faces were dark behind them...

At night, the moonlight was like water. Lei Shaochen and Jingyi put aside their children and hid behind a big reef and said continuous love words. Suddenly, Jingyi looked at Lei Shaochen's face and asked seriously, "Have you regret marrying me these years?"

Lei Shaochen asked with a bad smile, "Do you regret marrying me?"

After saying that, the two looked at each other and smiled at the same time.

Lei Shaochen silently added in his heart: Marrying you is the most worthwhile thing I have done in my life. In this life, I don't regret marrying you. I'm just afraid that I don't have enough time to love you!

Jingyi's soft eyes looked into his bottomless affection and silently thought to himself: Marry you, become your wife, and have your surname. My name is the greatest pride of my life.

To the bright starry sky, they silently promised: I hope that we can live together for the rest of our lives!

The whole book is over. Thank you for your support all the way!