President, in the name of love

Chapter 129 Blood

"Phoenix!" Long was anxious to stop Feng, but Feng had come to the vanguard team.

At this time, Feng, who had come to the front of the pioneer team, saw the bloody scene he had never seen before.

" hand over everything!" The man in the same clothes shouted fiercely to an old lady holding a child.

"Sir, we really don't have anything from before!" The old lady, who was unable to move, cried with her grandson, who had not yet governor.

"Then hand over all the food!" Those people roared impatiently.

"Master, you can do it. How can you let my old bones and grandson live without food!" The old man knelt on the ground with his grandson in his arms and pulled the trouser legs of those people, praying for them to have some sympathy!

"Get out!" Those people kicked the old man aside in disgust. The old man hit the ground to protect his grandson. With a thump, the old man could not struggle for a long time.

The little grandson lay on grandma curiously, looked at grandma's painful appearance, and shouted milkily: "Grandma."

The old man looked at his grandson and resented his body. Why didn't he have the ability to protect his grandson! The old man stroked his grandson's cheek with his trembling hand and cried, "Child! Grandma is useless, it's useless!"

"Big boss, it seems that this old man really has nothing to take. It's better to let them go." A man in military uniform looked at the old man and the young and said to his captain.

"Grandma's! I didn't grab anything again. It's fucking unlucky!" The unhappily called the captain prepared to go to another house.

The poor old man and the child quickly asked, "Captain, then they..." In fact, the man knew that after robbing things, basically people were going to be killed. According to the above, death had been decided, but looking at the old man and the child, he couldn't help but feel compassion.

"Concording to the old rules!" The captain seemed to have a lot of hard-hearted hearts, without a trace of pitiful feelings between the two.

The other team members also nodded one after another, and no one stood on the side of the man who wanted to let them go.

"This..." The man was hesitant and ruthless.

"Li Er, we have killed so many people. You are just starting to feel sorry for people now. Don't you think it's too late?" A man in the team said sarcastically.

"I..." Li 200 can't argue. He can't say that he thinks of his old mother and son in his hometown, because it's unbearable to have feelings in the pioneer team. They are vanguard teams. What they have to do is to burn, kill, loot and plunder as a large force to get more materials. After all, all, all this will be blocked by the hesitation in their hearts. Naturally, such people will be proposed as a vanguard team. Of course, people in the vanguard team basically have no access to the senior management of the army, so if they are kicked out of the vanguard team, it means becoming civilians and those civilians who will be robbed by the army. Li Er can't be kicked out of the vanguard team. For his family, for his mother, for his wife and children, he can only become a man again.

"Hurry up! Mother-in-law is like a woman!" The captain impatiently urged him to start.

"Yes!" The people in the team were ready to take action against the old man and young man, but were stopped by the captain.

"Wait a minute!" The captain said.

"What's wrong?" The blocked team member looked at the captain with a puzzled face.

"Li Er!" The captain called the name of the person who had just accidentally softened his heart.

"There!" Li Er said loudly, as if to embolden himself.

"You go!" The captain frowned and said.

"Captain!" Li Er held the knife in his hand tightly, and his voice became a little uncertain, and he could hear a trace of trembling.

"Li Er, you know how to do it."


"Li Er!" The captain gave a warning roar.

Li Er no longer hesitated. He closed his eyes and raised the knife in his hand. He knew that he must come forward today and knew that this was the captain's test for him. If he doesn't kill the old man and child today, then his mother and child will be killed tomorrow!

Li Er was ruthless and raised his knife with both hands, because he was afraid that his hand would tremble.

"Ah!" Li Er shouted and waved the knife with his eyes closed.

The old man cried again, and there was no sound in the crying.

Li Er dared not open his eyes and face a pool of blood.

At this moment, the little grandson began to cry in fear because he was drenched in his grandmother's blood.

"Wow..." The child's crying is always very penetrating, and the sound of crying hits Li Er's heart.

"I'm sorry." Li Er swallowed his guilt into his heart, and tears could only be in his heart. Li Erqiang pretended that he was fine, because he could not let others see his shaking.

"Li Er, hurry up, there is still a small problem to solve!" The captain reminded Li Er with a crooked smile.

Li Er stood for a moment and stiffly raised the knife in his hand again.

You can see Li Wu's hands bursting out of blue veins, and you can know how hard he is to lift the knife smoothly. The place just seen by the old man's blood seems to have been corroded by strong acid, and it is very painful.

