The Legend of the God of Time and Space

0119 War Mechanical Beast

Ye Feng hurriedly left the base with the equipment she got and rented a house on Second Street, where an exit of the Neptune Concentration Camp was located.

In the evening, he completely hid his body with Jiuyou magic power and installed the micro cameras near the exits of the Neptune Concentration Camp. After more than half a month of observation, it was found that the staff of the concentration camp changed shifts at night and came out of the exit.

And at the exit of Fifth Street, staff go in and out most frequently. Moreover, this exit is not the entrance and exit for the four gods of Long Xuanyu to attack.

Therefore, in the early morning three days ago, Ye Feng controlled the staff member's mind with a sea of blood.

The reason why only a trace of the staff member's mind is to avoid being discovered by the sea god concentration camp. This person usually behaves in his work and daily life, but Ye Feng used his eyes to carefully observe the defense system in the Neptune Concentration Camp.

When the staff passed through the seven-layer defense system outside the prison, although Ye Feng could not clearly understand what organs were installed in these defense systems, after some deliberation, he felt that he could safely pass the first defense door behind the staff through Jiuyou magic power invisibly in the dark.

As for the second defense door, although the red light outside the door is dazzling, it is much darker than the room under the day or the incandescent lamp. By hiding in the shadow of the staff, it can barely pass through.

In this way, Ye Feng easily passed the second defense gate.


, Ye Feng had only a trace of fluke mentality left, hoping to pass through by hiding in the undead artifact and then attaching it to the staff with the undead artifact.

To be honest, this undead artifact is cold to the bone and adheres to others. It is difficult not to be noticed by others, so it is only a fluke to pass successfully, and it is normal not to pass.

Although the staff felt that the back collar was cool, it did not attract special attention. Ye Feng's heart just surged with a trace of joy. Unexpectedly, as soon as the man was halfway, the sound of the computer suddenly sounded above his head: "The staff found abnormality on 7687. Please pause and move forward. Four anti-intrusion inspections will be in three It will be completed in ten seconds..."

The staff member's figure is stagnant.

"The brain waves are normal! Cell activity is normal! Musculoskeletal relaxation is normal! Body temperature and blood flow speed... If you find that the body temperature at the back of the neck is abnormal, please unload non-carrying objects in place at 767!"

The large room outside the third defense gate is specially designed to check its indicators when personnel are moving. No wonder this person is not as cautious as in the first two rooms after entering, but walking as easily as usual.

"...Please unload non-portable items in place at 767!" The computer gave a warning, and the staff immediately reached into the back collar, but when his hand touched a cold thing, he felt a flower in front of him, and a pair of cold blood-red eyes appeared in front of him...

The staff trembled all over and staggered down.

A harsh alarm came from overhead, mixed with the voice of the computer: "There are abnormal personnel intrusion in the third channel, and the third defense system is activated!"

At the same time, alarms came from four other different directions thousands of meters away. Ye Feng sneered at the corners of his mouth. Although he was found, the time was just right.

Long Xuanyu and other four gods began to attack.

Suddenly, the alarm and the sound of the computer all stopped, and the room returned to the previous quiet.

Ye Feng immediately worked on his palms and reached out to touch the simple pistol that had been prepared for a long time.

Although this pistol is a simple version, the speed of the-3*8MM bullet used can reach 1000 meters per second compared with the M1908 bullet or NATO7.62 bullet used in the 7.62mm sniper rifle, which is faster than the speed of sound. With his current speed of swinging his sword, he can't achieve such an effect.

The four walls as smooth as a mirror were broken and suddenly shattered into countless finger-sized glass fragments. Ye Feng let go of his spirit and set up a strong shield close to his body.

Glass fragments suddenly stood up from the wall, like a sharp blade, shooting at Ye Feng in all directions.

Ye Feng dodged in shock and disappeared.

Countless glass fragments shot down one after another, and the worker who collapsed on the ground shot into a hedgehog in the blink of an eye.

Ye Feng was frightened. Fortunately, he judged correctly. With his rich combat experience, he felt that the flying speed of these fragments had exceeded the speed of sound, which was not what his body could bear now, so he quickly hid into the undead artifact and survived.

But there is no way to hide in the undead artifact. If he wants to break through the remaining defense doors, he must come out of the undead artifact.

The mirror-like wall disappears, revealing the black world behind the wall. Ye Feng deeply explored his spiritual consciousness and immediately took a deep breath.

A pair of blue light balls flashed. If you don't look closely, you must think it's a star in the dark, not the eyes of some kind of mechanical monster. Then, a pair of green eyes flashed, and then red eyes...

A pair of colorful eyes lit up in the dark and were still blinking.

