President, in the name of love

Chapter 154 Destruction of the Three Worlds

"That's..." Feng suddenly stopped her voice.

"What are your requirements? Come on..." Long, who was looking forward to Feng's forgiveness, was eager for Feng to say his request as soon as possible. Long knew that even if Feng's request was unreasonable and difficult it was, he would agree, because that was what Feng, his favorite person said.

"Well, my request is... Dragon, we want to be together forever, whether in the next life or the next life."

"I answer..." Long was about to agree, and suddenly a picture appeared in the dragon's mind.

"Please, finally...the last thing...promise me!" That's the way Qian'er pleaded with the dragon at the end of her life.

"What's the matter?" Long saw his unbearable answer in the picture.

"In the next life, you will really marry me in the next life."


"Promise me!" Qian'er looked at the dragon in pain and said, "Please! Promise me!"

"Okay, I promise."

Qian'er finally showed a sincere smile. Under the severe pain, she still smiled so brightly, and her life ended in this bright smile.

"Dragon? What's wrong with you? Dragon?" Feng originally expected Long to answer her affirmatively, but she didn't expect that when Long answered him, she suddenly seemed to be stuck and didn't speak as if she had fallen into some memories.

Feng didn't want to admit it, because he was very unhappy because of Long's hesitation.

"Ah?" Long heard Feng's voice and struggled out of his memory. He looked at Feng with some guilt.

"I'm asking you...what's your answer?" Feng looked at the dragon expectantly, hoping to get the dragon's affirmative answer. Obviously, he left the dragon's hesitation behind.


"What am I!" Feng was even more dissatisfied.

"I'm sorry, I can't promise you." Long took a deep breath and quickly said his answer.

"..." Feng's smile froze on her face and said uncomportedly, "You are still in the mood to joke at this time!"

"I'm sorry, Feng, I'm not kidding."

The smile on Feng's face disappeared and he looked at the dragon incredulously.

"I..." Long looked at such a phoenix, but he couldn't say the explanation in his mouth. Finally, he could only spit out a sentence: "I'm sorry."

"What's the reason?" Feng retreated from the dragon's arms and looked elsewhere to ask.


"Because of that girl?" Feng grabbed and said it before Long opened his mouth.

"...yes, but not what you think..." Long was anxious to explain.

"Ha ha... what about that?" Feng suddenly laughed, but this smile made Long's heart hurt.

"Phoenix!" Long hugged Feng and didn't give him a chance to break away from him. "Feng, things are really not what you think! Qian'er because... In a word, she died like this because she had a child. I don't want to admit that I have my responsibility. I'm sorry, Feng, I can't promise you, because when Qian'er was about to die, I promised him that I would marry her in the next life. I'm sorry... I'm sorry, Feng... That It's her last wish. I... I can't refuse... I'm sorry..."

Hearing Long's explanation, although Feng was still uncomfortable, she accepted this fact. After all, the girl herself was not wrong.

"Feng..." The dragon called Feng's name in fear.

"Forget it, I didn't say what I just said."

"Feng, you..."

"Well, I'm just a little uncomfortable and not angry with you. In such an environment, you didn't do anything wrong.

"Thank you, thank you, Feng."

"Hmm." Feng left the dragon's embrace and looked curiously at the nine little buns in the boundary.

When the little buns saw someone looking at them, they also gave face to all kinds of cute expressions, which made Feng feel much better.

"Don't you leave heaven for them?" Feng held the boundary and opened her mouth.

"Yes, they are my children, and I have the responsibility to take care of them... Feng, will you blame me?"

Feng shakes her head.


"Of course it's true. This is the dragon that moves me, isn't it?"

"Hey..." Long couldn't help laughing when he heard Feng's confession.

I don't know if Long's giggle is too stupid, and Feng is also amused by this smile.

A moment of laughter reveals the warmth that makes people happy.

"That's right, what kind of person is she?" Feng pretended to ask inadvertently.

"She? Do you mean Qian'er?

"Hmm." Feng nodded.

"I don't know."

Feng looked at the dragon suspiciously, and the dragon had to speak hard again.

"I really don't know. After they forced me to get married, I was in a daze before the gate. Naturally, I didn't have time to get to know her."

"Are you in a daze before you get to the boundary gate?" Feng couldn't help but be happy to hear that Long said she didn't understand Qianer.

"Well, I'm absolutely sorry for you, so I want to repent at the nearest place to you."

"Dragon..." Obviously, the dragon's words moved Feng very much. Of course, the dragon did not deliberately please Feng, but told the truth.

After the two expressed their feelings for each other, their concerns also began to shift.

"Feng, do you think the three worlds will really be destroyed?"

"I will..."

"Ha ha, are we waiting to die now? However, this is also good, at least you are by my side.

"Hmm." Feng agreed with Long's last words. Dragon, what do you think will happen after the destruction of the three worlds?

"Void? Space crack? I don't know. In a word, it should be an environment where all creatures can't survive.

