sin totem

Chapter 104 Reverse Magnetic Battle

Youyuan just had a lot of ups and downs because of Lilith. At this time, Youyuan's soul was at the lowest level of prevention, but this did not hinder his determination to kill Iva.

seemed to see that the other party wanted to escape. Youyuan did not hesitate and directly began to communicate with the bloodthirsty blade with divine power.

At this time, the bloodthirsty blade is different from the past. The bloodthirsty blade only needs its own strength to be stimulated, and there is no real divine will in it.

However, the current bloodthirsty blade, as a real artifact, contains the will of the gods, so if you want to use the bloodthirsty blade, you must obtain the approval of this layer of gods.

The soul of Youyuan is immersed in the bloodthirsty blade with the bloodthirsty power attribute in the body. In the bloodthirsty blade, Youyuan seems to see that it is the huge unparalleled will in the distant sky. At this time, because of the communication through the bloodthirsty blade, even if you only borrow a small part of the other party's power, it is still relative to yourself. However, it is extremely huge.

The sky of Scar Gold Mine trembled slightly, and a magnificent will came!

is still the horrible will that almost freezes people's souls and can't help kneeling down, but there is nothing wrong with Youyuan. On the contrary, the soul of Youyuan has been sublimated at this moment.

With his eyes open, endless blood, it seems that there is a faint look of the bloodthirsty god who once came!

From this layer of will, I seemed to feel a little irritable, but after all, I still agreed with the urge of Youyuan's bloodthirsty blade. In the morning, the bloody light filled the whole sky, and the will pressure of the gods came completely.

A layer of demonic blood-colored light protects the secluded plain, and the invisible curse released by Iva is completely isolated by the will and can't get close to the secluded plain.


Scott looked at the secluded plain in disbelief. With the protection of the power of the god of Ye, Scott had considerable resistance.

But he doesn't understand why Youyuan, as a divine envoy, has an artifact!

Generally speaking, only the most valued apostle or close servant of the gods may have an artifact that represents the will of the gods. With the artifact as the medium, that person can even display some of the divine powers!

The three-headed dog of prison and hell surrendered in an instant, humbly bowed their heads.

As the embodiment of the will of the demon world, they are too familiar with this power fluctuation. Although they don't understand why Youyuan has this power fluctuation power, they still choose to submit instinctively. Cologne and Ned looked at the still Iva and roared anxiously, but it didn't help.

At this time, Iva's soul has been completely frozen by the power of the gods, and time is meaningless to him.

Just as Iva finished casting the curse, Youyuan also stimulated the bloodthirsty blade at the same time. The strange red light concentrated on Iva's body in an instant, and the blood completely coagulated almost instantly, and then boiled like burning.

Then, a terrible pressure fell on Iva. Only in a moment, Iva's soul lost its ability to think and was completely frozen.

Iva's body is red, and the blood under the surface of his body is almost burning, but the bloodthirsty blade continues to exude its power.

There is no more crystal silk lines, replacing a layer of crystal light permeating the surface of the bloodthirsty blade, which is not only red and strange, but also crystal clear and exudes endless solemnity, like the will of heaven!

The sky and the earth are dark, and the space fluctuates slightly.

Without any struggle, the bloodthirsty blade had no space distance and directly penetrated Iva's body, and then Iva's blood completely disappeared and became a mummified corpse to the ground.

As an artifact attack representing the will of the gods, a fifth-order existence cannot resist too much.



Almost without thinking about it, Cologne and Ned's options made the most correct choice, retreat!

"The art of lightning purification!"

With a squeak, Scott's geotechnical skin was instantly broken by a strange elemental force, and the strongest defense layer dropped large pieces of rock soil.

Scott shouted angrily and looked at the human magician in front of him in disbelief. Just now, he clearly felt that it was only a third-order magic, which actually brought terrible damage to him.

Scott does not know that the magicians of the human race have created a magic that specifically restrains elemental life, that is, purification, in thousands of years of fighting with elemental creatures.

The art of purification is not very lethal for flesh and blood creatures, but for elemental life, it is almost natural restraint, but there are relatively few people practicing purification.

As the purification technique shot down Scott's outermost solid stone, the attack of the hell three-headed dog also came at the same time, with three big mouths opening, and three different power barrels bombarded Scott's weakest place.

However, at this time, the remnant bloodthirsty power of Youyuan fanned with the power of blood and blood, and almost came to the top of the hell three-headed dog at a speed of teleportation.

As the guardian of the demon world, the hell three-headed dog is extremely ** for the breath of the demon god, but it is not the fear of the dragon, but a kind of solemnity, which is an instinct of the soul.

Youyuan clearly knew the nature of the submission of the hell three-headed dog at this time, so he did not hesitate to send the fifth-order blood soul seed king cultivated on the fifth-order Milong into the other party's body.

