The president's runaway wife

Chapter 27 You are just buried in the tomb mountain

After Yu Zhanpeng's drunk driving accident, Ning Xue, who rushed to the scene, suddenly fainted, and Huo Guanyu, who was with her colleague, took her to the hospital. After she woke up, Huo Guanyu and Yu Zhanpeng were surprised to find that Ning Xue lost her memory again.

It made Yu Zhanpeng laugh and cry. Ning Xue could remember that he was Hongxuan's brother, but she couldn't remember that they were husband and wife. However, what really drives him crazy is that she can still remember Gao Minghui. To be precise, she can think of Mu Tingfei. Moreover, after being discharged from the hospital, Ning Xue still lives with Gao Minghui.

However, he was gratified that Ning Xue really regarded him as her brother and was not as repulsive and disgusted as the previous amnesia. However, he still felt sorry that she could not be remembered and admitted that he was her husband.

"Are you thinking about her again?"

A cup of tea with a strong fragrance, emitting the curling heat, appeared in front of Yu Zhanpeng, who was depressed with a soft voice.

Following the teacup, Yu Zhanpeng saw a white and straight hand. Looking up, he saw Ami's flowery face.

At this time, Ami has been pregnant for more than three months. Her abdomen, which had not been fat, had begun to bulge because she had conceived a life. However, that does not affect her natural beauty.

"Thank you."

Taking the teacup in front of him, Yu Zhanpeng, who had been depressed since Ning Xue forgot him, relaxed his facial expression with a rare smile. But the sadness between his eyebrows was like the thick clouds before the storm.

This distracted look has become his recent habit. In fact, he doesn't like this kind of lonely and sad look like a resentful woman. But all this given by Ning Xue could not be relieved, nor could he brighten his mood.

"She has forgotten you. No matter how sad you are, it won't help."

Lapping the chair on the side, Ami comforted her softly. These days, she has seen Yu Zhanpeng's helplessness and sadness, as well as Ning Xue's indifference and ruthlessness to him. Perhaps, brother-sister relationship is the mode they are currently getting along with.


A sigh to the bottom of his heart came out vividly with Yu Zhanpeng's face. He really didn't expect that the relationship between the couple would be so difficult. He can stand his wife's unreasonableness and unrulyness, but he can't stand his wife forgetting him and alienating him like a stranger.

"Actually, she doesn't remember you. Isn't it a good thing?

Ami's faint and quiet words, like a pleasant fragrance of lilies, sounded in Yu Zhanpeng's slightly empty living room.

"What do you say?"

Although he did not agree with Ami's words, Yu Zhanpeng was still interested. From the day Ning Xue was kidnapped, he almost became mute in this room except for Ami. Even his beloved daughter, Yu Nianxue, didn't know if she heard anything from Ouyang Hongxuan and ignored him. Just like yesterday afternoon after school, she borrowed the teacher's mobile phone and asked Ning Xue to pick her up. He was a few minutes late and foolishly waited in the kindergarten for half an hour.

With a soft smile, Ami said, "If she can remember the days when she was with you, she will also remember the day when you left her for me. Then is there any room for your hard-won marriage?


Yu Zhanpeng was stunned there. To be honest, he has been distressed that Ning Xue forgot him, but he hasn't thought about what Ning Xue's attitude would be like to him after remembering those unpleasant things. With my understanding of her, I'm afraid that if I don't divorce every day, I will ignore him like a stranger. Such days seem to be no different from now?

With bright eyes, Ami said indifferently, "She doesn't remember you, but you still remember her!" Isn't it enough to chase her back again?"

These words made Yu Zhanpeng's eyes flash, and the long-long grievances in his heart were all swept away. Ning Xue forgot about them, so won't it be good to get them back? No big deal, be more brazen to destroy her relationship with Gao Minghui!

The idea must be, and Yu Zhanpeng regained his spirit. However, he was curious about what purpose Ami helped him. If she is pregnant with a child to destroy his relationship with Ning Xue, then her goal has been achieved. But why did she still set them up, and he made a plan?

