President, in the name of love

Chapter 127 Home in the Human World

"Look! There are dragons and phoenixes in the sky!"

"Oh, my God! The dragon and phoenix appeared!"

"Look! Longfeng!"


When the phoenix and dragon became prototypes because they could not defend against the boundary pressure, the people in the human world boiled. Because the legendary thing finally happened, they will usher in real peace! People are cheering and boiling. Then they knelt down to the dragons and phoenixes in the sky and prayed for a stable life.

At this time, the dragon and phoenix in the air did not find the human behavior on the ground, but were surprised and curious to see the prototype of the other party. Because the dragon clan and the Phoenix clan guard the heaven and the earth respectively, the two clans only know each other's existence but understand each other, because there is basically no communication between them.

"Ah! There is a dragon." Feng said in surprise.

"Wow, it's a living phoenix!" Long also said in surprise in his heart.

Boo automatically ignore the impact of their appearance in the human world on human beings, but are curious about each other's appearance in the human world like themselves.

"Hey, are you really a dragon?" Feng flew curiously to the side of the dragon, stretched out her paws and gently touched the scales on the dragon's body, and quickly pretended that she had undoubtedly touched it.

"Well, yes." Long felt that Feng's reaction was very cute, so he forgave Feng's casual touch on his body. If this matter was known by Long's third brother, he would definitely beat his chest and shout, "This is unfair. Why did he just gently touch his brother's dragon horn and be beaten by his younger brother for three days and nights?" This can only be said to be a matter of character.

Feng always looked at him curiously when he got the positive answer. Long felt that Feng's round eyes were very interesting.

Feng curiously flew around the dragon to take a closer look, and the dragon was very obedient and motionless and super cooperative.

"Are you a phoenix?" Long asked.

"I'm a phoenix, not a phoenix!"

"But your form is a phoenix!"

"Stupid! Phoenix is Phoenix, Phoenix is Phoenix! Phoenix is a male bird, Phoenix is a female bird, and Phoenix is the collective name of two divine birds!"

"Oh, does Phoenix refer to two birds?"


"So that's it! So you are a phoenix?"


"What's your name?"


"I know you are a phoenix. I'm asking your name!"


"I said I knew you were a phoenix. I'm asking your name!"


"I'm asking for the name! Can't you understand what I'm saying?

"My name is Feng! Are you stupid?"

"Uh..." Long was embarrassed in an instant.

"What about you, what's your name?" Feng asked.


"..." Feng was speechless, "Are you angry with me on purpose?"

"No, my name is Dragon."

"Why are you such a strange name?" Fenghu flapped her wings and frowned.

" are still the same!"

" seems so."


"So what!"

"It's not good. There won't be a female bird named Phoenix in your clan, right? Hahaha, then you just got together!" Long said jokely.

"How do you know?" Feng suddenly opened her eyes wide.

"Isn't it? Do you really have it?" The beard on the dragon's surprised mouth trembled.

When Feng saw that the dragon was guessing randomly, she put away her admiration for the dragon, and then continued to observe the dragon's body.

"Dragon, why do you say that you can fly without wings?"

"How do I know? It's natural. I also want to ask why your Phoenix keeps getting angry? Won't you burn yourself? Also, why can you be reborn in the fire?

"I don't know, flames are born! As for rebirth in the fire, it can only be done when it is close to death. It seems that it depends on the energy of the flame to gain new vitality, but there are few people who can be reborn in the fire, because few people can maintain their hearts under the flames.

"Very profound."

"Well, so I don't know what's going on..."

"..." Dragon Black Line.

"By the way, why didn't you maintain your human form and reveal your body?" Feng asked curiously.

"I don't know. As soon as I came through the boundary gate, I unconsciously became a prototype."

"Ah! Me too!" Feng flew around the dragon twice.

"Hmm." Long smiled and looked at the phoenix flying around him, which was very interesting.

"Oh, you see, there are a lot of human beings saluteing us below!"

"Ah, it's true!"

"Why did they do this?" Feng is curious again.

"How do I know!"

"Why don't you know anything?" Feng looked at the dragon with contempt.

"You don't know anything!"

"Can I be the same as you?" Feng said arrogantly.

Dragon Black Line.

"Ah, why are there more and more people salute!"

"Is this a cause of riot?" Long Wenfeng.

"Uh... it seems to count!"

"It's gone. If it goes on like this, it will definitely be found by the elders!" Long said in a hurry.

"Yes! It would be miserable if the elder found out that I ran away!"

