sin totem

Chapter 62 The Great Magician Soloa

"Master, I really can't decide the matter of hiring worship. I'm just a subordinate of Minister Scar. You'd better wait."

At this time, the magic moon is constantly explaining to a magician.

Just this morning, I don't know what the magician was crazy about. He actually ran to the gold mine and said that he wanted to be a worship here. If it hadn't been for a powerful fourth-order magician on the opposite side, he would have forcibly invited the other party out.

At this time, Youyuan has not come back yet, and Huanyue has to delay again and again.

"Then when will your minister's scar come back?"

The magician's voice can't hear joy and anger, and it should even be a little leisurely.

"This... I don't know. The minister went out yesterday, maybe for a while, maybe tomorrow..."

It's just that before the Huanyue's words were finished, suddenly there was a loud dragon from the distant sky. Huanyue's face was happy and stopped his words. At the same time, the fourth-order magician slowly walked out of the room.

Later, Youyuan slowly landed in the courtyard of the reception hall with the giant-winged poisonous dragon. It can be seen that the damaged walls here have been completely replaced in the last battle with the Golden Magic Ridge Bear Man, making the courtyard more spacious and tidy.

"Huh? Who is this master?

Jumping off the dragon's back, Youyuan saw this strange magician at first sight, holding a cyan magic wand in his hand. Although he was old, he was extremely energetic, and there was no slowness the old man should have in his actions.

"Are you the Scar Minister here?

I'm Soroa. I don't have much time to come to this chaotic place. I need a considerable source of income. I want to make your offering here. What do you think?


The soul of Youyuan moved slightly, and in the laboratory, several soul servants equivalent to the existence of the split opened their eyes.

Without directly refusing or accepting it, Youyuan slowly stepped down from the dragon's back and began to talk about some irrelevant topics with the magician.


"Where is Master Soroa from and how did he come to this chaotic land?"

"Well, I'm from the Holy Empire. The reason is that the church there is so strict that I can't stand praying to the Holy Lord three times a day. I can't stand it anymore!

This activity has seriously affected my magic research. Several experiments have been abandoned because of the damn prayer!"


Well, this fourth-order magician with personality is really good. That's why he left the Empire of Light.

However, it is true that whether it is the Empire of Light, the Holy Empire, or even the churches of some heavenly forces on other planes, it has always exercised the strictest and cruel control over faith. Several tedious prayers a day are a means of controlling faith.

In contrast, the fallen empire rings every day, and most of the believers pray voluntarily.

However, Youyuan will not think so much at this time, because several soul slaves have been fully prepared. Even if there is any accident, his own preparation can be completely killed in the cradle at this time, so Youyuan smiled slightly.

"Master, I'm sorry that the gold mine doesn't have too many resources to offer, because..."

Before the original words were finished, Soroa's face changed.

"Hmm! Sure enough, it seems that only being a minister is the simplest. People in this chaotic place really only believe in violence!"

Soloa slowly walked out of the room, stood in the courtyard, and shouted to Youyuan.

"If we come out to fight, you will save me a sum of compensation if you win. If you lose, I will have a money left to repair my room."

Youyuan's eyes widened, this Soroa...

It seems that the other party may be just a magician focusing on magic.

Huanyue looked at Youyuan with some worry. Youyuan smiled and walked out of the room.

Soloa watched Youyuan walk out of the room without saying a word. With a wave of his hand, two third-order fire elements appeared.

The three-meter-high body is completely composed of the purest fire elements, emitting a blazing flame heat wave, and the ground is burned.

A large area of flames appeared all over the body, roaring silently. With a circle of heat waves, the temperature of the courtyard rose significantly.

After the third level, the magician needs too much magic to summon the third-order summons. Without special methods and skills, it is generally the limit to summon one or two of the same level.

Like Youyuan, it is just a special practice of the power of the blood soul. Even if you learn the third-order water element summoning, it is the limit to summon one at a time. If you summon more, Youyuan can't sense the water element at all.

Looking at the two fire elements coming towards him, Youyuan didn't care. With the same wave of his hand, two third-order abyss demons appeared.

At this time, these two abyss demons have become the split bodies of the ghost because of the soul seeds. At the same time, they are bound by the summoning contract and can also be directly summoned to the battlefield, while other soul slaves can't do it without the summoning contract.

The third-order abyss demon is originally the top existence among the third-order creatures. In addition, due to the quenching and transformation of the blood soul of the original, there is an extra blood soul power in the body of the abyss demon.

At this time, the two fire elements have been completely suppressed, and a large number of fire elements have been scattered and disappeared.

"Daw, you must have robbed a rich businessman from the fallen empire before you fled. With your third-level magician's financial resources, you can sacrifice two abyss demons!

However, after all, I'm a fourth-order magician, and you don't have much chance of winning.

In this moment, Sosia's spell was finished. With a wave of magic, the space fluctuation flashed, and a fourth-order earth element giant appeared.

It can be seen that this earth element giant is not a magic element, but a real heterogeneous elemental life, which was summoned by Soroa in a contract summoning.


The five-meter-high body was full of sandstone blocks, densely condensed around the earth elements, and the whole body was full of wildness and heavyness. One step out, the whole courtyard was slightly shocked.