The first thing that rushed out was a mechanical leopard with blue eyes. In addition to its eyes, blue lightning flashed all over its body. Ye Feng thought that it should be made of a lightning leopard, a kind of lightning warcraft modeled on the World of Warcraft. And its conductive metal body keeps bursting blue light.

"What are the guys in the Neptune concentration camp doing using their high technology?" Ye Feng cursed in a low voice, raised his palms, and two powerful palms flew out at the attacking mechanical leopard.

The mechanical leopard is extremely agile. It can still make a sudden oblique turn in high-speed running, dodge the flames, and still rush up at Ye Feng. At the same time, it opens its mouth and shoots a blue lightning.

Ye Feng flew up and will dodge the blue lightning. Suddenly, he felt the wind behind his head. He realized that a mechanical sculpture had flown out of the other wall, and his sharp claws grabbed him behind him.

He will dodge, but the big eagle's wings suddenly caused the wind around him, and he blew his body again under the claws of the big eagle. This mechanical sculpture must be modeled after the wind sculpture of the World of Warcraft. Although the wings are wings, they are no different from the windy fan. With a gentle fan, it can fly his whole fan.

The two huge steel claws of the big sculpture are about the same size as Ye Feng's whole back, and the nails on them are brighter and sharper than steel knives. It's strange that they will catch them and not be caught as sloose.

Seeing that Ye Feng was about to be caught by the claws of the big eagle, a colorful mad knife was born, which turned the big eagle over several times and fell heavily into the black world where it had previously lived. There, Ye Feng had been clear for a long time that it was a huge cage around the third round passage.

When Phoenix took action, there was really a different response.

The colored mad knife is not a knife. It is clearly the phoenix's sharper wings than the knife.

With a roar, the eagle hit the wall of the cage and fell to the ground, and suddenly lost its combat effectiveness. Several Warcraft crystal nuclei rolled out of its broken body. Ye Feng took a look and found that these crystal nuclei were actually top Warcraft crystal nuclei.

Ye Feng was surprised. If so many mechanical beasts are made of multiple top Warcraft crystal nuclei, how many top Warcrafts will the Neptune Concentration Camp have to kill? I'm afraid that the crystal core of a top warcraft in time and space is not enough for them.

It can be used to do such things in all kinds of time and space. All the people in this concentration camp deserve to die.

Ye Feng was shocked and angry, and many mechanical beasts have run out of the cage. They are like real monsters. After being sleepy for a long time, they are almost crazy and began to attack the only two people in the room.

The two were back to back, and Ye Feng faced three fire wolves, a lightning leopard and a wind-chasing foal.

Three fire wolves kept spitting flames at him. Coupled with the wind system bonus of chasing the wind foal, the fire was even more vigorous. When it arrived in front of Ye Feng, it was already a huge flame that rushed straight to the sky.

I don't know what the roof of the third channel is made of, and its fire resistance is excellent. Such a fire, burning on the roof dozens of meters high, is stubbornly intercepted and does not extend to the roof at all.

Ye Feng activated the snowflake key, attracted a water injection to meet the fire of the fire wolf, and then turned the water into an ice wall. Although the water attracted by Ye Feng was not as good as the fire of the fire wolf, once it turned into an ice wall, the fire was blocked on the other side of the ice wall.

However, a lightning leopard hit the ice wall heavily, causing it to break apart. Ye Feng took the opportunity to turn the ice wall into an ice vertebra and attack five-headed mechanical beasts. The target was their mouths and eyes. As for other parts, Ye Feng was not confident that he could break their steel shells with the ice vertebrae alone.

However, the ice vertebrae hit half, and a thick and solid earth wall suddenly rose on the ground. A earth bear cast a spell, and the ice vertebrae was all blocked by the earth wall.

The bear of the earth originally fought against the phoenix.

Phoenix blocked 80% of the combat effectiveness of mechanical beasts, including two earth bears, two Thunderbolt tigers, two wind eagles, two lightning leopards, three mammoth water elephants and five alchemy snakes.

The power of these mechanical beasts is synthesized from several Warcraft crystal nuclei, which is comparable to a king-level master. In addition, the shell is made of a special material with strong explosion resistance, which is really difficult to break, but it is not in the eyes of Phoenix.

Although Phoenix is against 16th, with his strength, he will not feel powerless. However, these mechanical beasts seem to see through that they can't defeat their opponents at all, so ten of them pestered him desperately, and the other mechanical beasts are all targeted at Ye Feng, who is much weaker.

No matter how strong Phoenix is, it can't stand their entanglement. For a moment, a bear of the earth broke through his defense and attacked Ye Feng's side.