President, in the name of love

Chapter 70 Shen Shen's Game Road to Get Rich

Shen Shen is in a good mood, because he has a goal, that is the game! Thanks to the stranger, Shen Shen felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity when he thought of the stranger. Shen Shen was sure that he had never seen that person before yesterday, but why was he so familiar with him? What's more incredible is that Shen Shen actually remembers a stranger's appearance very clearly. Is it because that person is very handsome? Shen Shen couldn't help asking himself.

No matter how much it is, Shen Shen has his own plan in mind.

Game is something that everyone likes. Shen Shen believes that there is a good market in this area, because now Shen Shen still remembers a game called Tetris that he played a long time ago. Playing games is fun, isn't it? Shen Shen thought with a smile.

Now that the Internet is developing rapidly, online games are also very popular, whether they are stand-alone or online. Shen Shen knew that he was not capable of making an online game of his own now, so he thought about switching to the surrounding products. That's right, it was the legendary point card and stand-alone game disk.

At the beginning, Shen Shen used the money on his card to purchase goods. As for sales, Shen Shen wandered around various large and small Internet cafes. Of course, the owners of some Internet cafes did not accept Shen Shen, who was a piece of his share, but Shen Shen's ability was reflected here.

In order to sell his own point cards, Shen Shen went to the game and became an RMB player. What does the so-called RMB player do? With just two characters B, Shen pretended to be very successful, and his best made the Internet names envy and hatred. Then, a group of people followed the trend, and everyone began to throw money on the Internet, and Shen Shen also made a small profit.

In the course of the game, Shen Shen met X, a top hacker code-named X. It's really fate. X had nothing to do and wanted to borrow a game. So he just met Shen Shen, who was very 213 at this time. He thought it was interesting and then explained, and then Shen Shen got a general in their company in the future.

Shen Shen succeeded, but he was not satisfied. After all, Shen Shen didn't want to do what he wanted to do around the game. What he really wanted to do was a really attractive online game, not a game that conquered netizens with fancy skills and gorgeous costumes.

Shen Shen has been thinking about how attractive the current online game room is.

First of all, most of the most popular online games are RPG (role-playing) mode, and then there is an interesting task system, a hot-blooded PK duel, etc. In fact, it is nothing more than four words, that is immersive.

Shen really wants to make those holographic simulation online games in YY novels. No one wants to talk about it, but everyone knows that today's technology does not allow it, so Shen Shen thought of a way to retreat and seek a second place. Since holographic simulation is not good, it's okay to complete it in reality and show the actions made in reality in the game. Now that the player can soon think that he has really operated the game. The more Shen Shen thought about it, the more excited he became. So he told X the idea. X was very interested in Shen Shen's idea, so he began to work hard to implement the game. X also found his friends who were also several top hackers to study the game together.

But research always consumes money. Shen Shen invested the money he earned into research and decided to start earning money. X agreed, so they set up a small company called Deepin and was named. After all, Shen Shen was still a minor. They sold the right to use a small part of the results of their research to each Of course, large network companies only have the right to use, because Shen Shen feels that these things will be used in his game one day, and they are unique.

In two years, Shen Shen has been 18 years old, and his deep network company has officially changed to his name. Depth is not famous in people's eyes, but it has extraordinary significance in the eyes of major network companies, because the technology provided by Depth has made them countless profits, and countless network companies want to merge. However, the person in charge of Depth said that without this intention, it is very harmonious to sell technology one by one.

There was another episode. As Cheng's Group entered the network market, a well-known company in the network world was invited to cooperate with Cheng's Group. Originally, Shen Shen didn't think so, but X's opinion can be discussed. After all, Cheng's Group is also very influential in the world. In this way, Shen Shen made a good appearance at the meeting of Cheng Group. This also brought some surprises to various network companies. The founder of the depth is still a minor child? However, this surprise did not last long, because the mall ultimately spoke on strength, and although Shen Shen was small, he was recognized by everyone because of his ability.

But one person was still surprised. That is the current president of Cheng Group, Young Master Cheng Chencheng, that is, the stranger Shen Shen has been remembering and giving him advice. Cheng Chen always felt that Shen Shen was a cute little fool, but he didn't expect that he was not stupid at all but very capable, which surprised Cheng Chen.

Shen Shen was also surprised when he saw Cheng Shen. Shen was very grateful that if it hadn't been for what he inadvertently said when he passed by him, Shen Shen Shen would not have made such an achievement now. Shen Shen didn't say in front of Cheng Chen, "Ah, it's you!" This kind of nutrition, because he knows that it is impossible for others to know him. Although he remembers others so clearly, he can't force others to remember a stranger who just passes by.