I don't know if it was because of the bloodthirsty power. Instead of resisting, the other party took the initiative to welcome the foreign body into his soul, but immediately fell to the ground with a scream, and the blood demon seed king was deeply rooted in the deepest part of the other party's soul.


Ned felt that the connection with the hell three-headed dog was becoming more and more blurred and looked confused, but he immediately made a decision. A layer of blood was mixed with the power of thunder and lightning and fled quickly. He actually gave up being the strongest fighting power of the fifth-level hell three-headed dog!

On the other side, Cologne continuously couldn't get rid of the magic flame of the prison, and finally gritted his teeth and directly used the bottom card.

"The blood burns."

Xiong's golden fighting spirit suddenly broke out. At this moment, King Kong's will will be as hard as iron, knocking away the magic flame, and directly carrying the magic sword to cover the sky and the sun. The earth cracked under his feet, and he crossed dozens of meters a distance and was about to escape.

But the prison's eyes were cold, and once again two black lightnings on the long black horns broke out, directly hitting Cologne, who was running away.

A black lightning was bounced away by the powerful golden fighting spirit, and the other hit the opponent's arm, and then wrapped it fiercely to imprison the opponent's soul.


One arm was left, and Cologne urged the fierce fighting spirit to disappear into the distance.

Four fifth-order and two reverse magnetic fire thunders not only failed to kill Youyuan, but also killed one, two seriously injured, and the remaining one lost the strongest summoning beast!

With such a record, the Youyuan Scar Gold Mine has almost surpassed many permanent elder forces in the chaotic land.

However, at this time, the ghost used the bloodthirsty blade. Although it did not have the bloodthirsty will to invade the soul because of the relationship, it was forced to sacrifice some vitality because the soul itself did not have enough faith in the bloodthirsty god.

It's like Nika, the old man of steel beans, who showed a healing light.

And the ghost is because of two reverse magnetic fire thunder, which not only consumes the precious space barrier scroll, but also loses two of the seven soul slaves placed in a bloody soul array.

In contrast, Lilith was in continuous danger halfway, which directly forced Duo Duo to come to the altar and consume one drop of blood.

At this time, Youyuan also understood that Dordo successfully advanced to the third level because of Lilith. After the advancement, the split of this plane also lost its meaning and directly became Lilith' last resort.

And the spirit of the storm needs a very long period of rest and Lily's compensation because of a wind escape technique.

Scott finally got a third-order purification technique, and the hell three-headed dog was stopped in time, so it only takes a certain amount of time to re-cultivate the outermost geotechnical skin, but it still takes some time to recuperate.

Lilith floated to the side of the secluded by relying on the spirit of the storm. Youyuan looked at his sister. In the past few years, not only did he grow up, but even Lilith grew up a lot.

As far as this battle is concerned, although there are many shortcomings, it is undeniable that Lilith relies on the help of Dodo and Youji and her own efforts. At this time, she is already a strong man who can really fight side by side with Youyuan.

Youyuan smiled, gently brushed Lilith's neat hair, and looked at her star-like eyes.

"Unconsciously, we have all grown a lot."

"Brother, you said that as long as I have the ability to protect myself, we will never be separated."

Looking at Lilith's serious appearance, Youyuan smiled again.

"Silly girl, there are no two people in the world who will never be separated. You are still young. One day, when you meet someone you really love, you will understand how wonderful the world is.

Lilith's eyes flashed, and after all, she still didn't say anything. She has a preliminary understanding of love through Youji and Duoduo, and she has gradually grown up.

With the dissipation of the red demon light of the bloodthirsty blade in the hand of Youyuan, the sacrifice of vitality disappeared. Although there are not many sacrifices, the taste of losing vitality is too painful, just like the soul has been deprived of some. This is also the reason why Youyuan did not hold the bloodthirsty blade to continue to chase and kill.

At the same time, a strange feeling appeared in the heart of the Yuanyuan.

Originally, because of the depraved faith after the killing, Youyuan would not have any emotions such as sadness or brutality, but at this moment, a kind of sadness clearly appeared in the bottom of the heart.

Sad for Iva?

An old man in his 200s doesn't know whether he has his own children or if he has his own relatives. Maybe he just uses the Zijinxiang family to engage in magic research.

But since he killed the other party, the other party's life trajectory has completely disappeared, and a life with thinking has completely disappeared. From then on, the other party will never appear in this world.

Sad for Seymour?

Symour has his own relatives. Grand Duke Zijinxiang lost his son in old age, and the white-haired man sent black-haired people, all of which were caused by himself and killed by himself.

A duke heir who is also a genius of the fallen imperial magic academy, but because of his ruthlessness and the unique will of the other party's life thinking, he disappeared into the world, and there has been no trace of change since then.

Sad for the enemy you have killed?

