The president's runaway wife

Chapter 7 Prison Island

The flowers in May bloomed brightly, and the lush woods were greener. The wet sea breeze chased the playful waves and hit the shore, guiding all the plants and animals on the island to sing softly. This heavenly song is majestic and spectacular in the sound of the sea breeze and waves beating the rocks, just like the sound of someone kicking the door in the only building on the island.

"Yu Zhanpeng, you bastard! Do you think you will be happy if you lock me up here? You dream..."

Ning Xue, who was so angry that she wanted to kill, kicked the door one by one and cursed Yu Zhanpeng. After witnessing Yu Nianxue to go to school in the morning, she suddenly felt very sleepy. She wanted to go back to her room to sleep for a while, but she didn't wake up after walking a few steps. When he woke up, he found that he was locked on his private island by Yu Zhanpeng. Only then did she know that the glass of milk she drank in the morning was drugged.

I heard from Chunzi that this place is as boring as the primitive society, without any communication facilities and entertainment projects. The only advantage is that the scenery is good, facing the sea, counting seabirds, and looking at the sun to entertain themselves.

I asked myself that Ning Xue, who was not as patient as Chunzi, was a little want to cry without tears in the face of the undisputed environment. Growing up in a big city, she actually doesn't have much interest in tourism. Her interest is to play with her own root carvings and get together with her good friends. She is really not used to staying in such a deserted place.

Thinking of the root carving, Ning Xue was temporarily quiet, and her clear eyes moved to the bag at the head of the bed. That's the change of clothes brought to her by Yu Zhanpeng. There is a set of her carving knives in a secret bag in that bag.

Hearing that there was a sudden sound in the room, Aunt Hua, who was responsible for taking care of Ning Xue, was a little nervous. After a few steps, she quickly patted the door and asked, "Madam, are you all right?"

"It's okay."

Ning Xue answered clearly, and the man had turned to the head of the bed and opened the travel bag. Fortunately, the knife is still there, and I'm not afraid that I won't have time to practice the use of my left hand in the future.

In this way, Ning Xue's depressed mood improved slightly. She turned sideways, fell into **, and began to close her eyes and refresh herself.

After listening to the silence in the room for a while at the door, Aunt Hua left the door uneasily and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

What gratified her was that Ning Xue was not as tricky as Yu Zhanpeng said. Until after dinner, she washed and went to bed, she didn't have anything to embarrass her.

With a deep sigh of relief, Aunt Hua went back to her house to rest. In fact, she can't play anything on this island facing the sea? The boss is obviously overly worried.

Aunt Hua didn't expect that Ning Xue would be obedient, but what Yu Zhanpeng didn't expect was that Ning Xue had a way to worry about being locked on the island.

On the afternoon of Ning Xue's 'living' on the island, Yu Zhanpeng brought the pilot pony and Asa to the island to accompany Ning Xue. However, when he pushed open the door of Ning Xue's room, he didn't see Ning Xue's thin shadow except for the quilt with diamond horns.

Asked about Aunt Hua, Aunt Hua told him that Ning Xue went to see the sea. So he took Asa all the way along the coast outside the house. But when he looked around, he didn't see Ning Xue. He went back to the room and asked Aunt Hua, but Aunt Hua said that Ning Xue did not go back.

Suddenly, there was a feeling called fear and climbed into Yu Zhanpeng's heart. These four sides are surrounded by sea. On the small island, how can Ning Xue, a person who can't swim, disappear?

With anxiety on his face, he quickly greeted the only three people who did business for him and looked around for him.

After searching for the woods on the edge of the house again, Yu Zhanpeng returned to the shore of the waves. Far from the front, there was a hat left alone on the beach. Previously, he was in a hurry to find someone, but he didn't see anything on the beach. Now when he sees it, he suddenly feels a chill pouring into his heart.

Yu Zhanpeng recognized that hat was owned by his room. At this moment, it should not be...

Cuming the heart that was about to jump out, Yu Zhanpeng approached the hat with difficulty. But with each step, his heart beat faster and his breathing became faster.

Under the emptiness of the sea and sky line, the hat became a little confusing and illusory in Yu Zhanpeng's eyes, with fear and vague regret, which prompted him to stop in front of the hat. In fact, he imprisoned his wife here, but he didn't want her to stay at home, but he didn't expect that she would have misfortune. ......

After a lot of effort, Yu Zhanpeng squatted on the ground and hesitated to take away his hat. At the same time as he took off his hat, he closed his eyes with great fear, and his heart had sunk to the bottom of the sea.

"Are you sick? Why are you disturbing me to sleep?"

A disgruntled protest sounded clearly in front of Yu Zhanpeng, but it cheered him up. The heartbeat that lost its frequency suddenly became powerful.

He hurriedly opened his eyes and Yu Zhanpeng looked down, but saw that Ning Xue buried her body in the sand, leaving only one head outside the sand. He laughed speechlessly, and he was a little ironic. Presumably, she put her hat on her face to block the dazzling sunlight, right? But I was so stupid that I thought she had suffered misfortune. However, she buried herself so well that she really couldn't see anyone in the sand.

Ning Xue, who was disturbed by the clear dream, had resentful eyes, did not hide her unhappiness and looked directly at Yu Zhanpeng. After staring at him angrily for a while, she got out of the sand and shouted relentlessly: "You psycho! Are you addicted to my interference in my life?"

"Aren't I worried about you?"

Seeing Ning Xue stand up and walk away, Yu Zhanpeng quickly caught up with him.

Hearing the sound of stepping on the sand behind her, Ning Xue turned her head. Through Yu Zhanpeng's shoulder, she saw the blue sea, so her footsteps turned in one direction.

"Where are you going?"

Seeing her turn around, Yu Zhanpeng was curious.

"I'll wash the sand on my body before I go back."

As she spoke, Ning Xue ran quickly into the water. Before Yu Zhanpeng could stop it, she plunged into the water.

"Honey, get up!"

Staring at the splashing waves, Yu Zhanpeng was a little panicked. As far as he knows, as soon as the sea came in the evening, the waves began to fluctuate until the next morning. Ning Xue, a person who can't water, is really in great danger.

Unfortunately, Ning Xue ignored his worries and did not answer him.


Looking at the waves rolling in the not calm sea, but without seeing Ning Xue's head, Yu Zhanpeng was anxious and ran to Ning Xue's water-like place.

Without taking off his clothes, trousers, shoes and socks, Yu Zhanpeng jumped into the water with a 'bang' and reached out to grope around Ning Xue. However, when he searched the sea area of more than ten meters around Ning Xue Rushui, he did not find Ning Xue.

"Wife, don't scare me!"

Standing in the shoulder-length seawater, Yu Zhanpeng muttered to himself in a trance, staring at the eyes of the sea, which was getting darker and darker, full of despair and sadness. At the previous moment, he breathed a sigh of relief for his wife's safety. At this moment, his heart was like the cold sea water, which made him tremble all over. He dared not imagine how sad the future would be without Ning Xue?

"So you will also be afraid?"

Ning Xue's voice, like a bomb, exploded in Yu Zhanpeng's cold heart lake. The despair of the previous second became a lost comfort when she heard this sarcastic words.

Looking back and seeing Ning Xue leaning half on the rock, Yu Zhanpeng did not complain about her or ask how she quietly climbed ashore?

He walked to the shore silently. He looked at his condescending wife, and the corners of his mouth smiled lightly. The spoiled smile made Ning Xue a little dumbfounded.