The president's runaway wife

Chapter 13 Difficult to Choose

"Xueer, let's be good friends for life. OK?" The man asked softly with a bright smile and full of affection.

Ning Xue under the sun, with a spring breeze, nodded with a smile and stretched out her little finger.

The man was overjoyed and quickly stretched out his little finger to hook the strong and soft woman in front of him and made a lifelong promise.

Ning Xue with a gorgeous smile, the curvature of the corners of her mouth was more obvious, but when she looked at the man who was willing to be a good friend for her life, she was stunned to find that the man had become a monster with hair, his eyes like copper bells and a big mouth...

"Ah! Help..."

A sharp scream of fear cut through the afternoon tranquility and woke up the man sitting by the bed and Ning Xue herself.

With a clear consciousness, Ning Xue quickly opened her eyes and looked at the top of her head in panic, with crisp and pleasant wind chimes and snow-white ceilings. She kept gasping, only to realize that she had just had a horrible dream. It's just that the dream is so realistic that her heart is still 'banging'.

"Xueer, what's wrong with you?"

The soft male voice, like the breeze blowing the wind chimes, only feels and has no sense of touch, but there is a cool breath floating.

Looking along the sound, Ning Xue saw a familiar person, who also appeared in her dream. Facing those concerned eyes, Ning Xue remembered what happened before the coma, "Why are you there?"

Zhou Chengyu was stunned and at a loss.

"I mean, why are you next to Ami's car? Or, should I ask you, how did you meet me there?

Thinking of what happened before she fainted, Ning Xue naturally remembered the strange fragrance. She thought she was not fragile enough to suddenly faint. A few days ago, at Yu's Hospital, Xu Jinghao arranged a comprehensive examination for her, and the results showed that she was still healthy. As long as her emotions are properly controlled, her 'impulse control disorder' disease will not occur easily.

Zhou Chengyu, who understood, smiled mysteriously and said indifferently, "So you are asking about this! I admit that I stunned you. Don't blame me. I invited you here. Maybe you will know what kind of person your husband is?"

With her confused eyes flashed, Ning Xue wondered: Zhou Chengyu, what does this guy want to do?

"In the past few hours of your disappearance, Yu Zhanpeng must be very worried about you! If I tell him that you have been kidnapped, believe it, and he will believe it!"

Zhou Chengyu, with a confident face, also had a color called excitement when he said this. He is not confident in pursuing Ning Xue. He is still confident in doing other things.

However, Ning Xue scoffed at his look. Did this guy break his head by the door? Kidnapping? It's really good that he can figure it out! Did he forget that kidnapping was a felony? Even if he doesn't really kidnap, it will touch the law!

"I really told Yu Zhanpeng that you were kidnapped!"

Seeing Ning Xue's expression of opposition, Zhou Chengyu said what she had done before. He hated Ning Xue's opinions against him. In the past, she didn't agree to pursue her; the last Gendiao Competition wanted to invite her to dinner, but she still declined; even when she was injured in a car accident, she did not want him to take care of her; now, he just wants to use the fact that she was kidnapped to test whether Yu Zhanpeng is sincere to her, but she still does not stand on the same front with him. This hurt him a lot. If you can't get her, can't you care about her in disguise? Isn't it about being a good friend for a lifetime? She rejected him like this, but I'm afraid that it's not good to treat him as an ordinary friend in her heart.

Lost and silent, Zhou Chengyu's face has already shown sad emotions. He thought Ning Xue was a treasure, but in Ning Xue's heart, except for her husband, she didn't even occupy him any position.

With a sad smile, he left Ning Xue's bed and left the open door.

In the quiet room, Ning Xue, who could hear her heartbeat, suddenly felt relaxed. Somehow, when she woke up, she saw Zhou Chengyu's joy. The moment she heard him say that he wanted to create a fake kidnapping case to test Yu Zhanpeng, it instantly disappeared. After all, friends are not as good as husbands. It's a famous saying that cares about sex over friends!

That's right! What did Ami do when he parked his car on the side of the road?

It's okay to be idle. Ning Xue suddenly remembered this very important thing for her. Looking at the open door with her head tilted, Ning Xue jumped out of bed. Only after her feet touched the ground, Ning Xue was shocked to find that the place she was in was very strange. This is not Zhou Chengyu's residence, so where is this?

Ning Xue, who was confused, came out of the room and found Zhou Chengyu. Zhou Chengyu was facing the computer and watched it with great interest.


When he came to Zhou Chengyu's back, Ning Xue asked. Even if she disapproves of what he just said, she feels that peace should be the most important thing!

"In front of you, I still have to try to maintain an image that is not hated by you."

Turning the chair under his buttocks, Zhou Chengyu looked at Ning Xue with a smile. Although she is already someone else's wife, she can continue to maintain her consistent good image in front of her. Who called this woman? Has it penetrated into his heart?