"When will the three worlds be destroyed?"

"I don't know, but I'm afraid it's faster to see the prophecy."

"Dragon, what I care more about is Long Zihua Jiutian. Do you think it has anything to do with these little babies?" Feng looked at the little buns in the boundary with some worry.

"It's very possible. After all, they were born very strange, but I will protect them! Of course, if the three worlds are destroyed, I'm afraid that all creatures will not escape death, so... leave it to fate. I just hope they can be happy in their lifetime.

"Hmm." Feng held the dragon's hand and nodded heavily.

At this time, the whole world began to shake. Long and Feng met each other and hurried out to watch. The sky between the heavens cracked, as if to suck everything into the dark abdomen.

Long and Feng understand that it seems that this world will be destroyed like the human world.

They walked to the boundary together and looked at the little buns still happy. Suddenly, Feng laughed.

"The heaven is about to be destroyed, and you can still laugh." Long looked at Feng with a smile and said anxiously.

"Aren't you the same?" The phoenix skimmed a dragon. Maybe I have been prepared for a long time, but at this time, I have a feeling that I am about to be relieved.

"Yes." Long held Feng's hand tightly.

"Dragon, will we die?"


"You will go with others in your next life. I'm so reluctant."

"Feng..." Long looked at Feng guiltily.

Feng shook her head with a smile and huddled herself in the dragon's arms.

At this time, they didn't say anything, but Feng secretly swore in her heart, "If you want to marry someone else in the next life, then let me stay silently by your side to protect you in the next life."

The heaven collapsed, and the dragon and phoenix hugged each other tightly and closed their eyes at the same time.

Suddenly, they seemed to have entered a strange space, with no expected pain and death, which made the dragon and phoenix open their eyes puzzled.

"What is this place? Are we dead?" Feng held the dragon's hand and asked.

"I don't know, but it seems that we are really not dead." The dragon held Feng's hand and looked around.

"Where are the little babies?" Feng suddenly asked.

"Look, they're there!" Long pointed aside and said.

"Let's go and have a look."

The phoenix got up and came to the little buns.

"The boundary around them is gone!" Feng Xinqi said, and then reached out and picked up the little bag closest to him. Feng poked Baozi's face curiously, and Xiaobaozi pouted unhappily, which made Feng laugh.

The dragon also picked up another little bun. He didn't know how to describe the feeling in his heart at this moment. The soft touch made the dragon's nose suddenly sour. Maybe this is the legendary feeling of blood connection.

"What's going on?" Feng teased the little boy asked.

"I don't know. Maybe the boundary around them saved us."

"It's possible, I don't know how they are doing?" Feng said and his mood suddenly fell down. He knew in his heart that maybe everything had already gone.

"They will be fine. Maybe there hasn't been such a collapse in the world?"

"Well, maybe." Feng agreed with Long's idea, but his heart trembled, but he didn't dare to imagine.

This is where a picture suddenly appeared in the space where there was nothing.

"Dragon, look, that's the boundary!" Feng pointed to the picture and said in surprise.

"What?" Long was also shocked to see this sudden scene.

Because the horizon shown in the picture also began to collapse, the panicked people were not prepared at all and were about to be swallowed up by space cracks.

"No..." Feng shouted, tears flowing down his cheeks. He didn't dare to look at it, but he couldn't look at it.

"No! Don't!" Watching the people die one by one, Feng fell into a breakdown.

The dragon hugged Feng and wanted to comfort Feng, but looking at the dragon's trembling hands, he knew that the dragon was not much better than Feng.

In a blink of an eye, the earth was also destroyed, so the three worlds at this moment were all gone.

The picture displayed in front of the two dragons and phoenix also disappeared with the destruction of the earth, and the pain in the hearts of the dragon and phoenix infected nine ignorant small bags.

The little buns are no more lively than before but sit quietly. Obviously, the tragedy of the destruction of the earth just now has more or less affected their hearts.

Long and Feng didn't hurt for too long, because the little buns began to show abnormal symptoms.

A light lit up from the little buns, and the dragon and phoenix surrounded the steamed buns at a loss. Obviously, they didn't know what had happened.

The little buns began to dissipate because of the light, which made the dragon and phoenix panic.

"No, no! Baby, what's wrong with you? Feng wants to hold the little buns. Long also wanted to hold the little buns, which seemed to prevent them from starting to disappear, but both Long and Feng knew that all this was just futile.

In the end, the little buns turned into nine gorgeous lights and rushed out of the space where the dragon and phoenix were.

Just as the nine lights rushed out of the space, both the dragon and the phoenix knew that the collapse of the three worlds had finally ended, and the nine lights were like the creator waving miracles, and a new world was forming.

Long and Feng themselves don't know why they feel this way, but they just know that this is an indescible understanding.

"Dads, we're fine. Farewell." The last sound of the nine steamed buns reached the dragon and phoenix's brains.

The phoenix shed tears, and the dragon's tears also rolled in his eyes.