A huge footprint appeared and kept cracking around, showing the fierceness of this five-meter-high earth element giant.

The magic moon is also slightly nervous at this time, which is a real fourth-order life.

However, Youyuan still had no expression. As soon as his soul moved, suddenly there was a loud and long sound of a magic eagle in the sky, and an illusory long chain appeared between the magic eagle and this fourth-order earth giant.

This is the third-order magic soul control, but Youyuan has been pursuing killing and has never used it in a battle. This time, the magician happened to summon an alien creature, and Youyuan actually used the magic eagle split!

However, it is obvious that as a fourth-order summoner, the magic eagle can't really fight against this earth element giant.

At this time, a third-order white fox also slowly came out from behind Youyuan, with the same hiss, and another soul control appeared.

A faint illusory chain appeared between the white fox and the earth element giant. After two third-order magic, the action of the earth element giant was completely bound within a few seconds.

This time is enough. Youyuan did not sing at all, but just pointed forward empty-handed, and a magic similar to the abyss demon flame bomb appeared at Youyuan's fingertips.

This technique is a blood soul bullet developed by itself based on the magic flame bomb of the abyss demon after the introd power of the blood soul.

The crimson blood soul bomb exudes terrible magic fluctuations, which is no less than the finger of forbidden blood resentment!

At the same time, it can be seen that because of the first application, the power of the blood soul needs to be compressed and recompressed. Under such pressure, the Youyuan also showed a trace of fatigue, and the power of the blood soul in the third-order mid-level wizard's realm also consumed nearly one-third.

Soloa stared at the secluded plain in disbelief, and then reacted, and a shield full of sacred nature appeared in front of the earth element.

At the same time, with the input of magic, the sacred shield continues to become more solid, like a giant shield made of real fine iron.

But Youyuan did not give him more time, otherwise it can't be said that this huge shield can completely defend against Youyuan's new moves.

"Elemental cohesion!"

The magic moon exclaimed slightly. The sacred shield just cast by Soroa is the ability element that can only be mastered by the fourth-order magician.

Through the polymerization of elements, Jiang's originally dispersed elements can often be forcibly suppressed into substances similar to ** and solids in a short period of time, giving full play to the power in the elemental attributes, which is a symbol of the magician's mastery of the peak of the element.

Without hesitation, Youyuan gently forward, which is slightly slower than the finger of blood resentment, but it is not something that ordinary people can avoid, let alone the earth element giant that is now bound.


The sacred shield was instantly submerged by the massive power of compressed blood soul, followed by air waves. The ground of the newly repaired courtyard scraped off another layer of skin, and most of the surrounding walls were also damaged. Two fire elements that had been half disabled by the demons of the abyss also disappeared because of the aftershocks.

With a violent noise, many merchants and servants in the street looked in this direction.

The sacred shield of element aggregation is full of holes, and the solid stone outside the body of the fourth-order earth element fell to the ground. With a painful and sad roar, it slowly returned to the alien world under the rules of space.

The magic mask on Socia's body sparkled because of the aftershocks, her eyes were wide open and she pointed to the ghost field tremblingly.

"! Damn Holy Church!

I told those churches not to spend all day on prayer. They didn't listen and said that God would help us unify the continent.

I didn't see the unification of the mainland. Didn't I expect that the research of the magic tower on the side of the fallen empire had reached such a level?

Damn church, you are the sinners of the Holy Empire. The magic power of the Holy Empire you prayed lags behind the fallen empire, and the power of a third-order magician has reached such a magical level!"

Youyuan spit blood. What is this old guy's mind full of? If he came two months ago, he would definitely not have such a magic level. What does it have to do with the fallen empire...

However, the old man Sosia still didn't mean to admit defeat. It can be seen that he, who has been immersed in the magical world all day, has surpassed Modo, which should be close to the existence of cholera.

At this time, there was a serious look on his face, as if he was about to exert some powerful magic, but Youyuan's heart moved slightly and shouted.

"Master, wait, I have a good place to earn gold coins so that you can continue your magic research!"

Socia was slightly stunned, and then the magic gathered in her body began to slowly dissipate, looking at the secluded plain doubtfully.

Principle smiled. Isn't Drace short of manpower to capture elf slaves? He will give him a strong manpower now!

The magician even scolded his church of the Holy Empire. It can be seen that he is not a person with any high faith. He just hopes to get gold coins in the land of chaos to study the mystery of magic for life. Why don't he give him a favor?

Moreover, what should I do next? After all, I gave him a big helper...

Hey, hey hey hey...

Half a day later, Socia walked to North Stone Town and was pushed away again...

Huanyue looked at the back of Youyuan with a deep shock. Is this guy's strength already this level?

The more so, the more Huanyue has to keep a relatively low profile. Obviously, Youyuan understood the purpose of coming here. From the other party not asking him to bring a message to Miss Anya, he knew that he had been sending letters to the other side, and he only represented the finance minister.

Three days later, a dragon roared in the sky of the scar gold mine. Youyuan flew far away on the giant winged poisonous dragon. Youyuan on the back of the dragon kept looking at his dry right hand.