"What are you looking at?"

Through Zhou Chengyu's shoulder, Ning Xue's clear eyes turned to the computer screen that Zhou Chengyu had just stared at.

Zhou Chengyu didn't want to hide it. He kicked his foot and moved the chair aside with his body. In this way, Ning Xue can see some important things clearly.


In an abandoned warehouse in Yucheng

Stepping on careful steps and with eagle-falcon-like vigilant eyes, Yu Zhanpeng looked around for Ning Xue and Ami in panic.

Two hours ago, someone called a strange phone, saying that Ning Xue and Ami were in his hands. Yu Zhanpeng thought it was someone's prank at the beginning and didn't pay much attention to that person. But later, he called home and learned that Ning Xue and Ami had not returned since they went out in the morning. I called their mobile phones, but I was told by the service desk that they had turned off. Then, he called Ouyang Hongxuan, Gao Minghui, Huo Guanyu and other people who had a good relationship with Ning Xue. What was worrying was that no one knew Ning Xue's whereabouts, and no one knew where Ami was. Even my mother-in-law, Allen, and Ning Xue's grandfather have no news of any of them.

This time, he finally believed the man's words. Trying to recall what the man said, Yu Zhanpeng vaguely remembered that the man said that he would see Ning Xue and others when he came here. So he hurried here. However, when he arrived here, he looked around carefully, but did not see Ning Xue or Ami.

Taking out his mobile phone, Yu Zhanpeng found the crucial number and dialed it back. What made him helpless was that the phone was actually a public phone.

"Is there anyone?"

As a last resort, Yu Zhanpeng pulled his throat and shouted loudly, but there was no sound except his echo in the vast dilapidated warehouse.

Daw, don't Cher deliberately find someone to say that she was kidnapped? Tricked me to come here, and she hid and smiled secretly! Nerious woman! Thinking so, Yu Zhanpeng turned around and walked out of the warehouse.

As soon as he took a few steps, he suddenly remembered that Ami was also missing. Ning Xue teased herself like this and hid herself, which barely made sense. But what's the matter if Ami is gone? When I returned to the company in the morning, I heard from Xu Ying that Ami did not go to the company. At that time, he only regarded Ami as a pregnant woman and was not feeling well. But he never thought that she would also disappear for most of the day. Normally, she went out earlier than Ning Xue and took a different route. She should not be able to get along with Ning Xue. Unless they have designed it a long time ago. But according to Ningxue's consistent attitude towards Ami, they will not be so boring. Previously, the mysterious man also said that Ning Xue and Ami were tied up by him!

The hesitant footsteps turned back with his hesitation. With bright eyes, he searched the warehouse again, but unfortunately, he still didn't see any shadow of Ning Xue or Ami.

At this moment, there was a movement on the wall of the warehouse, and a very old and hoarse male voice sounded in a loudspeaker in the wide warehouse: " Yu Zhanpeng, aren't you looking for your woman? There is a door behind the pile of red goods next to the gate, which contains your woman.

Looking up at the sound, Yu Zhanpeng looked at the pile of dazzling goods at the gate.

Looking around, he did not find a trailer that could remove the goods. Yu Zhanpeng rolled up his sleeves and carried the goods on the pallet with his bare hands. How difficult can it be to open the door behind the goods? It's not that easy to beat me!

After a lot of effort, Yu Zhanpeng finally threw away the large pile of goods on the pallet. At this time, he was also sweaty and panting. Since the founding of 'Yushi', except in **, he has not done any physical work that can make him sweat profusely. Today is the first time.

Looking at the tightly closed door, Yu Zhanpeng stepped over, reached out and held the handle of the door and twisted it hard, and the door opened. A short-haired woman tied to a cement pillar with a slightly raised abdomen came into his eyes.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, Ami, who was also ugly, opened her eyes helplessly. When she was about to catch Yu Zhanpeng's figure, there was a vivid look on her face. Trying to open her mouth, she spit out a few words weakly: "Save my child..."

Standing at the door, Yu Zhanpeng quickly swept around the whole storage room, but was disappointed to find that Ning Xue was not here. In a trance, when he heard Ami's weak voice, he came to his senses and came to Ami. I'll take you out right away!"

But after he turned to Ami, he angrily found that Ami's hands were bound by chains. What made him more speechless was that the chains were locked with iron locks.

After twisting the iron lock, Yu Zhanpeng was a little helpless. Although the chain is not very thick, it is wrapped around Ami's wrist. Even if it is sawed, I'm afraid her hands will be useless. Seeing that Ning Xue was frustrated for her crippled right hand, he dared not let another person try that taste again. What's more, she is still a pregnant woman.

ran back to the door in a hurry, and Yu Zhanpeng said loudly to the sound just now, "Madman! She is a pregnant woman, how can you do this to her! Where is the key? Give me the key quickly!"

