The president's runaway wife

Chapter 40 Leave the child

"Pregnant? Really?"

Gao Minghui, who was holding the teacup, quickly swallowed the tea in his mouth and looked at Ning Xue's thin body in surprise. It's hard to imagine that such a thin body is still pregnant with another life.

"He asked me to remove the child."

A layer of indelable reluctance appeared on Ning Xue's face. No matter how reasonable she argued in front of Yu Zhanpeng, she was sad and heartbroken when she thought of his determination. He is his husband. How can he disagree with himself?

"I think he did the right thing to do, which shows that he cares about you more than the child in your belly."

Gao Minghui said admiringly. Although Yu Zhanpeng doesn't like this man very much, he really has nothing to say to Ning Xue.

Hearing Gao Minghui's idea, Ning Xue's mood was even lower. I thought Gao Minghui would support her!

"In fact, there is nothing wrong with not having children. I think children represent trouble!"

Bella, who was beside him, said disapprovingly. She didn't understand. Why did Ning Xue have to have a child to play? Isn't that asking for trouble? You can be more comfortable and go wherever you want to go! Many children have worries about everything they do. I really feel depressed when I think about it!

"You, who grew up in Western countries, don't understand the women in our country! They generally believe that women who have had children are the perfect women. Because every important stage of life has passed.

I also know a little about the local customs, and I don't agree with Bella's statement. He can understand Ning Xue's eagerness, and he can better understand Yu Zhanpeng's mentality of caring about Ning Xue. At this moment, like Yu Zhanpeng, he also hopes that Ning Xue will give up the idea of having a child.

"Since you know what I think, why do you oppose me giving birth like Yu Zhanpeng?"

With his support, Ning Xue was a little unhappy. Good friend, is it like this? At the critical moment, pour cold water on her.

"You are healthy, which is what I want to see most!"

Gao Minghui said loudly, and his handsome face did not hide his long-standing concern. Yes, he cares about her happiness, but he cares more about her health.

Ning Xue, who couldn't hide her disappointment, lowered her eyes very disappointed. Shouldn't her child really come to the world? I envy Ziyue so much! She can have her child completely, and others can neither compete with her nor comment on her. But myself...

"We support her!"

The hidden door was pushed open, and several familiar figures appeared at the door.

looked sideways and looked at the people at the door gratefully. Ning Xue's eyes turned red, got up and walked towards them, "Thank you!"

"We will accompany you through every danger! Don't worry about doing what you insist on. Behind you, and us!"

Ouyang Hongxuan hugged Ning Xue, cheered her up and encouraged her. No matter what difficulties and dangers will be encountered by his sister's body, he, the only brother, will definitely stand up to the end.

"Second sister, we all support you!"

The young and beautiful Miao Miao jumped over from the door and hugged Ning Xue and her brother together.

Huo Guanyu smiled and looked at the scene that made him a little worried. In fact, he really wants to stand on the same position as Gao Minghui and Yu Zhanpeng, but he clearly knows Ning Xue's temper. She is like a spring. The more she presses on her, the more she will rebound. It's like her marriage to Yu Zhanpeng. If her family hadn't been too anxious, maybe she and Yu Zhanpeng would not have come together so easily.

Looking at the brilliance that was also worried about Ning Xue's body, Huo Guanyu smiled worriedly. I hope God can bless this painful and difficult woman and give birth to this child smoothly.

With the support of her friends, Ning Xue's mood suddenly became very relaxed. In order to maintain this good mood, she did not go back to Yu Zhanpeng's home, but to the community.

What she didn't expect was that when she opened the door, she smelled a seductive smell of vegetables. Looking sideways at the dining room, she saw a familiar figure busy in the kitchen. However, that person is not Zhao Zeyu. That time in the hospital, Zhao Zeyu said that he would leave Yucheng. Who would have thought that he really left the next day. That day, when Ning Xue came back here, except for the coldness in the room, she had never seen Zhao Zeyu's shadow again, and even the things that belonged to him in the room disappeared.

With the fragrance of vegetables in the air, Ning Xue seemed to see that she could eat delicious food every day when she came home a few months ago, and the face that seemed to spoil him very much. Will you come back on such a day?

Suddenly, the mirror image in her eyes became blurred. She stood at the door and stared at the back stupidly, sobbing softly.

Hearing the sobs at the door, Yu Zhanpeng turned around and saw that it was Ning Xue. He hurried out, "Who is so bold enough to make my wife cry?"

