The president's runaway wife

Chapter 15 As long as you're fine!

Because a child suddenly appeared, Ning Xue and Lei Ziyue's ten-year-long sisterhood broke off, and because of the child's life, their stranded friendship could continue. After wandering around for the past few years, they finally returned to the good times without distinguishing between you and me.

How to get closer to your former sisters? Lei Ziyue came up with the idea of asking her for help. Unexpectedly, when she worked hard for this friendship, someone actually destroyed her heart. That person is Ning Xue's new friend Zhao Zeyu! No! Strictly speaking, he is an unsolicited friend!

So, Lei Ziyue looks horizontally and vertically, left and right, up and down, and separately, just looks at Zhao Zeyu! Isn't it that you took the opportunity to teach him a lesson?

Looking at the half porcelain bottle bottleneck held in Lei Ziyue's hand, Ning Xue sighed slightly. Stretching out her injured foot and turning her ankle flexibly, she explained to Lei Ziyue, "He didn't bully me. He was helping me move my ankle. Look! It doesn't hurt that much now!"

Ah? Lei Ziyue was dumbfounded and thought he was killing Xiaoxue! However, she still admired her spirit of 'insulting others for friends'. Hey hey... a little narcissistic, isn't it against the law?

Glancing at Lei Ziyue angrily, Zhao Zeyu stood up, wiped the blood that was still oozing, and went to the kitchen. No wonder I called her an unlucky woman from the beginning. It turned out that it was really unlucky to meet her! By the way, does that woman watch too much TV? Do you really think that if a bottle is knocked down, you will faint? Fuck!


Listening to what Ning Xue said just now, Lei Ziyue also apologized more or less. Although I hate this person very much, he seemed to be a little ruthless just now! If you don't do your best, you can count it as 90% of your strength! Well, he won't call the police, will he? It's illegal to beat people!

After wearing her shoes, Ning Xue followed him to the kitchen and saw him clean the wound with tap water. She was a little tongue-tied. Are men really much stronger than women? Just now, she just twisted her foot and almost cried in pain. He is so big that he is calm. That's admirable!

"I'll take you to the hospital!" Ning Xue was worried.

"No. Just wrap it up and stop the bleeding."

Zhao Zeyu didn't care about the bleeding from the wound. This kind of minor injury has long been used to. On the contrary, I think Ning Xue is a little fuss. Last time she had an abdominal injury and such a long opening, is it still okay if she doesn't go to the hospital?

Lei Ziyue lingered to the edge and said stiffly, "I'm sorry. I didn't expect you to pity the flowers and jade.

He looked up angrily and stared at Lei Ziyue in the mirror with resentment. Zhao Zeyu ignored her.

"Let's go! Let's go to the hospital! Private hospital."

Ning Xue pulled his clothes and said kindly. I know that he doesn't like the police and is afraid to go out, but in case the wound is infected, isn't it a big trouble?

"I won't go!"

Zhao Zeyu insisted on his point of view. After the two women behind him, he returned to the sofa. He picked up the breakfast on the coffee table, but found that there were many ceramic fragments in it. He put down the bowl and sighed secretly. Isn't the year going well? In such a short time, he was injured twice.

"Let's go to the hospital first and then have breakfast."

came behind him, and Ning Xue continued to explain her thoughts. After all, he was injured because of himself.

Zhao Zeyu still shook his head. I drew a piece of paper and pressed the bleeding wound.

"She is naturally full of compassion, and she will feel uncomfortable if you do this. If you really care about her, you'd better get out of here! She is timid. If she sees you bleed to death, she will be very scared! So, please, if you want to die, stay away!"

Lei Ziyue held her hands and leaned against the kitchen door, saying mercilessly.

This woman is simply a dead star! It's okay to hit people, but now she still curses people. I really don't know if her heart is as black as herself? Zhao Zeyu looked at Lei Ziyue angrily, but still didn't intend to pay attention to her.

Ning Xue, who has known Lei Ziyue for more than ten years, didn't expect Lei Ziyue to have such a cruel side. She remembers that Lei Ziyue is a very gentle person. Whether in front of herself or in front of Yu Zhanpeng, she is a very gentle person. Why is she like a psychosis today, with thorns everywhere?

"What the hell is going on with you?"

Ning Xue's inquiring eyes wandered back and forth between the two. With its understanding of Lei Ziyue, she can't become like this for no reason. There must be something going on during this, she doesn't know!

Speaking of this, Lei Ziyue ignited another fire. The only apology I had for him before disappeared when Ning Xue asked about this matter.

"Xiao Xue, have you ever seen such a perverted person? He actually peeped at me going to the toilet.

A few steps in front of Ning Xue, she pointed to Zhao Zeyu, who kept wiping the blood stains on her forehead, gritted her teeth and said.

Real? Ning Xue was a little surprised, but she didn't believe Lei Ziyue's words. Zhao Zeyu lived with her for a few days and didn't find that he had this eccentricity! However, there is really no need for Lei Ziyue to smear herself! What the hell is going on?