When he asked this question, Ami replied with a mysterious face, that's a secret! He will know from now on!

smiled speechlessly, and Yu Zhanpeng still wanted to ask. Unexpectedly, his mobile phone on the coffee table rang at this time. Putting down his puzzlement with Ami, he picked up the phone.

took a look at the caller ID, and Yu Zhanpeng opened his mouth in surprise. The phone call is from Ning Xue, who only has feelings for him brother and sister. As soon as he put his mobile phone to his ear, he heard Ning Xue's clear voice: "Brother, thank you for your flowers!"

Flower? What flowers? This inexplicable word stunned Yu Zhanpeng again. When did he send her flowers? He just thought of this idea!

Yu Zhanpeng was still puzzled, and Ning Xue over there said again, "Brother, come out for dinner!" Well, why don't you bring your sister with you?"

Take Ami? This relationship is chaotic. How can we have dinner together?

Yu Zhanpeng just wanted to tell Ning Xue if he could not take Ami? But Ning Xue on the other end of the phone has hung up.

With a helpless sigh, Yu Zhanpeng looked at Ami with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

At noon, the hot sun shone with sultry flames like a big stove. But such bad weather does not affect people looking for places to eat.

In the busiest civilian restaurant in Yucheng, Luo Yi, who eats, is as noisy as a city.

In the quietest box, two pairs of handsome men and beautiful women are particularly noticeable. So many guests who come here for dinner have to stop and watch when they pass by.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the box is strange and difficult to understand.

Ning Xue, who guided the strange atmosphere, was holding the dishes for Gao Minghui beside her with a smile on her face.

Gao Minghui, who was dragged by Ning Xue, looked unnatural. When he first received a call from Ning Xue inviting him to dinner, he didn't know that there were other people who were eating together. Looking at Yu Zhanpeng's cannibalism, he only felt as uncomfortable as being caught in bed and had thorns all over his body. If I had known that Yu Zhanpeng and others were also here, I wouldn't have come here if I killed him.

Besides, Yu Zhanpeng, who stared at a pair of cannibal eyes and held his chopsticks tightly, cursed Gao Minghui thousands of times in his heart. If he knew that he would come to disturb their family's dinner, he should have waited downstairs and saw Gao Minghui come out and drive him to death!

"Brother, eat!"

A pair of chopsticks with a piece of chicken appeared in his sight when Yu Zhanpeng's thoughts were flying, pulling him back to reality.

"Thank you."

Slightly stunned, Yu Zhanpeng took the bowl and took it. Ning Xue picked vegetables, and Yu Zhanpeng was a little surprised. However, he doesn't like Ning Xue's politeness. In particular, it is the name that distances away. If she calls her husband, that's almost the same!

Then, Ning Xue picked up the dishes for Ami and asked about Ami's children. To Yu Zhanpeng's sadness, she actually said that Ami was the woman he should marry and cherish.

"If you don't bother my sister, we will discuss our business later."

Ami said lightly with a chicken wing in Ningxue's bowl.

Ning Xue, who felt a little nosy, smiled dryly and turned her attention back to Gao Minghui. He is a little strange today!

"I'll go to the bathroom."

Gao Minghui, who was uncomfortable being stared at by Ning Xue, stood up apologetically and said.

Nodding with a smile, Ning Xue saw Gao Minghui leave.

It was not until his strong figure disappeared from sight that Ning Xue turned around and saw Ami and Yu Zhanpeng bite their ears.

A beautiful smile was ambiguously pulled out. Ning Xue turned her head and turned her boring eyes elsewhere. Unexpectedly, Ami said, "Go on, I'm a little uncomfortable in my stomach. I'll also go to the bathroom."

Before Ning Xue reacted, Ami had got up and left slowly.

"Is she all right?"

Staring at Ami's back, who had just bulged her belly, Ning Xue asked confusedly. A minute ago, I saw her talking and laughing with Yu Zhanpeng. At this time, she actually said that she was uncomfortable. Isn't this adverse reaction too fast?

"Pregnant women are so troublesome. It will be fine in a moment."

Yu Zhanpeng's look is very relaxed. Of course, he knows Ami's situation. Ami is just to give him and Ning Xue a chance to be alone.