"Ah..." Li Er shouted and raised his knife and waved towards the child. At that moment, it seemed that time had been slowed down. Li Er seemed to see the tears in the child's eyes slowly flowing down his cheeks. It seemed that he could see all kinds of expressions of his teammates around him. Some were indifferent and some excited. Some have a trace of imperceptible imperbearance in their eyes, while others are purely watching his good play.

Li Er saw that the knife he waved was getting closer and closer to the child, and he felt even more regretful. He wanted to take back the knife in his hand, but he could not change the direction in his hand.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." Li Er regretted it over and over again, and looked at the knife as he was about to approach the child.

Li Er couldn't bear to close his eyes again.

" Stop it!" A loud sound came.

Li Er felt that he was pushed out vigorously, let him hit the wall heavily and then fell to the ground again. Poof... Li Er spit out a mouthful of blood, but Li Er did not feel pain at all. Instead, he seemed to have a kind of relief, as if he had spit out not blood but the sadness and guilt in his heart.

"You bastards!"

Li Er's last consciousness was to see a fairy-like beautiful man holding a child who had stopped crying and looking at himself and his teammates angrily.

When watching the fairy accuse the vanguard team, Li Er closed his eyes with a smile: "That's good. That's good. Someone stopped me... That's good."

"You are that green onion!" The captain looked at Li Er being blown away and roared at the person who suddenly appeared.

"I'm Feng!" Feng announced angrily.

"Fuck, get out of here, you guys! Go and catch him!" The captain shouted at Feng and told the people under him.

"Yes." The rest of the people are very obedient.

However, when they were about to approach Feng, they were hit by a powerful force. Some people vomited blood, and some people were directly unconscious.

"You..." The captain looked at his person so vulnerable, stepped back a few steps with some guilty, and said to Feng unwillingly, "You are not afraid to touch me! Wait for me!" After saying that, the captain was ready to run away.

Feng grabbed him over and said, "Scum!" Feng knocked the captain unconscious as he spoke.

Feng looked at the people who fell to the ground, the old man full of blood and smoke, and the child who had been staring at her with wide eyes in her hand, and suddenly fell silent.

I don't know when the dragon appeared behind Feng and hugged Feng's shoulder comfortingly.

"Is the army so cruel?" Feng asked.

"Not necessarily."

"Will there be people like this old man who die in every war?"

"I will."

"Will there be a child like this child to become an orphan in every war?"

"Yes, some will die."

"Is the war so bloody?"


"Then why on earth is there a war!"

"..." Long suddenly didn't know how to answer Feng, so he had to hold him.

The phoenix is in the arms of the dragon and doesn't want to get up.

"Don't cry." Long said sadly.

"I didn't cry." Feng sucked her nose and said.

"Well, you didn't cry." Long followed Feng's words.

At this moment, the child held by Feng suddenly struggled to leave Feng's arms.

"What's wrong with you?" Feng rubbed her eyes and asked the child.

"How could he tell you when he was young?" The dragon rubbed the phoenix's hair.

The child was still struggling, and Feng let him go. Then Feng saw the child stumble to the old man who was no longer alive, and once again cried milkily, "Grandma."

"Grandma!" When the child saw that the old man ignored him, he pushed the old man unhappily. Seeing that the old man still ignored him, the child was so unhappy that he was about to cry.

When Feng saw this scene, her eyes suddenly began to ache again.

The dragon grabbed the phoenix and held him in his arms.

"What should I do? He is so pitiful. Shall we raise him?"

"Okay, as long as you are happy, everything is fine."



"You are so kind."


Feng left the dragon's arms and stepped forward to pick up the child.

The child struggled to get to grandma's side.

Feng said, "Good boy, grandma has left. Long and I will take care of you in the future."

The child pointed to the old man on the ground in a daze: "Grandma?"

"We will take good care of him. Don't worry, old man." Feng squatted beside the old man and solemnly promised.

The dragon didn't say anything, but we can see that he is also promising something.

"Let's go." Long came and Feng and the child were ready to leave.

"Wait a minute." Feng said.

"What's wrong?" Long asked.

"In the human world, human death is still like being buried. Let's bury the child's grandmother."

"The burial is to say that it is necessary to be buried for peace, but now there are wars everywhere. Where can there be peace? If you bury the child's grandmother in this land, you will definitely see a more cruel war, which is not good for her.


"Let's cremation."


"With the wind, she can go where she wants to go."


Feng and Long left with their ignorant children. Behind them was a vast sea of fire, and from time to time there were a few wis of green smoke on the blue sky...