The Legend of the God of Time and Space

0044 Evil 2

"What can restrain them?" Ye Feng asked.

Seeing that the evil ghost was less than 30 meters away from them, Ye Feng had to activate the snowflake key and set up a thick ice wall to temporarily block them.

There are no longer those frightening evil ghosts in front of her, which calms Wu Xiaoqian's mind and said, "I heard that there is an ancient treasure left over from ancient times that can restrain these evil spirits..."

Ye Feng said helplessly, "Where do you want me to go to find the so-called mythical beast ancient treasure?"

"However, other than that, there seems to be no way to control them." Wu Xiaoqian said, her eyes fell on the ice wall, and she was stunned. She opened her mouth wide and her eyes were full of fear.

A evil ghost easily penetrated the ice wall as if it penetrated the air.

At this time, they were less than ten meters away from the two.

"Let's go." Ye Feng pulled Wu Xiaoqian.

Wu Xiaoqian immediately pulled up Ye Feng and lifted her breath into the air.

With the strange twisting of the surrounding space, the evil ghost 7 chased into the air.

"It turns out that these evil spirits use space transfer to move." Ye Feng said in his heart.

Wu Xiaoqian had to pull Ye Feng back to the ground again.

The evil ghosts No. 7 followed closely.

"Left!" Ye Feng said.

Wu Xiaoqian immediately pulled him into the air on the left side.

The evil ghosts No. 7 are still chasing.

Ye Feng's voice passed into the secret and Wu Xiaoqian. According to what he said, Wu Xiaoqian drew an arc to reach the periphery of the Evil Ghost No. 7 encirclement and quickly fled to the distance.

Unfortunately, after flying less than five meters, the evil ghost 7 appeared again to surround the two, and it was close at hand.

They slowly opened their mouths, and Ye Feng actually heard the cackling sound of their chin movement clearly. At the same time, their hands were raised stiffly like puppets and stretched out to the two, as if they were going to tear them apart and eat them.

"Ah..." An evil ghost grabbed Wu Xiaoqian's hair, which made her unconsciously scream.

The evil ghost pulled her closer to him.

Ye Feng split his palm to the evil spirit's arm.

For a moment, Ye Feng felt that the evil ghost's arm was broken, but when she looked at it again, she found that the evil ghost was intact.

The pulling force of the evil ghost is getting stronger and stronger, and Wu Xiaoqian has reached the tip of his nose.

Ye Feng's hands rose and fell and cut off the wisp of hair pulled by the evil ghost.

Wu Xiaoqian saw it and pulled Ye Feng to land again.

Sum, gurgling... The sound of bone twisting sounded continuously.

Ye Feng suddenly felt that his chin was tightened, and the pale hands of an evil ghost had stretched out from above and buckled on his chin from the left and right sides.

Ye Feng said urgently, "Xiaoqian, go quickly."

"What?" Wu Xiaoqian was shocked and felt that her body had been thrown far away by Ye Feng.

The evil ghost bent down, and the bone joint made a clear sound.

Ye Feng found that the evil ghost's waist was strangely twisted into a square, and his head came out of his armpit and his face was facing him, but his body hung strangely in mid-air.

Ye Feng struggled and tried hard to break the evil ghost and clasped his fingers. But the finger didn't loosen at all.

The evil ghost's mouth is wide open, revealing sharp teeth like canine teeth.

"Bah!" Ye Feng spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm and was shooting into the evil ghost's mouth.

But the evil ghost is not a human after all, and a mouthful of thick phlegm can't cause any strangeness to him at all. He still opened his mouth wide, and his eyes began to protrude, as if he were experiencing the pain of being strangled on the verge of death.

Ye Feng suddenly found something crawling out of the evil ghost's throat.

The twisted sound of the bone joint sounded again in Ye Feng's ear. Ye Feng's thinking almost stopped, staring at the evil ghost's mouth with wide eyes.

In the extremely dark depths, a two-finger thick large intestine is slowly coming out of the evil ghost's throat.

The large intestine rushed out of the throat of the evil ghost No. 7 like a worm. Although it was soft, it would make a rattle of bone joints twisted every time it moved.

Ye Feng sweated coldly, swallowed heavily, and his breathing became rapid.

The large intestine seems to have been cut by some hard object, and the fracture first came out, constantly overflowing with blood, emitting a strong smell of blood and stench.

If Ye Feng smells this smell at ordinary times, he will definitely feel sick, but at this time, this smell only adds to his inner fear.

Ye Feng was shocked to see that the fracture was slowly getting bigger, and something seemed to drill out of it.

He suddenly had an impulse to cover his eyes with his hand and stop looking, but his hands were like being tied tightly by a rope, and he couldn't move no matter how hard he struggled.

"Ah..." Suddenly, Wu Xiaoqian screamed in fear in the distance.

People all have a strange psychology. When a painful person finds that another person is more painful than him, his pain will be reduced. Similarly, now that Ye Feng heard Wu Xiaoqian's scream, he felt that another person here fell into a deeper fear than him, and his own fear immediately eased a lot.

His brain instantly woke up from the muddleheadedness brought by fear and found that his hands and feet had been tied by the large intestines spit out by the other two evil ghosts No. 7. No wonder he couldn't move any more.

"Mother, I, Ye Feng, will never die in the hands of a dirty ghost like you." Ye Feng cursed, and his limbs began to work hard to earn.

He suddenly saw that the broken mouth of the growing large intestine stopped moving in an instant, and a heart suddenly missed a beat.


Dozens of black snakes with small finger thickness erupted from the inside, shot on Ye Feng's face, and devoured them.

At the same time, the two large intestines that tied Ye Feng's limbs also spewed out dozens of small snakes and swallowed the flesh and blood of Ye Feng's body.

Every time he was bitten by the little snake, in addition to the severe pain, Ye Feng also felt that his soul was rigidly stripped off.

The eternal ring rotates crazily. Whenever Ye Feng feels a trace of soul separation, the eternal ring will pull that trace of soul back into Ye Feng's body through rotation.

The severe pain reduced his fear a lot, his brain became flexible, and his mind began to function normally: "It seems that the owner of the evil ghost is very good at how to separate the human soul from the living body. I have eternal protection here. I'm not afraid that the little snake will forcibly suck my soul out of my body, but what about Wu Xiaoqian? What should I do? What should I do?

"Help...Help..." A girl's cold cry for help suddenly sounded, which shocked Ye Feng.

The sound came from his ear. Ye Feng held his breath and summoned up the courage to slowly move his eyes. Suddenly, the fear that had just dissipated came up again.

There is half a paper-like girl's face on the left side of his cheek. Her black flowing sea and huge black eyes attached to her forehead are particularly conspicuous, or particularly frightening.