"So anxious to save her, it seems that your wife is really not as good as her in your heart!" The man's voice in the loudspeaker rang again.

When he said this, Yu Zhanpeng suddenly remembered that he had found Ami, but he hadn't seen Ning Xue, "Where is my wife? Hand her over!"

"Oh... I just think of her now. You husband really don't care enough about her!" The man's hoarse words were full of sarcasm and sarcasm.

"Tell me where my wife is?"

Being so ridiculed, Yu Zhanpeng couldn't calm down. No matter how complicated his relationship with Ning Xue and Ami is, it is not his turn to judge this unpleasant guy! He will solve his family's affairs by himself. At present, the top priority is to find Ning Xue as soon as possible.

"So, do you want your wife? Then leave the woman behind and get out of here immediately. I'll tell you where Ouyang Ningxue is? The man's tone instantly became cold and unpredictable.

Looking back, he looked at him pitifully and begging Ami. Yu Zhanpeng's heart tightened and once again remembered the child that Ning Xue had flowed away not long ago.

If nothing happens to that child, it should be five months, right? In a few months, he should be born. He must look like me, right? But he is gone, and Ning Xue's hope for her son is no longer happy... At present, if the child is gone, Ami will definitely be sad, right? Even if she doesn't love her, she is Ning Xue's own sister. If there is any accident between their mother and son, Ning Xue, the kind girl, must have an excuse to make trouble with her.

Without too much hesitation, Yu Zhanpeng scolded again, "No! You have to let me take both of them away! Say it! What on earth do you want?"

"I just want your woman. Tell me, which one are you giving me? The sound in the loudspeaker is **/swung and unkind, but there seems to be no room for negotiation.

"I want to take both women away!"

For a long time, Yu Zhanpeng has not dared to put himself in a pile of good men, but at this moment, he suddenly felt that as a man, if he can't even protect his own woman, it's really a man! Anyway, he must take Ning Xue and Ami away today. However, such thoughts made him very confused, because now, he doesn't know where Ning Xue is?

At this time, the mysterious man said again: "I don't like greedy people! Yu Zhanpeng, let me ask you again, who on earth did you give up?"

"I won't give up..."

Although the words were answered quickly, Yu Zhanpeng was worried. He didn't know whether this would anger the hateful man and cause unnecessary harm to Ning Xue? He didn't know how to let the perverted man take Ning Xue and Ami away?

"Do you want to take both away? I don't think you can take either of them! Why don't you think about how to take two of them there?" The man's words were extremely cold, like a cold wind blowing on his face. However, it did not cut his face, but Yu Zhanpeng's panicked heart.

For a while, Yu Zhanpeng was in conflict. To be heart, he came here to save his wife, but the current situation is in a dilemma. No matter who he chooses to give up, he is bound to feel guilty for the rest of his life.

"Zhan Peng, I know you and your sister don't like me, but the child is innocent. Please see that she is my sister's nephew and save him..."

Looking at Yu Zhanpeng with tears in her eyes, Ami looked so pitiful. After knowing Yu Zhanpeng for so many years, she has always known that Ning Xue is the most important thing in his heart. In today's situation, needless to say, she also knows that the person Yu Zhanpeng gave up must be her. Therefore, she has to fight for a glimmer of life for her and her child anyway.

Not to mention, Yu Zhanpeng was really touched when he saw Ami begging. As early as when Ami persuaded his mother to help him establish the 'Yu family', but Yu Zhanpeng was mixed with Wu Yunsi, who also helped him a lot, he felt a little indebted to Ami. Now the child in her belly may be her own, so you can't leave her alone, but take her away. What about Ning Xue?

"Zhan Peng help me... My stomach... hurts so much!"

When Yu Zhanpeng was upset, Ami's painful words came to his ears. When she fixed her eyes, she found that Ami's face was pale and bloodless, and there was red blood flowing out of her feet.

This time, Yu Zhanpeng no longer hesitated. He turned around and shouted at the stereo, "Give me the key!"

"Have you given up on your wife?" The man in the stereo is not in a hurry, and there is a trace of relaxation in his words.

"I warn you that if you dare to embarrass my wife, I will never let you go!"

At this moment, Yu Zhanpeng has no choice. Although the person he is eager to take away is Ning Xue, Ami can't ignore it! Two lives are more cost-effective than one life, aren't they?

"The key is behind the gate of your warehouse." The mysterious man said slowly.

With a trance smile, Yu Zhanpeng found the key, untied Ami's chain, and quickly left with her. When he walked out of the warehouse, he silently apologized to Ning Xue and prayed for her. He wants God to take care of his wife instead.