"Oh, did you also sneak out?" Long asked curiously.

"Is that the point now?" Feng is speechless.


"The question is what to do now!" Feng Super flew around in the sky.

Long Xu's phoenix, let him not worry.

"Can you control your form now?" Long asked.

"...Huh, it seems to be okay."

"Then it should not cause riots if we fly to a place with fewer people and become human-shaped."


In this way, the dragon and phoenix suddenly flew into the distance and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

In the eyes of human beings in the human world, Long and Feng heard their prayer for stability and disappeared to realize their wishes. Anyway, the people who knelt on the ground got up and left because of the disappearance of Longfeng, and Long and Feng also achieved their goals.

The dragon's body was originally entangled with the phoenix and flew to a sparsely populated place, so when they suddenly became a humanoid, the phoenix was held in the arms of the dragon in a situation of a princess.

"Well, I'm finally out of danger." Feng wiped the sweat on her forehead and smiled at Long.

"Hmm." Long also smiled back, and neither of them found anything wrong with this posture.

"Dragon, what did you do when you escaped from the world?"

"I don't know, I just want to come out and have a look."

"Ah! Me too! But I don't know what to do..." Feng said with a frown on her cheek.

"Why, let's find a place to live first. The book in the clan says that the most important thing for human beings to grow up is to settle down."

"Good! Let's find a place to settle down!" Feng said happily in the dragon's arms.

"Hmm." The dragon nodded.

"But I'm so sleepy... Long, find a place. I'll sleep first..." Feng said and fell asleep in Long's arms.

"Good." Long said softly, and then hugged the sleeping phoenix to find the place where they wanted to settle down.

When Feng woke up from the dragon's arms, she found that they were already in a good house.

"What is this?" Feng asked.

"Our home." Long said.

"How did you find it?"

"It was exchanged for a night pearl."

"Night Pearl?"


"The night pearl used for lighting?"


"Isn't the owner of this family at a loss? How can a illuminated night pearl change into a home?

"Well, he is a good man."

"Well, you should thank him well."

Feng jumped out of the dragon's arms to see what his parents looked like in the human world.

Ponds, courtyards, rockery, flowers... Although they look far worse than where they used to live in the earth, they are also exquisite. Feng comforted herself and said, "It doesn't matter. I'm not picky."

If these words are heard by the buildings that designed this house, he will definitely cry!

Long looked at Feng jumping around in the yard and unconsciously thought of the scene of Feng's prototype flying up and down beside him. Long smiled and looked at Feng playing happily.

After living in their new home for a day, Feng and Long found that the human world, heaven and earth were different. Living here requires something called money. And the night pearl once regarded by them as just for lighting is very valuable in the human world, which is enough to buy ten houses where they now live.

Feng said angrily to Long, "Thanks, I'm still a good person who returned the house to us!" So we have lost so much!"

Long smiled and comforted him, "It's okay. Anyway, there are many night pearls."

"It's all mine!"


"I'm going to the Taoyi Pavilion for dinner!"


"By the way, the food in the human world is so delicious that you can't eat enough!"

"Well, then eat more."

"Hey, Dragon, the human world is really good, isn't it? There are so many delicious food!"


"We will live here all our lives, right?" Feng Xingxing looked at the dragon.

"Good." Long rubbed Feng's hair with a smile.

Long and Feng live together in the human world in this way, which is very simple and happy. However...

"Hmm!" Feng sat angrily in her courtyard.

"What's wrong?" Long put down the books in the human world in his hand. In the human world, Long found that his pleasure was to read and look at Feng (what kind of fun!). He gently asked Feng the reason of the matter.

"Hum!" Feng pouted her mouth and was angry, but she didn't say anything.

"What? The food in Taoyi Pavilion doesn't taste good?

"It's not!"

"Is that?"

"I went to the Taoyi Pavilion to eat today, and they said they wouldn't sell it!"

"Why? Did you give them the money?"

"Of course! They said no."

"How come? Don't human beings like money the most?

"They say money is important but life is more important!"

"What the hell is going on?"

"I don't know, but I heard that there will be a war here. Everyone fled for their lives and no one did business. Long, what do you think is going to war?

"Fighting? The book says that it is caused by an imbalance of interests.

"What do you mean?"

"Simply put, it is a mass fight caused by people who can't eat and rob those who can eat enough food and have leftover food in order to be able to eat."

"Is the war caused by some people not having enough to eat?"


"Will many people die in the war?"

"The book says yes."

Feng looked at the dragon puzzledly, and the dragon had to explain.