"You bastard, you make me angry, why do you want to move me again? So that I don't even know if I should hate you anymore?"

wiping her tears, Ning Xue looked at Yu Zhanpeng with great difficulty. This man really made her a little nervous. In the morning, he still went against himself and made himself angry. Which one is he singing now?

Usually scratched his head, Yu Zhanpeng smiled, helped her sit down on the sofa, thoughtfully put on slippers for her, led her into the kitchen, washed her hands, and then took her to the dining table.

"Say it first. If you persuade me to take away the child again, I won't eat this meal."

Staring at several dishes she liked, which were full of color, fragrance and taste, Ning Xue swallowed the saliva that was about to flow out, and her throat was about to stretch out her claws, but she still did not forget her firm determination. He is so attentive that he just wants to change my mind with delicious food. I won't give him this opportunity!

With a soft smile and shaking his head slightly, Yu Zhanpeng sat down beside her, prepared a meal for her, and picked up her favorite dishes for her.

"You haven't answered me yet."

Holding chopsticks and tapping the plate in front of her, Ning Xue was a little anxious.

Holding her hand, Yu Zhanpeng said seriously, "I also thought about it. Everyone's lifestyle and pursuit of goals are different. I shouldn't force you to do anything. If you really want to have children, then stay! Promise me that you can't lose your temper as before, let alone hide deliberately. You are going to be a mother now, and you have to think more about your child. Your emotions will directly affect the child in your belly, so you must keep a happy mood every day.

Ah? Did he agree with me to leave the child? Looking at Yu Zhanpeng with a serious face in surprise, Ning Xue's eyes blurred again, and her heart was also warm.

With the commitment and support of Yu Zhanpeng, Ning Xue's mood suddenly became very comfortable, and the chopsticks in her hand also kept beating happily between the plate and the rice bowl.

Yu Zhanpeng had a soft smile on his face, spoiling her with vegetables and soup on the side.

"Come on, you can eat too!"

Ning Xue handed the bowl to him and sent the chopsticks with vegetables to his mouth.

The first time he saw such a small woman as Ning Xue, Yu Zhanpeng was happy and happily contained the dishes handed over by Ning Xue. In fact, she is also easily satisfied!

After the pleasant dinner, Ning Xue dragged Yu Zhanpeng out of the door and went to the mall.

Seeing her keep running to the infant counter, Yu Zhanpeng couldn't laugh or cry, "He is only one month old. Is it too early to buy these?"

"Prepare early! Look, how beautiful and cute these clothes are? As long as I look at these little clothes, I will be in a good mood!"

Ning Xue, who holds a man's clothing in her left hand and a women's clothing in her right hand, turned around and smiled happily, and her instinctive maternal love was exaggeratedly displayed.

"Then you can't buy a piece of men's clothing or a piece of women's clothing, right? I don't know the gender!"

Yu Zhanpeng is a little speechless. If you buy baby clothes like her, those manufacturers will be crazy!

"I just don't know whether it's a man or a woman, so I bought one."

Ning Xue didn't feel anything wrong with her approach? On the contrary, she also felt that Yu Zhanpeng did not care enough about the children.

"..., you are the wife, you have the final say!"

Knowing that she could not resist her, Yu Zhanpeng simply sat down on the stool provided by the mall and let her choose those things that were not used for the time being. It's up to her toss her. She didn't care about her, and she used the topic to play. People say that 'family and everything is prosperous'. As long as his wife is happy, everything will be fine!

After walking around with the shopping guide, Ning Xue could no longer take anything in her hand. As a last resort, she turned around and greeted Yu Zhanpeng to help him get it. Just as he was about to open his mouth, he found that he was talking on the phone mysteriously.

With a blink of her eyes, she quietly approached him.

"Hmm! I know what to do! Don't worry..."

Yu Zhanpeng, who turned his back to the counter and talked on the phone in a low voice, felt that someone was approaching behind him and immediately turned around. As soon as he saw Ning Xue, his expression changed and he quickly said to the person on the other end of the phone, "That's it, goodbye!"

"Who is it?"

Ning Xue looked curiously at Yu Zhanpeng, who had regained his complaed look. She was very curious about who would be the person who talked to Yu Zhanpeng? Why is it so unnatural for him to see me?

"Business matters. By the way, have you bought it? It's a little late. Should we go home?

Yu Zhanpeng answered the question a little, and it seemed that he didn't want to mention the phone call again.

looked at him suspiciously. Ning Xue did not pursue it again, but wrote it down in her heart.