"You don't believe it?"

Lei Ziyue was surprised. Just now, she protected herself regardless of life and death. Why didn't she believe her words now? Does she think she is lying?

Seeing Ning Xue questioning, Zhao Zeyu looked up and explained clearly, "I was taking a bath in the bathtub. She suddenly broke in and sat on the toilet. I can't tell her at that time that there are still people in the bathroom, right?

"Xiao Xue, have you ever seen such a hateful person? You said he saw it when he saw it! Just keep hiding and don't let me know that there are more in the room, right? He even deliberately made a sound to let me know. That's so hateful!"

She was annoyed when she thought of yesterday when she was shocked by him. In fact, she was angry because he made a sound when she was about to leave and let her know that the toilet was peeked! It's so embarrassing to be seen by a strange man! Therefore, this tone became more inexplicable in her heart after a night of fermentation.

So that's it! Ning Xue realized. Compared with the last time in Yu Zhanpeng's house, Lei Ziyue saw his ** body. If she encounters the same scene as herself, I guess she didn't take a vase, but a kitchen knife!

Given that both of them are familiar, she maintains a neutral role and does not take sides. She even sat silently on the sofa as an audience.

Zhao Zeyu didn't want to care too much about Lei Ziyue, mainly because he was not in the mood to talk to her. Ning Xue is still the owner of this house. She buys clothes and food for him, but she has never been so spicy. This woman is a psycho! Twenty-four hours have passed since yesterday, and she still refuses to calm down here. I really doubt if she was a sparrow in her last life?

"You pervert, what does your expression mean? Disdain? Let me tell you, if you don't apologize, I won't end with you!"

After talking for a long time, she just wanted Zhao Zeyu to apologize. It's just that Zhao Zeyu was killed, but she didn't want to apologize to her, which made her very faceless. Being seen, I didn't even give a ladder to step down, which is too bullying!

"Apologize? Do you have to show it to me and ask me to apologize? Go home to see a doctor if you are sick! Don't affect my mood here."

Looking back at the woman who wanted to jump in disgust, Zhao Zeyu a little admired his self-control ability. I can resist the impulse to throw her out! In the past, she would have been beaten to the ground and couldn't get up. Strangely, he doesn't want to do anything to her now.

Seeing that the verbal battle between the two was about to escalate, Ning Xue got up and quickly pulled Zhao Zeyu and said, "Zeyu, I'll take you to the hospital. Your constant bleeding is very bad for your health. Who knows if there is any small ceramic debris in the wound?

After thinking about it, Zhao Zeyu agreed. Lei Ziyue was determined to fight with herself. In order to clean her ears and eyes, she should avoid her first. It is said that adults don't remember villains. He looked at the beautiful Ning Xue today and didn't have the same experience as her.

"Don't think that you can hide in the hospital without apologizing. I tell you, you must apologize to me!"

Lei Ziyue picked up the bag thrown on the sofa, opened the door arrogantly and walked out.

She still kicked her nose on her face? Zhao Zeyu almost didn't go back. If you don't care about her, you are not afraid of her. Did she actually regard his forbearance as a guilty heart?

Ning Xue didn't expect her reaction. Seeing Zhao Zeyu so angry that he was about to jump up and patted him on the back to comfort him that he didn't care much.


In Yu's private hospital

Lei Ziyue crossed her legs and stared sideways at the man who was forced to get a hanging needle. The expression of gloating has been hanging on her beautiful face, and her sexy lips are slightly raised, showing her good mood at this moment.

Leaning against the soft chair, Zhao Zeyu's eyes were angry. He couldn't wait to rush over and slap her exaggerated and disgusting smile. This damn woman should be dismembered! Eight pieces off!

Yu Zhanpeng, who came to hear the news, saw Ning Xue playing with her mobile phone in the corridor of the hospital, hanging heart, and suddenly returned to its original position. I just heard from Director Yuan that she came to the hospital. He was anxious and didn't hear Director Yuan's words clearly. He hung up the phone and hurried over.

Feeling that someone was staring at her, Ning Xue raised her head. Seeing Yu Zhanpeng with extreme love and looking at herself with a smile, she smiled happily. It turns out that happiness is so simple. A look and a very natural move can be delicately reflected.

"It's good to see that you're fine."

This is the voice of Yu Zhanpeng.

"You too."

Ning Xue answered him.

When the four of them left the hospital, Yu Zhanpeng invited them to have lunch. Naturally, Ning Xue had no problem. Lei Ziyue hesitated for a moment and agreed. Zhao Zeyu doesn't want to go very much. But he couldn't stand Ning Xue's enthusiastic invitation and Lei Ziyue's sharp mockery on one side, and gritted his teeth and agreed.

After the four of them drove away one after another, a Rolls-Royce, a sharp-eyed man, half narrowed his eyes. Why did he go back to China?

"It won't come with you, will it? Presumably he feels too empty over there and came to play with you?" A blonde woman next to him ridiculed.


The man smiled gracefully, but his eyes were extremely cold.