Maybe there is a big difference in their strength. Some are just soldiers who kill casually, and some are real opponents, but they all die under their own hands. What will happen if they don't die now?

Will there be a gorgeous life?

However, if you don't kill, will the dead person become Youyuan himself?

He never knew why there was so much sadness at this moment. He never felt this feeling.

Because in his opinion, these are the beginning of the fading and weakness of the will to fight. But at this moment, I don't know why he began to really feel the lack of ethics in the world for the first time. What is the reason for all this?

Youyuan doesn't understand.

"No, I'm not wrong. If you don't kill them, maybe the person who dies is yourself. You have just adapted to the unique law of self-will in this dark world. Maybe one day, you will also become a stepping stone for killing strong people.

I have always been very firm, but now I have a feeling of self-deception.

Lilith next to

noticed the strangeness of Youyuan and asked with concern, "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

You principle shook his head and thought for a moment. Although he was rational, he was still inevitably sad and said, "I think I should have been hit by the other party's emotional curse."

Lilith was stunned.

The art of emotional curse is also a manifestation of catering to the supreme law of the main god of the demon world, but the sadness of Youyuan is very rare. Perhaps at that time, the other party thought that Youyuan, who was in pity and sadness, could weaken the combat effectiveness.

For the curse of this emotion, it may affect the life of the cursed person. To put it mildly, as long as the other party remains quite rational, it will not have any impact on the other party.

Youyuan frowned. Although his reason remained quite objective and calm, he still began to think about the possibility of unlocking the curse.

To unlock the curse, of course, it is a stronger curser.


Youyuan and Yan prison nodded. After saying a few words casually, Yan prison returned to the demon world, and Lilith also sent the spirit of the storm and Scott back to her plane.

At this time, Huanyue came to Youyuan from afar, with this excitement on her face.

Just now, Youyuan showed unparalleled potential, which has completely surpassed the greatest imagination of Huanyue. Huanyue even believed that the Grand Duke of Yulanxiang would be extremely satisfied after knowing it, so she was extremely excited.

At this time, there were some strange expressions on Youyuan's face that she had never had before. In this expression, there was a faint sadness, but the excited Huanyue did not notice it.

"Fantasy, you also heard from the other party that there is another holy land over there. It is reasonable that I should abscondive to the chaotic king city to find the help of the three offerings, but I suspect that this incident may have the will of some people there, so I decided to leave the chaotic land for the time being!"


Fantasy Moon gritted her teeth and organized her own language.

"As long as you persist, I believe that the Grand Duke will send someone to protect you. Although the Duke of Zijinxiang is strong, he is nothing compared with the Grand Duke!"

You principle shook his head. I don't know if it was because of the sudden compassion in his heart. At this moment, Youyuan actually had an impulse to tear off the veil of the world and explore the endless world.

At this moment, there is an intuitive heart of everything in the endless world. What the hell is this world?

Is it your own fault?


There is absolutely nothing wrong with me. I just want to live. I live completely according to the rules of the world.


the law of the world wrong?

Yuyuan didn't know, but he instinctively felt that this was what the world should lack.

"I don't want to pin my hopes on a false future, and I believe in myself more.

Moreover, I don't believe that I can persist until the support of the Grand Duke comes under the pursuit of a holy place. Go back. I am very happy to have you by my side in the past two years. In my heart, you should be one of the closest people around me.

If possible, after returning to the fallen imperial capital, tell Anya that I have been waiting for her reply.

Youyuan looked at the devastated gold mine, gritted his teeth, took Lilith, and left quickly without looking at it again.

At this time, Huanyue was also touched, biting her lips, revealing a sense of reluctance and enchanting.

Also looked at the devastated gold mine after the battle. After quickly cleaning up everything in the laboratory, she changed her face under her illusion and left quickly.

Half a day later, Sosia and Captain Beishi came to the gold mine and looked at the 70-meter-diameter-long pit in the center of the gold mine and the bottomless pit burning with magic flames. They were shocked and said nothing for a long time.

What kind of fierce battle can cause such a scene? The land of the gold mine has been scraped off several layers, which is extremely flat and neat. Even now, the elements are still chaotic, and Sosia in the fourth-order magician realm still can't borrow the power of heaven and earth elements.

In the next few months, this scar gold mine, which had a war, has become the focus of many strong people. They hope to infer the process of a war from these traces of battle and look at the countless huge footprints and the deep pits of the horrible flame caused by the advent of magnetic thunder and Duoduo, which has been shocking for a long time.

Many people left with their fists clenched after watching. At this moment, they seemed to have found their goal and the confidence to become a strong man.

In the same way, many people chose to stay, thus leaving a valuable development opportunity for the steel beans that manage the gold mine.

Two days later, Zixing Jiansheng looked at Cologne and Ned, who returned in confusion, and his anger flashed. He ignored the two and disappeared into the sky like the wind.