Both of them didn't understand what had happened, but the last voice of the steamed buns gave their hearts a trace of redemption.

"Dragon, is this the so-called dragonization of nine days?"

"..." Long nodded and agreed.

"I want to curse these so-called gods!" Feng was smiling, but her eyes showed a fierce light.

"Add me one." The dragon was also smiling, but the blue fist exposed his heart.

A new world was born, but the dragon and phoenix did not have a trace of joy. Because that's a world made by nine little buns with life.

With the birth of the New World, the space where dragons and phoenix live is slowly integrated into the New Territories. So the dragon and phoenix also entered the new world.

It is said that there is a new world, but in fact, there is only void, gravel... There is no vitality in the gray New Territories, which makes people feel sad.

"Little babies..." Feng muttered softly.

"They are very good, very good..." Long's hand holding Feng unconsciously tightened.

Just when Long and Feng fell into pain, a man suddenly appeared in front of them, looking embarrassed and seriously injured. However, although this person is in such an embarrassing situation, he has not lost his temperament that makes people worship at all, not to mention that this person is handsome and people can't find an accurate adjective. Let him be beautiful, but this beauty does not show any femininity in him. It can be said that it is natural, as if the Creator has used all the beauty on him.

Long and Feng know that only one person has such temperament and manners in the current situation. No, it can't be said to be a person, because he is a god... the god who made them curse.

Although God's temperament is absolutely subduous, the more so, the more disgusted the dragon and phoenix's heart is.

"You..." God wanted to open his mouth, but he couldn't help smiling bitterly when he saw the disgusting light in the eyes of the dragon and the phoenix. "It seems that you already know who I am."

Long and Feng did not move, but looked at him like this, which made the so-called god no longer exist.

"Oh, it's all done by yourself!" God ignored the pain on his body, but sighed helplessly.

God continued to say, "I know the dissatisfaction in your hearts, but anyway, please listen to me."

Although Long and Feng's eyes are still as disgusted as ever, their bodies have no movement. Obviously, they want to hear how this god wants to distinguish himself.

"You should know that after the war of the gods thousands of years ago, the gods created the three worlds to heal their wounds, right?"

Dragon and phoenix nodded.

"In fact, the three worlds were created not only to heal their wounds, but also to resist the enemy's attack. The so-called enemy is another wave of gods who stood against us during the war between the gods. You are right. Yes, we gods lost the war. In order to survive, we did our best to create the three worlds. We huddled in the three worlds to recover from their wounds, while the winning gods... Hey, it's ridiculous to say that all the gods in the war exhausted their great powers to make the whole universe collapse. We lost gods created the three worlds instead giving themselves space to survive, while those winning gods were caused by the irresistible disasters caused by the collapse of the universe. It is difficult to turn into nothingness. The so-called wars are extremely ridiculous!" God said and laughed, but Long and Feng knew that there was endless sadness in the smile.

"The three worlds were created by us with all our magic power." God continued: "For our own safety, the strongest boundary we set up to protect the three worlds. Because we are afraid that when we recover, the boundary will be broken by the lack of divine power, so we let the boundary have the ability to obtain divine power by itself. Ha ha... This is really self-inflicted and unviable!" God said and looked at the dragon and phoenix.

"Are you complaining about our ruthlessness? The destruction of the three worlds is induced by our oracle... However, it may be this kind of selfishness that only considers ourselves that makes us suffer this great creation!"

For the upside-down narrative, both the dragon and the phoenix frown and are unclear, but one thing they can know from God's words is that this destruction of the three worlds obviously caused a lot of trouble to the gods.

"Originally, we created the three worlds in order to one day recover from the wounds of the gods, destroy the three worlds, and create a new world. However, I didn't expect that the wounds of the gods had recovered, but they had trouble when breaking the three worlds.

God continued: "The first boundary of the three worlds, because it can independently absorb the divine power to maintain the boundary, has been purified under the nourishment of divine power for thousands of years, and combined with the power of all our gods, they reluctantly destroyed it. However, all the gods did not expect that this boundary would take me when the boundary was broken. All our divine power rebounded, causing the divine power to devour... As you can see, I am the only one left today. If I hadn't practiced the law of life, I guess I would not have been slandered now.

"You mean, you are the only one left in God?" Long asked.


"You deserve it!" Feng mocked.

"Yes, it really deserves..." God smiled bitterly.

"Aren't you going to create a new world? Now this kind of broken situation is not even as good as the original three worlds!" Feng continued to mock.

"Yes, I don't understand why you must destroy the three worlds. Even if you don't like the three worlds created in a hurry, you can't destroy it like this. You can use your divine power to make the three worlds conform to your original life!" Long asked the puzzle in his heart.

"Hey, you don't understand that if we can't destroy the three worlds, of course we won't do this, but the problem is that the three worlds existed to protect us in order to save our lives. We slept in the three worlds to recover from our wounds, but when we recover from our injuries, these three worlds are equivalent to prison for us. So we had to destroy him..."