But what Shen Shen didn't expect was that Cheng Chen did not leave after all the meetings, but walked to him.

"Shen Shen, right? Would you like to have a cup of coffee together? Cheng Chen looked at Shen Shen with a smile

"..." Er, this tone and look, is he flirting with me like a little girl? Shen Shen was a little unhappy, but he said strangely, "Okay."

Cheng Chen looked at the transformation of various expressions on Shen Shen's face and felt very interesting, and couldn't help smiling more deeply.

This is the second meeting between Shen Shen and Cheng Chen, but they are familiar with each other as if they have known each other for a long time.

"Have I seen you before?" Cheng Chen asked.

"We have passed by."

"Not that time!"

"Ah, that doesn't seem to be there!" Shen Shen was very sure, but this strange familiarity made him doubt his memory.

"Have you seen it in your last life?" Cheng Chen made a small joke, but unfortunately he didn't know that he had accidentally revealed the truth.

"Maybe." Shen Shen smiled deeply.

Suddenly one day, Shen Shen stopped cleaning the room and asked Cheng Chen, who was sitting aside watching TV: "How can we live together?"

"Ah?" Cheng Chen moved his eyes from the TV to Shen Shen's body. "I don't know, it seems that they are together like this."

"What are we?" Shen Shen sat next to Cheng Chen and asked. Is it too late for Shen Shen to ask this question after living together for so long?

"Couple? Family?" It seems that there is a little bit of a difficult choice! Cheng Chen frowned and didn't know which one to choose?

"There seems to be a little bit." Shen Shen also frowned.

"Hmm." What a tacit understanding, deep. That's what I think! Cheng Chen nodded vigorously.

"You haven't confessed to me yet!" Shen Shen seemed to suddenly think of something.

"You didn't tell me either!" Cheng Chen refuted.

"I love you!" Shen Shen said deeply.

"I know." Cheng Chen said with a smile.

"No, you should say I love you!"

"What did you say?" Cheng Chen pretended not to know!

"I love you!"

"Oh, what do you say again?"

"I love you."

"Why can't I hear it!" Cheng Chen looked embarrassed.

"I..." Shen Shen paused for a moment and reacted, "Okay, you fool me!" Shen Shen rushed to Cheng Chen**, and Cheng Chen smiled and begged for mercy. The seemingly happy and sweet moment passed like this. Shen Shen didn't know that he had not heard the process Chen say I love you, because Cheng Chen was not good to him at all. It was not until a long time later that Shen Shen finally understood why Cheng Chen had not said those three words to him, but understanding is one thing and heartache is another.

However, there are some things that clearly know the result. Some people still do it one after another, not to mention that they don't know the result at all? Maybe God also has some pity for Shen Shen. Since you can't get love, then give you a career, so no one knows that the online game in Shen Shen's heart has taken shape in depth, and then the sensory system that Shen Shen wants has not made a new breakthrough. The so-called sensory system is all kinds of real exercises encountered by the characters in the game. It is reflected in the human body one by one, such as taste and smell. Although this area has not been good, Shen Shen has been a little relieved. He believes that he and his partners must have broken through the difficulties!

Of course, they did break through the difficulties, but that was three years later, and a lot of things really happened in the past three years. Shen Shen didn't know because he didn't have the ability to predict the future.

Compared with Shen Shen's hustle and water, Mu Qiyue is much more down-to-earth. Two years later, all Mu Qiyue's thoughts have been used to deal with the college entrance examination.

Sure enough, the results were released. Mu Qiyue was not unexpectedly admitted to the medical university she wanted to go to with a high score. As for why she studied medicine, in fact, a big reason was because of Chu Si Ri. In order to forget Chu Siyi, Mu Qiyue chose the brain neurology department. He wanted to study a drug that acts on the brain nerves so that he could forget some things that he should not remember. Of course, Mu Qiyue did not study the result, but perhaps the world is so coincidental. A few years later, Mu Qiyue learned something and accidentally helped Shen Shen solve the sensory system that had been bothering Shen Shen. Of course, this is all about the future, and now Qiyue's father and Qiyue's mother are very proud that their son is promising. As for what Mu Qiyue has done, no one has reached a consensus.

Optimists don't always encounter happy things, but they know how to forget. Qiyue's parents may have forgotten Mu Qiyue's past in this way. But Mu Qiyue is not an optimistic person, so he always remembers a person who has always lived in his heart and never left.