He glanced at Ami, who was about to disappear from sight. Ning Xue withdrew her attention, picked up her chopsticks, and buried her head in eating.

Looking at her quiet appearance, Yu Zhanpeng's heart warmed, and a soft smile naturally appeared on his eyebrows, "Xueer, you and Gao Minghui, no, it's Mu Tingfei. What are you and Mu Tingfei going to do in the future?"

"I will marry him!"

Raising her head, Ning Xue answered without hesitation. But it is not difficult for careful people to see that there was a trace of melancholy in her reply so quickly. After being discharged from the hospital for the second time, she once asked when Mu Tingfei would marry her? But Mu Tingfei' answer was an unspeakable smile and silence.

Besides, Yu Zhanpeng's previous soft heart became dark and bitter when he heard Ning Xue's decisive answer. His wife said in front of him that she wanted to marry someone else! He can't find any adjectives to describe this lonely sadness.

"You have a husband, do you still want to marry someone else? Do you want to commit bigamy?

I don't know why, Yu Zhanpeng blurted out such a sentence? In fact, he also understood Ning Xue's loss of memory, but when he thought that she said she was going to marry 'Mu Tingfei', his anger still came out.

Ning Xue was also angry when she heard his words. That day in the hospital, he said that he was her husband, but she couldn't remember at all. In addition to the relationship between brother and sister, they also had the relationship between men and women.

"Do you want to say that you are my man again? What about the evidence? Take it out!"

Putting the chopsticks in her hand indignantly, Ning Xue stretched out her hand in front of Yu Zhanpeng and stared at him fiercely.

"You tore it up. Where can I get you the evidence?"

When he remembered that she didn't even look at the two good notebooks, he tore them up. Yu Zhanpeng's heart was full of joys and sorrows. Fortunately, without a marriage certificate, their marriage can last for a period of time. The worry is that Ning Xue still can't remember him and still lives with Gao Minghui. If Huo Guanyu hadn't been righteous enough, he really didn't know if he would pry open Gao Minghui's door and tie Ning Xue back one day?

"Do you really think I'm a fool? If you tear up the marriage certificate, won't you sell yourself?"

Looking at Yu Zhanpeng coldly, Ning Xue snorted coldly and picked up her chopsticks again. Talking to such a scoundrel is really an insult to IQ.

"Believe it or not, you are my wife! You can't be with Gao Minghui. Wake up as soon as possible!"

In a moment of urgency, Yu Zhanpeng once again brought up Gao Minghui, a strange but closely related name for Ning Xue. After saying it, he found that the name Gao Minghui was very exciting for Ning Xue.

"He is not Gao Minghui, he is Mu Tingfei! It's my fiance! We are getting married!"

It was a little out of control, and Ning Xue became emotionally excited. She doesn't know why she feels scared every time she hears the name Gao Minghui. It's like being afraid that something important will disappear.

Ning Xue's words made Yu Zhanpeng feel depressed. He, who had been forcing himself to accept the fact that Ning Xue had forgotten him, became more depressed. No accident, what he said to Ning Xue was also extremely cold and cruel: "Mu Tingfei is dead. You sent him to the funeral home with your own eyes, and you have seen him buried!"

"Nonsense! I'm with Tingfei every day. How could he die?

Although Ning Xue scolded Yu Zhanpeng, her face became more and more ugly and more inexplicably panicked.

"He was buried in the tomb mountain in the western suburbs..."

Honesty is Yu Zhanpeng's way and attitude towards Ning Xue. Especially after hearing that Ning Xue was going to marry Minghui, he was more eager for Ning Xue to accept the fact that Mu Tingfei was dead.

"You are just buried in the tomb mountain!"

With a 'pop', the chopsticks in Ning Xue's hand were placed on the table. Then, she stood up, cold and walked towards the safety exit.


Seeing Ning Xue leave, Yu Zhanpeng only felt that Ami's good intentions were wasted. Unrelentingly, he stood up and wanted to catch up, but Ning Xue, who was walking in front of him, suddenly turned around and fiercely prevented him from taking another step forward.